Grade Earned Report (Rhode Island)

Tool Search: Grade Earned

The Grade Earned Report lists all grades earned by a student enrolled in grades 6-12 in a class for each term of the class. All students who have an active enrollment on or during the Prior and Effective Reporting Dates are included.

Screenshot of the Grade Earned Report, located at Reporting, RI State Reporting.

Report Logic

Students marked as No Show or Summer Withdrawal are not included. Students are also not included when:

  • The student's enrollment record is marked as State Exclude.
  • The Grade Level of enrollment is marked as State Exclude.
  • The Calendar of enrollment is marked as State Exclude.

State Score Options

The Score Group used needs to have the State Score column populated with corresponding values of the following letter grades:


Grading Task 

Only the FINAL grade record for each course reports. This is identified by the Grading Task (created in the Grading Task Setup tool) having the word FINAL in the name. 

Screenshot of the Grading Task Setup tool, showing the grading task with the word FINAL. FINAL Grading Task

Course Setup

A Course must have a SCED or State Code assigned in order to be included in the report.

Generate the Grade Earned Report

  1. Select the Format of the Report - either CSV or HTML.
  2. Select which Calendars to include in the report.
  3. Click the Generate Extract button. The report displays in the selected format.
Screenshot of the HTML format of the Grade Earned Report. Grade Earned Report - HTML Format

SQL Query

EXEC [get_RI_GradeEarnedReport] @calendarXML = '11,13,1'

Grade Earned Report Layout

Data Element



District Code

State identifier assigned to the LEA by the SEA.

Numeric, 2 digits

SDistrict Information > State District Number


School Code

State-assigned school number.

Numeric, 5 digits

School Information > School Detail > State School Number


Local Course ID

Locally assigned code that identifies each course.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters

Course Information > Course Editor > Number


Term Code

Code used to identify the term in which the grade was given. This field ALWAYS reports the words FINAL. 

Only Grading Tasks that include the word 'Final' in the Grading Task Name report. 

Alphanumeric, 10 characters

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Term



A unique identification number assigned to each student by the Department of Education.

Numeric, 10 digits

Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID



A unique identification number assigned to each student by the school district.

Numeric, 16 digits

Demographics > Person Identifiers > Local Student Number

Person.student Number

Numeric Grade Earned

Numeric grade the student earned for the term. Reported value is between 0 and 100.

The Quarter Grade needs to be selected as State Reported and have "Quarter" in the name in order to report.

Numeric, 3 digits

Score Groups and Rubrics Setup > Score Group > Score


Grading Tasks > Grading Task Details

Letter Grade Earned

Letter Grade (A-F) the student earned for the term. The reported value can be plus, minus or blank.

The Quarter Grade needs to be selected as State Reported and have "Quarter" in the name in order to report.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Score Groups and Rubrics Setup > Score Group > State Score


Credits ReceivedReports the total number of credits the student earned with the letter grade received for the course.

Credits are reported from the grading task when the student earned the credit received. This requires the score to be marked as a Passing score on the score group.

When no credits are earned for the grading task, a blank value reports.

Numeric, 5 digits
Scheduling and Courses > Courses > Grading Task > Credit

Score Groups and Rubrics Setup > Score Group > Passing Score