Tool Search: Special Ed Documents
The Individual Education Plan captures student special education plan information and matches the required documentation provided by the state of Nebraska. This document describes each editor, each field on the editor, and any special considerations and instructions.
The Private School Plan is an exact copy of the Individual Education Plan. For information on general functionality, navigation, and additional plan and evaluation features, see the core Plan and Evaluation Information article.
The current print format of this document is the NE 2024.1. Plan formats are set up using the Plan Type Setup tool.
Editor HomePlan Information
The Plan Header editor stores plan information as well as related dates.
This editor must saved before entering data into other editors.
Plan Information Editor
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Field | Description | Validation |
Category Required | Options include:- Initial
- Annual
- Interim
- Amendment
| N/A |
Meeting Date | The day the student's team met. | N/A |
Start Date Required | The first day of the plan. | N/A |
End Date Required | The last day of the plan. | N/A |
Eval/RED Date Required | The day the student was last evaluated. | N/A |
Anticipated Date of Next Reevaluation | The day in the future when the student is evaluated again. | N/A |
Mail Date *Required | The date the plan was mailed to the student's parent/guardian. | This field is required to Complete the editor. |
Secondary Transition information is needed for this student | Indicates transition information is needed in this plan. | This automatically becomes marked and read-only when the student is 14 years old or older. |
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Student Information
The Student Information editor pulls demographic information regarding the student. This is a read-only editor.
The Refresh button retrieves a fresh copy of data from the student's record.
Student Information Editor
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Field Name | Description | Database and UI Location (when Refreshed is clicked) |
Last Name | The student's last name. | Demographics > Last Name
identity.lastName |
First Name | The student's first name. | Demographics > First Name
identity.firstName |
Middle Name | The student's middle name. | Demographics > Middle Name
identity.middleName |
Suffix | The student's suffix. | Demographics > Suffix Name
identity.suffix |
Age | The student's age. | Demographics > Birth Date (calculated)
identity.birthDate (calculated) |
Birthdate | The student's birthdate. | Demographics > Birth Date
identity.birthDate |
Gender | The student's gender. | Demographics > Gender
identity.gender |
Address | The student's address. | Households > Address Info
address.number; address.street; address.tag; address.prefix; address.dir; address.apt;; address.state; |
Student Number | The student's ID number. | Enrollment > Student Number
identity.studentNumber |
Student Primary Language | The language the student primarily speaks. | Demographics > Home Primary Language
identity.homePrimaryLanguage |
Case Manager Information |
Name | The first and last name of the team member. | Student Information > Special Ed Team Members |
Title | The role of the team member. | Student Information > Special Ed Team Members |
Phone | The phone number of the team member. | Student Information > Special Ed Team Members |
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Parent/Guardian Information
The Parent/Guardian Information editor pulls the contact information of the student's parent/guardian(s).
The Refresh button retrieves a fresh copy of data from the parent/guardian's record.
Parent/Guardian Information Editor
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Field | Description |
Print Sequence | The order in which the parent/guardian displays. |
Name | The name of the parent/guardian. |
Address | The address of the parent/guardian. |
Home Phone | The parent/guardian's home phone. |
Work Phone | The parent/guardian's work phone. |
Cell Phone | The parent/guardian's cell phone. |
Email | The parent/guardian's email. |
Home Primary Language | The language the parent/guardian speaks at home. |
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Enrollment Information
The Enrollment Information editor pulls in district and school information where the student is enrolled. This editor also documents the student's disability(ies).
Users must click Refresh to place the editor in a Complete status.
Enrollment Information Editor
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Field | Description | Validation |
Primary Disability Required | The student's first disability. Options include:- 00: No Verified Disability
- 01: Emotional Disturbance
- 02: Deaf-Blindness
- 03: Deaf or Hard of Hearing
- 07: Multiple Impairment
- 08: Orthopedic Impairment
- 09: Other Health Impairment
- 10: Specific Learning Disability
- 11: Speech Language Impairment
- 12: Visual Impairment
- 13: Autism
- 14: Traumatic Brain Injury
- 15: Developmental Delay
- 16: Intellectual Disability
| This pulls in from the selected Enrollment record when users click Refresh. |
Secondary Disability | The student's second disability, when applicable. The options available are the same as the Primary Disability options. | This pulls in from the selected Enrollment record when users click Refresh. |
Tertiary Disability | The student's third disability, when applicable. The options available are the same as the Primary Disability options. | This pulls in from the selected Enrollment record when users click Refresh. |
Hearing Disability | The student's hearing disability, when applicable. Options include:- DEAF: Deaf (Severe/Profound)
- PD: Hard of Hearing (Mild/Moderate)
| This pulls in from the selected Enrollment record when users click Refresh. |
Vision Disability | The student's vision disability, when applicable. Options include:- BLIND: Blind
- LB: Legally Blind
- PB: Partial Sighted
| This pulls in from the selected Enrollment record when users click Refresh. |
Special Ed Status | Indicates the student's special ed status. Options are Yes or No. | This pulls in from the selected Enrollment record when users click Refresh. |
Special Ed Setting | The location where the student where the student receives their education and special education service. Click the expand link to view available options.
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- 1: 0-3 Home
- 2: 0-3 Community Based Setting
- 3: 0-3 Other Setting
- 5: 3-21 Separate School
- 6: 3-5 Separate Class
- 7: 3-21 Residential Facility
- 8: 3-5 Home
- 9: 3-5 Service Provider Location
- 20: Public School - Inside regular class 80% or more of the day
- 21: Public School - Inside regular class 40% through 79% of the day
- 22: Public School - Inside regular class less than 40% of the day
- 13: 6-21 Homebound/Hospital
- 14: 6-21 Private School or Exempt (Home) School
- 15: 6-21 Correction/Detention Facility
- 16: Reg EC Prog, 10+ h/wk; Services at EC Prog
- 17: Reg EC Prog, 10+ h/wk; Services outside EC Prog
- 18: Reg EC Prog, <10 h/wk; Services at EC Prog
- 19: Reg EC Prog, <10 h/wk; Services outside EC Prog
- 4: 3-5 Regular EC Program
- 10: 6-21 Public School
- 11: 6-21 Separate School
- 12: 6-21 Residential Facility
| This pulls in from the selected Enrollment record when users click Refresh. |
Entry Date | The day the student entered special education services. | This pulls in from the selected Enrollment record when users click Refresh. |
Part C Transition Delay Reason | Options include:- 1: Parent Refused Consent
- 2: Parent Chose to remain in Part C
- Other
| N/A |
School Name | The name of the school where the student attends. | This pulls in from the selected Enrollment record when users click Refresh. |
School Phone | The phone number of the school. | This pulls in from the selected Enrollment record when users click Refresh and cannot be modified. |
School Year | The school year tied to the student's enrollment. | This pulls in from the selected Enrollment record when users click Refresh and cannot be modified. |
Grade | The student's grade. | This pulls in from the selected Enrollment record when users click Refresh and cannot be modified.
Database Location: enrollment.grade |
District Information |
District Number | The district number associated with the Enrolled school. | District Information > State District Number |
District Name | The district name associated with the Enrolled school. | District Information > Name |
District Address | The district address associated with the Enrolled school. | District Information > Address |
District Phone | The district phone number associated with the Enrolled school. | District Information > Phone |
District SPED Address | The district special education address associated with the Enrolled school. | District Information > SPED Address |
District SPED Phone | The district special ed phone number associated with the Enrolled school. | District Information > SPED Phone |
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Team Meeting
The Team Meeting editor records team meetings and participants for the student.
Team members added to the Special Ed Team Members tool can be added to team meetings. Team members can also be added manually to this editor, but they are not saved in the system and must be created each time they are included in a meeting.
Click Refresh in the Attendance section to restore any accidentally removed participants who were pulled in from the Team Members tool.
Team Meeting List Screen
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Team Meeting List Screen
Column Name | Description |
Padlock Icon | Indicates the person currently editing the record. |
Meeting Date | The day of the meeting. |
Meeting Location | The location of the meeting. |
Print In Plan | Indicates this record prints. |
Team Meeting Detail Screen
Select an existing record or click New to open the detail screen.
Team Meeting Detail ScreenField | Description | Validation |
Print in Plan | Indicates this record prints. | This defaults to marked. |
Meeting Date Required | The day of the meeting. | N/A |
Meeting Time | The time of the meeting. | N/A |
Invite Date | The day of the meeting invitation. | N/A |
Meeting Location | The location of the meeting. | This field is limited to 255 characters. |
1st Notification Required | The day of the first meeting notification. | There are three notification fields. |
Method of Notification | The method of notifying participants. Options include:- Invitation
- Phone Call
- In Person
- Reminder Notice
- Other
| There are three Method of Notification fields. |
Specify Other *Required | The other method of notifying participants. | *This field is available and required when Other is selected as the Method of Notification.
This field is limited to 150 characters.
There are three Specify Other fields. |
By Whom | The person who sent the notification. | This field is limited to 150 characters.
There are three By Whom fields. |
Comments | Any comments related to the notification or meeting. | This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Attendance Click Refresh to restore any accidentally removed participants who were pulled in from the Team Members tool. Team Meeting Detail Screen - Attendance Section |
First Name Required | The person's first name. | This information is pulled in from the student's Special Ed Team Members tool, but participants can also be manually entered with the Add button. |
Last Name Required | The person's last name. | This information is pulled in from the student's Special Ed Team Members tool, but participants can also be manually entered with the Add button. |
Role | The person's role. Options include:- Parent/Guardian
- Student
- School District Representative
- Special Education Teacher or Service Provider
- Regular Education Classroom Teacher
- Individual to Interpret Instructional Implications of Evaluation Results
- Representative of an agency which may provide post secondary transition services
- Nonpublic school representative
- Educator of Hearing Impaired
- Educator of Visually Impaired
- Approved Service Agency representative
- Other
| N/A |
Specify Other *Required | The other role of the person. | *This field is available and required when Other is selected as the person's Role. |
Method of Participation Required | How the person participated in the meeting. Options include:- In Person
- Phone
- Excused
- Written Input
- Other
| N/A |
Specify Other *Required | The other manner in which the person participated. | *This field is available and required when Other is selected as the Method of Participation. |
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Special Considerations
The Special Considerations editor describes other considerations that may impact the student's progress, including behavioral issues, limited English proficiency, visual or hearing impairment, communication needs, or assistive technology.
Special Considerations Editor
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Field | Description | Validation |
Is the student blind or visually impaired? | Indicates this student is blind or visually impaired. Options are Yes or No. | N/A |
Braille Instruction *Required | Indicates Braille instruct is appropriate for this student. Options include:- Student will be provided instruction in Braille and the use of Braille
- IEP team determined Braille instruction is not appropriate
| *This field is available and required when Yes is selected from the "Is the student blind or visually impaired?" question. |
Is the student deaf or hearing impaired? | Indicates the student is deaf or hard of hearing. Options are Yes or No. | N/A |
Does the student exhibit behaviors that impede his/her learning or that of others? | Indicates this student exhibits behavior that may impede their learning or the learning of others. Options are Yes or No. | When No is selected, the Behavioral Plan editor is automatically placed in a Not Needed status. |
Does the student have limited English proficiency? | Indicates the student has a limited English proficiency. Options are Yes or No. | N/A |
Student does NOT need to take NE ELPA test | Indicates the student does not need to take the English Language Proficiency Assessment. | N/A |
Indicate where language needs are addressed in the IEP *Required | A description of where the student's language needs are documented in this IEP. | *This field is available and required when Yes is selected from the "Does the student have limited English proficiency?" question.
This field is limited to 250 characters. |
Does the student have communication needs? | Indicates the student has communication needs. Options are Yes or No. | N/A |
Indicate where communication needs are addressed in the IEP *Required | A description of where the student's communication needs are documented in this IEP. | *This field is available and required when Yes is selected from the "Does the student have communication needs?" question.
This field is limited to 250 characters. |
Does the student require Assistive Technology device(s) and/or services? | Indicates the student requires assistive technology and/or services. Options are Yes or No. | N/A |
Indicate where assistive technology needs are addressed in the IEP *Required | A description of where the student's assistive technology needs are documented in this IEP. | *This field is available and required when Yes is selected from the "Does the student require Assistive Technology device(s) and/or services?" question.
This field is limited to 250 characters. |
Will the student receive Extended School Year Services? | Indicates the student's eligibility to receive Extended School Year Services. Options include:- No, the student is not eligible for ESY services
- Yes, the student is eligible for ESY services
- The need for ESY services will be addressed at a later date
| N/A |
Date ESY needs will be addressed *Required | The date the student's ESY needs will be addressed. | *This field is available and required when "The need for ESY services will be addressed at a later date" is selected for the ESY Services question. |
State or District-wide Assessments | Indicates there are state or district-wide assessments administered for the student's age/grade level. Options are Yes or No. | N/A |
Indicate where the state or district-wide assessments are addressed in the IEP? *Required | A description of where the state or district-wide assessments are documented in this IEP. | *This field is available and required when Yes is selected for the State or District-wide Assessments dropdown.
This field is limited to 250 characters. |
Is a Post-secondary Transition Planning required? | Indicates a post-secondary transition plan is needed for this student. Options include:- No (Student will not turn 16 while this IEP is in effect)
- Yes (Student is/will be 16 while this IEP is in effect)
| N/A |
Will the student be graduating or exceeding the age of eligibility this year? | Indicates the student is graduating or exceeding the age of eligibility this year. Options include:- No
- Yes, graduating with regular diploma
- Yes, exceeding age of eligibility for special education.
| N/A |
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The Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) editor describes the student's academic, developmental, and functional needs, including the student's current strengths, parental concerns, and assessment results as explanations.
Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) Editor
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Field | Validation |
How the student’s disability affects his/her involvement and progress in the general education curriculum; or for preschool children, participation in age-appropriate activities | This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
The strengths of the student | This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Concerns of the parent/guardian for enhancing the education of the student | This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
A summary of the most recent evaluation/reevaluation results, and the academic, developmental, and functional needs of the child | This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
A summary of the results of the student’s performance on formal or informal age appropriate transition assessments | This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
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Educational Needs
The Student's Educational Needs editor documents the student's educational needs and any support provided to school personnel.
Educational Needs Editor
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Field | Description | Validation |
Academic, developmental and functional needs of the student | A description of the student's academic, developmental, and functional needs. | This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Accommodations, program modifications, supplementary aids and services | A description any accommodations, modifications, aids and/or services the student needs. | This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Supports for school personnel | A description of any personnel support needed. | This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
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Subject Areas
The Subject Areas editor indicates which subject areas the student takes for the general education curriculum or alternate curriculum.
Subject Areas EditorField | Description | Validation |
Alternate Curriculum | Indicates alternative curriculum is needed for the selected subject areas. Options include:- Reading
- Writing
- Math
- Science
- Social Studies
| Multiple options can be selected.
When a subject area is selected as an Alternate Curriculum, it cannot be selected for the General Ed Curriculum. |
General Ed Curriculum | Indicates general education curriculum is needed for the selected subject areas. Options include:- Reading
- Writing
- Math
- Science
- Social Studies
| Multiple options can be selected.
When a subject area is selected as a General Ed Curriculum, it cannot be selected for an Alternate Curriculum. |
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Behavioral Assessment and Intervention Plan
The Behavioral Assessment and Intervention Plan editor documents the action plan regarding the student's behavior needs, including an assessment plan, positive behavioral interventions, strategies, and supports to address the behavior.
This editor is required when Yes is selected as the answer for the "Does the student exhibit behaviors that impede his/her learning or that of others?" question on the Special Considerations editor. When available, this editor cannot be placed in a Not Needed status.
This editor is automatically placed in a Not Needed status when No is selected as the answer for the "Does the student exhibit behaviors that impede his/her learning or that of others?" question on the Special Considerations editor.
Behavioral Assessment and Intervention Plan EditorField | Description | Validation |
Assessment Plan | A description of the assessment plan. | This field is limited to 8000 characters.
The Template Bank associated with this field is called NE IEP/PSP Assessment Plan. |
Intervention Plan | A description of the intervention plan. | This field is limited to 8000 characters.
The Template Bank associated with this field is called NE IEP/PSP Intervention Plan. |
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State and District-Wide Assessments
The State and District-Wide Assessments editor documents any state or district-administered exams the student will take and any accommodations and/or modifications needed.
State and District-Wide Assessments List Screen
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State and District-Wide Assessments List Screen
Column Name | Description |
Padlock Icon | Indicates the person currently editing the record. |
District-Wide Assessment | The name of the assessment. |
Accommodation/Alternate Assessment | The specific accommodation or alternate assessment. |
State and District-Wide Assessments Detail Screen
Select an existing record or click New to open the detail screen.
State and District-Wide Assessments Detail ScreenField | Description | Validation |
District-Wide Assessment Required | The specific assessment. | The values available in this dropdown are district-defined in the Attribute Dictionary at Plan > District-Wide Assessment. |
Date | The day the test is administered. | N/A |
Specify Other *Required | The other assessment. | *This field is available and required when Other is selected as the District-Wide Assessment.
This field is limited to 150 characters. |
Will the student have an Accommodation or Alternate Assessment | Indicates the student requires an accommodation or alternate assessment for the above selected district-wide assessment. Options include:- Accommodation
- Alternate Assessment
| N/A |
Accommodation *Required | The type of accommodation. | *This field is available and required when Accommodation is selected for the above question.
The values available in this dropdown are district-defined in the Attribute Dictionary at Plan > Accommodation. |
Alternate Assessment *Required | The type of alternate assessment. | *This field is available and required when Alternate Assessment is selected for the above question.
The values available in this dropdown are district-defined in the Attribute Dictionary at Plan > Alternate Assessment. |
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Location of Services
The Location of Services editor documents where the student receives services when they are not receiving their special education and/or related services in their home or resident district.
Location of Services Editor
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Field | Description | Validation |
District/Agency Name | The name of the district/agency. | This field is limited to 200 characters. |
Address | The location of the district/agency. | This field is limited to 500 characters. |
Phone | The phone number of the district/agency. | N/A |
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Special Ed Services
The Special Ed Services editor documents special education services provided for the student.
Services are managed using the Special Ed Services Setup tool. Services with a Type of Normal Service pull in to this editor.
Special Ed Services List Screen
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Special Ed Services List Screen
Column Name | Description |
Padlock Icon | Indicates the person currently editing the record. |
Service Provided | The name of the service. |
Time | The amount of time the service is administered. This displays as Direct Minutes Number / Indirect Minutes Number. |
Start Date | The first day the student receives the service. |
End Date | The last day the student receives the service. |
Special Ed Services Detail Screen
Select an existing record or click New to open the detail screen.
Special Ed Services Detail ScreenField | Description | Validation |
Sequence Number Required | The order of the record. | This field automatically sequences in the order in which the records are created.
Duplicate numbers are not allowed. |
Service Required | The name of the service. | The values available in this dropdown are district-defined using the Special Ed Services Setup tool. Services marked as Normal Service in the Type dropdown display in this dropdown. |
Service Position | The person, agency, or role of the person administering the service. | The values available in this dropdown are district-defined using the Special Ed Service Positions Setup tool. |
ESY | Indicates this service will take place in an extended school year program. | N/A |
Location Required | The location where the student receives the service. Options include: | N/A |
Duration and Frequency |
Start Date Required | The first day of the service. | N/A |
End Date Required | The last day of the service. | N/A |
Direct Minutes per session Required | The number of direct minutes the student receives the service. | N/A |
Number Session per Required | The number of times the student receives the service. | N/A |
Service Frequency Required | The frequency of service. Options include: | N/A |
Indirect Minutes per session Required | The number of indirect minutes the student receives the service. | N/A |
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Related Services
The Related Services editor documents related services provided for the student.
Services are managed using the Special Ed Services Setup tool. Services with a Type of Related Service are pulled into this editor.
Related Services List Screen
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Related Services List Screen
Column Name | Description |
Padlock Icon | Indicates the person currently editing the record. |
Service Provided | The name of the service. |
Time | The amount of time the service is administered. This displays as Direct Minutes Number / Indirect Minutes Number. |
Start Date | The first day the student receives the service. |
End Date | The last day the student receives the service. |
Related Services Detail Screen
Select an existing record or click New to open the detail screen.
Related Services Detail ScreenField | Description | Validation |
Sequence Number Required | The order of the record. | This field automatically sequences in the order in which the records are created.
Duplicate numbers are not allowed. |
Service Required | The name of the service. | The values available in this dropdown are district-defined using the Special Ed Services Setup tool. Services marked as Related Service in the Type dropdown display in this dropdown. |
Service Position | The person, agency, or role of the person administering the service. | The values available in this dropdown are district-defined using the Special Ed Service Positions Setup tool. |
ESY | Indicates this service will take place in an extended school year program. | N/A |
Location Required | The location where the student receives the service. Options include: | N/A |
Duration and Frequency |
Start Date Required | The first day of the service. | N/A |
End Date Required | The last day of the service. | N/A |
Direct Minutes per session Required | The number of direct minutes the student receives the service. | N/A |
Number Session per Required | The number of times the student receives the service. | N/A |
Service Frequency Required | The frequency of service. Options include: | N/A |
Indirect Minutes per session Required | The number of indirect minutes the student receives the service. | N/A |
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The Accommodations editor documents accommodation services provided for the student.
Services are managed using the Special Ed Services Setup tool. Services with a Type of Accommodations are pulled into this editor.
Accommodations List Screen
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Accommodations List Screen
Column Name | Description |
Padlock Icon | Indicates the person currently editing the record. |
Service Provided | The name of the service. |
Time | The amount of time the service is administered. This displays as Direct Minutes Number / Indirect Minutes Number. |
Start Date | The first day the student receives the service. |
End Date | The last day the student receives the service. |
Accommodations Detail Screen
Select an existing record or click New to open the detail screen.
Accommodations Detail ScreenField | Description | Validation |
Sequence Number Required | The order of the record. | This field automatically sequences in the order in which the records are created.
Duplicate numbers are not allowed. |
Service Required | The name of the service. | The values available in this dropdown are district-defined using the Special Ed Services Setup tool. Services marked as Accommodations in the Type dropdown display in this dropdown. |
Service Position | The person, agency, or role of the person administering the service. | The values available in this dropdown are district-defined using the Special Ed Service Positions Setup tool. |
ESY | Indicates this service will take place in an extended school year program. | N/A |
Location Required | The location where the student receives the service. Options include: | N/A |
Duration and Frequency |
Start Date Required | The first day of the service. | N/A |
End Date Required | The last day of the service. | N/A |
Direct Minutes per session Required | The number of direct minutes the student receives the service. | N/A |
Number Session per Required | The number of times the student receives the service. | N/A |
Service Frequency Required | The frequency of service. Options include: | N/A |
Indirect Minutes per session Required | The number of indirect minutes the student receives the service. | N/A |
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Supplementary Aids, Services and Modifications
The Supplementary Aids, Services, and Modifications editor documents additional services provided for the student.
Services are managed using the Special Ed Services Setup tool. Services with a Type of Supplementary are pulled into this editor.
Supplementary Aids, Services and Modifications List Screen
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Supplementary Aids, Services and Modifications List Screen
Column Name | Description |
Padlock Icon | Indicates the person currently editing the record. |
Service Provided | The name of the service. |
Time | The amount of time the service is administered. This displays as Direct Minutes Number / Indirect Minutes Number. |
Start Date | The first day the student receives the service. |
End Date | The last day the student receives the service. |
Supplementary Aids, Services and Modifications Detail Screen
Select an existing record or click New to open the detail screen.
Supplementary Aids, Services and Modifications Detail ScreenField | Description | Validation |
Sequence Number Required | The order of the record. | This field automatically sequences in the order in which the records are created.
Duplicate numbers are not allowed. |
Service Required | The name of the service. | The values available in this dropdown are district-defined using the Special Ed Services Setup tool. Services marked as Supplementary in the Type dropdown display in this dropdown. |
Service Position | The person, agency, or role of the person administering the service. | The values available in this dropdown are district-defined using the Special Ed Service Positions Setup tool. |
ESY | Indicates this service will take place in an extended school year program. | N/A |
Location Required | The location where the student receives the service. Options include: | N/A |
Duration and Frequency |
Start Date Required | The first day of the service. | N/A |
End Date Required | The last day of the service. | N/A |
Direct Minutes per session Required | The number of direct minutes the student receives the service. | N/A |
Number Session per Required | The number of times the student receives the service. | N/A |
Service Frequency Required | The frequency of service. Options include: | N/A |
Indirect Minutes per session Required | The number of indirect minutes the student receives the service. | N/A |
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Secondary Transition
The Secondary Transition editor documents the student's post-high school goals and the transition services that will be provided to aid them in achieving them.
This editor is only available when the Secondary Transition information is needed for this student checkbox on the Plan Information editor is marked. When unmarked, this editor is automatically placed in a Not Needed status.
Secondary Transition Editor
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Field | Description | Validation |
Goal for Education OR Training after Graduation | A description of the student's education or training goals after graduation. | This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Goal for Employment after Graduation | A description of the student's employment goal after graduation. | This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Goal for Independent Living after Graduation | A description of the student's independent living goal after graduation. | This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Transition Services |
Describe the transition services needed to assist the student in reaching the above goals | A description of the transition service and how it impact the above goals. | N/A |
Did the student participate in the IEP meeting? | Indicates the student participated in the team meeting. Options are Yes or No. | N/A |
If no, describe steps taken to ensure student’s preferences/interests were considered *Required | A description of how the student's preferences/interests were considered. | *This field is available and required when No is selected for the "Did the student participate in the IEP meeting?" question.
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Will other agencies be involved in providing or paying for any transition services? | Indicates other agencies are involved in providing or paying for any transition services. Options are Yes or No. | N/A |
If yes, describe the services *Required | A description of the services that are administered by other agencies. | *This field is available and required when Yes is selected for the "Will other agencies be involved in providing or paying for any transition services?" question.
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Was a representative of the other agencies, with parent consent, invited to the IEP meeting? | Indicates the other agency representative was invited to the team meeting. Options are Yes or No. | N/A |
If no, why not? *Required | A description as to why the other agency representative was not present or invited to the team meeting. | *This field is available and required when No is selected for the "Was a representative of the other agencies, with parent consent, invited to the IEP meeting?" question.
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Describe the course(s) of study that focus on academic and functional achievement needed to assist the student in reaching the above goals | A description of the student's courses the student will take to assist them in reaching the above goals. | This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
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Extended School Year
The Extended School Year editor indicates the student requires services beyond the standard school time, such as beyond school hours or during breaks.
Extended School Year Editor
Click here to expand...
Field | Description | Validation |
Extended School Year (ESY) services have been considered | The ESY determination. Options include:- The team determined the student does not need ESY services, however, if concerns arise, the team will revisit the need for ESY
- The team determined the student does need ESY services. The plan is as follows
- The team determined the student does need ESY services. The specific plan will be determined as a later date
- The term determined the student may need ESY services and will revisit the need for ESY services after more information has been collected
| Only one checkbox can be marked. |
Initiation of Services | The first day the ESY services will start. | N/A |
Type of Service *Required | A description of the service plan. | *This field is available and required when the "The team determined the student does need ESY services. The plan is as follows" option is marked.
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
How much *Required | A description of the service frequency and duration. | *This field is available and required when the "The team determined the student does need ESY services. The plan is as follows" option is marked.
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Timeline for Completion *Required | A description of the timeline for completing the ESY plan. | *This field is available and required when the "The team determined the student does need ESY services. The plan is as follows" option is marked.
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
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Communication of Progress
The Communication of Progress editor documents the method and frequency of communication between the IEP team and the parent/guardian(s) regarding the student's progress.
Communication of Progress EditorField | Description | Validation |
Method of reporting to parents/guardian | The manner of communication. | This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Frequency of reporting to parents/guardian | The frequency of communication. | This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
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Transportation Plan
The Transportation Plan editor documents the student's transportation needs.
Transportation Plan Editor
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Field | Description | Validation |
If the student is determined eligible for special education transportation, check box and complete section | Indicates a transportation plan is needed for this student. | The rest of the editor's fields are available when this checkbox is marked. |
The student is eligible for special education transportation because *Required | The reason the student is eligible for transportation services. Options include:- The nature of the student's disability is such that transportation is required
- The District has assigned the student to a building other than his/her home school in order to receive special education services
- This student attends a nonpublic school
- The student has a disability and is age birth to five years
| *This field is available and required when the first checkbox is marked.
Multiple checkboxes can be marked.
Method of Transport | The manner of transportation. Options include:- Parent transport
- District transport
| N/A |
Plan for transportation *Required | A description of the plan. | *This field is available and required when the first checkbox is marked. |
Special Conditions | Any considerations or special conditions needed for the transportation plan. | The values available in this dropdown are district-defined using the Attribute Dictionary at Plan > Special Conditions. |
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Participation in Education Programs
The Participation in Education Programs editor documents the hours the student spends in the general education classroom with and without general education peers.
Participation in Education Programs Editor
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Field | Description | Validation |
General Education Hours/Week | The number of hours the student is in a general education classroom per week. | N/A |
Special Education | Indicates the age in which the student receives special education services. Options include:- Early Childhood
- School Age
| N/A |
With General Education Peers | The number of hours the student spends with general education peers per week, including related service hours. | N/A |
Not With General Education Peers | The number of hours the student does not spend with general education peers per week, including related service hours. | N/A |
Extent and justification for the child not participating with General Education peers | A description of the extent and justification for the student not participating with their general education peers. | This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
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Participation in Physical Ed
The Participation in Physical Ed editor documents the student's participation in a physical education setting.
Participation in Physical Ed EditorField | Description | Validation |
The student will participate in | How the student participates in physical education. Options include:- Regular physical education
- Regular physical education with accommodations as addressed in this IEP
- Adapted physical education (includes special PE, adapted PE, movement education and motor development)
- No physical activities
| N/A |
Explain why the student will not have physical education activities *Required | A description why the student will not have physical education activities. | *This field is available and required when No physical activities is selected in the above dropdown.
This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
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Annual Goals
The Annual Goals editor lists the student's goals for the duration of the plan.
Annual Goals List Screen
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Annual Goals List Screen
Column Name | Description |
Padlock Icon | Indicates the user currently editing the record. |
Sequence | The order of the records. |
Annual Goal | The student's goal. |
Annual Goals Detail Screen
Select an existing record or click New to open the detail screen.
Annual Goals Detail ScreenField | Description | Validation |
Sequence Number Required | The order of the records. | This field automatically sequences in the order in which the records are created.
Duplicate numbers are not allowed. |
Annual Goal Area | The subject area or other area the goal addresses. | The values available in this dropdown are district-defined using the Attribute Dictionary at Plan > Annual Goal Area. |
Specify Other *Required | The other subject area or other area the goal addresses. | *This field is available and required when Other is selected as the Annual Goal Area.
This field is limited to 150 characters. |
Annual Goal Required | The name of the annual goal. | The Template Bank associated with this field is named NE IEP/PSP/IFSP Plan Goal Objective. |
For students with Post-secondary Transition Plans, please indicate which goal domain(s) this annual goal will support | The area the goal addresses for Post-Secondary Transition Plans students. Options include:- Post-Secondary Education/Training
- Employment
- Independent Living
| Multiple options can be selected. |
Progress toward the goal will be measured by | The manner of measuring the student's progress towards the annual goal. Options include:- Work Samples
- Curriculum-based tests
- Portfolios
- Checklists
- Scoring guides
- Observation chart
- Reading records
- Other
| Multiple options can be selected. |
Specify Other *Required | The other manner of measuring the student's progress towards the annual goal. | *This field is available and required when Other is selected from the "Progress toward the goal will be measured by" field.
This field is is limited to 150 characters. |
Objectives |
Sequence | The order of the records. | This field automatically sequences in the order in which the records are created.
Duplicate numbers are not allowed. |
Short-term objectives/benchmarks: Measurable, immediate steps or targeted sub-skills to enable student to reach annual goals Required | The short-term objective or benchmark the student works towards that will aid them in achieving their annual goal. | N/A |
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The Medicaid Consent editor documents the parent/guardian's consent for the district to disclose the student's information regarding seeking Medicaid funding. Users can either mark the consent or refusal checkboxes, but not both.
This editor is often filled out and electronically signed by the student's parent/guardian. In order to send the plan for eSignature, this editor must be placed in the status Complete Pending eSignature OR Not Needed. See the Nebraska Special Ed Plan eSignature Process article for additional information.
Medicaid Editor^ Back to Top
Prior Written Notice
The Prior Written Notice editor documents the proposed or refused actions the IEP team considers and the notice dates provided to the parent/guardian(s).
Prior Written Notice List Screen
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Prior Written Notice List Screen
Column Name | Description |
Padlock Icon | Indicates the person currently editing the record. |
Date | The day of the prior written notice. |
Description of the action proposed or denied by the district | Displays the first 100 characters of the description. |
Print In Plan | Indicates this record prints. |
Prior Written Notice Detail Screen
Select an existing record or click New to open the detail screen.
Prior Written Notice Detail ScreenField | Description | Validation |
Print in Plan | Indicates this record prints. | This defaults to unmarked. |
Date Required | The day of the prior written notice. | N/A |
Description of the action proposed or refused by the school district | A description of the proposed or refused action. | This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Explanation of why the district proposes or refuses to take this action | An explanation of why the school is proposing or refusing to take action. | This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Description of options the IEP team considered and the reasons why those options were rejected | A description of the choices considered and rejected by the IEP team. | This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Description of each evaluation procedure, assessment, records or report the district used as a bases for the proposal or refusal | A description of the evidence used to decide to propose or refuse action. | This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
Description of any other factors that are relevant to the district's proposal | Any other reasons why the school proposed or refused action. | This field is limited to 8000 characters. |
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IEP Signature Page
The IEP Signature Page editor documents the official sign-off of the proposed document plan for the student.
This editor is often filled out and electronically signed by the student's parent/guardian. In order to send the plan for eSignature, this editor must be placed in the status Complete Pending eSignature OR Not Needed. See the Nebraska Special Ed Plan eSignature Process article for additional information.
Signatures Editor
Click here to expand...
Field | Description | Validation |
Parental Rights in Special Education | Indicates this document was provided to the student's parent/guardian. | A Date and By Whom field becomes available and required when this checkbox is marked. |
Individualized Education Program (IEP) | Indicates this document was provided to the student's parent/guardian. | A Date and By Whom field becomes available and required when this checkbox is marked. |
Other | Indicates another document was provided to the student's parent/guardian. | A Date and By Whom field becomes available and required when this checkbox is marked. This field also has a Specify Other text field that is limited to 150 characters. |
The school district has taken the necessary action to ensure that I understand the proceedings of this IEP conference (including arrangement for an interpreter, if appropriate) | Indicates the parent/guardians fully understand the IEP meeting. Options are Yes or No. | N/A |
If no parent signature, reason why parent signature could not be obtained | A description as to why the parent/guardian signature could not be obtained. | This field is limited to 1000 characters. |
The IEP has been made accessible to each regular education teacher, special education teacher, related service provider, and other service provider who is responsible for its implementation | Indicates the IEP is made available to all staff responsible for its implementation. | N/A |
Each teacher and provider who is responsible for implementation of the IEP has been informed of his or her specific responsibilities related to implementing the IEP, and the specific accommodations, modifications, and supports that must be provided for the child in accordance with the IEP | Indicates those staff have been notified of their specific responsibilities for implementing the student's IEP. | N/A |
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