Rx Pack - Campus.2439

The following corrections are included in Rx Packs for September 2024. Rx Packs contain a small number of critical cases to fix urgent issues, with delivery in an immediate time frame (e.g., the fix cannot wait for the next four week Release Pack).

It is recommended that customers apply all subsequent Release Packs immediately following Rx Packs. Doing so will benefit both customers and Infinite Campus when it comes to supporting the patch.

Rx Packs are cumulative; each Rx pack will automatically include all previous Rx packs within that release. These cases will also be included in the Campus.2443 pack unless otherwise noted. Rx Packs may occasionally skip a release number for Rx builds that were not made generally available.

Below is a list of all Rx Packs for Campus.2439 and the date of availability:

  • Rx Pack Campus.2439.5 - Wednesday, September 25, 2024
  • Rx Pack Campus.2439.4 - Monday, September 23, 2024
  • Rx Pack Campus.2439.3 - Monday, September 23, 2024 - No release for Campus.2439.1 or .2

See the Release Pack Campus.2439 - September 2024 article for a full list of cases included in the Campus.2435 release.

Rx Pack Campus.2439.5


Performance Improvements (SIS-182004)

Updates have been made to improve performance.

Path: No specific path

Localization - Kentucky

Kentucky Section Student Detail Conversion (SIS-182178)

With the release of Campus.2435 (August 2024), the Roster Batch Edit tool was removed. Existing data from the Roster Batch Edit tool was converted to the Section Student Detail tool for Kentucky.

Path: Scheduling and Courses > Courses > Section Student Detail

Localization - Montana

Montana State Edition District Residency Tool Fix (SIS-182500)

An issue where the District Residency tool was not displaying in Montana State Edition was fixed.

Path: Student Information > State Programs > District Residency

Localization - New Mexico

New Mexico - Ed-Fi Student Program Associations Updates for NMPREK program (SIS-179924)

The ‘NM PreK program’ value has been removed from the Title 1 Program dropdown. The NMPREK program has been moved to its own State Program.

The Student Program Associations resource has been updated to report information for the new NMPREK program.

A resync on the Student Program Associations resource needs to be completed with this update.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi, Student Information > Program Participation > Title 1


New Mexico - Ed-Fi Digital Equity and Student Education Organization Associations Updates (SIS-180573)

The Barrier to Internet Access in Residence mappings have been added to the Student Education Organization Associations Resource Preferences.

The Student Education Organization Associations resource has been updated to report the barrierToInternetAccessInResidenceDescriptor.

The logic in the primaryLearningDeviceAwayFromSchoolDescriptor has been updated to report ‘No Device' if the Primary Digital Device field is null or is not mapped.

The dropdown values for Internet Access in Residence have been updated.

A resync on the Student Education Organization Associations resource needs to be completed with this update.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi, Student Information > State Programs > Digital Equity

Localization - Oklahoma

Oklahoma SIF Updates (SIS-182028)

The following updates for SIF 2.0 have been made:

  • StudentSchoolEnrollment/EntryType/Code now reports from the Value column in the attribute/dictionary
  • StudentSchoolEnrollment/ExitType/Code mapping has been added separately from SIF 2.7
    • Codes D, P, and 1925 were set to inactive
    • 5 digit codes were shortened to 4 digits in the Code field, but will acccurately report their mapped 5 digit codes in SIF 2.7
  • PhoneNumber Type has been updated
  • SIF 2.0 - SIF 2.7 grade levels will no longer be reported. These will appear as "UN" grade levels.

The following updates for SIF 2.7 have been made:

  • StudentPersonal/HomelessPrimaryNightTimeResidence codeset was updated to accurately report
  • CalendarSummary/Description has been updated to report the Calendar Name entered
  • The existing Calendar Description field on the Calendar Info tab has been updated to "Calendar Type"

Path: SIF

Rx Pack Campus.2439.4

Localization - North Carolina

North Carolina - Charter Schools Included in PMR (SIS-182567)

The Principal's Monthly Report (PMR) has been modified to include charter schools. Schools now report when the last three digits of their school number is 300 or higher (ex: 990378) or the third character is a letter (ex: 99B378).

Path: Reporting > NC State Reporting > PMR

Rx Pack Campus.2439.3

Campus Student/Parent

Campus Student & Parent Scrolling in the App (SIS-182372)

Previously, some users were unable to scroll when viewing some tools as a result of a Google Chrome update. This has been corrected. 

Path: Campus Student, Campus Parent

Learner Planning

Special Ed Documents Fix (SIS-182398)

Previously, an issue intermittently occurred when users attempted to save an editor on a Special Ed Document, but the editor had a cached status on the backend that did not allow editing, such as Not Needed or Complete. This has been fixed by removing the cache in this scenario.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > Special Ed Documents


Demographics Voice/Text Fix (SIS-182057)

An error occurred where some districts who were not using Campus Messenger with Voice received error messages when trying to update in Demographics information. This has been corrected.

Path: Census > People > Demographics

Localization - BIE

BIE-Consolidated Report Card EL Updates (SIS-180136)

There was an issue with the Consolidated Report Card coding all students as EL. This issue has been corrected. The EL Count logic was updated on the BIE Consolidated Report Card to NOT count 'Monitored' students as EL. The Consolidated Report Card returns an accurately calculated percentage of <100%. This change was applied to both the 'Individual School' AND 'BIE' report types.

Path: Reporting > BIE Reports > BIE Consolidated Report Card

Localization - Idaho

Idaho-ISEE Special Education Students Update (SIS-181056)

Logic for the 'servSchoolId' data element on the ISEE Special Education Students extract was updated. If 'Resident School' is null or the field is not present on the Plan editor, report the State School Number based on the student's most recent enrollment that is active on/between the reporting range:

  • Return the code if Serving School is populated.
  • Report the State School Number if null.

Path: ID State Reporting > ISEE Extracts > Special Education Students

Localization - Indiana

Indiana-Ed-Fi-Serving and Accountable Schools Update (SIS-181986)

The following schools were added to the Enrollment section of the Core Attribute/Dictionary. They are now options in the 'Serving School' and 'Accountable School' droplists under the State Reporting Fields section of the Enrollment record.

  • 3852: Lowell Intermediate School
  • B118: Kinwell Academy Inc
Path: Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields

Localization - Missouri

Missouri MOSIS Student Core Fix (SIS-176678)

An issue with the MOSIS Student Core not reporting the Teacher Name correctly was fixed.

Path: Reporting > MO State Reporting > MOSIS Extracts

Localization - North Carolina

North Carolina - PMR Validation Creation (SIS-180413)

Data validation rules and groups have been inserted into State Edition for maintenance, ownership, and publishing by NCDPI.

Path: N/A


North Carolina - Additional PMR Updates (SIS-182146)

The following updates have been made to the NC PMR Extract:

  • The PMR Summary, PMR Detail, and Best 1 of 2 reports types now display the reported state grade level codes in sequence - KG, 01, 02, etc.
  • A link to the Data Validation Report has been added in the Instructions section of the PMR Report editor.
  • The list of School Months on the report editor now displays in numeric order for all PMR reports.
  • The PMR Summary Report generation logic now fails when no validation groups contain fatal errors.
  • The State Edition PMR report editor now displays the Schools & Calendars list of options by School Year, by District, then by School Name.

Path: Reporting > NC State Reporting > NC PMR Extract


North Carolina - State Code, State Code Name on Transcript Records (SIS-182206)

The State Code and State Code Name fields on Student Transcripts are now read-only for records posted using the Transcript Post Wizard and for previously saved records.

For transcript records entered manually or existing records are modified:

  • State Code and State Code Name fields are populated once a Course Number/Name is entered, but once the record is saved, they can no longer be edited.
  • When a Course Number is entered that does not exist in the Course Catalog, a validation displays indicating an existing course number needs to be entered.

Path: Student Information > General > Transcripts


North Carolina - UNC Requirements (SIS-182263)

An additional update to the UNC Requirements on the student transcripts has been made to display UNC Requirements label on the NC Official Transcript only when the checkbox is marked on the student's transcript. Previously, it was displaying when it was marked, not marked, or null.

Path: Student Information > General > Transcripts


North Carolina - Enrollment, UID Sync to State Edition (SIS-182264)

State Edition syncing from District Edition did not occur when creating a new person (student), enrolling that person into a school, and adding a State UID. This has been corrected.

Follow these steps when creating a new student:

  1. Use the Student Locator to first search for an existing student.
  2. After searching for a student and results are found, State Edition will already have a UID for that person. That UID will then be assigned to the person at District Edition when that record is selected.
  3. After searching for a student and not finding appropriate results, click the *Create New Student* button. Demographics and enrollment information can be entered from the editor that displays.
  4. When adding demographics and enrollment data in the Locator, and the student does not currently have a UID assigned to them, use the Assign NC Student ID button. The NCDPI Lookup screen displays, allowing the ability to search for a current UID or, if none, Register for a UID. Upon selection to Assign or Register, the State ID field shows as Pending Save.
  5. Once the new record is saved, the enrollment and UID information is sent from District Edition to State Edition.

Path: Student Information > General > Student Locator

Localization - Oklahoma

Oklahoma Special Ed Data Conversion (SIS-182179)

In a previous update, all Special Ed fields were moved from the Enrollment to the Special Ed State Reporting tool. This update transferred historical data to the Special Ed State Reporting tool for reporting purposes.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > State Reporting Editor

Oklahoma Student Attendance Update (SIS-182396)

The StudentSchoolEnrollmentRefId data element has been relocated in the Student Attendance Summary object to immediately follow the DaysInMembership data element.

Path: SIF

Localization - Utah

Utah - SIF Student Personal Updates (SIS-181022)

The following elements have been added to the StudentPersonal object for 2024-25 Fall state reporting:

  • WIDAScreenerScore
  • WIDAScreenerDate
  • GeoCode
  • AddressList/Address[@Type ='0765']/GridLocation
  • AddressList/Address[@Type ='0765']/GridLocation/Latitude
  • AddressList/Address[@Type ='0765']/GridLocation/Longitude

Path: System Settings > Data Interchange Administration

Localization - Wisconsin

Wisconsin Special Ed IEP Print Fix (SIS-182047)

The issue of the team meeting attendees not printing on the Wisconsin Individual Education Plan was fixed.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > Special Ed Documents

Localization - Wyoming

Wyoming - WDE684 TCS Extract and SIF Updates (SIS-181009)

The ‘999: Pre-Enrollment Never Attended’ code has been added to the list of State End Status Codes on Enrollments.

The WDE684 TCS Extract and SIF StudentSchoolEnrollment/ExitType/Code have been updated to report the new ‘999’ State End Status Code.

The logic for reporting Foster Care has also been updated in the WDE684 TCS Extract and SIF StudentPersonal/SIF_ExtendedElements/SIF_ExtendedElement/FosterCare.

Path: Student Information > Enrollments, Reporting > WY State Reporting > WDE684 TCS Extract