What's New in Scheduling

This article is provided to give highlights of Scheduling changes in one location, with links to updated content and other resources that can assist districts during the Scheduling season.

In the next several releases, enhancements and modifications are being made to existing Scheduling tools, plus the addition of new tools. This includes new stand-alone tools for Staff Planner and Course Planner, a new Scheduling Board, enhanced Trials tooling, a new Scheduling Center tool, and much more. 

All updates are noted in the relevant Release Packs when they are available, and content related to those tools will be updated accordingly. 

In 2019, Oracle changed their license module, which then changed access to JAVA. JAVA is required to run the Schedule Wizard. 

In 2023, the following tools were added and can be accessed directly in Campus without using JAVA. 

  • Scheduling Board
  • Course Planner
  • Staff Planner

As noted below, the tools that require JAVA will be removed in a future release.

New Navigation Location for New Scheduling Tools 

Requests and Rosters

Tool Search: Requests and Rosters

Article: Requests and Rosters

Requests and Rosters provides the scheduling team (counselors, administrators, etc.) with a task-based approach to manage student requests and section rosters in one location, such as:

  • Update course sections to modify student's start and end dates in the section, and indicate whether the student is repeating this course and/or receiving credit for this course.
  • Create course requests based on a scheduling team, an Ad hoc filter, existing requests, or from previous section rosters.
  • Remove course requests.
  • Copy section rosters from one course to another course.
  • Manually build section rosters for specific courses or grade levels or groups of students.
  • Copy, add or remove students from a section.

Available in the Campus.2411 (March 2024) Release.

Removal of Scheduling Tools

In the Campus.2435 Release (August 2024), the following tools will be removed from the product. 

Use the tools below instead:

Previous Scheduling Updates

2023 Scheduling Updates

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Scheduling Board and Scheduling Board Trials (NEW)

Tool Search: Scheduling Board

Article: Scheduling Board; NEW Scheduling Board; NEW Scheduling Board Trials

It's here! The NEW Scheduling Board that doesn't require JAVA or a separate login is now available! With the Scheduling Board, staff can see the course schedule for the next school year being built in real time, as well as any teacher and room conflicts. 

The Scheduling Board replaces the Schedule Wizard, which is still available and can be used interchangeably with the Scheduling Board. 

The Scheduling Board is two tools in one - the Scheduling Board itself, and the Scheduling Board Trials. In previous updates, the Trials interface was updated to a new look; now, that interface has been enhanced once again to open the Scheduling Board when a trial is selected. The Trials tool is no longer available from the tool outline; when using the Schedule Wizard, a separate Trials interface is available. 

This is the first release of Scheduling Board. Stay tuned for future updates here and in the Release Notes.

Available in the Campus.2315 (April 2023) Release


Campus.2323 (June 2023)

  • The default value for Max Periods, Max Courses and Max Consecutive Periods in the Schedule Board Build Settings has been modified to be the actual count of Instructional Periods in a day.
  • A new Print option is available that displays the Scheduling Board in PDF or XLSX format.
  • The Scheduling Board can now be viewed in Full Screen.
  • A View option has been added to the Courses Side Panel and the Sections Side Panel for Section Roster and Request Conflicts.
  • A Completed Scheduled Statistic has been added to the Statistics Information area.
  • Section Balance Configuration options are now available.
  • Terms, Schedules and Periods information is now available in the Courses Side Panel.
  • The Load Settings Side Panel save options now shows Save & Cancel instead of Save & Close.
  • When a course has placement restrictions, manually placing a section in that restricted period now shows an icon indicating it cannot be placed there.
  • On the Settings Side Panel, Courses can be searched in the dropdown list by Course Number OR Course Name.
  • On the Section Side Panel, fields for Assign Team and Assign Lunch only display when Scheduling Teams and Lunches are available in the selected calendar.
  • Drag and Drop of a section into a period that already has a section is now allowed.
  • When the Teacher Display Name of a section was different from the default value, loading courses in the Scheduling Board no longer resets the Teacher Display Name to the default value.

Course Planner (NEW)

Tool Search: Course Planner

Article: NEW Course Planner

A stand-alone Course Planner tool that functions outside of the Schedule Wizard is now available. The Course Planner lists active courses in the selected school and the total count of requests for those courses, how many sections of a course is needed, and a comparison to last year's calendar to see how those counts may affect staffing needs.

A Detail screen lets the user assign staff and rooms, change the sections to build and the max seats, plus other course related information. Once information is saved for one course, moving to the next course or the previous course can be done all from the Detail screen. 

This is the first release of Course Planner. Stay tuned for future updates here and in the Release Notes.

Available in the Campus.2315 (April 2023) Release


  • Course Planner now includes Batch Edit options - Batch Edit Courses and Batch Edit Constraints. This tooling replaces the Scheduling Build Constraints Wizard, Related Course Planner tools in Schedule Wizard, and the Mass Set Section Template Groups Wizard. Campus.2327 (July 2023)
  • Several updates were made for the Campus.2323 (June 2023) release: 
    • A Filter Show/Hide option has been added and includes the previously available Filter by Name, Filter by Department and the NEW Filter by Ad hoc.
    • A message displays when accessing the Course Planner when the selected Trial is locked. No updates can be made when this happens.
    • The CSV Export now reflects the order in which fields display.
    • Accessibility issues with a screen reader have been implemented.
    • Requests Last Year and Current Request totals now match those in the Scheduling Board.
    • Section Template field has been renamed to Section Template Group.
    • The Course Number and Course Name has been added to the Rules card.
    • Users who were not assigned any tool rights to Course Planner but did have tool rights to Schedule Wizard are now assigned full tool rights (RW) to Course Planner. Users assigned tool rights to the new Course Planner as of the release of Campus.2315 and prior to the release of Campus.2323 were not modified when they were also assigned rights to Schedule Wizard.

Staff Planner (NEW)

Tool Search: Staff Planner

Article: NEW Staff Planner | Video: Staff Planner

A stand-alone Staff Planner tool that functions outside of the Schedule Wizard is now available. The Staff Planner lists active teachers in the selected school and the total count of periods they can teach, their percentage of FTE, the courses currently assigned to them, the amount of sections for the courses assigned, and in which rooms they are assigned to teach. Filtering by teacher and department is also available.

A Detail screen lets the user assign additional courses, sections and rooms and establish where a section cannot be placed. Once information is saved for one staff person, moving to the next staff person or the previous staff person can be done all from the Detail screen. 

This is the first release of Staff Planner. Stay tuned for future updates here and in the Release Notes.

Available in the Campus.2303 (January 2023) Release


Campus.2331 (July 2023)

Staff Planner now includes Batch Edit options - Batch Edit Courses and Batch Edit Constraints. 

Campus.2323 (June 2023)

  • Teams (Scheduling Groups) can now be assigned to teachers. This requires Scheduling Teams to be created in the selected school/calendar.
  • A Filter Show/Hide option has been added and includes the previously available Filter by Name, Filter by Department and the NEW Filter by Ad hoc.
  • When viewing the last person in the list of staff, the Save & Close option is the default selection.
  • A message displays when accessing the Staff Planner when the selected Trial is locked. No updates can be made when this happens.
  • Accessibility issues with a screen reader have been implemented.

2022 Scheduling Updates

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Scheduling Center (NEW)

Tool Search: Scheduling Center

Article: Scheduling Center | Video: Scheduling Center

A new Scheduling Center tool is available that provides an overview of a school's progress towards completion of scheduling-related tasks during the scheduling season. Since Scheduling tools are located throughout the product, the Scheduling Center displays all of them in one location. 

Available in the Campus.2219 (May 2022) Release


Schedule Wizard

Tool Search: Schedule Wizard

Article: Building Tools | Video: Schedule Wizard

A preference to enable preferred section placement has been added. Previously, this feature was automatic. Users can now set the preference as needed. 

Available in the Campus.2203 (January 2022) Release


Tool Search: Trials

Article: Trials | Video: Trials

The Trials tool accessible within Campus (NOT in the Schedule Wizard) has a new look to meet other technology initiatives. Additional updates and functionality are planned for future releases.

Available in the Campus.2223 (June 2022) Release


Walk-In Scheduler

Tool Search: Walk-In Scheduler

Article: Walk-In Scheduler | Video: Walk-In Scheduler

A change to tool rights was made to allow users to delete a single course request from a student's list of courses. Users need Delete rights to Walk-In Scheduler to do this. 

Available in the Campus.2215 (April 2022) Release

Scheduling Reports

Course ProjectionsThe Course Projections Report has a new look to meet current technology initiatives.Campus.2211 (March 2022)
Open RoomsThe Open Rooms report is now available in CSV Format.

Campus.2223 (June 2022)

Room UsageThe Room Usage Report has a new look to meet current technology initiatives.Campus.2227 (July 2022)

Schedule Conflicts Report

The Schedule Conflicts Report now includes a Gender Identity checkbox. When marked, the student's gender identity from the current identity record prints.Campus.2215 (April 2022)
Schedule Report PreferencesAn option to print Legal Names on Schedule Reports has been added to the Schedule Report Display Options. When generating the Schedule Batch or printing the student's Schedule, the name fields print the values entered in the Protected Identity Information fields on the student's active Identity record.Campus.2219 (May 2022)

Section Roster Report

The Section Rosters Report now includes a Gender Identity checkbox. When marked, the student's gender identity from the current identity record prints.Campus.2215 (April 2022)