Federal Programs Publishing

Tool Search: Program Participation > Federal Programs Publishing

The Federal Programs Publishing tool provides State Edition users with the ability to publish all records for a federal program to District Editions within the state. This tool is only available in State Editions. 

Federal programs are activated on a state-by-state basis and may not be available in your state.

Screenshot of Federal Programs Publishing tool.Federal Programs Publishing Tool

Tool Rights

In order to publish federal program data, users must have at least W(rite) rights to the Federal Programs Publishing tool. 

Screenshot of tool rights needed to access Federal Programs Publishing.Federal Programs Publishing Tool Rights

You also need at least W(rite) rights to the Publish Foster Care Records and Publish Migrant Records sub-rights in order to publish record. 

Screenshot of subrights needed in order to publish records.Publishing Subrights

Publishing Federal Programs

This section provides information on publishing federal program data from State Editions to District Editions.

Note the following:
  • Users must have statewide access in order to publish federal programs.
  • Only state owned records can be published. 
  • All state owned federal program records are published when the district has an enrollment for a student in the scoped year, regardless of start date or end date.
  • If a student's enrollment was deleted and has no remaining enrollments in a district in any year, all of the student's federal program records delete in that district upon the next publish.
  • When a record is deleted at the State Edition, an event is created to delete all records that were published to the District Editions.
  • Users must have at least W(rite) tool rights to the Publish Foster Care Records and/or Publish Migrant Records sub-rights in order to publish corresponding records via the Federal Programs Publishing tool. See the Tool Rights section above for more information.
 Migrant may not be available in your state.

Screenshot of Federal Programs Publishing Tool.Federal Programs Publishing

Federal Programs Publishing Editor



Program Name

Indicates the federal program in which records were published.


Indicates if records have been published or if records have changed since the last publish.

Records Published

A blue checkmark symbol displays on the record to indicate the federal program was successfully published.

Records Changed

A yellow triangle symbol appears when records have been changed since the last time the federal program was published.

Last Publish Date

Indicates the last date and time records were published.

Publish All Records
Publishes all state owned records from the state edition to district editions for the selected federal program.
Publish All Changed Records
Only publishes state owned records that have changed in the selected federal program since the last publish.

To publish federal program records:

  1. Select Publish All Records or Publish All Changed Records.
  2. A notification appears, informing you that the request has been submitted. Click OK. A federal program record is created at the district level when the state publishes a record.
  3. Once a federal program has been published, a blue checkmark displays on the record in the Published column to indicate it was successfully published along with the date and time the program was last published.

Publish Individual Records

You can also publish Foster Care and Migrant records for individual students by navigating to the student's Foster Care or Migrant tab and selecting the publish buttons shown in the images below. 

Migrant may not be available in your state.
Foster CareMigrant

PATH: Student Information > Program Participation > Foster Care

Screenshot of individual student's Foster Care records with Publish button highlighted.

Select Publish State Foster Care Records on the student's Foster Care tab.

PATH: Student Information > Program Participation > Migrant

Screenshot of individual student's Migrant records with Publish button highlighted.

Select Publish State Migrant Records on the student's Migrant tab.