STRAP (Idaho)

Tool Search: STRAP

Apprenticeships and Work-Based learning programs assist students with job training from a practical standpoint with hands-on experience (rather than classroom-based experience). The School To Registered Apprenticeship Program allows districts to record a high school student's (grades 9-12) participation in work-based learning. 

Additional information on apprenticeship programs can be found on the Next Steps Idaho website. 

Apprenticeship records cannot overlap. This means only one open record (no end date) for a student can exist at any time. Also note that STRAP records are NOT tied to a student's enrollment or school calendar records.

Screenshot of a STRAP program. STRAP Editor

Use the Federal/State Program Updater tool to import STRAP information to this tool.

Tool Rights for STRAP

Full rights to the STRAP tool require RWAD rights to the Student Information > State Programs > STRAP tool. 

  • Read rights allow the user to view the STRAP tool.
  • Write rights allow the user to modify existing STRAP records.
  • Add rights allow the user to add new STRAP records.
  • Delete rights allow the user to permanently remove STRAP records.

Users also need at least R rights to Student Information and Modify Rights for the selected calendar.

Screenshot of the tool rights tool in the classic look of Campus with the STRAP tool rights highlighted. Classic Navigation Tool Rights for STRAP
Screenshot of the tool rights tool in the new look of Campus with the STRAP tool rights highlighted. New Navigation Tool Rights for STRAP

Manage STRAP Records

To add a new record:

  1. Click the New icon. A STRAP Detail editor displays.
  2. Enter the Start Date.
  3. Enter any Comments related to this record.
  4. Click the Save icon when finished. 

To end a record, edit the existing STRAP entry and add an End Date

To print a summary of the student's STRAP records, click the Print Summary button. 

Screenshot of an example of the STRAP printed summary.STRAP Print Summary

STRAP Fields

Start Date

Indicates the first date the student began participation in the STRAP program.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > State Programs > STRAP > STRAP > apprenticeshipProgram.startDate


Student Demographics

End Date

Indicates the last date the student participated in the STRAP program.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > State Programs > STRAP > STRAP > apprenticeshipProgram.endDate


Student Demographics


Provides additional information on the apprenticeship program.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > State Programs > STRAP > STRAP > apprenticeshipProgram.comments


Not reported