Staff Development Fact Template (New Mexico)

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The Staff Development Fact Template is used to track staff development activities for certified staff.

Screenshot of Staff Development Fact Template Editor.Staff Development Fact Template Editor

Report Logic

  • To report, staff must have at least one active District Employment AND at least one active District Assignment in the selected reporting range.
  • To report, at least one of the staff's active District Assignment or District Employment types must be Certified.
  • If a staff member has multiple sequential District Employments, the Activity Code reports from the most recent, active employment in the reporting range

Report Editor

Submission ScheduleThe Submission Schedule for which data is being submitted to the state.
Submission Start DateThe Start Date of the reporting range.
Submission End DateThe End Date of the reporting range.
Staff Ad Hoc FilterSelect a Staff Ad Hoc Filter to limit report results to staff included in the filter.


The format in which the report will generate. Options include HTML and CSV.
Select Calendars

The calendar(s) from which data is pulled for the report.

Report Example

Screenshot of Staff Development Template.Staff Development Template 

Report Layout

ElementLogicType, Format, and LengthCampus DatabaseCampus Location
District Code

A three-character district code.

Numeric, 3 digits


District Information > District Number

Staff ID               The staff member's social security number.Numeric, 12 digitsIdentity.ssnDemographics > SSN
Activity Code

Reports blank for all records.




Activity Start Date

The report date. This element reports the end year plus a specific value for each reporting date.

Valid Values

  • YYYY-10-01 = 40D
  • YYYY-03-01 = 120D
  • YYYY-06-01 = EOY

Date field, 10 characters


Filler 1 - 12N/AN/AN/AN/A
Staff Credits Earned
Reports blank.
Activity Hours
Reports blank.