English Learners (EL) (Wisconsin)

Tool Search: English Learners (EL)

The English Learners (EL) tool allows schools and districts to manage student EL programs, assessments, services, and accommodations. The EL tab provides a central location for managing EL information such as the date the student was identified as EL, when the student entered/exited an EL program, when the student is expected to leave an EL program and First Year/Second Year Monitoring data. For students who exited and/or re-entered an EL program, an historical record is kept and displayed on the tab which can be viewed in both State and District Editions of Infinite Campus.

Some fields in the EL tab are specific to Wisconsin. All other fields in the EL tab do not require unique, state-specific data. However, many of these fields are required and data entry in these fields is necessary. For more information on these fields, see the English Learners (EL) article.

EL Tab

Screenshot of Wisconsin Active EL Record Editor.Wisconsin Active EL Record Editor

Program Status

Program Status codes indicate the student's EL status. While the codes defined by Infinite Campus are not specific to Wisconsin, the LEP Indicator Codes defined by Wisconsin have been aligned to correlate with these codes. See below for translation of this alignment.

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Infinite Campus CodeWisconsin CodeDefinition
Pending1ELL/LEP Beginning Preproduction. (WIDA label: Entering)
EL2ELL/LEP Beginning Production. (WIDA label: Beginning)
EL3ELL/LEP Intermediate. (WIDA label: Developing)
EL4ELL/LEP Advanced Intermediate. (WIDA label: Expanding)
EL5ELL/LEP Advanced. (WIDA label: Bridging) 
Exited EL6Formerly ELL/LEP, now fully English proficient
Not EL7Fully English profcient, never ELL/LEP

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > EL > EL > programStatus


Student Language Instruction Program Associations (Wisconsin v3.6)
Student Education Organization Associations (Wisconsin v3.6)

State Localized Elements

State Localized fields allow users to enter proficiency overrides for the student if necessary. These fields are specific to the state of Wisconsin.

Screenshot of State Localized Elements Editor.Wisconsin State Localized Elements Editor

English Proficiency Override

Students with English language proficiency classifications are considered Limited English Proficient (LEP). Students with limited English proficiency are also English Learners (EL) or English Language Learners (ELL). English language proficiency classifications must be determined by DPI-approved instruments and rubrics. These codes are used as a measure of the acquisition of English language proficiency and to determine the appropriate participation in WSAS.

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Database Location:



Student Language Instruction Program Associations (Wisconsin v3.6)
Student Education Organization Associations (Wisconsin v3.6)

While English Proficiency reports from this setting, it is recommended users track and record English Proficiency through Test Assessments (on the EL Assessments tab). Assessment types of LPF or LID report.

ELL Served

ELL Served indicates if a student who is an English Language Learner is served in English language instruction educational programs designed for English Language Learners (ELLs) and if the program is funded by Title III. 

As of the 2019-20 school year, ELL Served is no longer used in state reporting and is used only for district-tracking purposes.

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Database Location:


EL Services Tab

The EL Services tab allows users to: add, edit, delete, and view existing EL Services. Please see the English Learners (EL) article for more information. Fields that are specific to Wisconsin are described below.

EL Services Detail

Users are able to enter specific service details in the EL Services Detail editor.

Screenshot of EL Services Detail Editor.Wisconsin EL Services Detail Editor

Service Type 

Indicates the service(s) being provided to the student by the Language Instruction Program.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > EL > EL Service > LEPService


Student Language Instruction Program Associations (Wisconsin v3.6)

Only codes with Ed-Fi at the end of the name are reported. For example, ESL-S: ELS - Sheltered Instruction (Ed-Fi) reports while DLE: Dial Language - Enrichment does not.

In order for the Service Type to report, please note the Ed-Fi code MUST ALSO be mapped in the configuration.