Manage Blended Learning Groups Tool Rights

Staff use Manage Blended Learning Groups Tool Rights to backdate the start date of a learning group and redistribute students assigned to learning groups. Blended Learning tools give districts flexibility in offering instruction in person, virtually or in some combination of the two while being able to still take attendance and manage classroom information.

To learn how to use this tool, see the Manage Blended Learning Groups article.

Screenshot of Manage Blended Learning Groups tool.Scheduling & Courses > Build Schedules > Manage Blended Learning Groups

These related tools are used to create and manage Blended Learning Groups:

New Blended Learning Groups: Create and assign learning groups to students

Manage Blended Learning Groups: Allows backdating and redistribution of student assignments to blended learning groups

Adjust Blended Learning Groups: Assign students to groups and/or groups to days

Available Tool Rights

View current Blended Learning Groups listed in the tool
N/AManage backdating of and/or redistribution of students in Blended Learning GroupsN/A

Suggested User Groups

If your district uses Blended Learning, you may wish to create one or more separate Blended Learning user groups depending on the responsibilities of the staff members who will be using the tools. Depending on your situation, it may also be appropriate to add rights to these tools to the Schedulers User Group.

See User Groups and Suggested Roles for more information.