Scoring Submissions

Advanced assignment tools are available as part of the Campus Learning premium offering and require the Enhanced Curriculum Editor tool right. Visit What is Campus Learning? to learn more.

Location: Tools throughout Instruction such as Grade Book, Planner > My Curriculum, and Progress Monitor > Score; Grade Book > expand an Assignment > Evaluate Work; Teaching Center > click score icon > click assignment name

Simulating a stack of papers to page through and score, teachers can view and score submissions for assignments that have student submissions enabled. Access submissions from the Teaching Center, the Grade Book, or from the Scoring editor accessed from an assignment.

Assignments with unscored submissions are counted in the Teaching Center. Click the link under the due date to view students' submissions and enter scores and flags. indicates an assignment with unscored assignments.

Screenshot highlighting the assignments button in the Teaching Center and the number showing the number of turned in assignments in the Assignment side panel. Access unscored assignments and submissions from the Teaching Center. 

Teachers can also view submissions by clicking Score from the Assignment editor anywhere assignments can be viewed.

Screenshot highlighting the score button in an assignment.

From the Grade Book, expand the assignment and click the blue Evaluate Work to view the submission.

Screenshot highlighting the Evaluate Work link and timestamp that displays for an expanded assignment in the grade book. 

Screenshot highlighting the submission option in an assignment and the Type list that displays when submissions are enabled.

Assignments must have Student Submissions enabled to use this tool to view submissions. Google Drive files, file attachments, and editor submissions can be viewed in this tool.

See the Submissions article for more information.


Google Drive submissions display inside a basic Google editor. Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Drawings all display. File attachments must be downloaded to view and editor submissions display as text.

Screenshot of the submission scoring screen for a google drive file, with a student dropdown and scoring options at the top and the submission displaying below.

Google Drive files and text submissions display on screen while file attachments must be downloaded. 

From this view, page through student submissions using the button or by selecting a student from the dropdown list.

In the dropdown list, the status of student submissions is indicates as followed:

  • Screenshot of the red dot indicator. indicates an unscored submission
  • Screenshot of the grey dot indicator. indicates a partially scored assignment
  • Screenshot of the green dot indicator. indicates a scored submission
  • No dot indicates no submission

Submissions are considered scored if they have a score or any flag other than Turned In. Submissions are flagged as Screenshot of the Turned In button.  automatically when students turn them in from Campus Student. Add additional flags by clicking the dropdown next to the score field and enter a Comment. Remove the Turned In flag to allow students to resubmit the assignment.

For Google Drive files, click Turned In to remove the flag and return ownership of the file to the student.

Screenshot of the flag dropdown list.

Click the dropdown list to flag the assignment. 

Once scores and flags are entered, click Save or the arrow on the Save button to click Save & Back to return to the tool you were on before.

If an assignment has multiple scoring alignments, click Screenshot of the score button. to open the scoring panel and enter scores for each alignment.

To reassign an assignment to just this one student, click Reassign to Student next to the Save button. A reassigned assignment is no longer flagged as Turned In, which allows the student to reattempt the assignment, regardless of whether reattempts are enabled for the whole class.

The student receives a notification in Campus Student that the assignment has been updated.

For assignments submitted via Google Drive: when the teacher reassigns an assignment, the student receives Edit rights to the Google Drive file, but the teacher retains ownership of the file.

To learn more, watch the video below.

Multiple Submissions

If a student has submitted multiple files for a single assignment, a list of submissions displays when the student's name is selected. Click on a submission to view or download it. From a submission, click Screenshot of the Submissions button. to return to the list of submissions.

Screenshot highlighting the submissions button used to access the list of submission files if multiple exist.

Switch between multiple submissions using the Submissions View. 

Google Permissions

For files submitted through Google Drive, teachers have the option of returning edit rights to a student by marking Edit in the Student's Google Permissions column of the Screenshot of the Submissions button.  list. This option modifies the student's rights to the Google file only, it does not alter the status of the assignment in Campus.

This option can be used to allow a student to edit a turned in file prior to grading. Revoke edit rights at any time by switching permissions back to View.

Screenshot of the Google permissions radio buttons. 

Allow the student to edit their turned in Google file by giving them Edit rights to the file. Revoke rights by switching back to View rights. 


  • This tool is not optimized for use on smaller screens, such as phones and small tablets.
  • Currently, only one submission displays per student. View submissions by clicking the timestamp link for the student in the Grade Book or Scoring screen to view multiple submissions for a student.
  • Teachers must be logged in to their Google Apps for Education account to view Google Drive files. See the Google Drive Integration article for more information.

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