Title 1 Services (Kentucky)

Tool Search: Title 1 Services

Title 1 is a federally funded program designed for the academic achievement of the disadvantaged student. For a student to participate in Title 1 Services, the school must be marked as TAS or SWP on the School editor. If the school is marked as TAS, Title 1 services must be entered on the individual student's Title 1 tool.  

The information entered on the Title 1 Services tool is also reported on the Title 1 Report.

See the core Title 1 article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing Title 1 records.

Screenshot of the Title 1 Services tool.Title 1 Services

Understanding Title 1 Services Fields

The following table defines the data elements available on the Title 1 Services tool.

Title 1 Instruction Services


Title 1 Support Services


Data Element



Selected enrollment for which student is participating in Title 1 TAS Services.

Start Date

Start date of involvement in program. Dates are entered in mmddyy format.

End Date

End date of involvement in program. Dates are entered in mmddyy format.


Indicates student is receiving Counseling support services as part of Title 1.


Indicates student is receiving Guidance support services as part of Title 1.


Indicates student is receiving Health support services as part of Title 1.


Indicates student is receiving Dental support services as part of Title 1.

Eye Care

Indicates student is receiving Eye Care support services as part of Title 1.


Indicates student is receiving Mathematics instruction services as part of Title 1.


Indicates student is receiving Reading/Language instruction services as part of Title 1.


Indicates student is receiving Science instruction services as part of Title 1.

Social Studies

Indicates student is receiving Social Studies instruction services as part of Title 1.


Indicates student is receiving Vocational/Career instruction services as part of Title 1.

Other, specify

Indicates student is receiving Other instruction services as part of Title 1.

Title 1 Other Service

Indicates student is receiving another service not captured in Instruction or Support services as part of Title 1.

Creating a Title 1 Service Record

The following instructions detail how to enter a Title 1 record and how to end a Title 1 record for a student. 

If a school is considered full inclusion for Title 1, no Support Services or Instructional Services need to be chosen on the student's Title 1 Services tool. However, the school must be marked as SWP.

Screenshot of adding a new Title 1 Service.Adding a New Title 1 Service Record

  1. Select the Add Title 1 Service icon. A Title 1 editor will appear.
  2. Select the appropriate Enrollment from the dropdown list.
  3. Enter the Start Date of the Title 1 program.
  4. If applicable, select the appropriate Title 1 Support Services options from the dropdown list.
  5. Select the appropriate Title 1 Instructional Services options from the dropdown list.
  6. Click the Save icon when finished.

Deleting a Title 1 Service Record

Screenshot of Deleting a Title 1 Service Record.Deleting a Title 1 Service Record

  1. Select the record from the Title 1 Services window. The Title 1 editor will appear below.
  2. Select the Delete button.

Title 1 and School Choice Options

The following provides information on the Options used in Title 1 reporting.

School Improvement

Tool Search: School Choice

Public School Choice provides students in schools that are in Improvement, Corrective Action or Restructuring status an opportunity to attend a school that is not in Improvement status and is identified by the district as a receiving school. Public School Choice is available to all students in a Title 1 school identified in Improvement, Corrective Action or Restructuring.

This is chosen on the student's Enrollment record. 

The following choices are available:

  • 01: Transferred From School Choice: Students whose school of residence is a Title 1 school in Improvement status and offers school choice may choose to withdraw and transfer from this school based on public school choice (must be attached to a student’s End Status enrollment record).
  • 02: Transferred to School Choice: Students whose school of residence is a Title 1 school in Improvement status and offers school choice may choose to transfer and enroll into this school based on public school choice (must be attached to a student’s Start Status enrollment record).

Improvement Year 2, Corrective Action or Restructuring

Tool Search: Attendance Group

Supplemental Educational Services (SES) are additional academic instruction designed to increase the academic achievement of students in schools receiving Title 1, Part A services identified as in need of improvement (Year 2 or higher). These services may include academic assistance such as tutoring, remediation and other educational interventions provided outside of the regular school day. Students from schools in year 2 of Improvement and above schools who meet low income requirements are the only students eligible to receive SES services.

SES is entered on the Attendance Group tool.