Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)

Tool Search: Student Record Collection

The Student Record Collection combines multiple data collections to assist schools in NCLB reporting requirements. This report is submitted five times during the school year.

Screenshot of the Student Record Collection report editor.Student Record Collection Extract Editor  

Read - Generate Student Record Collection.
Write - N/A
Add - N/A
Delete - N/A

For more information about Tool Rights and how they function, see the Tool Rights article. 

Report Logic

One Primary enrollment reports per student. Students report when the SRC No Show checkbox is marked on their enrollment.

Two records report for a student when their Enrollment End Status is either W016 or W221. The ended enrollment as well as the next enrollment record report in this instance. 

Two records report for a student when their Enrollment Start Status is E099, R099, or R298. The enrollment with this start status as well as the previously ended enrollment record reports in this instance.

When a student has multiple primary enrollments in a single calendar, the information may be compiled into a single record.

The following fields must be the same across all enrollments in the calendar. When the records are combined, the single record reports the SUM of all attendance.

  • Responsible Division Number
  • Responsible School Number
  • Serving Division Code
  • Serving School Code
  • Grade
  • Primary Disability
  • Tuition Paid
  • Non-public student FTE

When the records are combined, the Entry Code and Entry Date fields report from the earliest enrollment.

When any enrollment prior to the report effective date has a positive value (True/Yes), the field is reported as true in the single combined record. For example, when multiple enrollments exist for the 19-20 school year and one of those enrollments has Foster Care = Y then the combined record for the 19-20 SRC would report Y for Foster Care. Only enrollments from the reporting year are considered. The student who reported Y for Foster Care in 19-20 would not report a Y in 20-21 unless a 20-21 enrollment indicates the student continued in Foster Care.

When a student has multiple enrollments that generate multiple SRC records, Campus only counts the days present or absent for the instructional days within that enrollment's start and end dates or the Effective Date of report generation when the Enrollment End Date is null. Absent days are only counted and reported in the SRC record for that enrollment.

When multiple enrollments have the same start and end date, one enrollment should be marked as Primary and the other as Secondary.

The state allows multiple records when a student has a change in Grade Level, Tuition Paid, or non-public FTE. Campus generates the second record when these changes occur. However, a change in GED program does not generate a second record in Campus and must be a manually entered by the district.

Report includes full and part time students, as well as preschool, special education and local and regional jails.

December 1 Count records only report when the student has an Active Status Code of A, a locked IEP, and an active Enrollment.

  • When the student withdraws prior to the Snapshot Date entered and has a locked plan active during the Snapshot Date, a record reports for that student as normal.

Only graduates who earned a diploma during the summer school session reports in the Summer reporting period.

Enrollments, Calendar, or Grade Levels marked as State Exclude are not included in the extract.

Enrollments where the SRC Exclude checkbox is marked are also excluded.

No Shows/Summer Withdrawals report enrollment end information when ALL of the following criteria are met:

  • Enrollment End Date is before the first instructional day and on/after the Calendar Start Date.
  • The student does not have an active enrollment,
  • after the enrollment marked as No Show, and
  • on/before the report generation Snapshot Date.

When the student has an enrollment(s) not marked No Show after the enrollment marked as No Show and the enrollment Start Date is before or on the report's Snapshot Date, Campus reports the enrollment marked as No Show and one record for any enrollment that occurs before you generate the report.

Truancy Logic

Truancy records do not report when the start date is not within the reporting school year term dates, even when the truancy record has no end date. To report, the truancy record start date must be on or before the report generation Snapshot Date.

Primary Disability Logic

The following logic pertains to the Primary Disability field. See the Report Layout section for additional information.

For the December 1 Count

Only students with an Active Status Code of A report. The most recent locked education plan that falls within the enrollment reports.

  • The plan start date must be on or before the snapshot date.
  • The plan end date must be on or after the snapshot date.
  • When  the start dates are the same, the highest PlanID reports.

Students in online courses do NOT report, even when the previous criteria is met.

For all other reporting periods, at least one of the following conditions must be true

The plan start date must be on or before the snapshot date and the plan end date must be on or after the snapshot date, OR

The Tuition Paid code is 7 OR the Responsible Division-School number is 9997 on the student's enrollment record AND

  • The enrollment end date is on or before the snapshot date AND
  • The plan start date must be on or before the snapshot date and the plan end date must be on or after the snapshot date, OR

When the student has a primary disability change in the same School and Year:

  •  This is identified by the student having at least two locked IEPs where the Primary Disability is greater than or less than the current IEP Primary Disability.
  •  At least 1 plan start date must be on or before the snapshot date and the plan end date must be on or after the snapshot date. The plan start date must be on or after the active enrollment start date.
  • The previous plan must have a plan end date that falls on or after the previous enrollment start date and on or before the previous enrollment end date, OR

The student enrollment has ended AND a locked education plan exists that was active on the student's enrollment record.

Extract Fields



Report Type

The reporting window of the extract. Options are:

  • Fall
  • Spring
  • EOY
  • Summer
  • Dec. 1 Count

Snapshot Date

The date for which information in the report is active or valid. The report includes information between the first day of school and the entered Snapshot Date. This date defaults based on the Year and Report Type selected.


The format in which the report is generated. Options are CSV, Tab Delimited and HTML.


Indicates only fields required in the selected report type should be included in the extract. In the header, a DataType of STUDENT_PRESUB reports, allowing the report to be submitted before the submission due date.

Report Required Fields Only

Indicates only fields required in the selected report type should be included in the extract. Optional or conditional fields are not included.

Student Schedule Attendance

When this checkbox is marked, Campus considers each student's individual daily schedule for each day's instructional minutes then counts all of the instructional minutes for each period into which the student is scheduled to get the daily instructional minutes threshold.

When a student is absent for every instructional minute for that day of their schedule, Campus calculates and reports the day as absent in the Days Absent field and subtracts from the Days Present field.

When multiple courses are skinnied into one period, Campus uses that period's instructional minutes as the absent minutes threshold.


Allows you to limit the results to only the selected grade(s).

Ad Hoc FilterAllows you to limit the results to only the students included in the filter.


The calendar(s) from which data is pulled.

Generate Extract

Submit to Batch

Users have the option of submitting a Student Course report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process allows larger reports to generate in the background, without disrupting the use of Campus. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article.

Extract Layouts

Not all fields are reported in each of the Report Types. When a field is not required for the selected Report Type, it reports as blank. Mark the Report Required Fields Only to report only fields required for the Report Type.


Element Name



The State District Number.


The current date in mm/dd/yyyy format.


The current time in


The email address of the individual submitting the report. The email address is not retrieved from Campus. You must enter this information after you generate the report.


System generated ~ marks.


Reports based on the Report Type selected in the Extract Editor.

  • Spring: STUDENT_SPR
  • End of Year: STUDENT_EOY
  • Summer: STUDENT_SUM
  • Presubmission Application: STUDENT_PRESUB


System generated ~ mark.

Data Collection Name

Reports as follows:

  • Record Type = A
  • File Submission Type =
    • 1: Fall
    • 2: Dec1
    • 3: Spring
    • 4: EOY
    • 5: Summer
  • Beginning of School Year = 4 digit year of the Start Year of the calendar.
  • Division Number = 3 digits

Report Layout

The state assigned code which designates a Head Start Program.


Element Name




Record Type

System generated, always reports as B.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Not dynamically stored


State Testing Identifier

The state identification number of the student, assigned by EIMS.

Numeric, 12 digits

Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID



Student Number

The locally-assigned identification number of the student.

Numeric, 12 digits

Demographics > Person Identifiers > Local Student Number



Responsible Division Number

The state-assigned division number where the student resides, where the student attends through open enrollment or the student's tuition is waived.

Numeric, 3 digits

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Responsible Division-School



District Information > Number


Responsible School Number

The state-assigned school number of where the student resides, where the student attends through open enrollment or the student's tuition is waived.

Numeric, 4 digits

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Responsible Division-School OR 

School Information > Number



Serving Division Code

The state-assigned division number Spaces that identifies the division that provides services to the student.

Numeric, 3 digits

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Serving Division-School OR 

District Information > Number



Serving School Code

The state-assigned school number that identifies the school that provides services to the student.

Numeric, 4 digits

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Serving Division-School OR 

School Information > Number



Active Status Code

Indicates the status of the student as of the Snapshot Date.

N reports when the Report Type is Summer.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Calculated, not dynamically stored


Entry Code

This field identifies the process by which the student first entered the school during a given year.

When the student has multiple enrollments but only one SRC record, the earliest enrollment that is NOT marked as No Show, SRC No Show, SRC Exclude or State Exclude reports.

When the student has multiple SRC records, the enrollment reported in each record reports.

When the student's Active Status Code is N or blank or the enrollment record is marked as No Show, this field reports as Null.

Numeric, 4 characters

Enrollments > Start Status



Entry Date

The Start Date of the student's enrollment. To report, the date must be during the current school year and prior to the Exit Date.

When the student has multiple enrollments but only one SRC record, the first Start Date on the earliest enrollment that is NOT marked as a No Show, State Exclude, SRC Exclude or SRC No Show reports.

When the student has multiple records on the SRC due to enrollments in different schools, the Start Date from the enrollment with the earliest enrollment Start Date reports.

When the student has multiple records on the SRC in the same school due to data changes of Grade level, Tuition Paid, Non-public Student FTE or Primary Disability, the Start Date from the enrollment record reports.

When the student has an enrollment start date that is before the first instructional day on the Days tool, the first instructional day reports as the start date.

This field reports blank when the enrollment record is marked as No Show.

Date field, 10 characters MM/DD/YYYY

Enrollments > Start Date



Exit/Withdrawal Code

The End Status of the student's current enrollment.

Reports the Enrollment End Status in the Fall, Spring, and EOY report types when the Exit/Withdrawal Date is before the report snapshot date.

When the student has multiple enrollments but only one SRC record, reports the End Status from the earliest enrollments.

When the student has multiple SRC records, End Status reports from the Enrollment reported in each record.

Reports as blank when null, on, or after the Snapshot Date.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Enrollments > Exit/Withdrawal Code



Exit/Withdrawal Date

The End Date of the student's current enrollment.

Reports the Enrollment End Date entered on the enrollment in the Fall, 

Spring, and EOY report types and does NOT default to the first instructional day when an End Date is prior to the first instructional date.

When the student has multiple enrollments but only one SRC record, reports the End Date from the earliest enrollments.

When the student has multiple SRC records, End Date reports from the Enrollment reported in each record. Only reports when the End Date is on or before the Snapshot Date and after the Start Date.

This field reports blank when the enrollment record is marked as No Show.

Date field, 10 characters MM/DD/YYYY

Enrollments > End Date




Reports blank.




Identification of the student as M: Male, F: Female, or A: Other. Information reports from the Demographics tool unless the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked. When the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the extract editor information reports from Protected Identity Information. When the gender field is blank, information reports from the Demographics tool.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Demographics > Gender


Identities > Protected Identity Information > Gender




The date of birth of the student from the current identity record.

Datefield, 10 characters MM/DD/YYYY

Demographics > Birthdate




The grade level of the student's enrollment.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Enrollments > Grade



Filler Field

Does not report.



Primary Disability

A code that identifies the primary disability type for a student who is eligible for services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and who has an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or services planned.

This field reports hard coded values based on the disability selected in the IEP being reported.

When the student has multiple records on the SRC, this field reports the Primary Disability from the IEP that corresponds with the enrollment record being reported.

See the Report Logic section for additional logic information.

Section 504 Logic

15 (Section 504) reports if the student has an eligible Primary Disability on the Enrollments tool or the Primary Disability on the Enrollments tool is blank, but the student has a Section 504 record. To report, the Section 504 record's Start Date must be entered and the End Date must be blank or after the report's Effective Date.

When Primary Disability is 15 (Section 504), Special Ed Student Regular Class Percent (field 81) and Special Ed Primary Disability Service Percent of Day (field 82) report blank.

Numeric, 2 digits

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Primary Disability OR

Section 504



Special Ed Weekly Time %

The total percentage of time the student spends each week with a special education teacher. This percentage is the sum of the primary, secondary, and tertiary percentages when the student has more than one disability and more than one special education teacher.

This field is only required when the student has a disability code that is not Section 504 and a Grade Level Code = KG, 01, 02, or 03.

Students with a Section 504 record are excluded.

This field reports blank when there is no disability code or Section 504.


Sped Primary Percent of Day + Sped Secondary Percent of Day + Sped Tertiary Percent of Day

When the student has a disability code and is not Section 504, each percentage must have a corresponding disability to be counted in the sum. When any of the percentages are NULL, they are ignored.

When the student has multiple records on the SRC, the percent from the IEP that corresponds with the enrollment record being reported is calculated.

Numeric, 3 digits

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Primary Percent of Day




Identifies a student as economically disadvantaged at any point during the school year.

This field reports Y: Yes when any of the following are true:

  • The school participates in a provision program.
  • The student
    • is Eligible for Free/Reduced meals.
    • receives TANF.
    • is eligible for Medicaid.
    • is indicated as a Migrant.
    • is indicated as Homeless.
    • has a Primary Nighttime Residence selected.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

School Information > School History > USDA Programs

(FRAM) Eligibility > Eligibility

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > TANF, Medicaid, Migrant, Homeless, Primary Nighttime Residence




Reports blank.




Reports blank.



Birth Country

The country in which the student was born. Reports blank when the student was born in US.

Numeric, 4 digits

Demographics > Birth Country



Home Language

The language the student speaks primarily at home.

Numeric, 4 digits

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Home Language




Indicates the student is an immigrant. Foreign exchange students are included when the Immigrant checkbox is marked on the student's enrollment.

This field is required for the EOY report.

Alphanumeric, 1 character, Y or N

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Immigrant




Reports blank.




Reports blank.




Reports blank.




Reports blank.




Identifies the area of giftedness for the student placed in a gifted program or was referred and found eligible for a gifted program.

Numeric, 4 digits

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Gifted



Gifted Referral

Indicates that the student was referred to a gifted program within the current school year.

N reports when the student was not referred to the gifted program between July 1 and June 30.

Y reports when the student was referred to the gifted program between July 1 and June 30.

Alphanumeric, 1 character, Y or N

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Gifted Referral



Title 1 Code

Identifies the type of program funded by Title 1 when the student attends a Target Assisted school. This field reports from the Original School record or School History record with an effective date that is on or before report Snapshot Date. When multiple School History records exist, the most recent reports.

This field reports the Title 1 code from the student's enrollment when the Title 1 field on the School editor is one of the following:

  • TGELGBTGPROG: Targeted Assistance Program
  • ORSWELIGTGPROG: Schoolwide Eligible - Targeted Assistance

This field reports blank when the Title 1 field on the School editor is one of the following:

  • TGELGBNOPROG: Targeted Assistance Eligible - No Program
  • SWELIGNOPROG: Title I Schoolwide Eligible - No Program
  • SWELIGSWPROG: Schoolwide Program
  • NOTTITLE1ELIG: Not a Title I School
  • NULL

Numeric, 2 digits

School Information > School History > Title 1

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Title 1



GED Program Code

Indicates that the student is enrolled in a program leading to a GED. Options are:

  • 1: ISEAP
  • 2: GED
  • 3: GAD

This field reports blank when the Exit/Withdrawal Code field is W016: Withdrawn to enter ISAEP even when the GED Program on the Graduation tool is populated.

The GED Program Code does not report when a student has multiple records AND the withdrawal code is W221.

Numeric, 1 digit

Graduation > GED Program



IB Flag

Indicates that the student is enrolled in an International Baccalaureate program and working towards an IB diploma.

Alphanumeric, 1 character, Y or N

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > IB Exam



Graduate/Other Completer Code

Indicates the type of diploma or completion document the student received.

Reports EOY information when the student is in state grade level 12 and is active.

Fall, Spring, Summer, and EOY reports for students in grades 09 -12 when the enrollment End Status is W730, W731, or W732.

When their Diploma Type is not null, students in state grade TT report a Graduate/Other Completer Code.

Numeric, 2 characters

Graduation > Diploma Type



Graduation Plan

Indicates the post-graduation plans of the student. A value reports when the student's End Status was W730, W731, or W732 AND when the Graduate/Other Completer Code is: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9.

When their Post Grad Plans on the Graduation tool is not null, students in state grade TT report a Graduation Plan.

Numeric, 2 digits

Graduation > Post Grad Plans



Advanced Placement

Indicates the student is enrolled in one or more AP courses.

This field reports the code selected in the Enrollment record being reported when the Advanced Placement code is 1,2 or 3, OR

The Grade Level must be 9, 10, 11 or 12. Options are as follows:

  • 1: Enrolled in an AP course (Course with Advanced Placement marked)
  • 2: Enrolled in an AP course and has AP exam marked (Course with Advanced Placement marked and the student has taken the AP test aligned with the course)
  • 3: Took AP Exam only (AP test taken during the selected calendar year. The test date must be on or before snapshot date entered on the report editor.

When the student meets more than one of the requirements, reporting priority is 2, 3, 1.

When the student does not meet any of the above criteria, this field reports blank.

Numeric, 1 digit

Calculated, not dynamically stored



Reports blank.



CTE Finisher Code

Identifies the status of the student in relation to CTE Finisher Classes. Options are:

  • 1: Finished requirements reports as 3.
  • 2: Finished requirements for tech program reports as 2.
  • 3: Took at least 1 course, but did not finish reports as 1.
  • 4: Has not taken any CTE courses (4 reports when the Finisher field is blank even when the the Active Status code (field 8) is N.) reports as 0.
  • 5: Finished CTE completer req and CTE dual enr course reports as 4.
  • 7: Completed at least 3 yrs JROTC reports as 5. 

This field defaults to reporting a value of 4 when the Student Status is blank.

Note: When the CTE Finisher Code is null OR 4, CTE Career Cluster Code does NOT report.

Numeric, 1 digit

When an Academic Program exists, reports from Academic Programs > Program Type = CTE

Academic Programs > Cluster AND Career Pathway must be populated.

When no Academic Program record exists, reports from Career Tech > Finisher



CTE Career Cluster Code

Identifies the career family of the state-approved CTE course that the student has taken at anytime during the current school year.

Note: CTE Career Cluster Code reports as blank when the CTE Finisher Code is null OR 4.

Academic Programs > Cluster 


CTE Special Populations

Identifies the CTE special populations of the student that are not already collected.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Academic Programs > Special Populations



W8 Reason Code

The reason code associated with a W870 or W880 Exit/Withdrawal Code, which identifies the reason the student left the school. When the Exit/Withdrawal Code is W870 or W880, the W8 Reason reports. Only reports when the enrollment End Date is on or before the Snapshot Date.

Reports as blank when any other Exit/Withdrawal Code is chosen, the Reason Code is Null, or the enrollment End Date is null or after the Snapshot Date.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Enrollments > Exit/Withdrawal Code




Reports blank.



Days Present

Reports the cumulative number of days a student has been present in the school from the beginning of the current school year until the Snapshot Date.

Reports Instructional Days Enrolled minus Days Absent.

The Aggregate Days Unscheduled (field 112) are subtracted from the total that reports.

When the student has multiple records on the SRC, the Days Present from the enrollment record being reported reports.

This field reports 0000 when the Active Status is N.

Numeric, 3 digits

Calculated, not dynamically stored


Days Absent

Reports the cumulative number of days a student has been absent from school from the beginning of the current school year until the Snapshot Date. When the student has multiple records on the SRC, the number of days absent report from the enrollment record being reported.

This field reports 0000 when the Active Status is N.

Numeric, 3 digits

Calculated, not dynamically stored



Reports blank.



Truancy Conference 

Truancy Conference is no longer collected and now reports blank.



Tuition Paid

Indicates tuition has been paid for the student. 

Numeric, 2 digits

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Tuition Paid



Non-Public Student FTE

Identifies the FTE Membership of a part-time student who is attending school. Options are:

  • 10: Course NOT approved for SOQ
  • 25: 1 Course approved for SOQ
  • 50: 2 or more courses approved for SOQ

Numeric, 2 digits

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Non-Public Student FTE




Reports blank.



Kindergarten Readiness Assessment

Indicates whether the student (who turns 5 between October 1 and December 31) was administered a readiness assessment prior to the student's first day of kindergarten.

Alphanumeric, 1 character, Y or N

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Kindergarten Readiness Assessment



Reports blank.



Reports blank.




Reports blank.




Reports blank.



Diploma Seal

A state-assigned, concatenated code identifying any and all diploma seals earned by the graduate. During the EOY and Summer collections, a value only reports when the student's End Status was W730, W731, or W732. Options are:

  • 1: Governor's Seal
  • 2: Board of Education Seal
  • 3: Board of Education - CTE Seal
  • 4: BE - Advanced Math/Technology
  • 5: BE - Excellence in Civics Education
  • 6: Board of Education-Biliteracy

  • 7: Board of Education Seal STEM
  • 8: Board of Education Seal for Excellence in Science and the Environment

When multiples of the same seal exist for the student, the code is only reported once. When no Graduation Seals are recorded, this field reports blank.

Numeric, 10 digits

Graduation > Diploma Seal



Early College Scholar

Indicates the state-assigned code identifying students participating in the Governor's Early College Scholar Program. Options are:

  • 1: Student has Completed the Early College Scholar Program Agreement
  • 2: Earned Governor's Early Scholar Cert.
  • 3: Commonwealth Scholar Program
  • 4: Early College & Commonwealth Scholar Certificate
  • 5: Participating Early College & Commonwealth Scholar Prgms
  • 6: Earned Commonwealth Scholar Medallion

Numeric, 1 digit

Graduation > Early College Scholar




Reports blank.



PK Experience

Identifies the current or most recent PK (pre-kindergarten) experience of PK and kindergarten students. 

When the PK Experience field is not populated or when the grade level is not in Kindergarten this field reports blank.

Numeric, 2 digits

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > PK Experience



PK Weekly Time

Indicates the average amount of time the student spends each week in the program specified by the PK Experience code. Options are:

  • 00: No time in PK program
  • 01: Less than 15 hours/week
  • 15: 15-29 hours/week
  • 30: 30+ hours/week

Numeric, 2 digits

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > PK Weekly Time




Reports blank.



CTE Competency Attainment

Indicates the student attained 80% of the minimum competency task list.

Alphanumeric, 1 character, Y or N

Academic Programs > Competency Attained checkbox


 Filler 63

Reports blank.



Address 1

The street address of the CTE completer.

Does not report end dated addresses. 

When the SRC extract report type is Fall and the primary address is marked as a PO Box, the current primary address that does not have the PO Box marked reports. When there is no primary address that is not a PO Box, the current secondary address reports. 

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Address Information > Number, Street, etc.



Address 2

The continuation of Address 1, when needed.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Address Information > City, State, etc.


Zip Code

The zip code of the address

Numeric, 5 digits

Address Information > Zip



Telephone Number

The student's telephone number.

Numeric, 10 digits

Household Information > Phone Number



Reports blank.


69Primary Nighttime ResidenceIndicates the initial primary night residence when the student was identified as homeless at any time during the school year.

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Enrollment > Primary Nighttime Residence


Reports blank.



Virtual Program

Indicates the student is enrolled in a full course of student for all educational services in a virtual program..

Numeric, 1 digit

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Virtual Program


72Foster Care Flag

Indicates whether the student is in Foster Care.

  • Y reports when the student has a Foster Care record where the start date is not null AND the End Date is null on or before the Snapshot Date selected on the extract editor.
  • N reports when the student has no Foster care record OR
    • Foster Care record start date is after the Snapshot Date selected on the extract editor OR
    • Foster Care record End date is before the Snapshot Date selected on the extract editor.

Alphanumeric, 1 character, Y or N

Foster Care

Ethnic Flag

Indicates the student is identified as Hispanic/Latino.

Alphanumeric, 1 character, Y or N

Demographics > Hispanic/Latino



Race Code

Identifies the Race/Ethnicity of the student. 

Numeric, 2 digits

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity




Reports blank.


 EL Code

Indicates whether the student received EL services.

When the student's most recent EL record with an Identified Date on or before the Snapshot Date with a Program Status of EL (or Exited EL, when the Exit Date is on or after the Snapshot Date), reports as 1.

When the student's most recent EL Service has Parent Refusal marked and a Refusal Date on or between the selected calendar, reports as 2.

When the student's most recent EL record has a Program Status of Exited EL and the Exit Date is prior to the Snapshot Date but within 2 years, reports as 3.

Students who exited an EL within the past 4 years report 4.

Otherwise, reports blank. 

Numeric, 1 digit

English Learners (EL) > Program Status, Identified Date, Program Exit Date

Calculated, not dynamically stored



Reports blank.



IB Code

Indicates the student is enrolled in any courses marked as IB and/or has taken the IB exam. Options are:

  • 1: Enrolled in a course marked as IB
  • 2: Enrolled in a course marked as IB and has IB Exam marked
  • 3: Has IB Exam marked but is not enrolled in an IB course

Numeric, 1 digit

Calculated, not dynamically stored


Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Flag

Indicates the student is considered to be an Unaccompanied Homeless Youth.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Unaccompanied Homeless Youth



Special Ed Student Placement Code

The student's placement code in a special education program. 

Required for all Report Types. When Primary Disability is 15, reports blank.

Numeric, 2 digits

Special Ed Documents > Education Plan > Enrollment Status > Student Placement



Special Ed Student Regular Class Percent

The percent of the day that the special ed student spends in a regular class.

Required for all Report Types. When Primary Disability is 15, reports blank.

Numeric, 3 digits

Special Ed Documents > vaIEP > Enrollment Status > Regular Class Percent



Special Ed Primary Service Percent of Day

The percent of the day that the student receives services for the primary disability.

Required for all Report Types. When Primary Disability is 15, reports blank.

Numeric, 3 digits

Special Ed Documents > vaIEP > Enrollment Status > Sped Primary Percent of Day



Special Ed Secondary Disability Code

Identifies the additional disability determined by the eligibility committee. 

When Special Ed Secondary Disability Code is 15 (Section 504) or blank, Special Ed Secondary Disability Service Percent of Day (field 84), Special Ed Secondary Disability Serving Division (field 85), and Special Ed Secondary Disability Serving School (field 86) report blank.

Numeric, 2 digits

Special Ed Documents > vaIEP > Enrollment Status > Secondary Disability



Special Ed Secondary Service Percent of Day

The percent of the day that the student receives services for a secondary disability.

Numeric, 2 digits

Special Ed Documents > vaIEP > Sped Secondary Percent of Day



Special Ed Secondary Serving Division

The serving division of the secondary disability.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Special Ed Documents > vaIEP > Disability Division-School (secondary)



Special Ed Secondary Serving School

The serving school of the secondary disability.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Special Ed Documents > vaIEP > Disability Division-School (secondary)



Special Ed Third Disability Code

Identifies the additional disability determined by the eligibility committee. 

When Special Ed Third Disability Code is 15 (Section 504 or blank, Special Ed Third Disability Service Percent of Day (field 88), Special Ed Third Disability Serving Division (field 89), and Special Ed Third Disability Serving School (field 90) report blank.

Numeric, 2 digits

Special Ed Documents > vaIEP > Enrollment Status > Tertiary Disability



Special Ed Third Service Percent of Day

The percent of the day that the student receives services for a tertiary disability.

Numeric, 2 digits

Special Ed Documents > vaIEP > Sped Tertiary Percent of Day



Special Ed Third Serving Division

The serving division of the tertiary disability.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Special Ed Documents > vaIEP > Disability Division-School (tertiary)



Special Ed Third Serving School

The serving school of the tertiary disability.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Special Ed Documents > vaIEP > Disability Division-School (tertiary)



First Semester Special Ed Regional Tuition Reimbursement

The Special Ed Regional Tuition Reimbursement amount requested to be paid for the first semester. Reports from the enrollment active on the Snapshot Date.

Alphanumeric, 9 characters

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Semester 1 Tuition Reimbursement



Cambridge Program Code 

Identifies the student was enrolled in one or more Cambridge Programs. Currently reports as blank.

Numeric, 1 digit

Reports as blank


Special Ed Tuition Reimbursement Disability

The disability for which Regional Tuition Reimbursement is being claimed. Reports from the enrollment active on the Snapshot Date. The numeric value for the code selected on the enrollment record reports.

Numeric, 2 digits

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Sped Tuition Reimb Disability



Time in Regular Early Childhood Setting

Identifies whether the student spends 10 or more hours a week in a regular Early Childhood setting.

When 1: 10+ hours/wk in regular ed/SRC REPORTED is selected in the Education Environment field AND the Special Ed Student Placement Code is 17: Regular early childhood program, Y reports.

When 1: 10+ hours/wk in regular ed/SRC REPORTED is NOT selected in the Education Environment field, N reports.

When the Report Type is NOT December and the Report Required Field Only checkbox on the report editor is NOT marked, the logic from above applies.

When the Report Type IS December and the Special Ed Student Placement Code is NOT 17: Regular early childhood program, this field reports blank.

When the Report Type is NOT December and the Report Required Field Only checkbox on the report editor IS marked, this field reports blank.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Early Learning > Educational Environment



Special Ed Regular Early Childhood Setting

Identifies the student receives the majority of their special education and related services in a regular Early Childhood setting. Reports as Y when Student Placement is 17 in a locked Education Plan active on the Snapshot Date.

Alphanumeric, 1 character, Y or N

Special Ed Documents > Education Plan > Enrollment Status



Parentally Placed Students

Indicates the student was parentally placed. Reports Y for the Dec 1 Count when the locked IEP being reported has the Parentally Placed checkbox marked. When the checkbox is not marked on the IEP, N reports. 

All other Report Types report blank.

Alphanumeric, 1 character, Y or N

Reports default

97MOP Flag

Indicates the student is scheduled in a Course Section where the Online Course Override = MOP: Multi-Divisional Online Provider Program OR DL-MOP Distance Learning & MOP.


  • Reports in the Fall, Spring, and EOY reporting periods.
  • When Online Course Override is Null, this field reports from the Online Course and the Course editor.
  • Courses are considered when the student is scheduled from the first Instructional Day of school to the Snapshot Date of the report.
  • Otherwise, N reports.

Alphanumeric, Y or N

Section Information > Online Course (Override)


Reports blank.



Resident Division

The state-assigned division number where the student resides, reported for students in virtual schools/programs where the curriculum and delivery is provided by a MOP.

Numeric, 3 digits

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Resident Division



Second Semester Special Ed Regional Tuition Reimbursement

The Special Ed Regional Tuition Reimbursement amount requested to be paid for the second semester. Reports from the enrollment active on the Snapshot Date.

Decimal, 4 characters, N.NN

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Semester 2 Tuition Reimbursement



Summer Semester Special Ed Regional Tuition Reimbursement

The Special Ed Regional Tuition Reimbursement amount requested to be paid for the summer semester. Reports from the enrollment active on the Snapshot Date.

Decimal, 9 characters

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Summer Tuition Reimbursement



Military Compact Statue Flag

Indicates an underage student can attend Kindergarten in Virginia under the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children. Reports as Y when Military Compact Statue is marked and the student is enrolled in a grade level of KG.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Enrollments > Grade and State Reporting Fields > Military Compact Kindergarten Elig


103Reporting SchoolThe school where the student resides, attends or where the student's tuition is waived. Reports the Responsible Division-School value following the dash when the prefix is 888.

Numeric, 4 digits

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Responsible Division-School


104Uniform Certificate of General Studies/Associate Degree Flag
Indicates the student received a Certificate of General Studies or Associate Degree concurrent with a standard diploma. Reports as Y when checkbox is marked, otherwise as N.

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Graduation > Cert. of General Studies/Assoc. Degree

105Career Pathway CodeReports the Career Pathway code selected on the associated academic program as of the extract Effective Date.

Numeric, 4 digits
Academic Programs > VA Career Pathway
106Credit Accommodation Flag 

Credit Accommodation Flag is no longer collected and now reports blank.


107Military Connected Students Code

A state assigned code that identifies students who have a parent in the uniformed services.

  • 1 - Student is not military connected
  • 2 - Active Duty Forces (full time) Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard
  • 3 - Reserve; dependent of a Reserve Forces member (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard
  • 4 - National Guard; active or reserve

Numeric, 2 digits

Enrollment > Military Connected Code

108PK Funding Code

A state assigned code identifying the funding sources of public PK students including all PK students whose placement (public or private) is paid for with public funds.

  • 1 - Head Start
  • 3 - VPI
  • 4 - VPI+
  • 5 - Special Education Preschool 
  • 7 - Title 1
  • 8 - Local Funding for VPI Placement 
  • 10 - Local Funding for Other Public Preschool Program

Numeric, 2 digits

Enrollment > PK Funding Code



Reports blank.



Reports blank.



Reports blank.


112Aggregate Days Unscheduled

The total number of days for which the student is not scheduled in a course in an instructional period when the Day Detail is an Instructional day.

This field reports when when the Student Schedule Attendance (minutes of students schedule is used) is marked or the original Threshold attendance (threshold is Calendar > Whole Day Absent minutes) is used.

Campus counts from the enrollment start date to the enrollment end date or report generation Snapshot date, whichever comes first.


113Language Instruction Educational Program Code

A state-assigned code used to identify the Language Instruction Educational Program provided to English Learner students.

  • 2 Content Classes w/ESL support
  • 3 Newcomer Program
  • 4 Transitional Bilingual
  • 5 Dual Language/Two-way Immersion

Reports when there is a State Code associated with the service and the End Date is blank or after the report generation Snapshot Date.

When the student is not an English Learner or the EL Service Type is not assigned a State Service type, this element reports blank.

Numeric, 1 digit

EL Setup > EL Service Types > State Service Types

114Unexcused Absence - Truancy

Indicates the number of absences where the student's whereabouts are unknown and not supported by a parent.

This element only reports in the Fall, Spring and EOY reporting periods. All other reporting periods report blank.


Using the attendance records found in the Absent Days column (column 45), Campus counts the number of days for which the student has unexcused absences and the Attendance State Code ST associated with it. Student must be absent all day for a count of 1. Partial days are not included.

Campus also counts the absent days where the Attendance Code > State Code is associated with all of the student's instructional minutes on their schedule.

When the student has multiple records on the SRC, Campus counts the Unexcused Absence - Truancy associated with the enrollment record being reported.

Campus reports 000 when no attendance code is associated with state code for unexcused absences or when the Active Status code is N.


115Unexcused Absence - Locally Defined

Indicates the number of absences where the student's whereabouts are known or supported by the parent but administration or local policy still deems the absence unexcused.

This element only reports in the Fall, Spring and EOY reporting periods. All other reporting periods report blank.


Using the attendance records found in the Absent Days column (column 45), Campus counts the number of days for which the student has unexcused absences and the Status is and the Excuse Code is Unexcused or Unknown and no state code is ST. Student must be absent all day for a count of 1. Partial days are not included.

When the student has multiple records on the SRC, Campus counts the Unexcused Absence - Locally Defined associated with the enrollment record being reported.

Campus reports 000 when there are no locally defined unexcused absences or when the Active Status code is N.


116Attendance Plan Code 2019

When fields 14 Unexcused Absence Truancy and 115 Unexcused Absence Locally equal 5 or more absences when added together, this field reports a code that indicates whether a plan was jointly developed to resolve the student's nonattendance when the student accrues five unexcused absences for the year.

This data reports from the truancy record associated with the school year chosen in the Select School Year dropdown list.

This element only reports in the Fall, Spring and EOY reporting periods. All other reporting periods report blank.


117Attendance Conference Code 2019

When fields 14 Unexcused Absence Truancy and 115 Unexcused Absence Locally equal 5 or more absences when added together, this field indicates whether a conference was held, with or without a parent, within ten school days from the date of the tenth unexcused absence.

This data reports from the truancy record associated with the school year chosen in the Select School Year dropdown list.

This element only reports in the Fall, Spring and EOY reporting periods. All other reporting periods report blank.


When the student's unexcused absences are 10 or greater (field 114 + 115 = 10 or 10+), Campus checks the student's Truancy tool and reports the Attendance Conference Code for the record where the Truancy > Start Date and End Date range is within the enrollment dates reporting in field 10, Entry Date and field 11, Exit Withdraw Date.

When there is more than one record with an Attendance Conference Code with a start date within the entry and exit dates, the latest record reports.


118Court Referral Code 2019

When fields 14 Unexcused Absence Truancy and 115 Unexcused Absence Locally equal 5 or more absences when added together, this field indicates whether the student is making progress in improving attendance, or for circumstances in which the parent is intentionally non-compliant, the parent is referred to court; or for circumstances in which the student is resisting parental efforts to comply with compulsory attendance requirements, the student has been referred to court.

This data reports from the truancy record associated with the school year chosen in the Select School Year dropdown list.

This element only reports in the Fall, Spring and EOY reporting periods. All other reporting periods report blank.


When the student's unexcused absences are 10 or greater (field 114 + 115 = 10 or 10+), Campus checks the student's Truancy tool and reports the Court Referral/Complaint/Proceedings Code for the record where the Truancy > Start Date and End Date range is within the enrollment dates reporting in field 10, Entry Date and field 11, Exit Withdraw Date.

When there is more than one record with a Court Referral/Complaint/Proceedings Code with a start date within the entry and exit dates, the latest record reports.


119Early Intervening Services Flag (IA Part B)

Indicates whether the student received CEIS or CCEIS services at any point during the school year.

LogicReports Y when a Flag or Program code is CEIS, the End Date is blank, on, or within the Date Range selected during report generation, AND the Flag or Program is marked for State Reporting and Active. Otherwise, N reports.

This reports when the report type is EOY. Otherwise, this field reports as blank.

Alphanumeric, Y/N


The cumulative number of times that a student in a private school for students with disabilities was put into seclusion.

This element only reports in the EOY reporting period. All other reporting periods report blank.


The student's Serving Division (State Reporting fields) must have a left-leading 600.

Campus counts the number of Behavior referrals where Response type = S: Seclusion (Behavior > Admin > Response Types > Type = Seclusion) as of the Snapshot date of report generation.

All behavior responses where type = Seclusion are counted.

The Behavior event can be any event.

The Incident Status must be Submitted as of the Snapshot date of report generation to be counted.

When the student does not have serving division of 600 or there are no Seclusions this field reports blank.



The cumulative number of times that a student in a private school for students with disabilities was restrained.

This element only reports in the EOY reporting period. All other reporting periods report blank.


The student's Serving Division (State Reporting fields) must have a left-leading 600.

Campus counts the number of Behavior referrals where Response type = M: Mechanical Restraint or P: Physical as of Snapshot date of report generation.

All behavior responses where type = M: Mechanical Restraint or P: Physical Restraint are counted.

The Behavior event can be any event.

The Incident Status must be Submitted as of the Snapshot date of report generation to be counted.

When the student does not have serving division of 600 or there are no Restraints this field reports blank.


122Locally Awarded Verified Credits

The cumulative number of locally awarded verified credits earned by a student.

  • This field reports blank when there isn't a value to report.
  • A value only reports when the student's enrollment's End Status is W730 or W731.
  • When the student's enrollment end status does not equal W730 or W731, the field reports blank even when there is data to report.
  • The reporting logic considers the active enrollment as of reporting Snapshot Date or the student's most recent enrollment for the End Status = W730 or W731.
  • Values report in EOY and Summer only and when student's enrollment End Status = W730 or W731. Reports blank for all other reporting periods or when End Status does not = W730 or W731 # EOY and Summer.
  • The number of credits where Verified Credit Type Override = LV: Locally Verified on the student's Transcript tool are counted.
  • When more than a length of 1, for example 10 credits, 9 report.


Transcripts > Verified Credit Type Override = LV: Locally Verified

123Special Permission Locally Awarded Verified Credits

The cumulative number of special permission locally awarded verified credits earned by a student with disabilities.

  • This field reports blank when there isn't a value to report.
  • A value only reports when the student's enrollment's End Status is W730 or W731.
  • When the student's enrollment end status does not equal W730 or W731, the field reports blank even when there is data to report.
  • The reporting logic considers the active enrollment as of reporting Snapshot Date or the student's most recent enrollment for the End Status = W730 or W731.
  • Values reort in EOY and Summer onl and when the student's enrollment End Status = W730 or W731.
  • Reports blank for all other reporting periods or when End Status does not = W730 or W731 # EOY and Summer: 
  • Campus counts the number of credits where Verified Credit Type Override = SP: Special Permission Local, on the student's Transcript tool.
  • When more than a length of 1, for example 10 credits, 9 report.


Transcripts > Verified Credit Type Override = SP: Special Permission Local

124Credit Accommodation Codes

All credit accommodations that a student with disabilities used to earn credits required to graduate with a Standard Diploma.

  • This field reports blank when there isn't a value to report.
  • A value only reports when the student's enrollment's End Status is W730 or W731.
  • When the student's enrollment end status does not equal W730 or W731, the field reports blank even when there is data to report..
  • The reporting logic considers the active enrollment as of reporting Snapshot Date or the student's most recent enrollment for the End Status = W730 or W731.
  • Values report in EOY and Summer only.
  • Reports from the Credit Accommodation area on the Graduation tool. Multiple codes can report. 
    • Course Taught in Two Parts reports 1.
    • Expanded Score Range for Retake reports 2.
    • Subs for Economics/Finance reports 3.
    • Alt Assessment/VMAST reports 4
    • Computer Science sub for World Language reports 5.


125Intensive Support Services CodeA state assigned code which designates a program, through which students with Intensive Support Needs receive special education services and which allows the student to be claimed for reimbursement funds.

Spring Reporting

The Intensive Support Services field reports when

  • the Report Required Fields Only is selected, 
  • the Report Type is Spring, AND
  • the First Semester tuition field is populated.
    • When the First Semester field is blank, the Intensive Support Services field reports blank even when the Enrollment's Special Education field's Intensive Support field is populated.

When the reporting type is Spring and the Report Required Fields Only is NOT selected, the Intensive Support Services field reports even when the First Semester field is blank.

Dec 1 Reporting

The Summer Semester Special Ed Regional Tuition Reimbursement field (reported in Dec 1 only) reports the Intensive Support Services Code when

  • the Report Required Fields Only is selected,
  • the Report Type is Dec 1, AND
  • the Summer Semester Tuition field is populated. 

When the the Summer Semester Tuition field is blank, the Summer Semester Special Ed Regional Tuition Reimbursement field reports blank even when the Intensive Support Services field is populated. When the Report Required Fields only is NOT selected, the Intensive Support Services code reports even when the Summer Semester Tuition Reimbursement is blank.

EOY Reporting

The Second Semester Special Ed Regional Tuition Reimbursement field (reported in EOY only) reports the Intensive Support Services Code when 

  • the Report Required Fields Only checkbox is marked, AND
  • the Semester 2 Tuition Reimbursement field is populated. 

When the Second Semester Special Ed Regional Tuition Reimbursement field is blank, the Intensive Support Services Code reports blank even when the Enrollment SPED fields are populated. When the report type is EOY and the Report Required Fields only is NOT selected, the Intensive Support Services Code reports even when the Semester 2 Tuition Reimbursement field is blank.

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Intensive Support Code


Head Start Provider Code

The assigned code identifying the Head Start Provider.


Enrollments > State reporting fields > Head Start Provide


Regional Student Percent of Time

The overall percentage of time that the student spends throughout the school year in a regional or local center.


Enrollments > State reporting fields > Regional Student Percent of Time



Remote Instruction Percent of Time

The total percent of time from the first day of school through the as of date where the student received remote instruction.

Looks for blended learning groups in which the student is enrolled for the in-seat and distance learning minutes.

For date ranges where a student is not in a blended learning group, reports from the Digital Equity (DE) tool Remote Instruction Percent of Time textbox.

When there are multiple DE records within date range, the percentages are averaged.

When the Remote Instruction Percent of Time textbox is blank and the Parent remote Learning Decision = Y: Yes, this reports as 100%.

Reports 0 (zero) by default or when there is no DE record or the student is not in a blended learning group.

Numeric, 1 digit

Program Participation > Remote Instruction Percent of Time



Internet Access for Remote Learning

The state-assigned code which describes a student's most readily available internet access for remote learning.

  • 1: Internet access at home allows for live streaming, classroom instruction, real time interaction with teachers and classmates
  • 2: Internet access at home is available but too slow for live streaming or real time interaction
  • 5: No internet connection available
  • 7: No internet due to cost
  • 8: No internet due to availability

This only reports when there is a Digital Equity record that overlaps the Primary Enrollment dates. The Digital Equity record must be active as of the current school year.

Numeric, 1 digit

Digital Equity > Internet Access for Remote Learning



Device Access for Remote Learning

The state assigned code which describes a student's most readily available access to a device for remote learning.

  • 1: School Provided (desktop, laptop, Chromebook, tablet)
  • 2: Personal (desktop, laptop, Chromebook, tablet)
  • 3: Shared with family members (desktop, laptop, Chromebook, tablet)
  • 4: Smartphone only
  • 5: Any public device (library, community center, etc.)

This only reports when there is a Digital Equity record that overlaps the Primary Enrollment dates. The Digital Equity record must be active as of the current school year.

Numeric, 1 digit

Digital Equity > Device Access for Remote Learning


Parental Remote Learning Decision
The parent's decision regarding remote learning.
Options include: 
  • N: No, Not completely remote learning/some in-school
  • Y: Yes, Remote learning only/No in-person school

This only reports when there is a Digital Equity record that overlaps the Primary Enrollment dates. The Digital Equity record must be active as of the current school year.


Program Participation > Parental Remote Learning Decision


132SLIFE Status FlagThis field reports when the Report Type is Fall, Spring or EOY. Y reports when the El > SLIFE checkbox is marked and reports N when the checkbox is not marked.English Learners (EL) > EL > SLIFE

133Date of Entry into U.S. SchoolsThis field reports when the Report Type is Fall, Spring or EOY for all students and reports from Census > Demographics > Date Entered US School. When the date field is blank, this field reports the Start Date from the student's earliest enrollment.

This field ONLY reports when the SLIFE Status Flag (132) is marked Yes on the EL tool OR the Immigrant field on the State Reported Enrollments fields is marked Yes. Otherwise, this field reports as blank.
Demographics > Date Entered US School

134Hours of Flexible InstructionThe number of hours the student participated in a flexible instructional programs outside of the normal school day. This is typically in person with a licensed teacher using coursework that is similar to the regular classroom.

Reports as 0-999.

Numeric, 3 digits
Filler Fields

Reports blank.



Student's First Name

The legal first name of the student. Information reports from the Demographics tool unless the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked. When the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the extract editor information reports from Protected Identity Information. When the legal name fields are blank, name information reports from the Demographics tool.

Alphanumeric, 15 characters

Demographics > First Name


Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal First Name



Student's Middle Name

The legal middle name of the student. Information reports from the Demographics tool unless the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked. When the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the extract editor information reports from  Protected Identity Information. When the legal name fields are blank, name information reports from the Demographics tool.

Alphanumeric, 15 characters

Demographics > Middle Name


Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Middle Name



Student's Last Name

The legal last name of the student. Information reports from the Demographics tool unless the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked. When the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the extract editor information reports from Protected Identity Information. When the legal name fields are blank, name information reports from the Demographics tool.

Alphanumeric, 25 characters

Demographics > Last Name


Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name 


Previous Versions

Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia) [.2323 - .2335]
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia) [.2243 - .2319]
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia) [.2239]
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia) [.2215 - .2235]