Test Accommodations (California)

Tool Search: Test Accommodations

The Test Accommodations tab identifies the assessments for which the student requires special accommodations and modifications.

Screenshot of the Test Accommodations editor, located at Student Informaiton, General. Student Test Accommodations

Enter Test Accommodations Information

  1. Select the Calendar of enrollment from the dropdown list. If a school is selected in the toolbar, that school auto-populates in the Calendar field.
  2. Select the Assessment for which the accommodation applies. Use the scroll bar to locate the assessment, or begin typing the name of the assessment to find matching results. 
  3. Select the correct Test Setting from the dropdown list.
  4. Complete the Accommodations options as needed.
  5. Click the Save icon when finished.

Multiple accommodations can be entered for a student. This information reports on the CALPADS Student Test Settings Extract. 

Test Accommodations Fields and Descriptions



Required Entry

Indicates the enrollment for which the accommodation applies.


Required Entry

Indicates the assessment for which the student has the accommodation.


Only assessments marked Test Accommodations Eligible in the Test Setup tool will appear within this field.

Test Setting

Coded value representing an available setting through CAASPP tests.

Color Contract Type

Provides the student with a different color options for readability. This option is active only when the Test Setting Code is 118: Color Contrast Embedded

Print Size
Indicates the desired print size of the test.
Mouse Pointer Size and Color
Indicates the desired mouse pointer size and color.
Translated Glossary Language
Indicates the language used for the translated glossary.
Text-to-Speech Application
Indicates the student uses text to speech technology for Math assessments.
California Alternate Assessment Indicator
When marked, indicates whether the student has taken an alternate assessment.