Tool Search: Title 1 Services
Title 1 is a federally funded program designed for the academic achievement of the disadvantaged student. For a student to participate in Title 1 Services, the school must be marked as TAS or SWP on the School editor. If the school is marked as TAS, Title 1 services must be entered on the individual student's Title 1 tool.
The information entered on the Title 1 Services tool is also reported on the Title 1 Report.
See the core Title 1 article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing Title 1 records.

Understanding Title 1 Services Fields
The following table defines the data elements available on the Title 1 Services tool.
Title 1 Instruction Services | Definition |
Title 1 Support Services | Definition |
Data Element | Definition |
Enrollment | Selected enrollment for which student is participating in Title 1 TAS Services. |
Start Date | Start date of involvement in program. Dates are entered in mmddyy format. |
End Date | End date of involvement in program. Dates are entered in mmddyy format. |
Counseling | Indicates student is receiving Counseling support services as part of Title 1. |
Guidance | Indicates student is receiving Guidance support services as part of Title 1. |
Health | Indicates student is receiving Health support services as part of Title 1. |
Dental | Indicates student is receiving Dental support services as part of Title 1. |
Eye Care | Indicates student is receiving Eye Care support services as part of Title 1. |
Mathematics | Indicates student is receiving Mathematics instruction services as part of Title 1. |
Reading/Language | Indicates student is receiving Reading/Language instruction services as part of Title 1. |
Science | Indicates student is receiving Science instruction services as part of Title 1. |
Social Studies | Indicates student is receiving Social Studies instruction services as part of Title 1. |
Vocational/Career | Indicates student is receiving Vocational/Career instruction services as part of Title 1. |
Other, specify | Indicates student is receiving Other instruction services as part of Title 1. |
Title 1 Other Service | Indicates student is receiving another service not captured in Instruction or Support services as part of Title 1. |
Creating a Title 1 Service Record
The following instructions detail how to enter a Title 1 record and how to end a Title 1 record for a student.
If a school is considered full inclusion for Title 1, no Support Services or Instructional Services need to be chosen on the student's Title 1 Services tool. However, the school must be marked as SWP.

- Select the Add Title 1 Service icon. A Title 1 editor will appear.
- Select the appropriate Enrollment from the dropdown list.
- Enter the Start Date of the Title 1 program.
- If applicable, select the appropriate Title 1 Support Services options from the dropdown list.
- Select the appropriate Title 1 Instructional Services options from the dropdown list.
- Click the Save icon when finished.
Deleting a Title 1 Service Record

- Select the record from the Title 1 Services window. The Title 1 editor will appear below.
- Select the Delete button.
Title 1 and School Choice Options
The following provides information on the Options used in Title 1 reporting.
School Improvement
Tool Search: School Choice
Public School Choice provides students in schools that are in Improvement, Corrective Action or Restructuring status an opportunity to attend a school that is not in Improvement status and is identified by the district as a receiving school. Public School Choice is available to all students in a Title 1 school identified in Improvement, Corrective Action or Restructuring.
This is chosen on the student's Enrollment record.
The following choices are available:
- 01: Transferred From School Choice: Students whose school of residence is a Title 1 school in Improvement status and offers school choice may choose to withdraw and transfer from this school based on public school choice (must be attached to a student’s End Status enrollment record).
- 02: Transferred to School Choice: Students whose school of residence is a Title 1 school in Improvement status and offers school choice may choose to transfer and enroll into this school based on public school choice (must be attached to a student’s Start Status enrollment record).
Improvement Year 2, Corrective Action or Restructuring
Tool Search: Attendance Group
Supplemental Educational Services (SES) are additional academic instruction designed to increase the academic achievement of students in schools receiving Title 1, Part A services identified as in need of improvement (Year 2 or higher). These services may include academic assistance such as tutoring, remediation and other educational interventions provided outside of the regular school day. Students from schools in year 2 of Improvement and above schools who meet low income requirements are the only students eligible to receive SES services.
SES is entered on the Attendance Group tool.