Student Discipline Interchange (TSDS) (Texas)

Tool Search: TSDS Extract

The Student Discipline interchange is used to exchange discipline incidents and discipline actions. The exchange may be used to exchange student discipline data for student records or longitudinal analysis or used to exchange anonymous discipline data.

Screenshot of the TSDS Student Discipline Interchange Editor.TSDS Student Discipline Interchange Editor

Report Logic

  • A record is reported for each disciplinary action that results in a student's removal from any part of their regular academic program.
  • A single student will have multiple records if removed from their classroom more than once.
  • Reported records are not based on whether or not a student has a Resolution Date entered that falls within the current school year. Records under this scenario would still be reported as the incident occurred within the reporting school year.
  • Every disciplinary action that results in the removal of a student from any part of their regular academic program must be categorized as one of the following: In-School Suspension (ISS), Out of School Suspension (OOS), Expulsion, Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP) or DAEP assignments. 
  • A record is reported for every behavior event with a 2-digit resolution code that occurred during the reporting school year. Resolution codes greater than 2 characters are not reported.
  • To report, a Behavior record must have an entry in the Role field for the Role of Offender or Participant.
  • If a student's enrollment has a Service Type of P, Primary, and a Service Type of S or N, data from the student's P (Primary) enrollment reports. If a student does not have a P, Primary, enrollment, then the enrollment that has a Service type of S or N that meets ALL other criteria reports.
  • Summer School Enrollment data is not reported.

Students who meet the following criteria are NOT reported:

  • Students with an ADA Eligibility = 0 or blank.
  • Students with no State ID.
  • Students marked as State Exclude, in a grade level marked State Exclude, or enrolled in a calendar marked State Exclude.
  • Students marked No Show.

Attendance Periods must be created for calendar information to be considered in state reporting. 

Report Editor


3 - Summer

InterchangesInterchanges are XML Schema Definitions (XSDs), which group related complex types.

Select Student Discipline.

Effective Date

Only data as of this date reports. The default value is the current date.

  • Regular
  • Resubmission
  • Working Collection
Report TypeXML
Filter By

This field allows you to narrow the report results to specific Calendars, Calendar Years (District), or Schools.

PopulationThis option allows you to limit report results to Unique IDs. The Unique ID option only considers students with a Unique ID, while the All option considers all students.
Ad Hoc FilterSelect an Ad Hoc filter to limit report results to those that meet filter requirements.

Report Generation

The report can be marked to generate immediately using the Generate Extract button or can be marked to generate at a later time using the Submit to Batch button. See the Batch Queue article for additional guidance.

XML Elements


Example of the DisciplineIncident report in XML format.

XML ElementDescriptionLocation
 DiscplineIncident Id 


The Event ID of the behavior incident.

Reported numbers are zero-filled starting from the left of the number to report 6 digits total.

Submission: 3

Numeric, 6 digits
Behavior > Behavior Management > Add Event/Participant > Event and Participant Details > Event Details > Event ID



The campus on which the student was enrolled when the disciplinary violation occurred.

The State District Number (6-digits) + State School Number (3 digits) from the student's enrollment on the date of the Behavior Resolution.

Submission: 3

Numeric, 9 digits

School & District Settings > District > District Information > State District Number


School & District Settings > Schools > School Information > State School Number




Example of the StudentDisciplineIncidentAssociationextract in xml formal.

 If the student has an active and locked IEP on the date of the discipline incident, then the following values also report as of that date:
  • TX-PrimaryDisability
  • TX-MultiplyDisabled
  • TX-LEPIndicator
XML ElementDescriptionLocation

Student > IdentityStudentUnique StateID

The reporting student's unique Student ID. Students with no Texas-unique Student ID are not reported.

Submission: 3

Numeric, 10 digits
Census > People > Demographics > Student Unique State ID


Discipline Incident Reference


Submission: 3


Indicates the behavior Event Type.

If Event Type = is 21, 22, 23, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 55, or 56, then Behavior Location must equal 00.

If the Event Type code exceeds 2 digits, report the last two digits.

Submission: 3

Coded, 2 characters
Behavior > Behavior Management > Add Event/Participant > Event Details > Event Type



The location where the behavior incident occurred.

Submission: 3

Coded, 2 characters
Behavior > Incident Detail Information > Behavior Location

TX-SafeSupportiveSchoolProgram TeamReview

Report '1' if the Safe Supportive School Program Team Review box is checked.

Otherwise, report '0'.

Submission: 3

Coded, 1 character
Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Events and Participants > Event and Participant Details > Event Details


Example of the DisciplineAction extract in xml format.

XML ElementDescriptionLocation


Indicates the number of behavior resolutions the student has at a particular school of enrollment.

Numbers are zero-filled on the left up to 3 digits.

Submission: 3

Numeric, 3 digits


Reports the Resolution Assign Date of the behavior resolution for the behavior incident.

Submission: 3

Date field, 10 characters (MM-DD-YYYY)
Behavior > Behavior Management > Events and Participants > Add Resolution > Resolution Details > Resolution Assign Date



Indicates the length of the behavior resolution.


Numeric, 3 digits
Behavior > Behavior Management > Add Resolution > Resolution Details > Actual Length


StudentIdentity > StudentUnique StateId

The reporting student's unique Student ID. Students with no Texas-unique Student ID are not reported.

Submission: 3

Numeric, 10 digits
Census > People > Demographics > Student Unique State ID




Submission: 3

EducationalOrgIdentity > State OrganizationId

Reports the Campus ID of Responsibility.

If null, report the District Number (6 digits) + State School Number (3 digits) of the school of enrollment at the time of the Behavior Event.

Submission: 3

Numeric, 9 characters
Behavior > Behavior Management > Add Event/Participant > Event and Participant Details > Participant Details > Campus ID of Responsibility


Educational OrgIdentity > State OrganizationId

The District Number (6 digits) + State School Number (3 digits) of the school responsible for handling the behavior resolution.

Reports the District Number (6 digits) + State School Number (3 digits) of the school entered as the Campus ID of Assignment. Reports blank if there is no school entered as the Campus ID of Assignment. 

Campus ID of Disciplinary Assignment is blank when not appropriate. (For example, a student is given out-of-school suspension and expulsion without placement in another educational setting)

If the Resolution Type is 02, 03, 04, 06, 07, 08, 10, 12, 13, 26, 51-55, 57, 59, or 60 AND Campus ID of Disciplinary Assignment is blank, report students Campus ID of Enrollment.

If the Resolution Type is 01, 05, 16, 17, 25, 27, 28 or 50 AND Campus ID of Disciplinary Assignment is NOT blank, report blank.

Submission: 3

Numeric, 9 characters
Behavior > Behavior Management > Add a Resolution > Resolution Details > Campus ID of Assignment



Indicates the Resolution Type entered for the behavior event.

Submission: 3

Numeric, 2 digits
Behavior > Behavior Management > Add Event > Resolution Details > Resolution Type



The reporting period for which the behavior event occurred, based on the Resolution Assign Date.

Submission: 3

Numeric, 2 digits
Behavior > Behavior Management > Add Resolution > Resolution Details > Resolution Assign Date


TX-OfficialLengthOfDisciplinary Assignment

Indicates the length of the disciplinary action (resolution) for the behavior event.

Reports the Duration in School Days value.

If the value entered is equal to a partial day (for example, 2.5 to represent 2 and half days), if the decimal value is .5 or greater the value will be rounded up to the next whole number. If the decimal value is .4 or less, the value will be rounded down to the next whole number.

If the only value entered is less than 1, a value of 000 is reported.

Values are zero-filled to the left to make 3 digits.

Submission: 3

Numeric, 3 digits
Behavior > Behavior Management > Add Resolution > Resolution Details > Duration in School Days


TX-DisciplinaryLengthDifference Reason

Indicates the Disciplinary Difference Reason (if a value exists). If no value exists, a value of 00 is reported.

Submission: 3

Coded, 2 characters
Behavior > Behavior Managemenl > Add Resolution > Resolution Details > Duration Difference Reason

TX-InconsistentCodeOfConduct Indicator


If 'Inconsistent Code of Conduct' is marked, a value of 1 reports.

If the checkbox is not marked AND the DisciplinaryActionCode is 01-12, 15, 25, 50-59, or 61, a value of 0 reports.

If the checkbox is not marked, a value does not report.

Submission: 3

Numeric, 2 digits
Behavior > Behavior Management > Add Resolution > Resolution Details > Inconsistent Code of Conduct

BehaviorResolution.inconsistentCode OfConduct