Individual Family Service Plan (Nebraska)

Tool Search: Special Ed Documents

The Individual Family Education Plan captures student special education plan information and matches the required documentation provided by the state of Nebraska. This document describes each editor, each field on the editor, and any special considerations and instructions. 

The current print format of this document is the NE 2024.1. Plan formats are set up using the Plan Type Setup tool.

Screenshot of the editor home screen for the Nebraska IFSP.Editor Home

Tool Search: Special Ed Documents

This article provides information on the core functionality of Special Ed Plans and Evaluations rewritten in the New Look of Campus. See your state's specific articles for information on the editors within the plan or evaluation.

Editor Home

The Editor Home lists the editors available, their status, and Modification and Completion information.

NameThe name of the editor.

The state of the editor. Statuses can be:

  • In Progress indicates a user has entered and saved data in that editor.
  • Not Started is the default status for all editors.
  • Complete indicates that a user has clicked the Complete button on the editor, making it read-only. This does not lock the editor from further editing but indicates that the user considers the editor finished.
  • Not Needed indicates a user has clicked the Not Needed button on the editor. This is usually done for editors that do not apply to the student.

The following statuses are only available for certain state-specific documents:

Modified ByThe date and the user by whom the editor was last edited.
Completed ByThe date and the user who clicked the Complete button for that editor.

General Information

The following table lists the actions available for the editors. When resizing the window, certain buttons are condensed into a single Action button. 


Different editors have different save options. Click the arrow next to the Save & Stay button to view all saving options for any given editor.

  • Save captures progress and navigates the user to the Editor Home or to the List Screen for List editors. See the Editor Types section for additional information.
  • Save & Stay captures progress and keeps the user on the current editor. This save button is the default save option and is usually found within the detail screen or list editors, such as Goals and Objectives. 
  • Save & Next captures progress and navigates the user to the next editor.
  • Save & New captures progress and creates a new record. This save button is usually found within the detail screen of a list editor, such as Goals and Objectives. See the Editor Type section for additional information.

Retrieves a new copy of data from the student's record, including enrollment, student, parent/guardian, and team member information. It also returns any accidentally deleted records. Manually entered fields do not change when the refresh button is clicked. The user must Save after clicking Refresh to capture changes.

A side panel lists all the student's applicable enrollment records. See the Enrollments tool documentation for additional information.

CancelNavigates the user to the Editor Home screen or the List Screen for List editors.


Changes the status of the editor. 

  • Complete indicates the editor is finished. This makes the editor read-only. However, it does not lock the editor from further editing. The user must click In Progress to further edit after an editor is marked Complete.
  • Not Needed indicates the editor does not apply to the student's plan or evaluation. This makes the editor read-only. However, this does not lock the editor from further editing. Click the In Progress button to further edit after an editor is marked Not Needed.
  • In Progress only displays when the editor is in the Complete or Not Needed status and allows additional edits to be made.
  • Complete Pending eSignature only displays for certain editors. This button marks the editor as complete until the parent/guardian electronically signs those plan sections via the Campus Parent Portal. See the Special Ed eSignature Process articles for additional information.

Prints the entire document.

EditorsOpens a side panel listing all the available editors and their status. Select an editor from this list to navigate to that editor or click Close to collapse the side panel.
PreviousNavigates the user to the previous editor.
NextNavigates the user to the next editor.

Editor Types

There are two types of editors available: List or Basic editors. When navigating to a Basic editor, the list of fields within the editor is displayed. List editors display a list of all records within that editor. Clicking an existing record or the New button opens the detail view for an individual record.

Editor Lock Out and Release Logic

Only one user at a time can actively work on an editor. A person with a padlock icon (Screenshot of the Padlock Icon.) displays in the Editors side panel, Editor Home, and List Screen of list editors, indicating which editors currently have users working on them. Hovering over the icon displays the name of the user who has checked out the editor, including the current user (you).

Editors that are currently being edited are read-only for all other users. The name of the person working on the editor displays in the header. 

To release an editor, the user must:

  • navigate to the next editor by clicking Save and Next or the Editors button and selecting the next editor from the side panel.
  • click the Cancel button to return to the Editor Home screen.
  • log out of the Campus application.
  • navigate to a different tool in the Campus application.

Editors are automatically released when the in-application timeout limit has been exceeded. This is a back-end process and is usually around 30-60 minutes.

Template Banks

Certain fields within several editors have an Add Template icon that displays next to their name. Clicking this button displays a side panel with the available library of predetermined text for that field. Template Banks are managed in System Administration.

This feature is not available for Delaware users.

Screenshot of the Add Template icon highlighted and the Template Bank side panel displayed on the right.Template Bank Side PanelClick the plus (+) icons next to the category to view the available template values.

Screenshot of an expanded Template Bank Category on the left and several template values selected on the right. Expanded Category and Values SelectedTemplate Bank Categories display on the left, and the selected text displays on the right. Click the Add button to add the template value. This adds the template to the queue of values on the right. The red X removes selected templates, while the sequence field can be used to reorder the templates. Another option is to use the up and down arrows next to the sequence field to reorder values. 

Click Cancel to go back to the document. The Clear Selected Template(s) button removes all selected template values from the right selection screen. 

Once selections are finalized, click the Insert Selected Template(s) button to add the values to the field within the document in the selected order. Carriage returns separate template values.

Screenshot of an example field with several template bank selections added.Example Template Bank Selections in the Document

Text Editors

Images should not be inserted into text fields. 

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Plan Information

The Plan Header editor stores plan information as well as related dates.

This editor must saved before entering data into other editors.

Screenshot of the Plan Information Editor.Plan Information Editor

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Start Date
The first day of the plan.
End Date
The last day of the plan.
IFSP Mail DateThe day the IFSP was mailed.
Referral to Early Intervention
The day the student was referred for early intervention.
Consent for Evaluation
The day the team received consent to evaluate the student.
Date of MDT
The day the Multi-Disciplinary Team met.
Family's language of choiceThe language the family primarily speaks.

This field is limited to 150 characters.
Family would like an interpreter?Indicates the family would like an interpreter. Options are Yes or No.
Transition Conference DateThe day the transition conference took place.
Estimated Transition DateThe day the student transitions to the age of majority.

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Student Information

The Student Information editor pulls demographic information regarding the student. This is a read-only editor.

The Refresh button retrieves a fresh copy of data from the student's record.

Screenshot of the Student Information Editor.Student Information Editor

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Field Name

DescriptionDatabase and UI Location (when Refreshed is clicked)

Last Name

The student's last name.

 Demographics > Last Name


First NameThe student's first name.Demographics > First Name

Middle NameThe student's middle name.Demographics > Middle Name

SuffixThe student's suffix. Demographics > Suffix Name

AgeThe student's age.Demographics > Birth Date (calculated)

identity.birthDate (calculated)
BirthdateThe student's birthdate.Demographics > Birth Date

GenderThe student's gender.Demographics > Gender

AddressThe student's address.Households > Address Info

address.number; address.street; address.tag; address.prefix; address.dir; address.apt;; address.state;
Student NumberThe student's ID number.Enrollment > Student Number

Student Primary LanguageThe language the student primarily speaks.Demographics > Home Primary Language

Medicaid NumberThe student Medicaid number.N/A
Case Manager Information
NameThe first and last name of the team member.Student Information > Special Ed Team Members
TitleThe role of the team member.Student Information > Special Ed Team Members
PhoneThe phone number of the team member.Student Information > Special Ed Team Members

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Parent/Guardian Information

The Parent/Guardian Information editor pulls the contact information of the student's parent/guardian(s).

The Refresh button retrieves a fresh copy of data from the parent/guardian's record.

Screenshot of the Parent/Guardian Information Editor.Parent/Guardian Information Editor

Click here to expand...

Print SequenceThe order in which the parent/guardian displays.
NameThe name of the parent/guardian.
AddressThe address of the parent/guardian.
Home PhoneThe parent/guardian's home phone.
Work PhoneThe parent/guardian's work phone.
Cell PhoneThe parent/guardian's cell phone.
EmailThe parent/guardian's email.
Home Primary LanguageThe language the parent/guardian speaks at home.

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Enrollment Information

The Enrollment Information editor pulls in district and school information where the student is enrolled. This editor also documents the student's disability(ies). 

Users must click Refresh to place the editor in a Complete status.

Screenshot of the Enrollment Information Editor.Enrollment Information Editor

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Primary Disability
The student's first disability. Options include:
  • 00: No Verified Disability
  • 01: Emotional Disturbance
  • 02: Deaf-Blindness
  • 03: Deaf or Hard of Hearing
  • 07: Multiple Impairment
  • 08: Orthopedic Impairment
  • 09: Other Health Impairment
  • 10: Specific Learning Disability
  • 11: Speech Language Impairment
  • 12: Visual Impairment
  • 13: Autism
  • 14: Traumatic Brain Injury
  • 15: Developmental Delay
  • 16: Intellectual Disability
This pulls in from the selected Enrollment record when users click Refresh.
Secondary DisabilityThe student's second disability, when applicable. The options available are the same as the Primary Disability options.This pulls in from the selected Enrollment record when users click Refresh.
Tertiary DisabilityThe student's third disability, when applicable. The options available are the same as the Primary Disability options.This pulls in from the selected Enrollment record when users click Refresh.
Hearing DisabilityThe student's hearing disability, when applicable. Options include:
  • DEAF: Deaf (Severe/Profound)
  • PD: Hard of Hearing (Mild/Moderate)
This pulls in from the selected Enrollment record when users click Refresh.
Vision DisabilityThe student's vision disability, when applicable. Options include:
  • BLIND: Blind
  • LB: Legally Blind
  • PB: Partial Sighted
This pulls in from the selected Enrollment record when users click Refresh.
Special Ed StatusIndicates the student's special ed status. Options are Yes or No.This pulls in from the selected Enrollment record when users click Refresh.
Special Ed SettingThe location where the student where the student receives their education and special education service. Click the expand link to view available options.
Click here to expand...
  • 1: 0-3 Home
  • 2: 0-3 Community Based Setting
  • 3: 0-3 Other Setting
  • 5: 3-21 Separate School
  • 6: 3-5 Separate Class
  • 7: 3-21 Residential Facility
  • 8: 3-5 Home
  • 9: 3-5 Service Provider Location
  • 20: Public School - Inside regular class 80% or more of the day
  • 21: Public School - Inside regular class 40% through 79% of the day
  • 22: Public School - Inside regular class less than 40% of the day
  • 13: 6-21 Homebound/Hospital
  • 14: 6-21 Private School or Exempt (Home) School
  • 15: 6-21 Correction/Detention Facility
  • 16: Reg EC Prog, 10+ h/wk; Services at EC Prog
  • 17: Reg EC Prog, 10+ h/wk; Services outside EC Prog
  • 18: Reg EC Prog, <10 h/wk; Services at EC Prog
  • 19: Reg EC Prog, <10 h/wk; Services outside EC Prog
  • 4: 3-5 Regular EC Program
  • 10: 6-21 Public School
  • 11: 6-21 Separate School
  • 12: 6-21 Residential Facility

This pulls in from the selected Enrollment record when users click Refresh.
Entry DateThe day the student entered special education services.This pulls in from the selected Enrollment record when users click Refresh.
Part C Transition Delay ReasonOptions include:
  • 1: Parent Refused Consent
  • 2: Parent Chose to remain in Part C
  • Other
School NameThe name of the school where the student attends.This pulls in from the selected Enrollment record when users click Refresh.
School PhoneThe phone number of the school.This pulls in from the selected Enrollment record when users click Refresh and cannot be modified.
School YearThe school year tied to the student's enrollment.This pulls in from the selected Enrollment record when users click Refresh and cannot be modified.
GradeThe student's grade.

This pulls in from the selected Enrollment record when users click Refresh and cannot be modified.

Database Location: enrollment.grade

District Information
District NumberThe district number associated with the Enrolled school.District Information > State District Number
District NameThe district name associated with the Enrolled school.District Information > Name
District AddressThe district address associated with the Enrolled school.District Information > Address
District PhoneThe district phone number associated with the Enrolled school.District Information > Phone
District SPED AddressThe district special education address associated with the Enrolled school.District Information > SPED Address
District SPED PhoneThe district special ed phone number associated with the Enrolled school.District Information > SPED Phone

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IFSP Meeting Dates

The IFSP Meeting Dates editor documents instances of team meetings to discuss the IFSP.

Screenshot of the IFSP Meeting Dates List Screen.IFSP Meeting Dates List Screen

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IFSP Meeting Dates List Screen

Column NameDescription
Padlock IconIndicates the person currently editing the record.
Meeting TypeThe type of meeting.
Meeting DateThe day of the meeting.
Date SentThe day the meeting invitation was sent. 

IFSP Meeting Dates Detail Screen

Select an existing record or click New to open the detail screen.

Screenshot of the IFSP Meeting Dates Detail Screen.IFSP Meeting Dates Detail Screen
Meeting Type
The type of meeting. Options include:
  • Initial
  • Interim
  • Annual
  • Periodic
Meeting Date
The day of the meeting.
Sent Date
The day the meeting invitation was sent. 

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Family Concerns and Priorities

The Family Concerns and Desired Priorities editor documents any concerns the family wants to address and the order of priority for addressing those concerns.

Screenshot of the Family Concerns and Desired Priorities List Screen.Family Concerns and Desired Priorities List Screen

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Family Concerns and Desired Priorities List Screen

Column NameDescription
Padlock IconIndicates the person currently editing the record.
DateThe day of the record.
Family Concern and PriorityDisplays the first 100 characters of the record.

Family Concerns and Desired Priorities Detail Screen

Select an existing record or click New to open the detail screen.

Screenshot of the Family Concerns and Desired Priorities Detail Screen.Family Concerns and Desired Priorities Detail Screen
The day of the record.N/A
Family's Concern and Desired Priority
A description of the family's concern and its priority.This field is limited to 8000 characters.

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Child/Family Strengths

The Child and Family's Strength editor documents the student and family's strengths.

Screenshot of the Child and Family Strengths List Screen.Child and Family Strengths List Screen

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Child and Family's Strength List Screen

Column NameDescription
Padlock IconIndicates the person currently editing the record.
DateThe day of the record.
Child and Family StrengthsDisplays the first 100 characters of the record.

Child and Family's Strength Detail Screen

Select an existing record or click New to open the detail screen.

Screenshot of the Child and Family Strengths Detail Screen.Child and Family Strengths Detail Screen
The day of the record.N/A
Child and Family's Strengths
A description of the family's strengths.This field is limited to 8000 characters.

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Present Levels of Development

The Present Levels of Development editor documents the student's current abilities.

Screenshot of the Present Levels of Development List Screen.Present Levels of Development List Screen

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Present Levels of Development List Screen

Column NameDescription
Padlock IconIndicates the person currently editing the record.
DateThe day of the record.
Area of EvaluationThe area evaluated.
Current AbilitiesDisplays the first 100 characters of the record.

Present Levels of Development Detail Screen

Select an existing record or click New to open the detail screen.

Screenshot of the Present Levels of Development Detail Screen.Present Levels of Development Detail Screen
The day of the record.N/A
YearsThe age of the student.N/A
MonthsThe age of the student.N/A
Area of EvaluationThe area evaluated. Options include:
  • Vision
  • Hearing
  • Health Status
  • Cognitive/Thinking Skills
  • Social/Behavior Skills
  • Self-Help/Adaptive Skills
  • Fine Motor Skills
  • Gross Motor Skills
Current Abilities
A description of the student's current abilities.The Template Bank associated with this field is named NE IFSP Current Abilities. 

This field is limited to 8000 characters.

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The Outcomes editor documents the student's goals and how the outcome is measured.

Screenshot of the Outcomes List Screen.Outcomes List Screen

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Outcomes List Screen

Column NameDescription
Padlock IconIndicates the person currently editing the record.
AreaThe area evaluated.
OutcomesThe outcome of the goal. Displays the first 100 characters of the record.

Outcomes Detail Screen

Select an existing record or click New to open the detail screen.

Screenshot of the Outcomes Detail Screen.Outcomes Detail Screen
The area evaluated.The values available in this dropdown are pulled records created on the Present Levels of Development Areas of Evaluation.
OutcomeThe outcome of the goal.The Template Bank associated with this field is named NE IFSP Outcome. 

This field is limited to 8000 characters.
Child/Family strengths and resources related to this outcomeA description of the student's and family's strengths related to this outcome.This field is limited to 8000 characters.
What will be done/by whomA description on what will be done.This field is limited to 8000 characters.
Progress will be reviewed: How OftenA description of the frequency in which progress will be reviewed.This field is limited to 8000 characters.
Progress will be reviewed: By WhomA description of who will review the outcome.This field is limited to 8000 characters.
Progress will be reviewed: How MeasuredA description of how the outcome is measured.This field is limited to 8000 characters.
Outcome Review
The day of the outcome review.N/A
Next Steps/CommentsA description of any next steps or comments related to the outcome review.This field is limited to 8000 characters.
How much progressA description of how much progress the student/family has made.This field is limited to 8000 characters.

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Transition Plan

The Transition Plan editor documents any transition plans needed by the student.

Screenshot of the Transition Plan List Screen.Transition Plan List Screen

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Transition Plan List Screen

Column NameDescription
Padlock IconIndicates the person currently editing the record.
What needs to be doneA description of the transition plan. Displays the first 100 characters of the record.
Who is responsibleThe responsible person or agency. Displays the first 100 characters of the record.
Time LineThe timeline for completing the plan. Displays the first 100 characters of the record.
Date CompletedThe day the plan was completed.

Transition Plan Detail Screen

Select an existing record or click New to open the detail screen.

Screenshot of the Transition Plan Detail Screen.Transition Plan Detail Screen
What needs to be done?
A description of the transition plan.The Template Bank associated with this field is named NE IFSP Transition Plan Activity.

This field is limited to 8000 characters.
Who is responsible?The responsible person or agency.This field is limited to 8000 characters.
Time LineThe timeline for completing the plan.This field is limited to 8000 characters.
Date CompletedThe day the plan was completed.N/A

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Special Ed Services

The Special Ed Services editor documents special education services provided for the student.

Services are managed using the Special Ed Services Setup tool. Services with a Type of Normal Service pull in to this editor.

Screenshot of the Special Ed Services List Screen.Special Ed Services List Screen

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Special Ed Services List Screen

Column NameDescription
Padlock IconIndicates the person currently editing the record.
ServiceThe name of the service.
Start DateThe first day the student receives the service.
End DateThe last day the student receives the service.

Special Ed Services Detail Screen

Select an existing record or click New to open the detail screen.

Screenshot of the Special Ed Services Detail Screen.Special Ed Services Detail Screen
The name of the service.The values available in this dropdown are district-defined using the Special Ed Services Setup tool. Services marked as Normal Service in the Type dropdown display in this dropdown.
The location where the student receives the service. Options include:
  • Home
  • Community
  • Home and Community
  • Other
Specify Other Location
The other location.*This field is available and required when Other is selected as the Location.

This field is limited to 150 characters.
The group/individual. Options include:
  • Group
  • Individual
  • Others
Specify Other
The other group/individual.*This field is available and required when Other is selected as the Group/Individual.

This field is limited to 150 characters.
The type of environment. Options include:
  • Natural Environment
  • Not a Natural Environment
  • Other
Specify Other Environment
The other type of environment.*This field is available and required when Other is selected as the Environment.

This field is limited to 150 characters.
The method. Options include:
  • Face-to-face
  • Face-to-face or Phone
  • Other
Specify Other Method
The other method.*This field is available and required when Other is selected as the Method.

This field is limited to 150 characters.
Who Pays
The paying group. Options include:
  • OPS
  • EDN
  • Other
Specify Other Payor
The other paying group.*This field is available and required when Other is selected as the Payer.

This field is limited to 150 characters.
Duration and Frequency
Start Date
The first day of the service.This automatically populates with the Plan Start Date.
End Date
The last day of the service.This automatically populates with the Plan End Date.
Minutes per session
The number of minutes the student receives the service.N/A
Number Session per
The number of times the student receives the service.N/A
The frequency of service. Options include:
  • month
  • 6 months
  • Other
Specify Other
The other frequency.*This field is available and required when Other is selected as the Frequency.

This field is limited to 150 characters.

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The Accommodations editor lists any accommodations the student requires for their education based on their disability(ies).

Screenshot of the Accommodations List Screen.Accommodations List Screen

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Accommodations List Screen

Column NameDescription
Padlock IconIndicates the person currently editing the record.
Service ProvidedThe name of the service.
TimeThe service frequency.
Start DateThe first day of service.
End DateThe last day of service.

Accommodations Detail Screen

Select an existing record or click New to open the detail screen.

Screenshot of the Accommodations Detail Screen.Accommodations Detail Screen
Sequence Number
The order of the record.This field automatically sequences in the order in which the records are created.

Duplicate numbers are not allowed.
The name of the service.The values available in this dropdown are district-defined using the Special Ed Services Setup tool. Services marked as Normal Service in the Type dropdown display in this dropdown.
Service PositionThe person, agency, or role of the person administering the service. The values available in this dropdown are district-defined using the Special Ed Service Positions Setup tool.
The location where the student receives the service. Options include:
  • Special Ed
  • General Ed
Duration and Frequency
Start Date
The first day of the service.N/A
End Date
The last day of the service.N/A
Direct Minutes per session
The number of direct minutes the student receives the service.N/A
Number Session per
The number of times the student receives the service.N/A
Service Frequency
The frequency of service. Options include:
  • year
  • quarter
  • month
  • day
  • week
Indirect Minutes per session
The number of indirect minutes the student receives the service.N/A

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Transportation/Natural Environment

The Transportation/Natural Environment editor indicates whether the student needs special conditions for safe transportation and how eligibility was determined.

Screenshot of the Transportation/Natural Environment Editor.Transportation/Natural Environment Editor
Are there special conditions for safe transportation for this child?A description of any special conditions the student requires for safe transportation.This field is limited to 8000 characters.
Include a justification of the extent, if any, to which a service will not be provided in a natural environmentA description of the justification of the service.This field is limited to 8000 characters.

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Other Services/Supports

The Other Services/Supports editor documents any other supports or services to be provided for the student.

Screenshot of the NE IFSP Other Services/Supports List Screen.NE IFSP Other Services/Supports List Screen

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Other Services/Supports List Screen

Column NameDescription
Padlock IconIndicates the person currently editing the record.
Service DescriptionThe service.
Start DateThe first day of service.
End DateThe last day of service.

Other Services/Supports Detail Screen

Select an existing record or click New to open the detail screen.

Screenshot of the Other Services/Supports Detail Screen.Other Services/Supports Detail Screen
Service Description
The service.This field is limited to 8000 characters.
Person ResponsibleThe person responsible.This field is limited to 8000 characters.
Funding SourceThe funding source.This field is limited to 8000 characters.
Duration and Frequency
Start Date
The first day of service.This automatically populates with the Plan Start Date.
End Date
The last day of service.This automatically populates with the Plan End Date.

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Home and Community-Based Services/Supports

The Home and Community-Based Services/Supports editor documents home and community-based services for the student.

Screenshot of the Home and Community-Based Services/Supports List Screen.Home and Community-Based Services/Supports List Screen

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Home and Community-Based Services/Supports List Screen

Column NameDescription
Padlock IconIndicates the person currently editing the record.
Start DateThe first day of service.
End DateThe last day of service.
ServiceThe service. Displays the first 100 characters of the record.

Home and Community-Based Services/Supports Detail Screen

Select an existing record or click New to open the detail screen.

Screenshot of the Home and Community-Based Services/Supports Detail Screen.Home and Community-Based Services/Supports Detail Screen
Start Date
The first day of service.N/A
End Date
The last day of service.N/A
The service.This field is limited to 8000 characters.
To Help with OutcomeThe person or agency responsible.This field is limited to 8000 characters.
How much?The frequency of service.This field is limited to 8000 characters.
Funding SourceThe funding source.This field is limited to 8000 characters.

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Child/Family Team

The Child/Family Team editor documents the student's team members.

Screenshot of the Child/Family Team List Screen.Child/Family Team List Screen

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Child/Familly Team List Screen

Column NameDescription
Padlock IconIndicates the person currently editing the record.
Meeting DateThe day of the meeting.
Meeting TypeThe type of the meeting.
Print In PlanIndicates this record prints.

Child/Family Team Detail Screen

Select an existing record or click New to open the detail screen.

Screenshot of the Child/Family Team Detail Screen.Child/Family Team Detail Screen
Print in PlanIndicates this record prints.This defaults to marked.
Meeting Date
The day of the meeting.This automatically populates with the Plan Start Date.
Meeting TypeThe type of the meeting.N/A
CommentsAny comments related to the notification or meeting.This field is limited to 8000 characters.
Click Refresh to restore any accidentally removed participants who were pulled in from the Team Members tool.
First Name
The person's first name.This information is pulled in from the student's Special Ed Team Members tool, but participants can also be manually entered with the Add button.
Last Name
The person's last name.This information is pulled in from the student's Special Ed Team Members tool, but participants can also be manually entered with the Add button.
RoleThe person's role.This pulls in from the student's Special Ed Team Members tool, but can be modified.

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Prior Written Notice

The Prior Written Notice editor documents the proposed or refused actions the IEP team considers and the notice dates provided to the parent/guardian(s). 

Screenshot of the Prior Written Notice List Screen.Prior Written Notice List Screen

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Prior Written Notice List Screen

Column NameDescription
Padlock IconIndicates the person currently editing the record.
DateThe day of the prior written notice.
Description of the action proposed or denied by the districtDisplays the first 100 characters of the description.
Print In PlanIndicates this record prints.

Prior Written Notice Detail Screen

Select an existing record or click New to open the detail screen.

Screenshot of the Prior Written Notice Detail Screen.Prior Written Notice Detail Screen
Print in PlanIndicates this record prints.This defaults to unmarked.
The day of the prior written notice.N/A
Description of the action proposed or refused by the school districtA description of the proposed or refused action.This field is limited to 8000 characters.
Explanation of why the district proposes or refuses to take this actionAn explanation of why the school is proposing or refusing to take action.This field is limited to 8000 characters.
Description of options the IEP team considered and the reasons why those options were rejectedA description of the choices considered and rejected by the IEP team.This field is limited to 8000 characters.
Description of each evaluation procedure, assessment, records or report the district used as a bases for the proposal or refusalA description of the evidence used to decide to propose or refuse action.This field is limited to 8000 characters.
Description of any other factors that are relevant to the district's proposalAny other reasons why the school proposed or refused action. This field is limited to 8000 characters.

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Consent to Continue Services

The Consent to Continue Services editor documents the consent to continue services for the student.

This editor is often filled out and electronically signed by the student's parent/guardian. In order to send the plan for eSignature, this editor must be placed in the status Complete Pending eSignature OR Not Needed. See the Nebraska Special Ed Plan eSignature Process article for additional information.

Screenshot of the Consent to Continue Services Editor.Consent to Continue Services Editor

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IFSP Signature Page

The IEP Signature Page editor documents the official sign-off of the proposed document plan for the student.

This editor is often filled out and electronically signed by the student's parent/guardian. In order to send the plan for eSignature, this editor must be placed in the status Complete Pending eSignature OR Not Needed. See the Nebraska Special Ed Plan eSignature Process article for additional information.

Screenshot of the IFSP Signature Page Editor.IFSP Signature Page Editor

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