Private School Service Plan (Kentucky)
Last Modified on 03/10/2025 10:08 am CDT
Tool Search: Special Ed Documents
The Private School Service Plan is used to capture student special education plan information and match the required documentation provided by the state of Kentucky. This document describes each editor, a description of each field on the editor, and any special considerations and instructions. For information on general functionality, navigation, and additional plan and evaluation features, see the core Plan and Evaluation Information article.
The current format of this document is the KY PSP 2023. Plan formats are selected in the Special Ed Plan Types tool.
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Service Plan
The Service Plan editor includes the various dates associated with the plan, why the meeting was held, and how student progress is reported.
Service Plan Editor
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Field | Description | Ad Hoc | Validation |
Meeting Date Required | The day the meeting took place. | N/A | N/A |
Start Date Required | The day on which the plan begins for the student. | Learner Planning > Learning Plans > planStartDate | This field auto-populates as the same date as the Meeting Date, but can be modified. This date must be after the Meeting Date. |
End Date Required | The day on which the plan ends for the student. | Learner Planning > Learning Plans > planEndDate | This auto-populates to be one year minus one day from the Start Date, but can be modified. This field cannot be longer than one year minus one day from the Start Date. |
Date of Eligibility Determination
| The date the student was deemed eligible to receive special education services. | N/A | This field auto-populates from the most recent, locked Evaluation.
When a new Evaluation is locked after a Plan is created, the new Evaluation date is pulled into the Plan and the following message displays, "The Date of Eligibility Determination has changed since this Plan was last saved. Save this editor to ensure the updated information displays on the printed document." |
Proposed Action Required | The proposed action. Options include:- Continue Services Plan
- Discontinue Services Plan
- Develop New Services Plan
| N/A | N/A |
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Student Information
The Student Information editor displays basic information about the student such as demographic information. This is a read-only editor.
Parent/Guardian Information
The Parent/Guardian Information editor populates based on the guardian checkbox on the student's Relationships tool. The editor includes Demographics information for the student's guardian.
The Delete button next to each parent/guardian can be used to remove a parent/guardian from the plan.
The Refresh button retrieves a new copy of parent/guardians' data. This also returns any accidentally deleted people. Manually entered fields do not change when the refresh button is clicked. The user must Save after clicking Refresh to capture changes.
This editor cannot be placed in a "Not Needed" status.
Parent/Guardian Information Editor
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Field | Description | Database/UI Location (when Refresh is clicked) | Validation |
Last Name | The last name of the parent/guardian. | Census > People > Demographics > Last Name
identity.lastName | This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian. |
First Name | The first name of the parent/guardian. | Census > People > Demographics > First Name
identity.firstName | This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian. |
Middle Name | The suffix of the parent/guardian. | Census > People > Demographics > Suffix Name
identity.suffix | This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian. |
Suffix | The suffix of the parent/guardian. | Census > People > Demographics > Suffix Name
identity.suffix | This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian. |
Relationship | The relation of the parent/guardian to the student. | Census > People > Relationships | This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian. |
Print Sequence | The print order of the parent/guardian(s) on the plan. | N/A | When no Sequence is selected, parent/guardian(s) print in the order displayed in the UI. When any Sequences are selected, only parent/guardian(s) with a sequence number prints in the order defined. |
Address | The parent/guardians' address. | Census > Households > Address Info
address.number; address.street; address.tag; address.prefix; address.dir; address.apt;; address.state; | This field populates from Census.
When there are multiple addresses for a person, a drop down with an option to select which address displays. When there is only one address, the drop down has one option. The populated address is the one marked Primary. |
Home Phone | The home phone number of the parent/guardian. | Census > People > Demographics > Household Phone | This field populates from Census. |
Work Phone | The work phone of the parent/guardian. | Census > People > Demographics > Work Phone | This field populates from Census. |
Cell Phone | The cell phone of the parent/guardian. | Census > People > Demographics > Cell Phone | This field populates from Census. |
E-mail | The primary email address for the parent/guardian. | Census > People > Demographics > Email | This field populates from Census. |
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Enrollment Information
The Enrollment Information editor reports Special Education information from the student's Enrollment record. This editor is read only.
The Refresh button retrieves a fresh copy of data from the student's record. The Refresh button must be clicked before the editor can be placed in a Complete status. This editor cannot be placed in a "Not Needed" status.
See the General Information section for additional information.
Enrollment Information Editor
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Field | Description | Database /UI Location (when Refresh is clicked) | Validation |
Primary Disability | The student's primary disability. | Student Information > General > Enrollment > Primary Disability
Enrollment.disability1 | This field is read only and is pulled from the most recent, locked evaluation. When there is no locked evaluation, the value is pulled from the student's Enrollment record. |
Special Ed Status
| The student's special ed status. Options include:- Active
- AR: Active/Referred
- ER: Eligible - Parents refused
- I: Inactive
- N: Not Eligible
- PR: Pre-Referral
- Z: Referred
| Student Information > General > Enrollment > Special Ed Status
Enrollment.specialEdStatus | This field is pulled from the Enrollment record.
Special Ed Setting | The student's special ed setting. Options include: 6J: (K-14) Parentally Place in Private Schools. | Student Information > General > Enrollment > Special Ed Setting
Enrollment.specialEdSetting | This field is pulled from the Enrollment record. When the value is NOT 6J: (K-14) Parentally Place in Private Schools, this field is not pulled in. |
Grade | The student's current grade. | Student Information > General > Enrollment > Grade
enrollment.grade | This field is pulled from the Enrollment record. |
School Year | The year associated with the student's Enrollment record. | Student Information > General > Enrollment > School Year | This field is pulled from the Enrollment record. |
District of Residence | The student's district of residence. | Student Information > General > Enrollment > Resident District | This field is pulled from the Enrollment record. |
Private School Placement | The student's school of attendance. | N/A | N/A |
District of Placement Information |
District Number | The district number associated with the Enrolled school. | System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number | This field is pulled from the Enrollment record. |
District Name | The district name associated with the Enrolled school. | System Administration > Resources > District Information > Name | This field is pulled from the Enrollment record. |
District Address | The district address associated with the Enrolled school. | System Administration > Resources > District Information > Address | This field is pulled from the Enrollment record. |
District Phone | The district phone number associated with the Enrolled school. | System Administration > Resources > District Information > Phone | This field is pulled from the Enrollment record. |
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Goals and Objectives
The Goals and Objectives editor lists goals designed to measure the student's progress in general education curriculum. Each goal includes how the goal is measured and how success is determined.
This editor cannot be placed in a "Not Needed" status. At least one record must be created in order to place this editor in a "Complete" status.
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Goals and Objectives List Screen
Click the plus (+) icon to view any objectives associated with the goal from the list screen, when applicable.
Goals and Objectives List Screen
Column Name | Description |
Padlock Icon | The user currently editing the Goal and Objective record. |
Sequence | The sequence number of the goal. |
Annual Goal | The name of the goal. |
Goal Detail Screen
Select an existing record or click New to view the Goal detail screen.
Goal Detail Screen
Field Name | Description | Validation |
Sequence Required | The sequence number of the goal. | This field cannot be zero. The number is automatically populated based on the next available number and must be unique. Duplicate numbers are not allowed. |
Goal Name Required | The description of the student's goal. | N/A |
Annual Goal | A description of the annual goal. | N/A |
Objective Detail Screen
Select the plus (+) icon or click Add to view the Objectives detail screen.
Objectives Detail Screen
Field Name | Description | Validation |
Sequence Required | The sequence number for the objective. | This field cannot be zero. Duplicate numbers are not allowed. |
Objective Required
| A description of the student's objective. | N/A |
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The Services editor lists services provided to the student in a Special Education setting based on the needs of the student.
This editor cannot be placed in a "Not Needed" status. At least one record must be created in order to place this editor in a "Complete" status.
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Services List Screen
Services List Screen
Column Name | Description |
Padlock Icon | The user currently editing the Services record. |
Service Provided | The name of the service. |
Frequency | The frequency of service. |
Start Date | The first day of service. |
End Date | The last day of service. |
Services Detail Screen
Select an existing record or New to view the detail screen.
Services Detail Screen
Field | Description | Validation |
Service Required | The name of the service. | The options available are those services marked as Normal set up at System Administration > Special Ed > Services. The value of Special Education always displays in this dropdown. |
Service Position | The role of the person providing the service. Options include: - Bus Driver
- Early Childhood Educator (IECE)
- Hearing Impaired Teacher
- Occupational Therapist
- Orientation & Mobility Specialist
- Physical Therapist
- School Counselor
- School Psychologist
- Special Ed Teacher
- Speech Language Pathologist
- Visual Impairment Teacher
| The values listed are in a locked attribute provided by the State. Districts can provide their own values under System Administration > Special Ed > Service Position, but those values display at the bottom of this list. |
Location | The location of the service. | N/A |
Duration and Frequency |
Start Date Required | The first day of service. | This field auto-populates to the Start Date of the plan. |
End Date Required | The last day of service. | This field auto-populates to the End Date of the plan. |
Minutes per Service Frequency Required | The number of minutes per service frequency. | Limited to 4 characters. Only whole numbers allowed.
Service Frequency Required | The frequency amount. | Limited to 4 characters. Only whole numbers allowed. |
Service Period Required | The service period. Options include: |
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Team Meeting
The Team Meeting editor is used to document the meeting(s) held by the student's special ed team.
This editor cannot be placed in a "Not Needed" status. At least one record must be created in order to place this editor in a "Complete" status.
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Team Meeting List Screen
Team Meeting List Screen
Column Name | Description |
Padlock Icon | The user currently editing the Team Meeting record. |
Meeting Date | The date of the meeting. |
Meeting Location | The location of the meeting. |
Print in Plan | Indicates this record prints on the plan. |
Team Meeting Detail Screen
Click on an existing record or New to view the detail screen.
Team Meeting Detail Screen
Field | Description | Validation |
Team Meeting <date> |
Print in Plan | Indicates this record prints on the plan. | This defaults to marked. |
Meeting Date Required | The day of the meeting | N/A |
Meeting Time | The time of the meeting. | N/A |
Meeting Location | The location of the meeting. | N/A |
Invite Date | The day the team members were invited to the meeting. | N/A |
Comments | Any comments regarding the meeting. | N/A |
Attendance |
First Name Required | The first name of the team member. | This field is read-only and pulls from the student's Special Ed Team Members tool. Additional team members can be added as well. |
Last Name Required | The last name of the team member. | This field is read-only and pulls from the student's Special Ed Team Members tool. Additional team members can be added as well. |
Role Required | The role of the team member. | This field is read-only and pulls from the student's Special Ed Team Members tool. Additional team members can be added as well. |
Parent/Guardian |
| When marked, the team member displays as Parent/Guardian on the printed document. |
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