Referral (Kentucky)

Tool Search: Special Ed Documents

The Referral form is used to record the reason for referral to evaluate the student for special education services. For information on general functionality, navigation, and additional plan and evaluation features, see the core Plan and Evaluation Information article.

The current format of this document is the KY Referral 2023 print format. Formats are selected in Eval Types.

Screenshot of the list of editors in the Referral.Editor Home

Referral Header

The Referral Header editor includes the dates associated with evaluation of the student, including the date the student was referred and the student's suspected disability.

Screenshot of the Referral Header editor.Referral Header

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ARC Decision Date
The day the Admissions and Release Committee made the decision.N/A
Referred DateThe referral date.N/A
Referring Person/TitleThe person who referred the student and their title or position.N/A

Suspected Disability

The potential disability of the student. Options include:

  • Autism
  • Deaf-Blindness
  • Developmental Delay
  • Emotional-Behavioral Disability
  • Functional Mental Disability
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Mild Mental Disability
  • Multiple Disabilities
  • Orthopedic Impairment
  • Other Health Impairment
  • Specific Learning Disability
  • Speech or Language Impairment
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Visual Impairment
  • No Disability Suspected
Multiple options can be selected. Options available are found in a locked Attribute Dictionary, Evaluation > Consent to Evaluate/Revaluate > Suspected Disability.
Select disability area(s) for 'Developmental Delay'

The disability areas associated with the student's developmental delay, when applicable. Options include:

  • Cognition
  • Motor Development
  • Self-help/adaptive behavior
  • Communication
  • Social-emotional development

This field is available when Developmental Delay is selected as the Suspected Disability. 

Multiple options can be selected. Options available are found in a locked Attribute Dictionary, Evaluation > Consent to Evaluate/Revaluate> Developmental Delay.

Select disability area(s) for 'Specific Learning Disability'

The disability areas associated with the student's specific learning disability, when applicable. Options include:

  • Oral Expression
  • Written Expression
  • Reading Fluency Skills
  • Mathematics Calculation
  • Listening Comprehension
  • Basic Reading Skills
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Mathematics Reasoning

This field displays when Specific Learning Disability is selected as the Suspected Disability.

Multiple options can be selected. Options available are found in a locked Attribute Dictionary, Evaluation > Consent to Evaluate/Revaluate > Specific Learning Disability Field Name = SLD.

Select disability area(s) for 'Speech or Language Impairment'

The disability areas associated with the student's speech or language impairment, when applicable. Options include:

  • Speech Sound Production and Use
  • Language
  • Fluency
  • Voice

This field displays when Speech or Language Impairment is selected as the Suspected Disability.

Multiple options can be selected. Options available are found in a locked Attribute Dictionary, Evaluation > Consent to Evaluate/Revaluate > Speech Language.

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Enrollment Information

The Enrollment Information editor reports Special Education information from the student's Enrollment record. This editor is read only.

The Refresh button retrieves a fresh copy of data from the student's record. The Refresh button must be clicked before the editor can be placed in a Complete status.

See the General Information section for additional information.

Screenshot of the Enrollment Information editor. Enrollment Information Editor

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FieldDescriptionDatabase Name/Location (when Refresh is clicked)Validation
Primary Disability, if currently identifiedThe student's primary disability.Enrollment > Primary Disability

This field is read-only and is pulled from the student's Enrollment record upon Refresh.

Displays None when a disability is not identified.
GradeThe student's current grade.

Enrollment > Grade


This field is read-only and is pulled from the student's Enrollment record upon Refresh.
General Education TeacherThe student's general education teacher's name.N/AThis field is limited to 150 characters.
School NameThe student's school of attendance.Learner Planning > Learning Plans > Enrollments > residentSchool

This field is read-only and is pulled from the student's Enrollment record upon Refresh.
School PhoneThe student's school of attendance phone number.Learner Planning > Learning Plans > School > Phone
This field is read-only and is pulled from the student's Enrollment record upon Refresh.
District Information
District NumberThe district number associated with the Enrolled school.System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District NumberThis field is read-only and is pulled from the student's Enrollment record upon Refresh.
District NameThe district name associated with the Enrolled school.System Administration > Resources > District Information > NameThis field is read-only and is pulled from the student's Enrollment record upon Refresh.
District AddressThe district address associated with the Enrolled school.System Administration > Resources > District Information > AddressThis field is read-only and is pulled from the student's Enrollment record upon Refresh.
District PhoneThe district phone number associated with the Enrolled school.System Administration > Resources > District Information > PhoneThis field is read-only and is pulled from the student's Enrollment record upon Refresh.
District SPED AddressThe district special education address associated with the Enrolled school.System Administration > Resources > District Information > SPED AddressThis field is read-only and is pulled from the student's Enrollment record upon Refresh.
District SPED PhoneThe district special ed phone number associated with the Enrolled school.System Administration > Resources > District Information > SPED PhoneThis field is read-only and is pulled from the student's Enrollment record upon Refresh.

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Student Information

The Student Information editor displays basic information about the student such as demographic information. This is a read-only editor.  

The Refresh button retrieves a fresh copy of data from the student's record. See the General Information section for additional information.

Screenshot of the Student Information editor. Student Information Editor

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FieldDescriptionDatabase/UI Location (when Refresh is clicked)
Last NameThe student's last name.

Census > People > Demographics > Last Name


First NameThe student's first name.

Census > People > Demographics > First Name


Middle NameThe student's middle name.

Census > People > Demographics > Middle Name


SuffixThe student's suffix.

Census > People > Demographics > Suffix Name


GenderThe student's gender.

Census > People > Demographics > Gender


BirthdateThe student's birthdate.

Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date


Race, EthnicityThe student's race/ethnicity.Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity

Primary Mode of Communication of StudentThe student's language they speak at home.

Values available are found in the locked Attribute Dictionary, LanguageList.
Census > People > Demographics > Home Primary Language


The student's address.

This field becomes a dropdown when more than one address exists for the student. The primary household displays by default.

Census > Households > Address Info

address.number; address.street; address.tag; address.prefix; address.dir; address.apt;; address.state;

Student NumberThe student's identification number.Census > People > Demographics > Student Number
State IDThe student's state identification number.Census > People > Demographics > State ID
Case Manager Information
These fields are read-only.
NameThe first and last name of the team member.Student Information > Special Ed > General > Team Members > Case Manager Name
TitleThe role of the team member.Student Information > Special Ed > General > Team Members > Case Manager Title
PhoneThe phone number of the team member.Student Information > Special Ed > General > Team Members > Case Manager Work Phone

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Parent/Guardian Information

The Parent/Guardian Information editor populates based on the guardian checkbox on the student's Relationships tool. The editor includes Demographics information for the student's guardian.

The Delete button next to each parent/guardian can be used to remove a parent/guardian from the Evaluation. 

The Refresh button retrieves a new copy of parent/guardians' data. This also returns any accidentally deleted people. Manually entered fields do not change when the refresh button is clicked. The user must Save after clicking Refresh to capture changes.

Screenshot of the Parent/Guardian Information editor. Parent/Guardian Information Editor

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FieldDescriptionDatabase/UI Location (when Refresh is clicked)Validation
Last NameThe last name of the parent/guardian.

Census > People > Demographics > Last Name


This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian.
First NameThe first name of the parent/guardian.

Census > People > Demographics > First Name


This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian.
Middle NameThe suffix of the parent/guardian.

Census > People > Demographics > Suffix Name


This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian.
SuffixThe suffix of the parent/guardian.

Census > People > Demographics > Suffix Name


This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian.
RelationshipThe relation of the parent/guardian to the student.Census > People > RelationshipsThis field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian.
Print SequenceThe print order of the parent/guardian(s) on the IEP.N/AWhen no Sequence is selected, parent/guardian(s) print in the order displayed in the UI. When any Sequences are selected, parent/guardian(s) with a sequence number print in the order defined. Un-sequenced parent/guardians display at the bottom. 
AddressThe parent/guardians' address.

Census > Households > Address Info

address.number; address.street; address.tag; address.prefix; address.dir; address.apt;; address.state;

This field populates from Census. 

When there are multiple addresses for a person, a drop down with an option to select which address displays. When there is only one address, the drop down has one option. The populated address is the one marked Primary.

Home PhoneThe home phone number of the parent/guardian.Census > People > Demographics > Household PhoneThis field populates from Census.
Work PhoneThe work phone of the parent/guardian.Census > People > Demographics > Work PhoneThis field populates from Census.
Cell PhoneThe cell phone of the parent/guardian.Census > People > Demographics > Cell PhoneThis field populates from Census.
E-mailThe primary email address for the parent/guardian.Census > People > Demographics > EmailThis field populates from Census.
Primary Mode of Communication in the HomeThe language spoken at home.

Values available are found in the locked Attribute Dictionary, LanguageList.
Census > People > Demographics > Home Primary Language

This field populates from Census.
Student Representation
Student Represented By

The person representing the student. Options include:

  • Parent
  • Guardian
  • Self
  • Surrogate
Does Student Live with Parents? Indicates the student live with their parent/guardian(s).N/AN/A
If No, With Whom Does the Student Live?
The person the student lives with.N/A*This field becomes available and is required when No is selected for the question, Does Student Live with Parents?
The relationship of the student to the person they are living with. N/A*This field becomes available and is required when No is selected for the question, Does Student Live with Parents?

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Summary of Interventions

The Summary of Interventions editor includes text editors for providing information regarding the interventions.

Screenshot of the Summary of Interventions editor. Summary of Interventions Editor


1. Describe the area being targeted for intervention and means of identifying the need.

A text field used to describe the area targeted for intervention and how the need is identified.

2. Indicate the area(s) of suspected disability.

A text field used to describe the area(s) of suspected disability.

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Summary of Interventions Data

The Summary of Interventions Data editor provides the ability to add New Intervention Data. From the Summary of Intervention Data List, data can be selected, edited, and deleted.

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Summary of Interventions Data List Screen

Screenshot of the Summary of Interventions Data list screen.Summary of Interventions Data List Screen

Column NameDescription
Padlock IconThe user currently editing the Summary of Interventions Data record.
Tier InterventionThe level of intervention.
Begin DateThe first day of the intervention.
End DateThe last day of the intervention.

Summary of Interventions Data Detail Screen

Select an existing record or New to view the detail screen.

Screenshot of Summary of Intervention Data Detail Screen with a Tier 1 Intervention selectedSummary of Interventions Data Detail Screen

Summary of Interventions Data

The level of intervention. Options include:

  • Tier I Interventions
  • Tier II Interventions
  • Tier III Interventions
Describe the intervention(s) implemented in the general education classroom to address the area being targeted and the name of the interventionist.A description of the intervention.N/A


The final result of the intervention.This field is limited to 8000 characters.

Expected Progress

The expected result of the intervention.This field is limited to 8000 characters.
Duration and Frequency
Begin Date
The first day of the intervention.N/A
End DateThe last day of the intervention.N/A
Frequency of ServiceThe frequency of the service sessions.This field is limited to 25 characters.
Amount of TimeThe amount of time per sessions.This field is limited to 25 characters.

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Major Areas of Concern

The Major Areas of Concern editor provides the ability to add New Area of Concern data. From the Major Area(s) of Concern List, data can be selected, edited, and deleted.

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Major Areas of Concern List Screen

Screenshot of the Major Areas of Concern list screen.Major Areas of Concern List Screen

Column NameDescription
Padlock IconThe user currently editing the Summary of Interventions Data record.
AreaThe area of concern.
Reasons for ReferringThe reason for referral.

Major Areas of Concern Detail Screen

Select an existing record or New to view the detail screen.

Screenshot of the Major Areas of Concern detail screen.Major Areas of Concern Detail Screen


The area of concern.

  • Communication
  • Academic Performance
  • Health, Vision, Hearing and Motor Abilities
  • Social and Emotional Status
  • General Intelligence
  • Work Skills / Technical / Vocational Functioning

This field is required.

Only one entry for each area is allowed. Once an option is selected, it is removed from the drop down.

Reasons for Referring

The reason for the referral . The options available depend on the Area selected above.

When Communication is selected, options include:

  • Communicates Basic Needs and Wants
  • Articulation
  • Knowledge of Sound/Letter Association
  • Expressive Language
  • Voice Quality
  • Receptive Language
  • Other Specify

When Academic Performance is selected, options include:

  • Oral Expression
  • Written Expression
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Mathematics Calculation
  • Listening Comprehension
  • Basic Reading Skills
  • Reading Fluency
  • Mathematics Reasoning and Application
  • Other Specify

When Health, Vision, Hearing and Motor Abilities is selected, options include:

  • Gross Motor Skills-Body Control
  • Gross Motor Skills-Locomotion
  • Vision
  • Developmental History
  • Fine Motor Skills-Perceptual Motor
  • Fine Motor Skills-Sensory
  • Hearing
  • Other Specify

When Social and Emotional Status is selected, options include:

  • Interaction with Peers
  • Interaction with Adults
  • Acceptance of Rules
  • Acceptance of Correction
  • Acceptance of Disappointment
  • Self Help Skills/Play Skills
  • Team/Membership
  • Mood Swings
  • Repetitive Behaviors
  • Self Concept
  • Inactivity or Withdrawal
  • Cooperation
  • Self Control
  • Expression of Feelings/Affect
  • Lack of focus
  • Inattention
  • Easily distractible
  • Impulsive
  • Other Specify

When General Intelligence is selected, options include:

  • Understanding New Concepts
  • Interpreting Data to Make Decisions
  • Comparing/Contrasting Ideas of Objects
  • Perceptual Discrimination
  • Predicting Events/Results
  • Problem Solving
  • Applying Knowledge
  • Memory
  • Other Specify

When Work Skills/Technical/Vocational Functioning is selected, options include:

  • Attending to Task
  • Following Directions
  • Independent Work Habits
  • Seeking Assistance When Needed
  • Using Research Tools Effectively
  • Maintaining Physical Stamina
  • Having Realist Vocational Goals
  • Punctuality
  • Completing Work
  • Organizing Materials/Belongings
  • Using Technology to Gather/Organize Info
  • Identifying Preferences/Interests
  • Recognizing Personal Limitations
  • Other Specify


Specify Other
A specific other area.

*This field is available and required when Other Specify is selected from Reasons for Referring for any Area.

This field is limited to 1000 characters.

Specialized Equipment Used by StudentAny specialized equipment the student uses.This field is limited to 8000 characters.

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School Information

The School Information editor summarizes data related to the student's school records.

Screenshot of the School Information editor. School Information Editor

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School Information
Number of Schools Attended to DateThe number of schools the student has attended.This field is limited to 3 characters.

Column Name:

  • Year
  • Grade
  • Days Enrolled
  • #of Absences Excused
  • #of Absences Unexcused
  • #of Tardies Excused
  • #of Tardies Unexcused
Years in School Including Current YearThe number of years the student has been in school.

This field is limited to 5 characters.

Years in Primary Program Including Current YearThe number of years the student has been in a primary program. 

This field is limited to 5 characters.

Repeated GradesThe number of repeated grades.This field is limited to 5 characters.
Summary of Most Recent Grades (Provide Current or Most Recent Grades the Student Received by Content)
ReadingThe grade the student received in reading.This field is limited to 5 characters.
MathThe grade the student received in math.This field is limited to 5 characters.
ScienceThe grade the student received in science.This field is limited to 5 characters.
SpellingThe grade the student received in spelling.This field is limited to 5 characters.
EnglishThe grade the student received in English.This field is limited to 5 characters.
Social StudiesThe grade the student received in social studies.This field is limited to 5 characters.

Additional Content 1

The name of first additional content.This field is limited to 25 characters.

Content Grade 1

The grade the student received in the additional first content area.This field is limited to 5 characters.

Additional Content 2

The name of second additional content.This field is limited to 25 characters.

Content Grade 2

The grade the student received in the additional second content area.This field is limited to 5 characters.

Additional Content 3

The name of third additional content.This field is limited to 25 characters.

Content Grade 3

The grade the student received in the additional third content area.This field is limited to 5 characters.
Summary of Standardized Group Test Data (Attach copies)

Columns Headers:

  • Test Name
  • Date
  • Reading
  • Math
  • Language
  • Spelling

Only 5 rows/tests can display. All fields are limited to 50 characters, except the Date field.

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Physical Functioning and Summary of Support

The Physical Functioning and Summary of Support Editor summarizes screening and past and present support information.

Screenshot of the Physical Functioning and Summary of Support editor.Physical Functioning and Summary of Support Editor

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Required for all students referred for special education

Vision Screening DateThe date of the student's vision screening.N/A
Vision Screening Results

The results of the vision screening. Options include:

  • Passed
  • Failed


Required for all students referred for special education

Hearing Screening DateThe date of the student's hearing screening.N/A
Hearing Screening Results

The results of the hearing screening. Options include:

  • Passed
  • Failed


Required when Specific Learning Disability suspected and as determined by ARC

Motor Screening DateThe date of the student's motor screening.N/A
Motor Screening Results

The results of the motor screening. Options include:

  • Passed
  • Failed


Required as Determined by the ARC

Speech Screening DateThe date of the student's speech screening.N/A
Speech Screening Results

The results of the speech screening. Options include:

  • Passed
  • Failed
Describe any Existing Medical Health Conditions BelowA description of any of the student's existing medical health conditions.N/A
Is Student Currently on Medication?

Indicates the student is currently on medication. Options are Yes or No.

Specify Type and Dosage Below
A description of the type of medication and the specific dosage.

*This field is available and required when Yes is selected for the question, Is Student Currently on Medication?

This field is limited to 8000 characters.

Summary of Past and Present Support
Has this student been evaluated for special education previously?

Indicates the student has been evaluated for special education previously. Options are Yes or No.


If yes, When was the student evaluated?


The date of the previous evaluation.*This field is available and required when Yes is selected for the question, Has this student been evaluated for special education previously?
What was the suspected area of disability?
A description of the student's suspected disability. 

*This field is available and required when Yes is selected for the question, Has this student been evaluated for special education previously?

This field is limited to 50 characters.

What services is this student receiving or what services has this student received in the past? For the services below, enter [C] if currently receiving or [P] if the service was provided in the past.
Limited English ProficientIndicates the student has received Limited English Proficiency services currently or in the past. This field is limited to 2 characters.
MigrantIndicates the student has received Migrant services currently or in the past.This field is limited to 2 characters.
Title 1Indicates the student has received Title 1 services currently or in the past.This field is limited to 2 characters.
Speech LanguageIndicates the student has received Speech Language services currently or in the past.This field is limited to 2 characters.
504Indicates the student has received Section 504 services currently or in the past.This field is limited to 2 characters.
Extended School ServicesIndicates the student has received Extended School services currently or in the past.This field is limited to 2 characters.
Gifted and TalentedIndicates the student has received Gifted and Talented services currently or in the past.This field is limited to 2 characters.
Involvement with Outside Agency(ies)

Indicates outside agencies have been involved in providing services. Options are Yes or No.

The name of the agency.

*This field is available and required when Yes is selected for the question, Involvement with Outside Agency(ies).

This field is limited to 50 characters.

Describe services that are being provided to this student by the agency(ies) listed above
A description of the services provided to the student by the agencies listed.*This field is available and required when Yes is selected for the question, Involvement with Outside Agency(ies).

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Documentation of Student Progress

The Documentation of Student Progress editor provides the ability to add New Test data. From the Documentation of Student Progress List, data can be selected, edited, and deleted.

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Documentation of Student Progress List Screen

Screenshot of the Documentation of Student Progress list screen.Documentation of Student Progress List Screen

Column NameDescription
Padlock IconThe user currently editing the Documentation of Student Progress record.
Test Name

The name of the test. 

Documentation of Student Progress Detail Screen

Select an existing record or New to view the detail screen.

Screenshot of the Documentation of Student Progress detail screen.Documentation of Student Progress Detail Screen

Scores from District Universal Screenings
Test Name
The name of the assessment. 
ReadingThe name of the reading assessment.
DateThe date of the reading assessment.
MathThe name of the math assessment.
DateThe date of the math assessment.
LanguageThe name of the language assessment.
DateThe date of the language assessment.
BehaviorThe name of the behavior assessment.
DateThe date of the behavior assessment.

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