Course (SLDS) (Vermont)

Tool Search: VT SLDS Reports

The Course submission enhances Vermont's ability to efficiently and accurately manage, analyze, and use education data.

Screenshot of SLDS tool with extract type highlighted.Example 12 Course Extract Editor

Report Logic

  • All courses set up on or prior to the selected Effective Date report.
  • To report, the course must have an SCED code assigned to the course located in Scheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > NCES Data > NCES Code.

Report Editor

Submission Code for File NameThe report naming convention based on the submission time frame of the report.
Extract Type12 Course
Effective DateThe date from which data is pulled for the report. 
FormatDetermines the format for the report. Use State Submission when submitting the final data. Use HTML for data review and testing.
Select CalendarsThe calendar(s) from which data is pulled for the report. This option is only available when you select HTML for the File Format and can assist you with verifying data for individual calendars.

Generate Report

Submit to Batch

Users have the option of submitting the report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process allows larger reports to generate in the background without disrupting the use of Campus.

Report Layout

ElementLogicFormat and LengthCampus DatabaseCampus Location
ADMINIDThe VT AOE assigned unique identifier for the Supervisory Union/District that is submitting data.Alphanumeric, 6 charactersDistrict.numberSchool & District Settings > District > District Information > District Detail > State District Number
POSIDThe VT AOE assigned unique identifier for the organization representing the "Place of Service" where the staff person is performing a role.Alphanumeric, 6 charactersSchool.numberCensus > Staff > District Assignments  > Teacher AND Census > Staff > District Assignment > District Assignment > School
LOCALCOURSEIDA unique identifier assigned by the school to each of their courses offered in a school year.Alphanumeric, 55 charactersCourse.numberScheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > Course Editor > Number
COURSECODEA code indicating the federal School Codes for the Exchange of Data (SCED) code identifier of a course including the subject area.Alphanumeric, 5 characters




Scheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information  Course Editor > NCES Data > NCES Code
COURSENAMEThe school assigned name of the course being taught.Alphanumeric, 255 charactersCourse.nameScheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information  > Course Editor > Name

A set of codes that identify an additional course category that is different from the CourseCode reported above.


This field stores multiple code sets which are separated by "|" (pipes).

Alphanumeric, 30charactersCourse.abbreviationScheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information Course/Section > Course Information > Additional Category

The school year for which data is being submitted.

Numeric, 4 digits