Early Warning Data Elements

Early Warning is part of the Campus Analytics Suite.

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Early Warning

The Early Warning tool allows school administrators, counselors, principals, etc., to view the likelihood of a student's promotion to the next grade level and their persistence toward graduation (successful completion of high school). School personnel can see how a student compares to their peers and more effectively intervene to increase the likelihood of promotion. 

Predictive analysis generates a student's Graduation Related Analytic Data (GRAD) score. This score summarizes a student’s educational record with a single number indicating the student's likelihood of promotion to the next grade level. It measures factors predictive of dropping out and factors indicative of a student's persistence to the next grade level or graduation. This score is ever-evolving and constantly updated as new data is entered into Campus. 

Screenshot of the Early Warning landing page displaying score distribution.Early Warning

Data Elements

The following table lists the field names, definitions, and locations of the various data elements used for the collection and calculation of a student's GRAD score in Early Warning. It is important to note that the data fields are not analyzed independently but exist as pieces of the bigger picture in calculating the GRAD score. Many data elements are used as part of a 'count of records’, while others are used to compare a student's value and the average for students within the same postal code, school, district, or state. The algorithm utilizes complex patterns in past student data that involve the interaction between these fields, counts, and comparisons to the aggregates. 

It is imperative that schools diligently enter and update student records in a timely manner. The reliability of GRAD scores depends on the accuracy of the data documented in your Campus system. 

The hyperlinked name of the category navigates to detailed documentation about the related Campus tool. 

Field Name



AgeAge of the student.Census > People > Identities > Identity Information > Age
Calculated field
Home Primary LanguageName of the specific language the student uses to communicate at home.Census > People > Identities > Identity Information  > Home Primary Language

Household Information
Household Address

The location where the student resides.

Used to count:

  • Addresses (or the lack of any address, i.e., homeless) change without a simultaneous grade level change.
  • Address household locations or historical address changes based on the date and year filters.
  • Household members or historical changes according to dates.
  • Total number of unique people present in the student's household that year.
  • Consecutive years at the current address.
Census > Household > Household Addresses > Start / End Date
Census > Households > Household Members > Household Member Detail > Start / End Date
Census > Households > Household Members > Household ID
Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > PersonID

Zip CodeFive-digit postal code.Census > Addresses > Address Information > Zip
Guardian Relationship
(required for Parent Portal access)

Indication the individual is an official guardian of the student. 

Used to count:

  • Number of successful Parent Portal logins.
  • Census guardians or historical changes based on date and year filters.
Census > People > Relationships > Guardian (checkbox) and Portal (checkbox)

Portal Login CountsNumber of successful attempts by the student to access the Student Portal.Instruction > Reports > Portal Usage Report
*Some fields may be state-specific
Enrollment HistoryRecord of the student's enrollments. Used to count district changes without a simultaneous grade level change, i.e., student changed districts in the middle of the year.Student Information > General > Enrollments > Print  Enrollment History
Student Information > General > Enrollments > New Enrollment History

GradeGrade level to which the student is assigned for the enrollment period.Student Information > General > Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Grade

No ShowIndicates the student never attended the school during the allotted time period determined by the district. Student Information > General > Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > No Show

Service TypeState-specific code for the English Language services provided.Student Information > General > Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Service Type

Local Start StatusStart status code for the enrollment.

Student Information > General > Enrollments > General Enrollment Information  > Local Start Status



Local End StatusEnd status code for the enrollment.

Student Information > General > Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Local End Status



Indicates the student meets the Federal requirements for Gifted and Talented programming.

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Gifted/Talented


Migrant IndicatorIndicates the student's immigrant status.Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Migrant Indicator

HomelessIndicates the student meets the Federal requirements for being homeless.Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Homeless

Program 504Indicates if the student is participating in Section 504 Programming.Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Program 504

Foreign ExchangeIndicates the student is a foreign exchange student.  Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Foreign Exchange

RefugeeIndicates if the student is a refugee.Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Refugee

Primary DisabilityPrimary disability of the student. Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Primary Disability

SettingSpecific setting of a special education student.Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Setting

Special Ed Exit StatusReason for the removal of the student from special education programming. Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Special Ed Exit Status

School Information
Site ClassificationType of students served or instruction that takes place in a school.School & District Settings > School > School Information >  School Detail > Site Classification

TypeDesignated type of school. School & District Settings > Schools > School Information > Type

Title ICurrent school-wide Title 1 status.School & District Settings > School > School Information >  School History > Program Participation > Title I

Calendar / Days
School ID Identification number assigned to a school. This field cannot be edited. Used to count the total number of schools in the district where the student has been enrolled.Scheduling & Courses > Calendar Setup > Calendar Information > School > 

InstructionStudent instruction days per all enrollments in the same end year. Used as denominator only to adjust count fields into rate-per-instructional-day.Scheduling & Courses > Calendar Setup > Day Setup >  Day Detail > Instruction

Non-InstructionalPeriod does not include formal instruction to students. Periods marked as non-instructional do not count in the Instruction Minutes, but do count counted in the overall School Day minutes.Scheduling & Courses > Calendar Setup > Period Setup > Period Info > Non-Instructional


Date of the code associated with a student's attendance event. Student Information > General > Attendance > Attendance Information > Date

StatusStatus of the student for the associated event. 
  • Absent
  • Tardy
  • Early Release
  • Present
Student Information > General > Attendance > Attendance Information > Status

ExcuseDesignation of the absence as:
  • Unknown
  • Excused
  • Unexcused
  • Exempt
An attendance excuse of Exempt does not count against a student.
Student Information > General > Attendance > Attendance Information > Status > Excuse

Calendar IDIdentification number assigned to a calendar and any events/actions that occur during enrollment under that calendar. This field cannot be edited.BehaviorRole.calendarID
Event Type

Identifying code and name of the event. May be mapped to State Event Codes.

Student Information > General > Behavior > Incident Detail > Event Type
Event ID
Incident ID
Behavior Type ID
Unique identification numbers assigned once the behavior referral is saved. These fields cannot be edited.BehaviorEvent.eventID
Behavior Resolution ID
Behavior Resolution Type ID
Unique identification numbers assigned once the behavior resolution is saved. These fields cannot be edited.BehaviorResolution.resolutionID
Behavior Resolution
Duration of discipline behavior resolutions. Calculated based on the resolution start and end dates/times. These fields cannot be edited.BehaviorResolution.[timestamp], BehaviorResolution.endTimestamp
Calendar IDIdentification number assigned to a calendar and any events/actions that occur during enrollment under that calendar. This field cannot be edited.
Used to count visits with the school's health professional.
Term GradeScore or percentage corresponding to the score posted (or in progress) for a student in the Grade Book. Instruction > Grade Book > Score / Proficiency 

Standard IDUnique identification number assigned once a standard has been saved. This field cannot be edited.
Used in the count of standards for which the student is marked proficient.
Grading & Standards > Standards Setup > Standards Bank

MissingAssignment flagged as "Missing" in the Grade Book.Instruction > Grade Book > Assignment

Cumulative GPAThis value is the result of a stored procedure that calls the get_gpa_stats_all stored procedure for every calendar in the cache and updates the weighted cum gpa into the cache. Due to how GPA is calculated (since some districts do not use a 4.0 scale), some GPA values are negative or very large (>5.0)Student Information > General > Grades > GPA

TranscriptCourse.score TranscriptCourse.gpaValue 
 TranscriptCourse.unweightedGPAValue TranscriptCourse.gpaWeight
DateDate associated with a scored assessment.

Student Information > Assessment Administration > Assessment Center > Assessment > Test Detail > Date


Start DateFirst date the assessment was available for use (or start date of the testing window).Student Information > Assessment Administration > Assessment Center > Assessment > Test Detail >  Start Date

Raw ScoreScore type that is calculated using the number of questions answered correctly minus a fraction of the number answered incorrectly.Student Information > Assessment Administration > Assessment Center > Assessment > Test Detail >  Raw Score

EligibilityIndicates whether the student receives free or reduced meals in accordance with the National School Lunch Program.FRAM > Application Processing > Eligibility

English Learners
Program Status

Indicates the student's EL status. Options include:

  • EL - Student is currently receiving EL services.
  • Exited EL - Student has exited the EL program.
  • Pending - Student has been identified as possibly needing EL services by the school but no formal EL determination has been conducted.
  • Not EL -  The student is not eligible/does not require an EL program.
Student Information > English Learners > English Learners (EL)
