Absence Request (Campus Parent)

The Absence Request tool is part of the Campus Workflow Suite.

Portal: Campus Parent > More > Absence Request

Parents and guardians can use the Absence Request tool to submit a request that informs the office in advance when their student is not going to be in school. After the request is processed, Campus creates an attendance record for the student.

What can I do?

Screenshot of Absence Requests tool in Campus Parent. A multi-day absence request is in the process of being created.Portal Absence Request Tool Example

Submit a New Absence Request

  1. Mark the student for whom you are submitting the absence request.
  2. Select the reason the student will be absent from the Excuse dropdown list.
  3. Select the Absence Type
    Absence TypeDescription
    Full Day AbsenceThis option allows you to submit a request for an entire day. You may request more than one day. Be sure to enter the dates in the First Day and Last Day fields.
    Screenshot of a full day absence request with the First Day and Last Day fields highlighted.
    Arrive LateIf you select the Arrive Late option, enter the time your student will arrive in the Arrival Time field.
    Arrival Time must be between 6 am and 6 pm. Parents can enter a time 5 minutes into the past. This allows for instances where a parent drops a student off and then remembers to enter an absence request for them.
    Screenshot of a late arrival absence request with the Arrival Time highlighted.
    Leave EarlyIf you select the Leave Early option, enter the time your student will leave in the Departure Time field.
    Departure Time must be between 6 am and 6 pm. Parents can enter a time 5 minutes into the past. This allows for instances where a parent drops a student off and then remembers to enter an absence request for them.
  4. Enter the date(s) for the absence.
  5. Upload any optional/required documents. Only one document is allowed per request and it will be attached to every student in the request.
  6. Enter Comments about the absence reason.

    Comments are limited to 100 characters.

  7. Click Submit when finished.

View Requests

To view all previously submitted absence requests for the student, click the View Requests button. The Current Requests displays details of existing requests and can be viewed by selecting the record.

Screenshot of Current requests.  Requests list in a table by student name, start date, end date, and status of the request.

Delete a Request

To delete an unprocessed absence request, click the request on the Current Requests screen then click the Delete Request button.

Screenshot showing details of an absence request, highlighting the Delete Request button .