Evaluation (Nebraska)
Last Modified on 03/10/2025 10:06 am CDT
Tool Search: Special Ed Documents
Evaluations document the student's educational needs and determine eligibility for special education. This document describes each editor, each field on the editor, any special considerations, and instructions for using the editor and fields.
An evaluation must be created whether or not the student is determined to have a disability. The school district gives the student's parents a copy of the evaluation summary report, including the eligibility documentation. For information on general functionality, navigation, and additional plan and evaluation features, see the core Plan and Evaluation Information article.
The current print format is the NE ESR 2024. Print formats are managed with the Special Ed Eval Types setup tool.
Editor HomeEvaluation Information
The Evaluation Information editor provides basic information regarding the evaluation. Marking the Part C or Part B checkbox makes certain editors Not Needed.
Evaluation Information Editor
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Field |
Description |
Validation |
Evaluation Date Required |
The day the evaluation team met. |
This populates with the day the Evaluation document is created. |
Evaluation Type Required |
The type of evaluation. Options include:
N/A |
Consent Date Required |
The day the school received consent to evaluate the student. |
N/A |
Entry Date |
The day the student entered the district.
N/A |
Part C Evaluation |
Indicates this is a Part C Evaluation. |
When marked, the Current Assessments Part C editor becomes available.
When Part B Evaluation is marked, the Current Assessments Part C editor is placed in a Not Needed status. |
Part B Evaluation |
Indicates this is a Part B Evaluation. |
When marked, the Current Assessments Part B editor becomes available.
When Part C Evaluation is marked, the Current Assessments Part C editor is placed in a Not Needed status. |
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Student Information
The Student Information editor pulls demographic information regarding the student. This is a read-only editor.
The Refresh button retrieves a fresh copy of data from the student's record.
Student Information Editor
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Field Name |
Description |
Database and UI Location (when Refreshed is clicked) |
Last Name |
The student's last name. |
Demographics > Last Name identity.lastName |
First Name |
The student's first name. |
Demographics > First Name
identity.firstName |
Middle Name |
The student's middle name. |
Demographics > Middle Name
identity.middleName |
Suffix |
The student's suffix. |
Demographics > Suffix Name
identity.suffix |
Age |
The student's age. |
Demographics > Birth Date (calculated)
identity.birthDate (calculated) |
Birthdate |
The student's birthdate. |
Demographics > Birth Date
identity.birthDate |
Gender |
The student's gender. |
Demographics > Gender
identity.gender |
Address |
The student's address. |
Households > Address Info
address.number; address.street; address.tag; address.prefix; address.dir; address.apt; address.city; address.state; address.zip |
Home Phone |
The student's home phone number. |
Households Information > Phone Number |
Student Number |
The student's ID number. |
Enrollment > Student Number
identity.studentNumber |
Student Primary Language |
The language the student primarily speaks. |
Demographics > Home Primary Language
identity.homePrimaryLanguage |
Medicaid Number |
The student Medicaid number. |
N/A |
Case Manager Information |
Name |
The first and last name of the team member. |
Student Information > Special Ed Team Members |
Title |
The role of the team member. |
Student Information > Special Ed Team Members |
Phone |
The phone number of the team member. |
Student Information > Special Ed Team Members |
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Parent/Guardian Information
The Parent/Guardian Information editor pulls the contact information of the student's parent/guardian(s).
The Refresh button retrieves a fresh copy of data from the parent/guardian's record.
Parent/Guardian Information Editor
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Field |
Description |
Print Sequence |
The order in which the parent/guardian displays. |
Name |
The name of the parent/guardian. |
Address |
The address of the parent/guardian. |
Home Phone |
The parent/guardian's home phone. |
Work Phone |
The parent/guardian's work phone. |
Cell Phone |
The parent/guardian's cell phone. |
Email |
The parent/guardian's email. |
Home Primary Language |
The language the parent/guardian speaks at home. |
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Enrollment Information
The Enrollment Information editor pulls in district and school information where the student is enrolled. This editor also documents the student's disability(ies).
Users must click Refresh to place the editor in a Complete status.
Enrollment Information Editor
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Field |
Description |
Validation |
School of Attendance |
The name of the school where the student attends. |
This pulls in from the selected Enrollment record when users click Refresh. |
School Phone |
The phone number of the school. |
This pulls in from the selected Enrollment record when users click Refresh and cannot be modified. |
School Year |
The school year tied to the student's enrollment. |
This pulls in from the selected Enrollment record when users click Refresh and cannot be modified. |
Grade |
The student's grade. |
This pulls in from the selected Enrollment record when users click Refresh and cannot be modified.
Database Location: enrollment.grade |
District Information |
District Number |
The district number associated with the Enrolled school. |
District Information > State District Number |
District Name |
The district name associated with the Enrolled school. |
District Information > Name |
District Address |
The district address associated with the Enrolled school. |
District Information > Address |
District Phone |
The district phone number associated with the Enrolled school. |
District Information > Phone |
District SPED Address |
The district special education address associated with the Enrolled school. |
District Information > SPED Address |
District SPED Phone |
The district special ed phone number associated with the Enrolled school. |
District Information > SPED Phone |
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Parent and Background Information
The Parent and Background Information editor documents the reason the student was referred for special education.
Parent and Background Information Editor^Back to Top
Current Assessment - Part C
The Current Assessments Part C editor documents the area assessed and the results of the student's evaluation.
Current Assessments - Part C List Screen
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Current Assessment Part C List Screen
Column Name |
Description |
Padlock Icon |
Indicates the person currently editing the record. |
Assessment Area |
The area assessed. |
Results of Evaluation |
The first 100 characters of the evaluation results. |
Date of Assessment |
The day the student was assessed. |
Current Assessment Part C Detail Screen
Select an existing record or click New to open the detail screen.
Current Assessments - Part C Detail Screen
Field |
Description |
Validation |
Area to be evaluated Required |
The evaluated area. Options include:
- Adaptive/Self-Help Development
- Cognitive Development
- Physical Development
- Sensory/Health/Physical Status
- Social and Emotional Development
- Speech and Language
N/A |
Date of Assessment |
The day the student was assessed. |
N/A |
Result of Evaluation |
The evaluation results. |
This field is limited to 8000 characters.
The Template Bank associated with this field is named NE Eval Result of Evaluation. |
Needs |
A description of the student's needs. |
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
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Current Assessments - Part B
The Current Assessments Part B editor documents the area assessed and the results of the student's evaluation.
Current Assessments - Part B List Screen
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Current Assessment Part B List Screen
Column Name |
Description |
Padlock Icon |
Indicates the person currently editing the record. |
Assessment Area |
The area assessed. |
Results of Evaluation |
The first 100 characters of the evaluation results. |
Date of Assessment |
The day the student was assessed. |
Current Assessment Part B Detail Screen
Select an existing record or click New to open the detail screen.
Current Assessments - Part B Detail Screen
Field |
Description |
Validation |
Area to be evaluated Required |
The evaluated area. Options include:
- Intellectual Information
- Academic Information
- Communication Information
- Functional Information
- Health Information
- Social Information
- Transition Information
N/A |
Date of Assessment |
The day the student was assessed. |
N/A |
Result of Evaluation |
The evaluation results. |
This field is limited to 8000 characters.
The Template Bank associated with this field is named NE Eval Result of Evaluation. |
Needs |
A description of the student's needs. |
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
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Classroom Observations
The Classroom Observations editor documents any classroom observations. The only field on this editor is the Classroom Observations text field, which is limited to 8000 characters. This field is associated with a Special Ed Template Bank.
Classroom Observations Editor^Back to Top
Interpretation of Results
The Interpretation of Results editor documents the interpretation and summary of the observation data. The only field on this editor is the Classroom Observations text field, which is limited to 8000 characters. This field is associated with a Special Ed Template Bank called NE Eval 24 Interpretation.
Interpretation and Summary of Results Editor^Back to Top
Results and Eligibility
The Results of Eligibility editor documents the overall evaluation results and the student's eligibility for special education services.
Results and Eligibility Editor
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Field |
Description |
Validation |
A. Does not meet eligibility for the following reason(s) |
Options include:
- Does not have a disability
- Does not demonstrate need for special education service at this time
- Learning difficulty is due to a lack of instruction in reading, math or limited English proficiency
- No longer qualifies for special education services
- No longer eligible under developmental delay criteria and does not meet other eligibility criteria
Only section A OR B options can be selected.
Multiple options can be selected. |
B. Does meet eligibility for the following reason(s) |
Options include:
- Meets entrance criteria for the disability(ies) indicated below (initial evaluation)
- Continues to have a disability and demonstrate a need for special education service (reevaluation)
- The student qualifies through a team override decision for the following disability(ies)
Only section A OR B options can be selected.
Multiple options can be selected. |
Select all disabilities that apply |
Options include:
- Autism
- Behavior Disorder
- Blind
- Deafness
- Deaf-blindness
- Developmental Delay
- Hard of Hearing
- Hearing Impaired
- Legally Blind
- Mental Handicap
- Multiple Impairments
- Orthopedic Impairment
- Other Health Disabilities
- Partial Sighted
- Specific Learning Disabilities
- Speech/Language Impairment
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Visual Impairment
Multiple options can be selected. |
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