Behavior (Idaho)

Tool Search: Behavior

Behavior fields that are specific to the state of Idaho are described below in the Behavior Settings and Behavior Management. 

Behavior Setup

The Behavior Settings tools are used to set up behavior events/incidents, resolutions, and responses. For the most part, these settings apply to the entire district, but there are instances where an event, resolution or response may only apply to a particular school.

See the core Event Types and Resolution Types articles for information on creating this information.

Event Types

Behavior Event Types organize behavior incidents into categories.

Screenshot of the Event Type Setup tool. Behavior Event Type Setup

State Event Code (Mapping)

State Event Codes indicate the reason a student was subject to a disciplinary action. These are the official state codes to which all district-defined behavior events/incidents should be mapped. Behavior events/incidents that are not mapped to a state event code do NOT report.

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ATTAttendance Policy Violation
BURBurglary/Breaking and Entering
DCNDisorderly Conduct
DRGDrugs, Not Alcohol or Tobacco
HBDHarassment or Bullying, Disability
HBRHarassment or Bullying, Race Color Nationality
HBSHarassment or Bullying, Gender
HRNHarassment, Non-sexual
HRSHarassment, Sexual
MEDInappropriate Use of Medication
OBSObscene Behavior
PAMPhysical Altercation Minor
SBISerious Bodily Injury
SRLViolation of School Rules
STHSchool Threat
SXBSexual Battery, Sexual Assault
SXOSexual Offenses Other, lewd - indecent exposure
TOBTobacco Possession or Use
WPNWeapons Possession
WPUWeapons Use

Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student > Behavior > Behavior Event > behaviorDetail.stateEventCode

Student > Behavior > Behavior Event > behaviorDetail.stateEventName


Not reported

Classification of Event Types

When Event Types and Resolution Types have the Classification field to a value that is NOT None, additional fields display on the Event and Resolution Detail editors. For example, an Event Type that has a Classification of Weapon displays the Weapon Type and Weapon Description fields.

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Event Types can have a Classification of Harassment, Drugs or Weapons. Event types with a State Event Code related to one of these should be marked accordingly.

Two-part screenshot highlighting the Classification field on an Event Type record and showing the selected classification in the Participant Details of a Behavior Incident. Behavior Event Weapon Classification

This selection displays the appropriate classification fields on the Behavior Participant editor when an individual is added to an event that is assigned a classification.

Resolution Types

Behavior Resolution Types organize the resolution of an event into categories.

Screenshot of the Resolution Type Setup tool. Behavior Resolution Type Setup

State Resolution Code (Mapping)

State Resolution Codes indicate the type of disciplinary action taken for a student. These are the official state codes to which all district-defined behavior resolutions should be mapped. Behavior resolutions that are not mapped to a state event code do NOT report. 

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ISSIn School Suspension
OSSOut of School Suspension
PLTChange of Placement (long-term)
RHORemoval by Hearing Officer
URIUnilateral Removal

Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student > Behavior > Behavior Resolution > behaviorDetail.stateResCode

Student > Behavior > Behavior Resolution > behaviorDetail.stateResName


Disciplinary Actions Extract

Behavior Management

The Behavior Management tool is used to record all behavior incidents that occur in a school. Information is separated into Behavior Events, Participants in that event, and Resolutions to that event.

See the core Behavior Management article for information on recording and processing behavior incidents.

Screenshot of the Behavior Management tool with an Incident selected. Behavior Management

Incident ID

Indicates the Campus-generated identifier for the resolution of record.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Behavior > Behavior Incident > behaviorDetail.incidentID


Disciplinary Actions Extract

Participant Fields

Participants in a Behavior Incident can be offenders or witnesses.

Screenshot of the Event and Participant details editors in an incident. Behavior Event and Participation Fields

Justice System

Indicates if the justice system was involved in the incident triggering the action.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Behavior > Custom Behavior Event > customBehaviorEvent.justiceSystemInvolved


Disciplinary Actions Extract

Zero Tolerance

Indicates if the disciplinary action was taken as a result of state or local zero tolerance policies.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Behavior > Custom Behavior Event > customBehaviorEvent.zeroTolerancePolicy

Student > Behavior > Behavior Resolution > behaviorDetail.zeroTolerance


Disciplinary Actions Extract

Weapon and Weapon Code

Indicates whether the incident triggering the disciplinary action involved a weapon. The event association with the resolution must have a Classification of Weapon in order to display and assign a Weapon to a participant on the Event Type Setup.

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If a weapon was involved, the Weapon Code reports the type of weapon. 

  • If the Weapons Code assigned to the first offender of record is not null or NO, reports the first code entered. 
  • If the first offender of the record does not have a weapons code that is not null or NO, all other offenders on the reporting event (from first entered to last), if the weapons code is not null or NO, the first code entered reports. 
  • If all offenders do not have a weapons code entered other than null or NO, reports as NO.

Database Location:



Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Behavior > Behavior Resolution > behaviorDetail.weaponCode

Student > Behavior > Behavior Resolution > behaviorDetail.weaponDescription


Disciplinary Actions Extract

Resolution Fields

Behavior Management Resolution fields provide information on the consequence of the behavior incident.

Resolution ID

Reports the identification number of the assigned resolution. This displays on the Resolution editor after the resolution entry has been saved.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Behavior > Behavior Resolution > behaviorDetail.resolutionID


Disciplinary Actions Extract

Resolution Start Date

Indicates the date the resolution began.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Behavior > Behavior Resolution > behaviorDetail.resolutionStartDate


Disciplinary Actions Extract

Duration in School Days

The original length in school days, rounded to the nearest half day, of the disciplinary action. If blank or less than .5, reports as 0. If Duration in School Days is null, reports days between the Resolution Start Date and End Date in whole days (or as 1 if dates are equal). If Resolution End Date is null, reports as 0.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Location:

Student > Behavior > Behavior Resolution > behaviorDetail.resolutionSchoolDaysDuration


Disciplinary Actions Extract

Educational Services after Removal

When marked, indicates the student continued to receive educational services during the length of the removal.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Behavior > Custom Behavior Resolution > customBehaviorResolution.educationalServices


Disciplinary Actions Extract

Modified Duration

If the original duration was modified, the final duration to the nearest half day reports.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Location:

Student > Behavior > Behavior Resolution > behaviorDetail.modificationLength

Modified Duration Reason

If the original duration was modified, indicates the reason the original duration was modified.

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1No Difference
2By District
3Court Order
4Mutual Agreement
5Completed Term Requirements Early
6Student Incarceration
7Extenuating Health Related Circumstances
8Student Withdrew from School
9School Year Ended
10Continuation of Previous Year's Discipline Assignment
11By Placement Program, In-Placement Behavior

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Location:

Student > Behavior > Behavior Resolution > behaviorDetail.modificationReason

Interim Removal Reason

When the student has an IEP, this is used to report the reason that student was removed from an interim alternative education setting.

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SBISerious Bodily Injury
WPNWeapons Possession
WPUWeapons Use

The following logic applies:

  • If IEP = Y and State Event Code is DRG, ALC, SBI, WPN or WPU reports state resolution code. 
  • If IEP = Y, State Event Code is not DRG, ALC, SBI, WPN or WPU and Injury is 4, reports SBI. 
  • If IEP = Y, State Event Code is not DRG, ALC, SBI, WPN or WPU, Weapon is Null, Injury is not 4 and Drugs Involved is marked, reports DRG. 
  • If IEP = Y, State Event Code is not DRG, ALC, SBI, WPN or WPU, Weapon is either Null or No, Injury is not 4, Drugs Involved is not marked and Alcohol Involved is marked, reports ALC. 
  • If IEP = Y, State Event Code is not DRG, ALC, SBI, WPN or WPU, Weapon is either Null or No, Injury is not 4 and neither Drugs Involved or Alcohol Involved is marked, reports as OTH. 
  • If IEP = Y, State Event Code is not DRG, ALC, SBI, WPN or WPU, Weapon is not Null or No and any participant in the event has an Injury of 2 or 3, reports as WPU. 
  • If IEP = Y, State Event Code is not DRG, ALC, SBI, WPN or WPU, Weapon is not Null or No and any participant in the event does not have an Injury of 2 or 3, reports as WPN.

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Location:

Student > Behavior > Behavior Resolution > behaviorDetail.removalReason