Student Reported in Error (FX) (Ohio Extracts)

Tool Search: OH Extracts

The Student Reported in Error (FX) Extract is reported for a student who has previously been reported in error for the current school year. 

Screenshot of the Ohio Student Reported in Error (FX) Extract EditorOhio Student Reported in Error (FX) Extract Editor

Reporting Population and Business Rules

Rule NumberBusiness Requirement

Reports an FX record for the student's enrollment when the following are true:

  1. Student enrollment has:
    1. Start Date <= extract End Date
    2. End Date is null or >= extract Start Date
    3. State Exclude = checked
    4. No Show NOT = checked
    5. End Status = 81
R2Student must have a Student State ID
  • Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID
R3The report can be run against a district’s active year as well as any prior year. 
R4The report can be run in District Editions.
R5The report is generated in XML and CSV formats as well as a human-readable format (HTML). XML format is the State Format.
R6CSV and Fixed Width Filename: StudentReportedinErrorFX

Extract Editor Fields



Extract Type

Reporting Period

Indicates when the report is being submitted.

A- Assessment
A - All Grades
C - Calendar
G - Graduate
H - Financial
L - Staff/Course
S - Student (S is the Default Value)

Date Range

Start Date/End Date


The format in which the report will generate. Options are: 

  • State Format (Fixed width), 
  • HTML
  • CSV 

Ad Hoc Filter

Calendar Selector

  1. Defaults to the Calendar selected in the Campus Toolbar
  2. At least one calendar is Required
Generate ExtractPress the Generate Extract button to trigger the creation of the extract.
Submit Batch to QueuePressing this button sends the extract to the Batch Queue.

Generating the Extract

  1. Select the Student Reported in Error (FX) Extract Type.
  2. Select the Reporting Period.
  3. Enter a Date Range in mmddyyyy format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date.
  4. Select the Format in which the report should generate.
  5. Select an Ad hoc Filter to specify student results.
  6. Select the Calendar(s) that should be included in the report.
  7. Click Generate Extract to generate the report in the indicated format or Submit to Batch to schedule when the report will generate. If generating multiple extracts at a time, requests can only be submitted to the Batch Queue.

Users have the option of submitting a Student Reported in Error report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process allows larger reports to generate in the background, without disrupting the use of Campus. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article.

Extract Layout

Element Name

Description & Format

Campus Location


Reports null

Sort Type

Always reports FX


Reports null


Reports the End Year of the calendar(s) selected on the extract editor. (e.g., 2020 (CCYY))

Data Set

Reports the code selected in the Reporting Period field on the extract editor.
S-Student is the valid selection 

District IRN

The state-assigned information retrieval number (IRN) of the district.

  1. When (System Admin > Resources > School > School Detail > District IRN Override) NOT = null, reports the value entered into the District IRN Override field.
  2. When District IRN Override = null, reports entry in (System Admin > Resources > District Information > District Info > State District Number).

State Student ID

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > State ID


















