State Assessment Report (Montana)

Tool Search: MT State Assessment Report

The State Assessment Report returns IEP, Section 504, and EL student test accommodation data. Each student record in the report includes all accommodations per assessment as entered on an active, locked IEP or an active State Assessment Test Setting record during the date range entered on the extract editor. 

Screenshot of the State Assessment Report editor.State Assessment Report Editor

Tool Rights

Users must have at least R(ead) tool rights and calendar rights to the calendar(s) selected in the extract editor in order to generate the report.

Screenshot of the State Assessment Report tool rights.State Assessment Report Tool Rights

Reporting Population Logic

Reports one record per student Test Setting (504/EL) or per student Plan (IEP) with at least one reportable accommodation present.
To report, students MUST be enrolled on at least one date on/between the Start Date and End Date selected on the Extract Editor.

Students do NOT report if ALL enrollments active during the reporting range are at least one of the following:

  1. Flagged with a Service Type of  N (Special Ed Services) or S (Partial),  
  2. Marked as Extracurricular Activities Only
  3. State Excluded on the Calendar, Enrollment, or Grade Level
  4. Flagged as No Show 
If a student has more than one enrollment record in different schools during the reporting range, that student returns 1 record per school.
If a student has more than one enrollment record in the same school during the reporting range, one record returns for that School/Student.
EL and 504 student accommodation records report from State Assessment Test Setting records that are active on at least one date on/between the Start Date and End Date selected on the Extract Editor.
IEP student accommodation records report from locked IEPs that are active on at least one date on or between the Start Date and End Date selected on the Extract Editor.
  • If the “ALL” IEPs toggle is selected, then accommodations report from ALL active/locked IEPs in the reporting range.  
  • If the “Most Recent” IEP toggle is selected, then accommodations ONLY report from the student’s most recent active/locked IEP in the reporting range.
This report is run at the school level and is available in the District, Montana, and State Editions of Infinite Campus.
If generated in the CSV format, the filename is defined as (Source)_(SchoolNumber)_(StartDate)-(EndDate).csv
  • (Source) = The Source value selected on the extract editor
    • If Source = All, reports as
      • "AllStateAssessmentStudentAccommodationReport"
    • If Source = IEP, reports as 
      • "IEPStateAssessmentStudentAccommodationReport"
    • If Source = 504, reports as 
      • “504StateAssessmentStudentAccommodationReport”
    • If Source = EL, reports as
      •  ELStateAssessmentStudentAccommodationReport”
  • (SchoolNumber) = System Administration > Resources > School Information > School Detail > School Number  
    • IF more than 1 school is selected return as string separated by an underscore _
    • IF all schools are selected, return as "ALL"
  • (StartDate) = Start Date selected on the extract editor in MM/DD/YYYY format
  • (EndDate) = End Date selected on the extract editor in MM/DD/YYYY format

Generate the Report

  1. Enter a Start Date. Only enrollment records active on or after this date are considered for reporting.
    Note: File Type is currently set to a default value of 'State Assessment Student Accommodation Report'.
  2. Enter an End Date. Only enrollment records active on or before this date (active between the Start Date and End Date time period) are considered for reporting.
  3. Select the Source:
    1. ALL = reports accommdation data from all sources (IEP, Section 504 and EL).
    2. 504 = Only records from qualifying State Assessment Test Setting Records marked 504 Student are reported.
    3. EL = Only records from qualifying State Assessment Test Setting Records marked EL Student are reported.
    4. IEP = Accommodation records are reported from a student's qualifying IEP.
      • Based on whether the Most Recent IEP that is active within the reporting date range or All IEPs active within the reporting date range option is selected on the extract editor.
  4. Select which Assessment(s) are looked at when determine which student records to report
    AllAll assessments are looked at when reporting data.
    ACCESS for ELLs

    Delimits record return to only those students with accommodations where:

    • If IEP:  the *Assessment field on the Plan’s State Assessment editor = 
      • ACCESS for ELLs or 
      • Alt ACCESS for ELLs
    • IF EL or 504: *State Assessment field on State Assessment Test Settings tool =
      • ACCESS for ELLs – Listening or
      • ACCESS for ELLs – Reading or
      • ACCESS for ELLs – Speaking or
      • ACCESS for ELLs – Writing
    ACTDelimits record return to only those students with accommodations where:
    • IEP:  the *Assessment field on the Plan’s State Assessment editor = 
      • ACT
    • EL or 504: the *State Assessment field on State Assessment Test Settings tool =
      • ACT – English or
      • ACT – Mathematics or
      • ACT – Reading or
      • ACT – Science or
      • ACT – Writing
    Smarter BalancedDelimits record return to only those students with accommodations where:
    • IEP: the *Assessment field on the Plan’s State Assessment editor =
      • Smarter Balanced
    • EL or 504: the *State Assessment field on State Assessment Test Settings tool =
      • Smarter Balanced ELA-CAT (reading)
      • Smarter Balanced Math – CAT
      • Smarter Balanced Math – PT
    ScienceDelimits record return to only those students with accommodations where:
    • IEP: the *Assessment field on the Plan’s State Assessment editor =
      • Science
      • Alt Science
    • EL or 504: the *State Assessment field on State Assessment Test Settings tool =
      • MT Science Assessment
    Multi-State Alt Assessment

    Only IEP student accommodation records where the *Assessment field on the Plan’s State Assessment editor = Multi-State Alt Assessment (MSAA) are reported.

    N/AOnly IEP student accommodation records where the *Assessment field on the Plan’s State Assessment editor =N/A are reported.
  5. Determine if you want to Report Accommodations from All active IEPs or Report Accommodations from Most Recent IEP Only.
  6. Select which Grade(s) should be looked at when reporting data
    Filter reported data based on an Ad Hoc Filter (filters are created in the Filter Designer tool).
  7. Select the File Format
  8. Select which School(s) should report data. Only enrollment records within this school(s) are considered when reporting. Only schools active in the school year selected in the Campus Toolbar are available for selection.
  9. Click the Generate Report button to generate the report immediately or click Submit to Batch to schedule when the report should generate in the background.

    Note: Use the Submit to Batch option if generating the report for a large amount of data or during peak usage time to prevent impacting system performance. 

Screenshot of an HTML report example.Click Image to See Fullscreen

Understand Report Fields

Use the table below to understand each field on the report.

Data Element LabelBusiness Requirements/RulesUI Location and Database Field


The reporting district's State District Number.

District Information > District Detail > State District Number


District Name

The name of the reporting district.

District Information > District Detail > Name


The reporting school's State School Number

School Information > School Detail > State School Number


School Name

The name of the school in which the student was enrolled during the reporting range. 

If the student is enrolled in more than one school, a record is returned for each school.

School Information > School Detail > Name


The student's last name from their active Identity record as of report generation.

Demographics > Person Information > Last Name



The student's first name from their active Identity record as of report generation.

Demographics > Person Information > First Name



The student's State Identifier.

Person Identifiers > Student State ID



The student's mapped State Grade Level code based on the Enrollment Grade selected from the student's most recent enrollment flagged as Primary (in the School reported in field 2) at the time of report generation.

If a Grade is selected on the Extract Editor, Grade/EnrollStart/EnrollEnd returns from the most recent enrollment flagged as Primary where mapped State Grade Level code = Grade selected.

Enrollment > Grade

Grade Level Setup > State Grade Level



The Start Date from the student's most recent Enrollment flagged as Primary at the time of report generation.

  • When a Grade is selected on the Extract Editor, Grade/EnrollStart/EnrollEnd returns from the most recent enrollment flagged as Primary where mapped State Grade Level code = Grade selected.  
  • Calendar enrollments with Extracurricular Activities Only checked are NOT considered.  
  • State Excluded Calendars/Enrollments/Grade Levels and enrollments flagged No Show are NOT considered. 

Enrollment > Start Date



The End Date from the student's most recent Enrollment flagged as Primary at the time of report generation; else leave null/blank.

  • When a Grade is selected on the Extract Editor, Grade/EnrollStart/EnrollEnd returns from the most recent enrollment flagged as Primary where mapped State Grade Level code = Grade selected.  
  • Calendar enrollments with Extracurricular Activities Only checked are NOT considered.  
  • State Excluded Calendars/Enrollments/Grade Levels and enrollments flagged No Show are NOT considered. 

Enrollment > General > End Date



Reports IEP if one of the following is true:

  • Accommodation Type = Statewide, and Participates = With Accommodations
  • Accommodation Type = Statewide, and Participates = Alternate Assessment

If State Assessment Test Settings:

  • Reports EL if 'EL Student' is checked.
  • Reports 504 if  '504 Student' is checked

Special Ed Documents > IEP > Plan Outline > Statewide Assessments > With Accommodations, Alternate

Test Accommodations > 504 Student, EL Student






If Special Ed, report Plan Start Date
  • When ‘Report Accommodations from All active IEPs’ is selected on the extract Editor, more than 1 record may report. Returns PlanStart from the IEP of record.
  • When ‘Report Accommodations from Most Recent IEP Only’ is selected, one record reports PlanStart from the most recent IEP.

If State Assessment Test Settings (504 or EL), reports Start Date 

Special Ed Documents > IEP > Start Date

Test Accommodations > *Start Date




If from Special Ed, reports Plan End Date
  • If 'Report Accommodations from All active IEPs’ is selected on the extract editor, more than 1 record may report. Report PlanEnd from the IEP of record 
  • If 'Report Accommodations from Most Recent IEP Only’ is selected on the extract editor, reports PlanEnd from the most recent IEP.

If from State Assessment Test Settings (504 or EL), reports End Date.

Special Ed Documents > IEP > *End Date

Test Accommodations > End Date




If from Special Ed, report value in Primary Disability, else leave as blank/null

  • If 'Report Accommodations from All active IEPs’ is selected on the extract editor, more than 1 record may report. Reports Primary Disability from the IEP of record.
  • If 'Report Accommodations from Most Recent IEP Only’ is selected on the extract editor, reports Primary Disability from the most recent IEP.

Special Ed Documents > IEP > Plan Outline > State Reported Data (6-21) > Primary Disability



If from Special Ed; returns Participates value.

If from State Assessment Test Settings (504 or EL); retures hard coded value as 'With Accommodations' for all records.

Special Ed Documents > IEP > Plan Outline > Statewide Assessments > With Accommodations



From IEP: 

  • Reports Accommodation Test Name

From 504 or EL:

Based on the student's State Assessment Test Setting of record, report the test to which the Accommodation of Record reports to.

  • ACT English
  • ACT Mathematics
  • ACT Reading
  • ACT Science
  • ACT Writing
  • MT Science Assessment
  • Smarter Balanced ELA-CAT
  • If either Smarter Balanced Math - PT or Smarter Balanced Math - CAT are selected, reports as Smarter Balanced Math

Special Ed Documents > IEP > Plan Outline > Statewide Assessments > *Assessment

Test Accommodations > State Assessment

  • Access for ELLs – Listening
  • Access for ELLs – Speaking
  • Access for ELLs – Reading
  • Access for ELLs – Writing
  • ACT English
  • ACT Mathematics
  • ACT Reading
  • ACT Science
  • ACT Writing
  • MT Science Assessment
  • Smarter Balanced ELA-CAT
  • Smarter Balanced Math PT
  • Smarter Balanced Math CAT















If from Special Ed, reports Alt Accommodation Description.

If from State Assessment Test Settings (504 or EL)

  • Report Listening 
    • if Access for ELLs – Listening is selected
  • Report Speaking 
    • if Access for ELLs – Speaking is selected
  • Report Reading 
    • if Access for ELLs – Reading OR ACT Reading is selected
  • Report ELA (Reading) 
    • if Smarter Balanced ELA-CAT is selected
  • Report English 
    • if ACT English is Nselected
  • Report Writing 
    • if Access for ELLs – Writing OR ACT Writing is selected
  • Report Science 
    • if ACT Science OR MT Science Assessment is selected
  • Report Mathematics 
    • If ACT Mathematics OR Smarter Balanced Math - PT or Smarter Balanced Math- CAT is selected

Special Ed Documents > IEP > Plan Outline > Statewide Assessments > Content Area

Test Accommodations > State Assessment

  • Access for ELLs – Listening
  • Access for ELLs – Speaking
  • Access for ELLs – Reading
  • Access for ELLs – Writing
  • ACT English
  • ACT Mathematics
  • ACT Reading
  • ACT Science
  • ACT Writing
  • MT Science Assessment
  • Smarter Balanced ELA-CAT
  • Smarter Balanced Math PT
  • Smarter Balanced Math CAT

















Report as a string ALL Accommodations selected from the test of record separated by an underscore _

If Special Ed – report accommodations. (may hold multiple values)

If State Assessment Test Settings (504 or EL) -

  • MUST report ONLY the Accommodation DESCRIPTION (text) that follows AFTER the period.


 If "AL039: EL/504 .Assistive Devices" and "AL050: 504 .In-Person Human Reader" are selected, return as "Assistive Devices_In-Person Human Reader" Else leave null/blank.

Special Ed Documents > IEP > Plan Outline > Statewide Assessments > Support/Accommodation

Test Accommodations > Test Settings 

  • Access for ELLs – Listening
  • Access for ELLs – Speaking
  • Access for ELLs – Reading
  • Access for ELLs – Writing
  • ACT English
  • ACT Mathematics
  • ACT Reading
  • ACT Science
  • ACT Writing
  • MT Science Assessment
  • Smarter Balanced ELA-CAT
  • Smarter Balanced Math












