Indiana Ed-Fi Scheduled Tasks

Tool Search: Task Scheduler

 Before creating/running tasks, a valid Ed-Fi Configuration must be set up. Please review the Ed-Fi Configuration article for more information.

Ed-Fi v3.x Attendance Resync Scheduled Task

The following section describes how to modify the Ed-Fi Attendance Resync scheduled task.

Image of the Scheduled Task List and the Scheduled Task Detail editor.Scheduled Task List and Scheduled Task Detail

This scheduled task only reports attendance on the day. In the example above, records as of 10/21/2022 are sent to the ODS at 1:00 a.m. on 10/22/2022

The scheduled task does not consider changes made to other days. Such changes should be made using the standard resync function. See the Resync (Ed-Fi) article for more information.

The example scheduled task above is for the 2022-2023 school year. The resync year portion of the query needs to be updated to modify the task for other Ed-Fi years.

For example, to resync the 2024-2025 school year, the query would be: 

x=edfi.EdFiService-                                                                             resyncData&resyncYear=2025&Attendance=resync&specialDate=yesterday

To modify the Ed-Fi Attendance Resync scheduled task for the Active Year: 

  1. Navigate to the Task Scheduler.
  2. Click Ed-Fi Attendance Resync.
  3. Click Prism URL call.
  4. Change the year to the current active End Year (If the active school year is 2024-2025, change the year in the query to 2025).
  5. Click Save.

    The Ed-Fi Attendance Resync Task is now set up to sync records in the active year.