SMART SID Management Extract (New Jersey)

Tool Search: SMART Extracts

The SMART SID (Student Identifiers) Management Extract collects basic student demographic information as well as Resident, Receiving, and Attending school information.

Screenshot of the SMART SID Management  editor.SMART SID Management Extract

Report Logic

The extract reports a record for each student who:

  • Has an active enrollment at any point within the Start and End Dates entered on the extract editor. 
  • Is NOT marked as 'No Show'.

The extract filters and reports students based on the State Exclude option selected on the extract editor:

  • Exclude State Exclude Enrollments (default)
  • Include State Exclude Enrollments
  • Only State Exclude Enrollments

The State Exclude selection on the extract editor affects the output.

  • Any enrollment with State Exclude checked is not used in consolidation when 'Exclude State Exclude Enrollments' is selected on the extract editor.
  • Enrollments in calendars marked 'Exclude' do not report.
  • Enrollments with a grade that is grade-level excluded do not report.
  • Enrollments marked 'No Show' do not report.

The report consolidates each of a student's enrollments into a single record when the enrollments match the following fields:

  • Local Identification Number
  • State Identification Number
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Date of Birth
  • School Entry Date
  • County Code Attending
  • District Code Attending
  • School Code Attending

When enrollment records are consolidated:

  • Attendance Data is combined from all enrollments (active or Inactive) for distinct days.
  • Remote Days Present
  • Remote Days Absent
  • Number of Days Present
  • Number of Days Absent
  • Number of State Excused Absences
  • Fields pulling from the enrollment for consolidated enrollment records must report based on the following hierarchy:
  1. Primary enrollment
  2. Most recent (or blank) End Date
  3. Most recent Start Date
  4. Highest enrollmentID

State Program data reports from the most current program when there are multiple program entries for the selected calendar.

Non-Binary Gender Reporting

Schools can assign students a gender of M: Male, F: Female or X: Non-binary. This is done on the Identities and/or the Demographics tools. While New Jersey accepts a non-binary gender for state reporting, federal reporting standards do not. Keep this in mind for any federal reporting pulled from Infinite Campus data.

State Reporting Extracts use the Legal Gender field included in the Protected Identity Information to report student identity information.

To properly record a gender of X:Non-Binary on the Identities tab:

  1. Assign the Gender of X:Non-Binary in the standard identify fields.
  2. Assign the Protected Identity Information Legal Gender field to either M: Male or F: Female.
  3. Save the record when finished.

Gender and Legal Gender Assignment

Report Editor



Extract Type

Selection determines which extract generates.

  • SMART SID Management

Attendance Data Validation tools are available to review student attendance data prior to generating the extract. Two options are available:

  • SMART SID Management Attendance Period Details - generates a list of attendance data for each student in a seven-day range (start and end date must be no more than a range of 7 days) for each period of the day, and includes a total number of present and absent minutes for both in classroom attendance and virtual attendance.
  • SMART SID Management Attendance Day Details - generates a list of attendance data for each student for each day in a 31-day range (start and end date must be no more than a range of 31 days) and includes a total number of present and absent minutes for both in classroom attendance and virtual attendance. 

Reporting Period Start Date

The entered date determines the time frame of the extract, which reports only student data as of that date. Dates are entered in mmddyy format or can be chosen using the calendar icon.

Reporting Period End Date

The entered date determines the time frame of the extract, reporting only that student data as of that date. Dates are entered in mmddyy format or can be chosen by using the calendar icon. The end date field is auto-populated with the current date.

Fall Snapshot

When marked, attendance data for inactive and active students reports.

Students without state IDs

When marked, students who have not been assigned a state ID will be returned, along with those who do have a state ID.

Use Enrollment ProgramsProgram participation records are reported when the checkbox is NOT selected (the default). When the checkbox is marked, program fields on the enrollment record are considered.
See the reporting logic for the following programs in the report layout below.
  • Alternative Education Program
  • Gifted and Talented
  • Migrant Status
  • Titltle I Indicator
Exclude Cross-Site DataCross-site enrollment functionality must be enabled at the district level for the checkbox to display.

Cross-site section enrollment data is not included in the report when checked.
  • Defaults to checked.
State ExcludeDroplist options include:
  • Exclude State Exclude Enrollments (default)
  • Include State Exclude Enrollments
  • Only State Exclude Enrollments

Ad Hoc Filter

When selected, only those students in the filter will be included in the selected SMART extract.


Indicates how the report generates:
  • HTML
  • CSV format (state format)

Calendar Selection

Selection indicates from where the data is pulled.

Generate Report

Generate the results immediately in the selected format.

Submit to BatchSends the extract to the Batch Queue. Batch Queue functionality allows you to schedule when the report is generated and reduces the impact of generating the report on system performance. 

SMART SID Management Extract

Generate the Extract

  1. Select SMART SID Management from the Extract Type dropdown list.
  2. Enter a Reporting Period Start Date.
  3. Enter a Reporting Period End Date.
  4. Mark the Student w/o stateIDs if those students should not appear in the report.
  5. Select the checkbox if you want data to be considered from Enrollment Programs instead of the student's program participation records. 
  6. Determine if the Cross-Site Data should be included (Cross-site enrollment functionality must be enabled at the district level for the checkbox to display).
  7. Indicate the Format in which the report should generate.
  8. Click the Generate Extract button to generate the report in the desired format. Alternatively, use the Submit to Batch button (if applicable) to choose when the extract is generated.

Image of the SMART SID Management report in CSV format.SMART SID Management - State Format  

Screenshot of the SMART SID Management in HTML format.SMART SID Management - HTML Format  

SID Management Extract Layout

Click here to expand...

Data ElementDescriptionLocation

Local Identification Number

The number assigned and maintained by the local school district that is unique for each student.

Numeric, 6 digits

Demographics > Student Number


State Identification Number

The number assigned and maintained by the New Jersey Department of Education that is unique for each student.

Numeric, 10 digits

Demographics > State ID


First Name

The legal first name of the student.

Alphanumeric, 35 characters

Demographics > First Name


Middle Name

The legal middle name of the student.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Demographics > Middle Name


Last Name

The legal last name of the student.

Alphanumeric, 40 characters

Demographics > Last Name



The suffix attached to the student's name, such as Jr or III.

This report does not include periods. If an option in Census contains a period, it will be stripped out when the report is generated.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Demographics > Suffix



The gender of the student.

See the Non-Binary Gender Reporting section for more information.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (M or F)

Demographics > Gender

Identity. gender

Date of Birth

The date of birth of the student.

Date field, 8 digits (YYYYMMDD)

Demographics > Birthdate


City of Birth

The name of the city in which the student was born.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Demographics > City of Birth


State of Birth

The abbreviation of the state in which the student was born.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Demographics > State of Birth


Country of Birth

The code representing the country in which the student was born.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Demographics > Country of Birth



Indicates whether the student is considered to be Hispanic/Latino

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Demographics > Is this person Hispanic/Latino?


American Indian Race

Indicates if the student's race/ethnicity is American Indian or Alaska Native.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Demographics > Person Information > Race/Ethnicity


Asian Race

Indicates if the student's race/ethnicity is Asian.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Demographics > Person Information > Race/Ethnicity


Black Race

Indicates if the student's race/ethnicity is Black or African American.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Demographics > Person Information > Race/Ethnicity


Pacific Race

Indicates if the student's race/ethnicity is Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Demographics > Person Information > Race/Ethnicity


White Race

Indicates if the student's race/ethnicity is White.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Demographics > Person Information > Race/Ethnicity


District Status

The student's current enrollment status as of the snapshot date. 

  • A value of A: Active reports when the Enrollment End Date is AFTER o the same as the End Date entered on the Report Editor.
  • A value of I: Inactive reports when the Enrollment End Date is BEFORE the End Date entered on the Report Editor. 

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Enrollments > Start Date/End Date


Enrollment Type

Percentage of the school day a student is in attendance at the school listed as the Attending School.

The default value for this field is F. A value of S reports when the Shared Time checkbox is marked.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (F or S)

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Shared Time


Resident County

The New Jersey county in which the student resides.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Resident County


Resident District

The district in which the student resides. If no selection is made, the default value reports.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Resident District


Resident School

The unique school code the student would attend based on the permanent or other home address.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Resident School


District Entry Date

The date on which the student enrolled in the district.

Date field, 8 digits (YYYYMMDD)

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > District Entry Date


County Code Receiving

The code of the county in which the student is received in a sending/receiving relationship.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Receiving County


District Code Receiving

The code of the student's receiving district in a sending/receiving relationship. If no value is selected, the default value reports.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Receiving District


School Code Receiving

The code of the receiving school of the student in a sending/receiving relationship.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Receiving School


Attending County

The code of the county in which the student is attending school.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Attending County


Attending District

The code of the district in which the student is attending school. If no value is selected, the default value reports.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Attending District


Attending School

The code of the school the student is attending.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Attending School


Year of Graduation

The projected year of the student's high school graduation.

Date field, 4 digits (YYYY)

Graduation > State Reporting Graduation Fields > Projected Graduation Year


School Entry Date

The date on which the student enrolled in the attending school.

Date field, 8 digits (YYYYMMDD)

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > School Entry Date


School Exit Date

The date of the first day after the date of a student's last attendance at a school. This field is required for inactive students and reports the exit date if it is within the reporting window.

For active students, this field reports blank.

Date field, 8 digits (YYYYMMDD)

Enrollments > End Date


Withdrawal Code

The type of exit/withdrawal of a student from a school. Reports if the student's Exit Date is within the reporting period.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Enrollments > End Status


Tuition Code

The indicator of the source of payment for a non-resident student.

Numeric, 2 digits

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Tuition Code


Free/Reduced Rate Lunch Status

Indicates if the student is enrolled in the national school lunch program.

  1. Reports 'S' when State Qualified as Free checkbox is marked. 
  2. Otherwise, reports the eligibility code entered in the FRAM Eligibility Detail. 

Eligibility code is based on Start/End Dates from Eligibility Detail to Effective Date on the Report Editor.

  • N = Default
  • F = Enrolled in free lunch.
  • R = Enrolled in reduced rate lunch.
  • S =  Student is not eligible at the Federal level, but State qualified as Free.

Alphanumeric, 1 character 

FRAM > Eligibility Detail > Eligibility

Grade Level

The grade level of the student's enrollment

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Enrollments > Grade


Program Type Code

The primary program of instruction for the student. 

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Program Type



Indicates if the student is repeating the current grade level.

  • Report Y when a student's previous year's last enrollment's End Action is R: Retained.
  • Report N when the last enrollment from last year's End Action field is blank, D: Demote, or P: Promote, even if the student has the same grade level as last year's enrollment, or if there is no previous enrollment.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Enrollments > General Enrollment Editor > Retained


Special Education Classification

The outcome of an eligibility assessment for special education and related services. This field reports a null value unless a primary disability code is selected.

Numeric, 2 digits

Special Ed > State Reporting > State Reporting Details > Primary Disability


Declassification SPED DateThe year, month, and day on which the student is no longer considered eligible as a student with a disability according to N.J.A.C. 6A: 14-3.5(c) or 3.6(a).

Reports the date entered when Special Ed Exit Date is NOT = null and <= extract editor End Date.

Otherwise, reports null.

Date field, 8 digits (YYYYMMDD)
Special Ed > State Reporting >State Reporting Details > Special Ed Exit Date



Indication that the student has undergone the Multilingual Learner (ML) identification process and whether, on the submission snapshot date, the student was eligible or ineligible for placement in a language instruction educational program (LIEP).

This field captures the result of the ML identification process as set forth in N.J.A.C. 6A-15, which includes three steps for students in grades K through 12: 1) the Home Language Survey, 2) a Records Review and 3) an English Language Proficiency (ELP) screener assessment. The process for preschool students includes steps 1 and 2 only.

An ML means a student whose primary language is not English, who is identified through the ML identification process, and who is developing proficiency in multiple languages. The term is synonymous with “English Learner”.

  • Reports "Y" when the following apply:
    • Student's most recent EL record has an Identified Date not = null and <= extract Reporting Period End Date, where:
      • Program Exit Date = null or > extract Reporting Period End Date
  • Otherwise, reports "N".

Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL > Identified Date


LIEPStartDateThe year, month, and day on which the student begins to receive services in a language instruction educational program (LIEP).
  1. Qualifying EL record:
    • Identified Date NOT = null and <= extract Reporting Period End Date
    • Program Exit Date = null or >= extract Reporting Period Start Date
    • Parent Declined Date = null or > Identified Date
      • Test Scenarios:
        • When Parent Declined <= Identified Date, LIEPStartDate must report blank
        • When Parent Declined > Identified Date, LIEPStartDate must report when a qualifying Service exists
  2. More than 1 qualifying EL record:
    1. Reports the Start Date of the EL Service with the earliest Start Date <= extract Reporting Period End Date from the student's EL record with the EARLIEST Identified Date.
    2. When the qualifying Service has Start Date = null or > extract reporting period End Date, OR when no Service exists in the EARLIEST qualifying EL record with Start Date <= extract Reporting Period End Date, reports blank
  3. Only 1 qualifying EL record:
    1. Reports the Start Date of the EL Service with the earliest Start Date <= extract Reporting Period End Date from the student's EL record with the EARLIEST Identified Date.
    2. When the qualifying Service has Start Date = null or > extract reporting period End Date, OR when no Service exists in the EARLIEST qualifying EL record with Start Date <= extract Reporting Period End Date, reports blank
Date field, 8 digits (YYYYMMDD)

Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL > Identified Date

Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL > Start Date


LIEP End Date

The date on which the student ceases to be served by a language instruction education program (LIEP) because the student was determined to no longer need an LIEP per N.J.A.C. 6A:15-1.9 or because the student’s parent(s) removed the student from the LIEP.

  1. Qualifying EL record:
    • Identified Date NOT = null and <= extract Reporting Period End Date
    • Program Exit Date = null or >= extract Reporting Period Start Date
    • Parent Declined Date = null or > Identified Date
      • Test Scenarios:
        1. When Parent Declined <= Identified Date, LIEPEndDate must report blank
        2. When Parent Declined > Identified Date, LIEPEndDate must report when a qualifying Service exists
  2. More than 1 qualifying EL record:
    1. Reports the End Date of the EL Service with the earliest Start Date <= extract Reporting Period End Date from the student's EL record with the EARLIEST Identified Date.
    2. When the qualifying Service has End Date = null or > extract reporting period End Date, OR when no Service exists in the EARLIEST qualifying EL record with Start Date <= extract Reporting Period End Date, reports blank
  3. Only 1 qualifying EL record:
    1. Reports the End Date of the EL Service with the earliest Start Date <= extract Reporting Period End Date from the student's EL record with the EARLIEST Identified Date.
    2. When the qualifying Service has End Date = null or > extract reporting period End Date, OR when no Service exists in the EARLIEST qualifying EL record with Start Date <= extract Reporting Period End Date, reports blank.

Date field, 8 digits (YYYYMMDD)

Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL > Identified Date

Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL > End Date


LEIPStartDate2The date on which the student reenters a language instruction educational program (LIEP) after having exited multilingual learner status, per N.J.A.C. 6A:15-1.9(g).
  1. Qualifying EL record:
    • Identified Date NOT = null and <= extract Reporting Period End Date
    • Program Exit Date = null or >= extract Reporting Period Start Date
    • Parent Declined Date = null or > Identified Date
      • Test Scenarios:
        1. When Parent Declined <= Identified Date, LIEPStartDate must report blank
        2. When Parent Declined > Identified Date, LIEPStartDate must report when a qualifying Service exists
  2. More than 1 qualifying EL record:
    1. Reports the Start Date of the EL Service with the earliest Start Date <= extract Reporting Period End Date from the student's EL record with the 2nd EARLIEST Identified Date.
    2. When the qualifying Service has Start Date = null or > extract reporting period End Date, OR when no Service exists in the 2nd EARLIEST qualifying EL record with Start Date <= extract Reporting Period End Date, reports blank
  3. Only 1 qualifying EL record:
    • Reports blank
Date field, 8 digits (YYYYMMDD)

Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL > Identified Date

Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL > Start Date


LEIPEndDate2The date on which the student exits a language instruction educational program (LIEP) for the second time because the student was determined to no longer needs a LIEP per N.J.A.C. 6A:15-1.9 or because the student’s parent(s) removed the student from the LIEP.

Qualifying EL record:
  • Identified Date NOT = null and <= extract Reporting Period End Date
  • Program Exit Date = null or >= extract Reporting Period Start Date
  • Parent Declined Date = null or > Identified Date
    • Test Scenarios:
      1. When Parent Declined <= Identified Date, LIEPEndDate must report blank
      2. When Parent Declined > Identified Date, LIEPEndDate must report when a qualifying Service exists
More than 1 qualifying EL record:
  1. Reports the End Date of the EL Service with the earliest Start Date <= extract Reporting Period End Date from the student's 2nd EARLIEST EL record with the latest Identified Date.
  2. When the qualifying Service has End Date = null or > extract reporting period End Date, OR when no Service exists in the 2nd EARLIEST qualifying EL record with Start Date <= extract Reporting Period End Date, reports blank
Only 1 qualifying EL record:
  • Reports blank

Date field, 8 digits (YYYYMMDD)

Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL > Identified Date

Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL > End Date


LIEPParentRefusalDateThe date on which a parent refused language instruction educational program (LIEP) for the student who was identified as eligible, regardless of whether the student had been served by an LIEP prior to the parent’s refusal.

  1. Reports the Parent Declined Date from the student's EL record with the EARLIEST Identified Date, where:
    • Parent Declined Date NOT = null and <= extract Reporting Period End Date
    • Identified Date NOT = null and <= extract Reporting Period End Date
    • Program Exit Date = null or >= extract Reporting Period Start Date
  2. When no qualifying EL record exists, or when Parent Declined Date is blank or > extract Reporting Period End Date, reports blank

Date field, 8 digits (YYYYMMDD)
Program Participation
> English Learner > EL > Identified Date

Program Participation > English Learner > EL > Parent Declined Date

ELPScreenerDateThe date on which a student was given the state-approved English Language Proficiency (ELP) screener. The current state-approved screeners are the WIDA Screener or the WIDA MODEL.

The ELP screener is administered as the final step to determine eligibility for language instruction educational program (LIEP) placement for students in grades K through 12.

Reports the Date in the Screener Date field from the student's most recent EL record with a non–null Screener Date that is <= extract Reporting Period End Date.
  • When no EL records have a Screener Date entered that is <= extract Reporting Period End Date, reports the Identified Date of the EL record with the earliest Identified Date where:
    1. Identified Date = not null and <= extract Reporting Period End Date
    2. Program Exit Date = null or >= extract Reporting Period Start Date

Otherwise, reports blank.

Date field, 8 digits (YYYYMMDD)


Indicates the student has been parentally placed into a private school and receives services under an individual services plan.

  • Default value = Blank
  • REC: Eligible and Receiving Services
  • NREC: Eligible and Not Receiving Services

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or blank)

Special Ed > State Reporting > State Reporting Details > NonPublic


Resident Municipal CodeThe resident municipality of the student. The code is unique to the municipality as defined by the NJ Department of the Treasury.

Numeric, 4 digits
Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Residential Municipal Code

Military Connected Student Indicator

Indicates the student's parent/guardian is on active duty, in the National Guard or Reserve components of the United States military services.

  • 1: Not Military Connected
  • 2: Active Duty
  • 3: National Guard or Reserve
  • 4: Unknown

Numeric, 1 digit

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Military Connected

ELA Graduation Pathway Indicator

Indicates the graduate's pathway to graduation for ELA.

Reports the code selected from the ELA Graduation Pathway drop list.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Graduation > Graduation Detail > State Reporting Graduation Fields > ELA Graduation Pathway

Math Graduation Pathway Indicator

Indicates the graduate's pathway to graduation for Math.

Reports the code selected from the Math Graduation Pathway drop list.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Graduation Detail > State Reporting Graduation Fields > Math Graduation Pathway

In District Placement

Indicates when a student is attending a school that is not their resident school within their resident district.

Reports the option selected on the enrollment editor.

  • SPECED = Student attends a specialized program for special education in a school that is not his/her resident school within his/her resident school district
  • ML= Student attends a specialized program for English Language Learners in a school that is not his/her resident school within his/her resident school district
  • OTHER = Student attends a school that is not his/her resident school within his/her resident school district for any other reason
  • ALTREC = Student attends an alternative education program or a recovery high school program in a school that is not his/her resident school within his/her resident school district
  • ADULT = Student attends an adult high school for students pursuing a locally-issued, state-endorsed diploma in a school that is not his/her resident school within his/her resident school district

Alphanumeric, 6 characters

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > In District Placement

Language Instruction Educational Program

Indicates the course in which an English language learner is placed in order to develop and attain English proficiency while meeting challenging State academic standards. Reports the code selected for the EL Service Type. Valid options are: 

1: Dual language
2: Full Time Bilingual (Transitional)
3: Bilingual alternative Programs
4: English alternative Programs (Hi-Intensity, SEI)
5: ESL Only or ELS
6: Currently an ELL but ELL Program Services refused by parent/guardian
7: Preschool program

Numeric, 1 digit

Program Participation > English Learners EL > EL Services > Service Type


Indicates whether students in their final year of high school have achieved passing scores on both a World Language Assessment and an English Assessment to demonstrate they are biliterate.

  • Blank is the default value.
  • Reports 'N' if the grade level is 12.
  • Reports 'Y' if the grade level is 12 AND a World Language Assessment has been awarded for the State Seal.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Graduation > State Seal Information > State Seal



World Language Assessment 1-5Reports the code of the World Language Assessment, other than an English Language Assessment, taken by the student.

Default value=NULL

Alphanumeric, 10 characters
Graduation > State Seal Information > Language Assessment

World Languages Assessed 1-5Indicates the code of the language (other than English) that is being assessed.

Default value=NULL

Alphanumeric, 3 characters
Graduation > State Seal Information > Language

Gifted and Talented StudentIndicates the student has been identified as gifted and talented or twice-exceptional as defined by the Strengthening Gifted and Talented Education Law.

When "Use Enrollment Programs"  is checked, reports Y. Otherwise, N.

When "Use Enrollment Programs" is NOT checked, reports "Y" when:
  • The student has a Gifted & Talented program record with:
    • Start Date <= extract Reporting Period End Date
    • Start Date <= the earlier of:
      • Enrollment End Date when not = null
      • The last instructional calendar day in the calendar when enrollment End Date = null
    • End Date = null or >= earlier of:
      • Enrollment End Date when not = null, otherwise last instructional calendar day
      • The extract Reporting Period End Date
Otherwise, reports "N".

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)
Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Gifted and Talented

Student Learning EnvironmentReports the code for the selected method for delivering instruction to the student.  

1 = Fulltime on premises

2 = Hybrid (partial in person on premises/partial remote instruction)

3 = Fulltime remote—district choice

4 = Fulltime remote—parental or guardian choice

Numeric, 1 digit
Program Participation > State Programs > Instruction Mode > Student Learning Environment

Remote Days Present

Reports the number of remote (virtual) instruction days a student is marked as present during the annual reporting period from July 1 through June 30.

  1. No Half Day Logic. If Absent Minutes < (Less Than) Full Days Absent Minutes in Calendar Setting then Day is Marked as Present. 
  2. Don't Count if State Code = 3, 4, 6, 8, or 9 (State Excused Absences DE#91)
  3. If Enrollment Type = S (DE#19)
    1. Each day of membership counts as a half or .5
    2. Example 175 Present Days would be reported as 87.5

Numeric, up to 5 characters

Blended Learning > Attendance > Virtual

Remote Days Absent

Reports the number of remote (virtual) instruction days a student is marked as absent and scheduled to receive instruction in a remote learning environment during the annual reporting period from July 1 through June 30.

  1. No Half Day Logic. If Absent Minutes =>(Greater Then or Equal To) Full Days Absent Minutes in Calendar Setting then Day is Marked as Absent.
  2. Status = Absent
  3. Excuse = Unknown, Excused, or Unexcused
  4. Don't Count if State Code = 3, 4, 6, 8, or 9 (State Excused Absences DE#91)
  5. These Days Should be subtracted from Number of Days Present
  6. If there is an Absent Day with State Code = 5 (Half Day Absence) Then count that day as a Full Day Present.
  7. If Enrollment Type = S (DE#19)
    1. Each day of membership counts as a half or .5
    2. Example 5 Absent Days would be reported as 2.5

Numeric, up to 5 characters

Blended Learning > Attendance > Virtual

Student Internet ConnectivityReports the selected code for student access to the Internet (district-paid, paid by household, etc.).

Only the most current Digital Equity Program reports.
1 = Personal access
2 = School provided access through mobile hotspots with paid data plans
3 = School provided access through Internet-connected devices with paid data plans
4 = School provided access by paying the cost of home Internet subscription for student
5 = School provided access through a district-managed wireless network
6 = School provided access by another means
7 = Other
8 = Unknown
Numeric, 1 digit
Program Participation > State Programs > Digital Equity > Internet Connectivity

Student Device OwnerReports the selected code to indicate the owner of the device used for remote instruction.

Only the most current Digital Equity Program reports.
  • 1 = Personal, dedicated device (student is the sole user)
  • 2 = Personal device, shared with others
  • 3 = School or district-provided, dedicated device (student is the sole user)
  • 4 = School or district-provided device, shared with others
  • 5 = Other
  • 6 = Unknown
  • 7 = None
Numeric, 1 digit
Program Participation > State Programs > Digital Equity > Device Owner

Student Device TypeReports the selected code to indicate the type of device used for remote instruction.

Only the most current Digital Equity Program reports.
1 = Chromebooks/laptops
2 = iPads/tablets
3 = Other
4 = Unknown
5 = None

Numeric, 1 digit
Program Participation > State Programs > Digital Equity > Device Type

Bridge YearIndicates whether the student plans to or is currently participating in the Bridge Year Pilot Program.

Reports the Code selected in the Bridge Year field when the enrollment grade is mapped to a State Grade Level Code of 12.

Reports blank when the enrollment grade is not mapped to a State Grade Level Code of 12.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Bridge Year

Federal HS Math Testing Requirements

Indicates whether a student has met the federal requirement to take Algebra I (or one of the exceptions noted below) while in high school.

Reports the selected code (A -G) from the student's enrollment record. When not populated, a blank value reports.

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Enrollments > Assessment Reporting Fields > Federal HS Math Testing Reqs


IEP Graduation Course RequirementAn indication of whether a student with a disability did not meet the state course requirement component of the NJDOE graduation requirements because of an exemption or modification contained in their Individualized Education Program (IEP).

Reports the selected code:
1 - student has an exemption or modification to course requirements
2 - student does not have an exemption or modification to course requirements

Numeric, 1 digit
Graduation > State Reporting Graduation Fields > IEP Graduation Course Requirement

IEP Graduation AttendanceAn indication of whether a student with a disability did not meet the local attendance requirement component of the NJDOE graduation requirements because of an exemption or modification contained in their Individualized Education Program (IEP).

Reports the selected code:
1 - student has an exemption or modification to local attendance requirements
2 - student does not have an exemption or modification to local attendance requirements

Numeric 1, digit
Graduation > State Reporting Graduation Fields > IEP Graduation Attendance

LIEP Language of InstructionThe language of instruction for the Language Instruction Educational Program (LIEP) course in which an Multilingual Learner (ML) is placed in order to develop and attain English proficiency while meeting challenging
State academic standards.

Reports the selected code from the student's enrollment record. When not populated, a blank value reports.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters
Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL > LIEP Language of Instruction

City of Residence

The name of the city in which the student lives.  

If there is more than one primary city of residence, the most current city by start date reports. Any secondary city of residence does not report.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Census > Address > City

Migrant Status

Indicates if the student is eligible for migrant education services.

When "Use Enrollment Programs" is checked, reports Y if checked. Else, N.

When "Use Enrollment Programs" is NOT checked:
  1. Reports "Y" when the student has a Migrant program record with:
    • Start Date <= extract Reporting Period End Date
    • Start Date <= the earlier of:
      • Enrollment End Date when not = null
      • The last instructional calendar day in the calendar when enrollment End Date = null
    • End Date = null or >= earlier of:
      • Enrollment End Date when not = null, otherwise last instructional calendar day
      • The extract Reporting Period End Date
Otherwise, reports "N"

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Migrant


Eighth Technological Literacy

Indicates whether the student has met the eighth-grade criteria of technological proficiency.

  • 8th grade students report either the default or selected value for the 8 Tech Literacy
  • All other grades should be reported as Blank value.
Valid Selection Choices are:
  • Y = Deemed to be technologically proficient
  • N = Deemed to not be technologically proficient
  • NE = Not evaluated

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > 8 Tech Literacy


Health Insurance Status

Indicates whether the student has health insurance coverage.

Alpha, 1 character (Y or N)

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Health Coverage


Health Insurance Provider

The name of the student's health insurance provider.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Health Insurance Provider

EnrollmentNJ.healthInsurance Provider

Home Language 1

The primary language or dialect that students use to communicate at home.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Identities > Home Primary Language


Home Language 2-5

Must be submitted once for all students. Additional data only needs to be submitted if the student has been identified as speaking more than one Home Language as reported on the Home Language Survey. However, the data elements must still be repeated 5 times in the file.

(HomeLanguage1, HomeLanguage2, HomeLanguage3, HomeLanguage4, HomeLanguage5) even if the additional four iterations are not needed.

Reports the code selected in Census > People > Demographics > Secondary Language, Third Language, Fourth Language, Fifth Language

When null, reports blank

Alphanumeric, 3 characters
Demographics > Secondary Language, Third Language, Fourth Language, Fifth Language

Identity.homePrimaryLanguage (Secondary Language, Third Language, Fourth Language, Fifth Language)
Immigrant Status

Selection indicates student meets the Federal definition of being an immigrant:

  • aged 3-21
  • not born in any state
  • have not been attending one or more schools in any one or more States for over three full academic years.
Reports value from Dropbox selection:
  • Null
  • N: No
  • Y: YES
Default value is NULL

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Immigrant


First Entry Date into a US School

Date the student first received schooling at a school in the United States.

Reports the date associated with the student's Date Entered US School if the student's Birth Country is any selection other than 2330: United States or 1790: Puerto Rico.

Reports a blank value if the Birth Country is the United States or Puerto Rico.

Date field, 8 characters (YYYYMMDD)

Demographics > Date Entered US School

Census > Person Information > Birth Country



An indication that the student lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate residence.

  • Reports Y1 when Unaccompanied Youth = No.
  • Reports Y2 when Unaccompanied Youth = Yes.
  • Homeless record must be NOT null anytime during the Reporting Period Start and End Dates.
  • Reports from the Homeless tab record with the latest Start Date that was active on or between the extract editor dates.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Program Participation > Homeless


Homeless Primary Nighttime Resident

Indication of the nighttime residence of homeless students.

Report Nighttime Residence Code Selected if the student was Homeless = Yes at any time during the Reporting Period Start and End Date.
Default value = NULL
Acceptable Values:
  • 1 = Shelters Transitional Housing
  • 2 = Doubled-Up.
  • 3 = Unsheltered.
  • 4 = Hotels or Motels

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Program Participation > Homeless > Primary Night Time Residence


Homeless Instructional Service

Indication of whether a homeless student is receiving or not receiving instructional services under 42 U.S.C. §11432(a).

Y = Yes, the student receives instructional services. See Additional Notes for a list of services.

N = No, the student does not receive instructional services

Reports 'Y' when the student has a Homeless record with:
  • Start Date <= extract End Date and End Date of null or >= extract Start Date
  • Instructional Services = Y

Otherwise, reports 'N'

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)
Program Participation > Homeless > Instructional Services
Homeless Support Service

Indication of whether or not a homeless student is receiving support services under 42 U.S.C. §11432(a).

Y = Yes, the student receives support services. See Additional Notes for a list of services.

N = No, the student does not receive support services.

Reports 'Y' when the student has a Homeless record with:
  • Start Date <= extract End Date and End Date of null or >= extract Start Date
  • Support Services = Y

Otherwise, reports 'N'

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Program Participation > Homeless > Support Services
Alternative Education Program

Indication that the student is enrolled in an alternative education program.

When "Use Enrollment Programs" is checked:
  • If Alternative Program check box is selected, then report a Y value. Else report an N value

When "Use Enrollment Programs" is NOT checked:
  • Reports "Y" when the student has an Alternative Program record with:
    • Start Date <= extract Reporting Period End Date
    • Start Date <= the earlier of:
      1. Enrollment End Date when not = null
      2. The last instructional calendar day in the calendar when enrollment End Date = null
    • End Date = null or >= earlier of:
      1. Enrollment End Date when not = null, otherwise last instructional calendar day
      2. The extract Reporting Period End Date
Otherwise, reports "N".

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > State Reporting Fields > Alternative Program


Title I Indicator

Indication that the student is participating in and being served by programs under Title I, Part A of ESEA as amended.

When "Use Enrollment Programs" is checked:
  • Reports 01 when:
    1. School > Title 1 = Targeted Assistance Program or is blank
    2. Any Title 1 checkbox on the student's enrollment = checked:
      • Title 1 Language Arts
      • Title 1 Math
      • Title 1 Science
      • Title 1 Spanish Math
      • Title 1 Biology
  • Reports 02 when:
    • School > Title 1 Schoolwide Program
  • Reports 05 when:
    • School > Title 1 = Targeted Assistance Eligible - No Program
    • School > Title 1 = Schoolwide Eligible - No Program
    • School > Title 1 = Not a Title I School
      When Blank, and the student's enrollment doesn't have any Title 1 checkboxes = checked:
      • Title 1 Language Arts
      • Title 1 Math
      • Title 1 Science
      • Title 1 Spanish Math
      • Title 1 Biology
    • Else, reports 05.
  • When "Use Enrollment Programs" is NOT checked:
    • Reports 01 when:
      1. School > Title 1 = Targeted Assistance Program or is blank
      2. The student has a Title 1 program record with:
        • Start Date <= extract Reporting Period End Date
        • Start Date <= the earlier of:
          • Enrollment End Date when not = null
          • The last instructional calendar day in the calendar when enrollment End Date = null
        • End Date = null or >= earlier of:
          • Enrollment End Date when not = null, otherwise last instructional calendar day
          • The extract Reporting Period End Date
    • Reports 02 when:
      1. School > Title 1 Schoolwide Program
    • Reports 05 when:
      1. School > Title 1 = Targeted Assistance Eligible - No Program
      2. School > Title 1 = Schoolwide Eligible - No Program
      3. School > Title 1 = Not a Title I School
        When Blank, and the student does not have a qualifying Title 1 program record, where:
        1. The student has a Title 1 program record with:
          1. Start Date <= extract Reporting Period End Date
          2. Start Date <= the earlier of:
            1. Enrollment End Date when not = null
            2. The last instructional calendar day in the calendar when enrollment End Date = null
          3. End Date = null or >= earlier of:
            1. Enrollment End Date when not = null, otherwise last instructional calendar day
            2. The extract Reporting Period End Date
    • Else, reports 05.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

School Information > School History > Title I

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Title 1 (multiple fields)

School StatusReports the student's current enrollment status.

A = Active
  • If Enrollment End Date >= Report Editor End Date
I = Inactive
  • If Enrollment End Date < Report Editor End Date

Alphanumeric, 1 character (A or I)

Enrollments > General Enrollment Editor > End Date


School Entry CodeReports the local Enrollment Local Start Status.
E1Original entry for the United States
R1Re-entry from within the same school
R2Re-entry from a public school within the district
R3Re-entry from a nonpublic school in the state
R4Re-entry from another public school within the state
R5Re-entry from the same class in the same school
R6Re-entry from a school in another state.
R7Re-entry from another country
R9Re-entry from a state or county institution for incarceration
R10Re-entry from an institution for treatment of a physical, mental, or emotional disability
R11 Re-entry after requesting a transfer but never having attended another school
R12Re-entry from parental instruction
R13 Re-entry from charter school
R14Re-entry from choice school

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Enrollments > General Enrollment Editor > Local Start Status


Days OpenReports the number of days the program of instruction was in session for the entire year, July 1 to June 30.

Acceptable values between 180 and 250.

Numeric, 3 digits
Calendar Information > Start Date, End Date

Number of Days PresentThe number of school days in session a student is recorded as present during the annual reporting period from July 1 to June 30. This includes days the student attended from a remote learning environment. 

Report the total number of days a student was present for school including in person and remote.
  1. No Half Day Logic. If Absent Minutes < (Less Than) Full Days Absent Minutes in Calendar Setting then Day is Marked as Present.
  2. Base logic is Days Open then Subtracting Out Absent Days
  3. Don't Count if State Code = 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10 or 11 (State Excused Absences DE#91)
  4. If Enrollment Type = S (DE#19)
    • Each day of membership counts as a half or .5
    • Example 175 Present Days would be reported as 87.5
Numeric, 5 digits
Calendar Information > Whole Day Absence

Number of Days AbsentThe number of school days in session a student is recorded as absent during the annual reporting period from July 1 to June 30. This includes days the student was absent and scheduled to receive instruction from a remote learning environment.

Report the total number of days a student was absent for school including in person and remote.
  1. No Half Day Logic. If Absent Minutes =>(Greater Then or Equal To) Full Days Absent Minutes in Calendar Setting then Day is Marked as Absent.
  2. Status = Absent
  3. Excuse = Unknown, Excused, or Unexcused
  4. Don't Count if State Code = 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, or 11 (State Excused Absences DE#91)
  5. These Days Should be subtracted from Number of Days Present
  6. If there is an Absent Day with State Code = 5 (Half Day Absence) Then count that day as a Full Day Present.
  7. If Enrollment Type = S
    1. Each day of membership counts as a half or .5
    2. Example 5 Absent Days would be reported as 2.5
Numeric, 5 digits
Calendar Information > Whole Day Absence

Number of State Excused AbsencesReports the number of days a student is absent for a State-excused reason during the annual reporting period, July 1 to June 30.

Report the total number of days a student was absent from school, including in-person and remote for only State Excused Absents of:
  1. Status = Absent
  2. Excuse = Exempt
  3. State Code = 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10 or 11.
  4. These days Do Not Add or Subtract from Number of Days Present or Days Absent

3 = Religious or BYCW Day
4 = Closed No Transportation
6 = College Visit
8 = Take Your Child to Work Day
9 = Participation in Veterans Day
10 = Participation in district board of election Civic Event

Numeric, 3 digits
Attendance Code Setup > State Code


Reports Shared VocAn indication that the student is a shared-time vocational school student being reported by the county vocational school.

Reports Y when the Shared Time field is selected on the State Reporting Enrollment editor. Otherwise, reports a value of N.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)
Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Shared Time

Deaf Hard of HearingAn indication of whether a preschool student is Deaf or Hard of Hearing.

Reports a value of Y when the student has a Special Education State Reporting record with the Deaf or Hard of Hearing checkbox marked at any time during the date range entered on the extract editor.

The student must be enrolled in a non-excluded enrollment with a preschool state grade level of 3H, 3F, 4H, 4F, 5H, or 5F.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Special Ed > State Reporting > State Reporting Details > Dead or Hard of Hearing
Language AcquisitionThe language acquisition rating of a preschool child who is Deaf or Hard of Hearing.

Reports the code selected in Language Acquisition from the most recent (latest Start Date) State Reporting record during the extract editor date range that has Deaf or Hard of Hearing = checked, when:
  1. In the extract editor Start and End Date range, the student has a non-excluded enrollment with a state grade level of 3H, 3F, 4H, 4F, 5H, or 5F
  2. During the qualifying enrollment in the extract editor date range, the Special Ed > General > State Reporting tab record has a Start Date <= extract End Date, and End Date of null or >= extract Start Date, in the record with the latest Start Date, where::
    • Deaf or Hard of Hearing = Checked
    • Language Acquisition is not null
Otherwise, reports blank.

Numeric, 1 character
Special Ed > State Reporting > State Reporting Details > Language Acquisition

Attendance Data Validation Details

The Attendance Data Validation Details reports return a total count of period minutes and total of days, respectively, by date and attendance code for students in the selected grade levels. Two options are available - Attendance Period Details and Attendance Day Details. 

These reports can be used to validate a student's attendance minutes prior to submitting the SMART SID Management Extract to the state.

Use these Validation reports to assist with troubleshooting attendance calculations you feel are in error. By comparing the results of the SMART SID Management Extract with the results of the Validation reports, attendance issues can be corrected before submitting information to the state. 

If there are concerns with the results, contact Campus Support and include the CSV output.

SMART SID Management Attendance Validation Tools

Attendance Codes

Each attendance record counted in the validation reports uses the assigned State Code. For ease of calculation, only one attendance code is used for each student for each day, with the code with the most minutes assigned taking precedence. 

For example, if a student is marked as Absent/Excused for periods 2, 3, 4, and 5 using an attendance code associated with State Code  3 with a total of 240 minutes of absence, and marked as Absent/Unknown for period 1 using an attendance code associated with State Code 5 with a total of 60 minutes of absence, the primary state attendance code for that day would be 3 (not 5). State Code 5, Half Day Attendance, does not impact how the day is processed and does not prevent the student from being marked as a full day of absence.  

State Codes for Attendance Statuses

Acceptable Attendance Codes for a State Excused Day must have one of the following State Codes selected: 

  • 3: Excused/Exempt absence Religious or BYCW day
  • 4: Excused Vocational School, District closed no transport
  • 6: Excused Absence Due to College Visits
  • 8: Take Your Child to Work Day
  • 9: Participation in Veteran's Day

Acceptable Excuse Codes for a State Excused Day must have an Excuse value of Exempt.

Attendance Code Setup for Excused Day

Attendance entries with a State Code of 5: Half-Day Absence take precedence over every other state code assignment. 

The following table answers which State Code and what Excuse Codes are used to determine whether Present Minutes, Absent Minutes, and Excused Minutes are calculated for an attendance entry. 

Excuse CodePresent MinutesAbsent MinutesExcused Minutes
Attendance entry with a State Code of 3, 4, 6, 8, or 9:
U: UnknownNoYesNo
E: ExcusedNoYesNo
X: ExemptNoNoYes
Attendance entry with a State Code that is NOT 3, 4, 6, 8, or 9:
U: UnknownNoYesNo
E: ExcusedNoYesNo
X: ExemptNoYesNo

Attendance Period Details Validation

The Period Details Validation generates a list of attendance data for each student in a seven-day range (start and end date must be no more than a range of 7 days) for each period of the day and includes a total number of present and absent minutes for both in classroom attendance and virtual attendance.

Calculation for Attendance Period Details Validation

The following details the steps used to calculate attendance period minutes. Click on the image to display a larger view.

Step 1. Assign Minutes to Presence or Absence

For each attendance record, a status of Present or Absent is assigned. When students are attending in-person classes, an attendance record most often indicates a student was absent. When students are attending virtual classes, an attendance record most often indicates a student was present. 

In the image below, a student who was marked absent from in-person classes has a total of 55 minutes absent, while a student who was marked as present for virtual classes has a total of 55 minutes present.

Attendance Minutes for Present or Absent

Step 2. Adjust based on State Codes 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, and Excuse = Exempt

That 55 minutes of absent/present is adjusted for the state code assigned to the attendance record, as well as the Exempt excuse. Absent minutes for State Code 5 are not adjusted in this step. A state code of 3, 4, 6, 8, or 9 counts those 55 minutes as excused.

Attendance Entry for Exempt Records

Step 3. Adjust for Minutes Present from Absent Record with Absent Minutes Greater than Zero

The total number of minutes the student is marked as Present is subtracted from the total period minutes. The result is reported as the student's total absent minutes for that period (the value should be greater than zero).

Absent Minutes Greater Than Zero

Generate the Attendance Period Details Validation Report

  1. Select SMART SID ManagementAttendance Period Details from the Extract Type dropdown list.
  2. Enter a Reporting Period Start Date.
  3. Enter a Reporting Period End Date. Note that the Start and End Date range cannot be more than seven days.
  4. Mark the Student w/o stateIDs if those students should not appear in the report.
  5. Indicate the Format in which the report should be generated.
  6. Click the Generate Extract button to generate the report in the desired format. Alternatively, use the Submit to Batch button (if applicable) to choose when the extract is generated.

SMART SID Management Attendance Period Details

Attendance Period Details Validation Report Layout

Detail Report TypeIndicates which validation report displays. Reports Attendance Data by Period for all students.N/A
CalendarLists from which calendar the data was pulled. This is the name of the calendar selected in the Report editor.System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Calendar > Name
Virtual Participation PreferenceIndicates whether Virtual Attendance Preferences have been enabled for the selected district.

When the Enable Virtual Attendance checkbox is marked on the Virtual Attendance Preferences tool, it displays a value of Enabled. When it is NOT marked, it displays a value of Disabled.
System Administration > Attendance > Virtual Attendance Preferences > Enable Virtual Attendance

Whole Day AbsenceIndicates the total number of minutes that is considered a full day of absence. This is the value entered in the Whole Day Absence field on the Calendar Detail tool.System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Calendar > Whole Day Absence

State IDReports the student's assigned State ID number.Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > State ID

Last NameReports the last name of the student.Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Last Name

First NameReports the first name of the student.Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > First Name

Middle NameReports the middle name of the student.Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Middle Name

DateReports the date of the student's attendance entry.
Share Time EnrollmentIndicates whether the student is full time enrolled in the selected calendar or shares time with an enrollment in another calendar.Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Shared Time
Start TimeLists the start time of the first period in which the student is enrolled.System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Periods > Period Selection > Start Time
End TimeLists the end time of the first period in which the student is enrolled.System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Periods > Period Selection > End Time
Scheduled Period MinutesReports the total number of minutes in that scheduled period.System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Periods > Period Selection > Period Info
Attended StatusLists the student's status for the day.Student Information > General > Attendance > Attendance Record > Status
District Attendance CodeLists the attendance code assigned for the attendance entry for that day.Student Information > General > Attendance > Attendance Record > Code
Excuse CategoryIndicates whether the attendance excuse is Unexcused, Unknown, or Excused.Student Information > General > Attendance > Attendance Record > Excuse
State Attendance CodeReports the State Code assigned to the attendance code.System Administration > Attendance > Attendance Code > Attendance Excuse Detail > State Code
Acceptable Attendance Code for State Excused DaysIndicates whether the attendance state code (3, 4, 6, 8, or 9) is valid for the excused days recognized by the state. Reports Yes or No.System Administration > Attendance > Attendance Code > Attendance Excuse Detail > State Code
Acceptable Excuse Code for State Excused DaysIndicates whether the excuse reason (Exempt) is valid for the excused days recognized by the state. Reports Yes or No.System Administration > Attendance > Attendance Code > Attendance Excuse Detail > Excuse
Minutes Present on Absence RecordReports any total number of minutes the student was considered present for a period when the attendance record indicates the record as an absence.Student Information > General > Attendance > Attendance Record > Present Minutes
Present MinutesLists the total number of minutes for which the student was marked present for the entire period.Student Information > General > Attendance > Attendance Record > Present Minutes
Absent MinutesLists the total number of minutes for which the student was marked absent.

Unless noted otherwise, a student is considered absent for the entire period.
Student Information > General > Attendance > Attendance Record
Remote Present MinutesLists the total number of minutes for which the student was marked present for remote (virtual) learning.Student Information > General > Attendance > Attendance Record > Present Minutes
Remote Absent MinutesLists the total number of minutes for which the student was marked absent for remote (virtual) learning.Student Information > General > Attendance > Attendance Record
State Excused MinutesLists the total number of minutes the student was marked as excused and approved by the state.System Administration > Attendance > Attendance Code > Attendance Excuse Detail > State Code, Excuse
Days OpenReports the total number of calendar days in the selected calendar.System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Days > Start Date, End Date

Attendance Day Details Validation

generates a list of attendance data for each student for each day in a 31-day range (start and end date must be no more than a range of 31 days) and includes a total number of present and absent minutes for both in-classroom attendance and virtual attendance.

Calculation for Attendance Day Details Validation

The following details the steps used to calculate attendance day minutes, and provides information on how multiple state codes and excused codes in a single day are processed. Click on the image to display a larger view.

Step 1. Determine Primary Attendance Code

Out of the eight periods in one day, three periods have a State Code assigned - two with State Code 3, one with State Code 5. The number of period minutes covered by State Code 3 is 100; the number of period minutes covered by State Code 5 is 50. The primary state attendance code for the day is 3. 

Primary Attendance Code for the Day

Step 2. Summarize the Minutes

8 periods in a day x 50 minutes = 400 total minutes of a day. 

A whole day of absence is 240. Of those 400 minutes, the student was physically absent for 80, virtually absent for 40, physically present for 240, and virtually present for 20, with 80 minutes considered excused based on the assigned state code.

Summary of Day Minutes

Step 3. Calculate Day Absent

When Physically Absent Minutes are greater than the Calendar minutes minus Whole Day Absence, the student has 1 day of absence. 

Days Absent Calculation

Step 4. Shared Time = 1 Absent Day

When the student has a Shared Time Enrollment and the Absent Minutes are greater than the Whole Day Absence are divided by 2, the student has 1 day of absence. 

Calculation for Shared Time Enrollments

Step 5. Shared Time = Half Day

When the student has a Shared Time Enrollment, and the Absent Days and Days Present are divided by 2, the student has a half day of absence.

Calculation for Shared Time Enrollments for Half Day Absence

Step 6. Process Primary State Code 5

Attendance Records for days with a primary State Code of 5 do not use absent minutes to determine the daily attendance. These records are treated as half-day absences, and a student is counted as having a full day of attendance, except if the student is a Shared Time student, in which case the student receives a half day (.5) of absence. 

Attendance State Code 5

Step 7. Process Days with All State Excused Minutes

When the total Period Minutes for the day are less than or equal to the Period Minutes State Excused by an Exempt State Code, Days Present and Days Absent equals 0 and Days Excused equals 1.

State Excused Minutes

Generate the Attendance Day Details Validation Report

  1. Select SMART SID ManagementAttendance Day Details from the Extract Type dropdown list.
  2. Enter a Reporting Period Start Date.
  3. Enter a Reporting Period End Date. Note that the Start and End Date range cannot be more than seven days.
  4. Mark the Student w/o stateIDs if those students should not appear in the report.
  5. Indicate the Format in which the report should be generated.
  6. Click the Generate Extract button to generate the report in the desired format. Alternatively, use the Submit to Batch button (if applicable) to choose when the extract is generated.

SMART SID Management Attendance Day Details

Attendance Day Details Validation Report Layout

Detail Report TypeIndicates which validation report displays. Reports Attendance Data by Day for all students.N/A
Whole Day AbsenceIndicates the total number of minutes that is considered a full day of absence. This is the value entered in the Whole Day Absence field on the Calendar Detail tool.System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Calendar > Whole Day Absence

Virtual Participation PreferenceIndicates whether Virtual Attendance Preferences have been enabled for the selected district.

When the Enable Virtual Attendance checkbox is marked on the Virtual Attendance Preferences tool, displays a value of Enabled. When the Enable Virtual Attendance checkbox is NOT marked, displays a value of Disabled.
System Administration > Attendance > Virtual Attendance Preferences > Enable Virtual Attendance
State IDReports the student's assigned State ID number.Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > State ID

Last NameReports the last name of the student.Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Last Name

First NameReports the first name of the student.Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > First Name

Middle NameReports the middle name of the student.Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Middle Name

DateReports the date of the student's attendance entry.Student Information > General > Attendance
Share Time EnrollmentIndicates whether the student is full time enrolled in the selected calendar or shares time with an enrollment in another calendar.Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Shared Time
Period Minutes for the DayReports the total number of instructional period minutes for the entire school day. This is usually the same as the Student Day minutes on the Calendar Detail,System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Period > Period Schedule Info > Instructional Minutes

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Calendar > Student Day (Instructional Minutes)
Primary State CodeReports the State Code assigned to the attendance code.System Administration > Attendance > Attendance Code > Attendance Excuse Detail > State Code
Acceptable Attendance Code for State Excused DaysIndicates whether the attendance state (3, 4, 6, 8 or 9) code is valid for the excused days recognized by the state. Reports Yes or No.System Administration > Attendance > Attendance Code > Attendance Excuse Detail > State Code
Present MinutesLists the total number of minutes for which the student was marked present for the selected day.Student Information > General > Attendance > Attendance Record > Present Minutes
Absent MinutesLists the total number of minutes for which the student was marked absent for the selected day.Student Information > General > Attendance > Attendance Record
Remote Present MinutesLists the total number of minutes for which the student was marked present for remote (virtual) learning.Student Information > General > Attendance > Attendance Record > Present Minutes
Remote Absent MinutesLists the total number of minutes for which the student was marked absent for remote (virtual) learning.Student Information > General > Attendance > Attendance Record
State Excused MinutesLists the total number of minutes the student was marked as excused and approved by the state.System Administration > Attendance > Attendance Code > Attendance Excuse Detail > State Code, Excuse
Present DaysReports the total number of days the student was considered present. One day reports as 1.0; less than one day reports as 0.5.Student Information > General > Attendance > Attendance Record
Absent DaysReports the total number of days the student was considered absent. One day reports as 1.0; less than one day reports as 0.5.Student Information > General > Attendance > Attendance Record
Remote Present DaysReports the total number of days the student was considered present. One day reports as 1.0; less than one day reports as 0.5.Student Information > General > Attendance > Attendance Record
Remote Absent DaysReports the total number of days the student was considered absent. One day reports as 1.0; less than one day reports as 0.5.Student Information > General > Attendance > Attendance Record
State Excused DaysLists in numeric form whether that day of absence is considered exempt by the state and does not count as a day of absence. One day reports as 1.0; less than one day reports as 0.5.Student Information > General > Attendance > Attendance Record
Days OpenReports the total number of calendar days in the selected calendar.System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Days > Start Date, End Date