Tool Search: Special Ed Documents
The editors available on the Individual Education Plan provide all information required by the State of Rhode Island. Editors and fields are listed below. Included here are instructions on entering data into Campus and references to state-defined guidelines.
The current formats of this document are RI Secondary IEP 2019 and RI Ages 3-13 IEP 2019. Plan formats are selected in Plan Types.
Individual Education Plan Editors
The following table lists the editors available on the student's Individual Education Plan, the section(s) of the print format that include the entered information, a Description what the editor is used for and any special considerations and instructions for using the editor.
Rhode Island required two different IEP Plan Types - a Secondary IEP and an Ages 3-13 IEP.
Fields that are included in any state reporting extract are required.
Secondary IEP
The current format of this document is the RI Secondary IEP 2019. Plan formats are selected in Plan Types.
Editor Name |
Printed Document Section |
Description |
Special Considerations and Instructions |
Education Plan |
Meeting Information, IEP Time Lines and Age of 14 years and Ward of the State questions in Child Information |
The Education Plan editor provides student summary information and lists the dates of the plan meetings. |
This editor must be saved with the required fields before continuing to other areas of the plan.
Enrollment Status | N/A |
The Enrollment Editor provides a snapshot of the student's enrollment data when the plan is generated. |
Clicking Get Special Ed Status from Enrollment will synchronize the information in the editor with the most recent information from the student's Enrollments tab. District and School information does not populate automatically. When the plan is marked as Complete and is locked, Special Ed Status values will be updated in the enrollment based on the values selected in this editor.
When establishing the Plan Type in System Administration, three Enrollment editors are available. Users should choose the editor that best meets their needs. The above logic describes the third editor, which is the most commonly used. |
Student Demographics |
Child's Information |
The Student Demographics editor populates basic information about the student such as demographic information and student and school address. |
Clicking Refresh Student Information will synchronize the information in the editor with the most recent information about the student, from the Demographics, Households, Enrollments and School tabs. |
Parent/Guardian Demographics |
Parents'/Guardian Information |
The Parent/Guardian Demographics Editor populates based on established student/guardian relationships created on the student's Relationships tab or indicated by the guardian checkbox on the Households tab. The editor includes Demographics information for the student's guardian. |
Clicking Refresh Guardian Information will synchronize information in the editor with the most recent information from the student's guardian's Demographics and Households tabs. |
Team Meeting |
IEP Team Meeting Participants |
The Team Meeting editor lists who was in attendance at the last team meeting where decisions were made concerning the student's education plan. |
Team members must be added in the Team Members tab before entering participants. |
Transition Assessments |
Transition Assessments |
The Transition Assessments editor lists the date the assessment was given, areas covered in the assessment, the assessment tool used and the description of the assessment. |
Information entered on this editor is based on age-appropriate transition assessments related to education, training, employment, independent living skills, etc. Template Banks are established in System Administration and available by clicking the white paper icon |
Measurable Post-School Goals |
Transition Services I Need to Help Me Reach This Goal |
The Transition Goals and Services editor provides the ability to list school goals and transition services.These appear on the print within the My Measurable Post-School Goals, Present Levels and Transitions Services sections. It also includes who will assist the student in reaching the goal. |
Template Banks are established in System Administration and available by clicking the white paper icon. |
Secondary Transition Present Levels |
My Measurable Post-School Goals, Present Levels and Transition Services |
The Secondary Transition Present Levels lists the post-school area strengths and needs in the categories of Education and Training, Employment and Independent Living. |
Information in the Strengths and Needs text boxes is limited to 500 characters. |
Transition Areas to be Addressed |
Areas to be addressed during the timeframe of this IEP |
The Transition Areas to be Addressed displays checkboxes for selection in Academic and Functional areas. |
The selected options are addressed with the measurable annual goal statements. |
Transition Services | Transition Services | The Transition Services editor records services provided to the student in the areas of Education & Training, Employment, and Independent Living. | N/A |
Program of Study |
Program of Study and Assurance of Transition Services |
The Program of Study section does not need to list the student's exact plans for achieving goals but should assist the student in reaching his/her goals. |
Template Banks are established in System Administration and available by clicking the white paper icon. |
Measurable Annual Goals |
Measurable Short Term Objectives or Benchmarks |
The Measurable Annual Goals editor describes what a student is expected to accomplish in one year in the identified area of need. |
Template Banks are established in System Administration and available by clicking the white paper icon. |
Considerations |
Considerations |
The Considerations editor lists the areas of study or personnel information that may affect the student's ability to achieve the stated goals. |
N/A |
Extended School Year Services |
Extended School Year Services |
Extended School Year services refer to special education and related services that are provided to a student with a disability beyond the normal school year in accordance with the student's IEP. |
N/A |
SPED Services |
Special Education |
The SPED Services editor lists the specially designed instruction that will meet the unique needs of the student with a disability and enable the student to meet the goals of the IEP. |
Special Ed Services and Service Providers must be established before this editor can be completed. Template Banks are established in System Administration and available by clicking the white paper icon. |
Related Services |
Related Services |
The Related Services editor lists additional services the student receives as part of his/her IEP, like transportation or developmental, corrective and other supportive services. |
Only active Services with a type of Related are available for selection. Services, Service Providers and Service Positions are established in System Administration. Template Banks are established in System Administration and available by clicking the white paper icon. |
Supplementary/ Modifications/ Supports |
Supplementary Aids and Services |
The Supplementary Aids and Services editor describes supports that are provided to the student or to those personnel who work with the student. |
Only active Services with a type of Related are available for selection. Services, Service Providers and Service Positions are established in System Administration. Template Banks are established in System Administration and available by clicking the white paper icon. |
Program Modifications |
Program Modifications |
The Program Modifications editor lists modified curriculum or other modifications to the regular program. |
Only active Services with a type of Related are available for selection. Services, Service Providers and Service Positions are established in System Administration. Template Banks are established in System Administration and available by clicking the white paper icon. |
Educational Environments |
Educational Environments |
The Educational Environment lists the amount of time the student is in regular education courses. |
N/A |
State/District Assessment Accommodations |
State/District-wide Assessment Accommodations |
The State/District-wide Assessment Accommodations editor lists the assessments the student will take and with what accommodations will be made for that student to achieve a successful score. |
N/A |
RI Alternate Assessment |
Student will participate in RI Alternate Assessment |
The RI Alternate Assessment editor lists whether the student will participate in the alternate assessment. |
N/A |
Transfer or Rights |
Transfer of Rights |
The Transfer of Rights editor indicates whether the student is 17 or is not 17 during the time frame of the IEP. If yes, the student must be given a copy of the procedural safeguards. |
N/A |
Parental Consent |
Parental Consent for Initial Provision of Special Education and Related Services |
The Parental Consent editor lists the date the parent approved the IEP and additional notes for the student. |
N/A |
Ages 3-13 IEP
The current format of this document is the RI Ages 3-13 IEP 2019. Plan formats are selected in Plan Types.
Editor Name |
Printed Document Section |
Description |
Special Considerations and Instructions |
Education Plan |
Meeting Information, IEP Time Lines and Age of 14 years and Ward of the State questions in Child Information |
The Education Plan editor provides student summary information and lists the dates of the plan meetings. |
This editor must be saved with the required fields before continuing to other areas of the plan.
Student Demographics |
Child's Information |
The Student Demographics editor populates basic information about the student such as demographic information and the school address. |
Clicking Refresh Student Information will synchronize the information in the editor with the most recent information from the Demographics, Households, Enrollments and School tabs. |
Parent/Guardian Demographics |
Parents'/Guardian Information |
The Parent/Guardian Demographics Editor populates based on established student/guardian relationships created on the student's Relationships tab or indicated by the guardian checkbox on the Households tab. The editor includes Demographics (.1549 - .1717) information for the student's guardian. |
Clicking Refresh Guardian Information will synchronize information in the editor with the most recent information from the student's guardian's Demographics and Households tabs. |
Enrollment Status |
N/A |
The Enrollment Editor provides a snapshot of the student's enrollment data when the plan is generated. |
Clicking Get Special Ed Status from Enrollment will synchronize the information in the editor with the most recent information from the student's Enrollments tab. District and School information does not populate automatically. When the plan is marked as Complete and is locked, Special Ed Status values will be updated in the enrollment based on the values selected in this editor.
Team Meeting |
IEP Team Meeting Participants |
The Team Meeting editor lists who was in attendance at the last team meeting where decisions were made concerning the student's education plan. |
Team members must be added in the Team Members tab before entering participants. |
Present Levels |
My Measurable Post-School Goals, Present Levels and Transition Services |
The 3-13 Present Levels editor lists the strengths of the student and needs of the student. |
Information in the Strengths and Needs text boxes is limited to 500 characters. Template Banks are established in System Administration and available by clicking the white paper icon. |
Areas to be Addressed |
Areas to be addressed during the timeframe of this IEP |
The Transition Areas to be Addressed displays checkboxes for selection in Academic and Functional areas. |
The selected options are addressed with the measurable annual goal statements. |
Annual Goals |
Annual Academic or Functional Goal(s) |
The Annual Goals editor provides the ability to list school goals and transition services. These appear on the printed IEP within the My Measurable Post-School Goals, Present Levels and Transitions Services sections. It also includes who will assist the student in reaching the goal. |
Template Banks are established in System Administration and available by clicking the white paper icon. |
Considerations |
Considerations |
The Considerations editor lists the areas of study or personnel information that may affect the student's ability to achieve the stated goals. |
N/A |
Extended School Year Services |
Extended School Year Services |
Extended School Year services refer to special education and related services that are provided to a student with a disability beyond the normal school year in accordance with the student's IEP. |
N/A |
SPED Services |
Special Education |
The SPED Services editor lists the specially designed instruction that will meet the unique needs of the student with a disability and enable the student to meet the goals of the IEP. |
Special Ed Services and Service Providers must be established before this editor can be completed. |
Related Services |
Related Services |
The Related Services editor lists additional services the student receives as part of his/her IEP, like transportation or developmental, corrective and other supportive services. |
Only active Services with a type of Related are available for selection. Services, Service Providers and Service Positions are established in System Administration. |
Supplementary Aids and Services |
Supplementary Aids and Services |
The Supplementary Aids and Services editor describes supports that are provided to the student or to those personnel who work with the student. |
Only active Services with a type of Related are available for selection. Services, Service Providers and Service Positions are established in System Administration. |
Program Modifications |
Program Modifications |
The Program Modifications editor lists modified curriculum or other modifications to the regular program. |
Only active Services with a type of Related are available for selection. Services, Service Providers and Service Positions are established in System Administration. |
Supports for School Personnel |
Supports for School Personnel |
The Support for School Personnel editor provides an opportunity for the team to discuss and articulate those specific supports or training necessary for school personnel to provide a free appropriate public education to the student. |
Only active Services with a type of Related are available for selection. Services, Service Providers and Service Positions are established in System Administration. |
Educational Environments |
Educational Environments |
The Educational Environment lists the amount of time the student is in regular education courses. |
N/A |
State/District Assessment Accommodations |
State/District-wide Assessment Accommodations |
The State/District-wide Assessment Accommodations editor lists the assessments the student will take and with what accommodations will be made for that student to achieve a successful score. |
N/A |
RI Alternate Assessment |
Student will participate in RI Alternate Assessment |
The RI Alternate Assessment editor lists whether the student will participate in the alternate assessment. |
N/A |
Parental Consent |
Parental Consent for Initial Provision of Special Education and Related Services |
The Parental Consent editor lists the date the parent approved the IEP and additional notes for the student. |
N/A |