WISEid Extract

Tool Search: WISEid Extracts

The WISEid Extracts tool provides a way to extract state IDs to upload to the state's new state ID system (WISEid). This can be used for both students and staff. Results of the report depend on the selected Extract Type.

The extracted data displays personal identifying information including legal names for both students and staff.

Screenshot of WISEid ExtractWISEid Extract

Report Logic

Students who have enrollment records marked as state exclude ARE NOT included in the extract. Students who are enrolled in calendars marked as state exclude, or enrolled in grade levels marked as state exclude, or enrollments marked as No Show DO report for any selected extract type.

Student population depends on the selected Extract type.

Extract TypePopulation

Reports students who have an active enrollment that is not marked as state exclude (enrollment record does not have an end date) within the dates entered on the editor for the selected calendar.

Students marked as No Show do not report.


Reports staff who have an active district employment record.

If a date range is entered, only those staff who have a district employment record within the entered dates are returned.

Parent Identification Logic

The Extract Types related to student data include parent information. This report uses the following logic:

  1. A person is found who has the Guardian checkbox marked and the relationship is NOT ended as of the effective date of the extract. This reports first from the Primary Household relationships, then from Secondary Household Relationships, then from Non-Household Relationships.
  2. If multiple guardians exist in the same household as the student, the person with the lowest personID reports as Parent 1; the person with the second lowest personID reports as Parent 2.
  3. If only one person is marked as guardian in the same household as the student, that person reports as Parent 1. The secondary and non-household relationships are reviewed for any other person marked as guardian, and if found, that person reports as Parent 2. Otherwise, the Parent 2 fields report blank.
  4. The most recent identity information for Parent 1 and Parent 2 reports.

Report Editor

Student Extract

Extract TypeSelection indicates the extract for which IDs are being generated. It also determines the report population and date logic. Select Student.
Effective Date

These fields are required in order to generate the report. Dates can be entered in mmddyy format, or use the calendar icon to select a date.

This date is used to find active students (no end date on enrollment record, actively enrolled as of the entered date).

People without State ID OnlyWhen marked, only students who do not have an existing ID are included, as long as those students meet other reporting requirements.
Use Legal Identities Where Provided? When marked, the person's legal name/gender is used when provided.

Student Selection

Select students to include on the report by choosing either a Grade level of enrollment for the students or an Ad hoc Filter.

  • To include students in all grade levels, choose All Students in the Grade Level options.
  • Selecting an existing ad hoc filter reports only those students or courses included in those filters, if they meet the reporting requirements of the report.

These options only display when the Extract Type is set to Student.

FormatThe extract can be generated in either CSV or HTML. Use the CSV option when uploading the data to the state system.
Calendar Selection

At least one calendar needs to be selected in order to generate the extract. Multiple calendars can be chosen by using the CTRL and SHIFT keys. It is advised that not all calendars be chosen at once due to the amount of data that is returned in the extracts.

Calendars can be selected by active year, by school or by year.

This option only displays when the Extract Type is set to Student.

Report GenerationUse the Generate Extract button to immediately display the results of the selected extract type/period. For a larger data set, use the Submit to Batch button. This allows the selection of a specific time in which the extract generates (after school hours). See the Batch Queue article for more information.

Staff Extract

Extract TypeSelection indicates the extract for which IDs are being generated. It also determines the report population and date logic. Select Staff.
Effective Date

These fields are required in order to generate the report. Dates can be entered in mmddyy format, or use the calendar icon to select a date.

This date is used to find active staff (no end date on employment record, actively employed as of the entered date).

People without State ID OnlyWhen marked, only staffs who do not have an existing ID are included, as long as those students meet other reporting requirements.
Use Legal Identities Where Provided? When marked, the person's legal name/gender is used when provided.
FormatThe extract can be generated in either CSV or HTML. Use the CSV option when uploading the data to the state system.
Calendar Selection

At least one calendar needs to be selected in order to generate the extract. Multiple calendars can be chosen by using the CTRL and SHIFT keys. It is advised that not all calendars be chosen at once due to the amount of data that is returned in the extracts.

Calendars can be selected by active year, by school or by year.

This option only displays when the Extract Type is set to Student.

Report GenerationUse the Generate Extract button to immediately display the results of the selected extract type/period. For a larger data set, use the Submit to Batch button. This allows the selection of a specific time in which the extract generates (after school hours). See the Batch Queue article for more information.

Generate the WISEid Student Extract

  1. Select the Student Extract Type from the dropdown list.
  2. Enter the Effective Date from which to report data.
  3. If desired, mark the People w/o State ID Only checkbox.
  4. If desired, mark the Use Legal Identities Where Provided? checkbox.
  5. Select the students to include in the report by choosing either a Grade level or an Ad hoc Filter.
  6. Determine how UIDs should display, selecting the appropriate radio button.
  7. Select the Format of the extract.
  8. Select the Calendars to include in the report.
  9. Click the Generate Extract button to display the report immediately, or use the Submit to Batch button to determine when the report should generate. The report displays in the selected format.

Screenshot of WISEid Extract Student Type in HTML FormatWISEid Extract Student Type - HTML Format  

Generate the WISEid Staff Extract

  1. Select the Staff Extract Type dropdown list.
  2. Enter the Effective Date from which to report data.
  3. If desired, mark the People w/o State ID Only checkbox.
  4. If desired, mark the Use Legal Identities Where Provided? checkbox.
  5. Determine how UIDs should display, selecting the appropriate radio button.
  6. Select the Format of the extract.
  7. Click the Generate Extract button to display the report immediately, or use the Submit to Batch button to determine when the report should generate. The report displays in the selected format.

Screenshot of WISEid Extract Staff in CSV Format.WISEid Extract Staff - CSV Format  

Extract Layout

Data ElementDescriptionLocation

Permanent identifier for students/staff in the education system.

This field reports the state ID for students and staff.

Numeric, 10 digits

Identities > Student State ID, Staff State ID



Local Person IDReports the unique Local Number for students or staff.

Numeric, 50 digits

Last Name

Reports the student's or staff person's legal last name from the current identity record.

  • If the 'Use Legal Identities Where Provided?' is checked on the extract editor:
    • Reports the Legal Last Name from the Protected Identity Information fields..
    • If all legal name fields are blank, then reports from the Last Name field.
  • If the 'Use Legal Identities Where Provided?' is NOT checked on the extract editor:
    • Reports from the Last Name field.
  • Only allowable characters report (A-Z, hyphens, apostrophes, periods, spaces). If special characters are used, the accented character is removed with the equivalent non-accented character.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Identities > Legal Last Name


 Identities > Last Name


First Name

Reports the student's or staff person's legal first name from the current identity record.

  • If the 'Use Legal Identities Where Provided?' is checked on the extract editor:
    • Reports the Legal First Name from the Protected Identity Information fields.
    • If all legal name fields are blank, then reports from the First Name field.
  • If the 'Use Legal Identities Where Provided?' is NOT checked on the extract editor:
    • Reports from the First Name field.
  • Only allowable characters report (A-Z, hyphens, apostrophes, periods, spaces). If special characters are used, the accented character is removed with the equivalent non-accented character.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Identities > Legal First Name


Identities > First Name


Middle Name

Reports the student's or staff person's legal middle name from the current identity record.

  • If the 'Use Legal Identities Where Provided?' is checked on the extract editor:
    • Reports the Legal Middle Name from the Protected Identity Information fields.
    • If all legal name fields are blank, then reports from the Middle Name field.
      • If the Middle Name field is blank, then reports blank.
  • If the 'Use Legal Identities Where Provided?' is NOT checked on the extract editor:
    • Reports from the Middle Name field.
      • If the Middle Name field is blank, then reports blank.
  • Only allowable characters report (A-Z, hyphens, apostrophes, periods, spaces). If special characters are used, the accented character is removed with the equivalent non-accented character.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Identities > Legal Middle Name


Identities > Middle Name



Reports the student's or staff person's legal suffix from the current identity record.

  • If the 'Use Legal Identities Where Provided?' is checked on the extract editor:
    • Reports the Legal Suffix from the Protected Identity Information fields.
    • If all legal name fields are blank, then reports from the Suffix field.
      • If the Suffix field is blank, then reports blank.
  • If the 'Use Legal Identities Where Provided?' is NOT checked on the extract editor:
    • Reports from the Suffix field.
      • If the Suffix field is blank, then reports blank.
  • Only allowable characters report (A-Z, hyphens, apostrophes, periods, spaces).

Alphanumeric, 15 characters

 Identities > Legal Suffix


Identities > Suffix


Birth DateReports the student's or staff person's entered birth date from the current identity record.

Date field, 10 characters (mm/dd/yyyy)

Identities > Birth Date

Gender IDReport from the current identity record:
  • If the 'Use Legal Identities Where Provided?' is checked on the extract editor:
    • Reports the Legal Gender from the Protected Identity Information fields based on the value selected:
      1. Female, report 'F'.
      2. Male, report 'M'.
    • If the Legal Gender field is blank, then reports from the Gender field with the following values:
      1. Female, report 'F'.
      2. Male, report 'M'.
      3. Non-binary, report 'X'.
  • If the 'Use Legal Identities Where Provided?' is NOT checked on the extract editor:
    • Reports the from the Gender field with the following values:
      1. Female, report 'F'.
      2. Male, report 'M'.
      3. Non-binary, report 'X'.
Alphabetic, 1 character

Identities > Gender


Race Key

A code corresponding to the racial/ethnic group or groups with which the person identifies.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Identities > Race/Ethnicity

Other Name Last Name

A former last name a person may have had from the most recent previous identity record.

  • If there is a legal name, information reports from the most recent identity.
  • Only allowable characters report (A-Z, hyphens, apostrophes, periods, spaces). If special characters are used, the accented character is removed with the equivalent non-accented character.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Identities > Last Name

Other Name First Name

A former first name a person may have had from the most recent previous identity record.

  • If there is a legal name, information reports from the most recent identity.
  • Only allowable characters report (A-Z, hyphens, apostrophes, periods, spaces). If special characters are used, the accented character is removed with the equivalent non-accented character.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Identities > First Name

Other Name Middle Name

A former middle name a person may have had from the most recent previous identity record.

  • If there is a legal name, information reports from the most recent identity.
  • Only allowable characters report (A-Z, hyphens, apostrophes, periods, spaces). If special characters are used, the accented character is removed with the equivalent non-accented character.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Identities > Middle Name

Other Name Suffix

A former suffix name a person may have had from the most recent previous identity record.

  • If there is a legal name, information reports from the most recent identity.
  • Only allowable characters report (A-Z, hyphens, apostrophes, periods, spaces)

Alphanumeric, 15 characters

Identities > Suffix

WISEsecure Role

Indicates a person's WISEsecure role, which is connected to the Local Person ID and Email. Reports the selected value.

  • 01 - None
  • 02 - Educational Support
  • 03 - Teacher
  • 04 - Principal/Designee
  • 05 - Special Ed Director/Designee

This field reports a value of Student for students.

Access to update this field requires a WISEstaff Agency Staff Admin security role in addition to a WISEid role with create/edit ability.

When the Extract Type is Staff and Campus HR is enabled, the name from the WISEstaff Position Code on the Work Assignment Detail editor reports. 

When the Extract Type is Staff and Campus HR is NOT enabled, the name of the WISEsecure Role on the District Employment editor reports. 

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

District Employment > WISE Secure Role

Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > Work 


Assignment > Position Code/Description

HRPositionCode.wiseStaff PositionCode

Email Address

Reports the email address of the individual and is used for the upcoming WISEsecure system to authorize access to DPI systems.

The email address is connected to each unique combination of a WISEid, Local Person ID and Local Person ID Key Type per agency. 

Each unique email can only be associated to one WISEid record, although the same WISEid can have the same email applied to multiple Local Person IDs.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Demographics > Person Contact Information

Multiple Birth Indicator

Indicates if a person was part of a set from the same birth (twins, triplets, etc,).

  • Reports a value of Y when the Multiple Birth Order field is marked on the most recent Identity record.
  • Reports a value of N when the Multiple Birth Order field is not marked on the most recent Identity record.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)


The following fields only report for the Student based extracts. These fields DO NOT report a value when generating the Staff Extract Type. 
Born Outside US

Required if the Local Person ID Key Type is for a student. 

Reports the value from the most recent identity selected in the Birth Country field on the Identities tab.

  • If the answer to "Was this person born outside of the United States or Puerto Rico?" is Yes, reports a value of Y.
  • If the answer to "Was this person born outside of the United States or Puerto Rico?" is No, reports a value of N. 

If the Birth Country field is US: United States of America or PR: Puerto Rico or is not populated, reports a value of N. For all other selections, reports a value of Y. 

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Identities > Birth Country

Birth City

Reports the value from the most recent identity entered into the Birth City field on the Identities tab for students.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Identities >  Birth City

Birth StateReports the selected value from the Birth State field from the most recent identity record.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters
 Identities > Birth State

Birth CountyReports the selected value from the Birth County field from the most recent identity record.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters
Identities > Birth County

Birth CountryReports the selected value from the Birth Country field. from the most recent identity record.

Alphanumeric, 60 characters
Identities >  Birth Country

Entity ID

DPI-assigned educator file identification number.

Reports blank. 

Numeric, 10 digits

Local Person ID KeyReports Student when the report population includes students; reports Staff when the report population includes staff.

Numeric, 10 digits
Parent 1 TypeReports a value of G (Guardian) when the report population is for students.

Alphabetic, 1 character
Parent 1 Last Name

Reports the guardian's last name of the student where the Guardian checkbox is marked and the Relationship is not ended. See the Parent Identification Logic for more information.

Only allowable characters report (A-Z, hyphens, apostrophes, periods, spaces). If special characters are used, the accented character is removed with the equivalent non-accented character.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Identity > Last Name


Relationships > Guardian

Identity > Person ID

Parent 1 First Name

Reports the guardian's first name of the student where the Guardian checkbox is marked and the Relationship is not ended. See the Parent Identification Logic for more information.

Only allowable characters report (A-Z, hyphens, apostrophes, periods, spaces). If special characters are used, the accented character is removed with the equivalent non-accented character.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Identity > First Name


Relationships > Guardian

Identity > Person ID

Parent 1 Middle Name

Reports the guardian's middle name of the student where the Guardian checkbox is marked and the Relationship is not ended. See the Parent Identification Logic for more information.

Only allowable characters report (A-Z, hyphens, apostrophes, periods, spaces). If special characters are used, the accented character is removed with the equivalent non-accented character.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Identities > Middle Name


Relationships > Guardian

Identities > Person ID

Parent 1 Name SuffixReports the guardian's suffix of the student where the Guardian checkbox is marked and the Relationship is not ended. See the Parent Identification Logic for more information.

Alphanumeric, 15 characters

Identities >  Suffix


Relationships > Guardian

Identities > Person ID

Parent 2 Type

Reports a value of G (Guardian) when the report population is for students.

If there is no second person marked as guardian for the student, this field reports blank.

Alphabetic, 1 character

Parent 2 Last Name

Reports the guardian's last name of the student where the Guardian checkbox is marked and the Relationship is not ended. See the Parent Identification Logic for more information.

Only allowable characters report (A-Z, hyphens, apostrophes, periods, spaces). If special characters are used, the accented character is removed with the equivalent non-accented character.

If there is no second person marked as guardian for the student, this field reports blank.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Identities > Last Name


Relationships > Guardian

Identities > Person ID

Parent 2 First Name

Reports the guardian's first name of the student where the Guardian checkbox is marked and the Relationship is not ended. See the Parent Identification Logic for more information.

Only allowable characters report (A-Z, hyphens, apostrophes, periods, spaces). If special characters are used, the accented character is removed with the equivalent non-accented character.

If there is no second person marked as guardian for the student, this field reports blank.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Identities > First Name


 Relationships > Guardian

Identities > Person ID

Parent 2 Middle Name

Reports the guardian's middle name of the student where the Guardian checkbox is marked and the Relationship is not ended. See the Parent Identification Logic for more information.

Only allowable characters report (A-Z, hyphens, apostrophes, periods, spaces). If special characters are used, the accented character is removed with the equivalent non-accented character.

If there is no second person marked as guardian for the student, this field reports blank.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Identities  >Middle Name


Relationships > Guardian

Identities > Person ID

Parent 2 Name Suffix

Reports the guardian's suffix of the student where the Guardian checkbox is marked and the Relationship is not ended. See the Parent Identification Logic for more information.

If there is no second person marked as guardian for the student, this field reports blank.

Alphanumeric, 15 characters

Identities  > Suffix


Relationships > Guardian

Identities  > Person ID