Grading Tasks (Report Multi-Language Editor)

This functionality is available to districts that have purchased the Multi-Language Editor as an add-on service. For more information, contact the appropriate Client Relationship Manager.

Tool Search: Grading Tasks Report Multi-Language

The Grading Tasks tool translates grading tasks for custom transcripts and report cards. The options available are based on the active languages created in the Language Groups tool and the parent/guardian's selected language preference.

Screenshot of the Grading Tasks tool with Spanish translation examplesGrading Tasks - Report Multi-Language Editor tool

Enter Translated Grading Task Text

  1. Select a language from the Language Group editor.
  2. Enter the Translation text and the Sequence number to order the grading task options.
  3. The Enhanced Transcript and Translated Core Report Card do not use this custom Sequence.

  4. Click Save when finished.