Upload Wizard (South Dakota)

This information is current as of the Campus.2323 (June 2023) release.

Tool Search: Upload Wizard

Districts that do not use the Infinite Campus District Edition to manage their district data can use the State Edition Upload tool to upload files containing their district's student information to the State System. Files uploaded with the tool must conform to the File Specifications noted in the following information. 

Screenshot of the Upload Wizard toolUpload Wizard tool 

To use the tool, users must have tool rights to the Upload Wizard tool. Their user account must be set to the district that they are trying to upload into or must have state-wide district rights.

Prior to uploading a file, a calendar for the current year and all required grade levels for that calendar must be setup within the SD State Edition user interface. If this is not done, an error message will be displayed when an upload is attempted.

Additionally, the upload tool assumes that a School/Year has only one calendar and one schedule structure defined within the State Edition. If multiple calendars or schedule structures are created for that school/year, an error will display when an upload is attempted.

Understanding the Upload Wizard

The Upload Wizard provides three actions that can be selected: 



Validate and Test

In this mode the file will be uploaded and all data validation will be performed to ensure that the file conforms to the file specifications section. Additionally, a search will be performed on the District, School and Student Number to make sure the named District, School and Students actually exist. No data will change as a result of this action. A report will be generated listing errors and their corresponding line numbers and fields of error.

Load Partial

This mode will insert or update data for each record from the file that has no errors. If a row has an error, it will be displayed in the report generated after the upload completes.

When inserting new data, such as at the beginning of a school year, each student record in the file will create a new enrollment record.

When updating data that already exists, the enrollment start date will be used to match the enrollment that should be updated. If an enrollment with a matching start date is not found, a new enrollment will be created.

When updating the dated enrollment fields Meal Status and Title 1, the dated record that will be changed is the one with an effective date matching the enrollment start date. If none can be found, a new record with that date is created.

When updating the dated fields, SPED, Special Ed Program, Special Ed Category and Disability, the dated field will be matched to existing SPED data within the enrollment based on the Special Ed Start Date field. If a SPED record with that start date cannot be found, a new record is created with that Special Ed start date.

Load Complete

In addition to Validating and Testing, the Load Complete mode will erase all student data from calendars named in the upload file. After that, the records in the file are inserted as new enrollments. This mode should be used if a complete refresh of the data is required. It should not be used if any data has been manually edited through the user interface as that data will be lost.

This removes all existing data.

Uploading Files

  1. Select the appropriate action as defined above in the Work to Perform dropdown list.
  2. Locate the file to upload by selecting the Browse button in the File field. Follow the instructions for uploading and click the Upload button.
  3. Or, select a file from the Result File dropdown and click the Load button.  

The file processes and a verification of the upload is returned. 

Screenshot of an example of the confirmation received for an upload.Upload Confirmation

Not all fields are automatically overwritten at the state level. When First Year in Country, Parent Does not want Meal Status shared with DSS, Meal Status or any type of Title 1 fields are not null at the state level but no or null at the district level, a message will appear when a status change is attempted indicating that a status that is not No or Null exists and should not be overwritten.

The Enrollment Upload will create split fields with the date of the Enrollment Report Upload for Meal Status (if the status is changed from F or R to Standard) and any Title 1 status (if changed from Yes to No), with a warning message indicating that the student record was successfully imported and a new record was created.

File Specifications

Files should follow the proper naming conventions and record definitions defined below:

  • All files will be tab delimited with a header record. 
  • If a field is not required it can be left blank, but the proper number of tabs must be in each record.
  • All dates within the file will be in the format MM/DD/YYYY. 
  • Times within the file will be displayed in military (24 hour) time HH:MM:SS such as 23:00:00 for 11:00pm.

File Name

Files must be named with the district number (maximum of 5 digits), underscore, date underscore and record type with the extension *.tsv. Forward slashes are not allowed in file names and should be left out.


District 10063 submitting a Student Demographics file on 12/01/2006 would name the file:      10063_12012006_SD.tsv

Header Record

The first line of all files will be the header record. This is required.





Record Type



Always the value “HD”




Date report was generated




Time report was generated




Always the value “SD2.0”

Example Record:

Header record submitted on December 1, 2006 at 11:00 pm:

HD 12/01/2006 23:00:00SD2.0

School Calendar Upload Specifications

This record defines each School Calendar or track a school is running. There should be at least 1 record per school. There can be multiple records per school if the school has students receiving instruction on different days or for different durations.If the school has multiple calendars, each calendar must be given a distinct Calendar Number.

Element Name Description Location

Record Type

Type of record being generated. Always the value of "SS".

Alphabetic, 2 characters

Data not stored

District Number

State-assigned district identification number.

Numeric, 5 digits

District Information > District Number


School Number

State-assigned school identification number.

Numeric, 2 digits

School Information > State School Number



The end year of the calendar.

Date field, 4 characters (YYYY)

School Year Setup > End Year


Calendar Number

Number assigned to the calendar. Needs to match calendar number in associated SD-Extract-School Calendar file.

Numeric, 3 digits

Calendar Information > Calendar ID


Calendar Type

The type of calendar for which information is being reported. If the value being imported is not a valid option, a warning will appear. If data already exists but the import file does not have a value entered, the existing value will not be overwritten.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Calendar Information > Type


Student Day

The number of minutes of instruction in the typical student day.

Numeric, 3 digits

Calendar Information > Calendar


4 Day School Week

Indicates a 4 Day School Week.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Calendar Information > 4 Day School Week 


Virtual If this field = Y, check the Virtual box on the import calendar.  
If blank or N, do not check the box.  
If currently checked and field is blank or N, do not uncheck box.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Calendar Information > Virtual


Example Records:

An elementary school (0120) grades 1 through 6 that attend 360 minutes of instruction per day and has half-day Kindergarten that attends 180 minutes of instruction per day and starts on a different date then the other grades.

SS 63 2007 1 360 Y

SS 63 120 2007 2 180 Y

School Days Upload Specifications

This record defines when a school is open and when it provides instruction to students. There should be 1 record per date per School Calendar record within the date range that the school is open.

Element Name Description Type, Format and Length Campus UI and Database Location

Record Type

Type of record being generated. In this case, always a value of "DY".

Alphabetic, 2 characters


Not dynamically stored

District Number

State-assigned district identification number.

Numeric, 5 digits

District Information > District Number


School Number

State assigned school identification number

Numeric, 2 digits

District Information > State School Number



The end year of the calendar (i.e. for 2006-2007 = 2007).

Date field, 4 characters


School Year Setup > End Year


Calendar Number

Number assigned to the calendar. Needs to match calendar number in associated SD-Extract-School Calendar file.

Numeric, 3 digits

Calendar Information > Number



A day record for each day in the calendar

Date field, 10 characters


Day Setup > Date


Instructional Day

Indicates whether instruction was given to students on this date.

Alphabetic, 2 characters

Y or N

Calendar Information > Days > Instruction


School Day

Indicates if the school was open on this date (i.e. teacher in-service day will have Instruction = N and School Day = Y).

Alphabetic, 2 characters

Y or N

Day Setup > School Day


Attendance Day

Indicates if there is attendance for this day.

Alphabetic, 2 characters

Y or N

Day Setup > Attendance


Day Duration

Number of minutes of instruction offered on this day.

Numeric, 3 digits

Day Setup > Duration


Example Records:

The week of April 22, 2007 to April 28, 2007 has instruction starting Monday and continuing through Thursday, with a teacher in-service day on Friday; its records would look like:

DY 63 2007 1 04/22/2007 N N N 0

DY 63 2007 1 04/23/2007 Y Y Y 360

DY 63 120 2007 1 04/24/2007 Y Y Y 360

DY 63 120 2007 1 04/25/2007Y              Y              Y              360

DY           63           120         2007       1              04/26/2007         Y              Y              Y              360

DY           63           120         2007       1              04/27/2007         N             Y              N             0

DY           63           120         2007       1              04/28/2007         N             N             N             0

Student Demographic Upload Specifications

This record format contains basic student demographics fields. Typically there should be one record per student. The exception for this is when a student’s name or identifying information changes while at a district. The state needs to maintain a history of all name changes for students, and the effective date controls when this name was used.

When a new identity is created for a person, existing information in the Person Information area of the Demographics tab is not deleted for the following fields:

  • Social Security Number
  • Birth Country
  • Date Entered US
  • Date Entered US School
  • Date Entered State School
  • Birth Verification
  • Nickname
  • Comments
Element Name Description Type, Format and Length Campus UI and Database Location

Record Type

The type of record being generated. In this case, always the value of "SD" for student demographics.

Alphabetic, 2 characters


Not dynamically stored

District Number

State-assigned district identification number.

Numeric, 5 digits

District Information > District Number


State ID State identification number assigned to students.
When importing in the State Edition, if the State ID does not match any person, a new person is created and a new State ID is created. The State ID in the file is not imported.
When importing in the District Edition, if the State ID is null, the record is ignored and not imported. If the State ID exists in the file but does not match a person, an error message is produced and the record is not imported.
Numeric, 9 digits

Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID


Last Name

Student's legal last name

Alphanumeric, 40 characters

Demographics > Last Name


First Name

Student's legal first name

Alphanumeric, 35 characters

Demographics >  First Name


Middle Name

Student's legal middle name.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters

Demographics > Middle Name



Suffix attached to student's legal name. Accepts Jr. and SR. with or without punctuation.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Demographics > Suffix



Student's gender

Alphabetic, 1 cahracter

M or F

Demographics > Gender


Birth Date

Student's date of birth

Date field, 10 characters


Demographics > Birth Date


Race Determination

Code indicating how student race was determined.

Valid options include:

  • 01: Parent Identified
  • 02: Self Identified
  • 03: Observer Determined
  • 04: Unknown

Numeric, 2 digits

Demographics > Race Determination


Hispanic Indicator

Indicates if student is Hispanic/Latino.

Numeric, 1 digits

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Edit > Is the individual Hispanic/Latino?


American Indian or Alaska Native

Indicates if student is American Indian or Alaska native.

Alphanumeric, 1 digit

Y or N

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > American Indian or Alaska Native



Indicates if student is Asian

Alphanumeric, 1 digit

Y or N

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Asian


Black or African American

Indicates if student is Black or African American

Alphanumeric, 1 digit

Y or N

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Black or African American


Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

Indicates if student is Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.

Alphanumeric, 1 digit

Y or N

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander



Indicates if student is White

Alphanumeric, 1 digit

Y or N

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > White


Primary Address

The reporting student's primary home address.

  • Data is imported to Demographics > Personal Contact Information > Address Line 1 on the StudentContacts table.
  • If Address Line 1 is blank on import file, existing Address Line 1 data is not set to null

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Allow leading zeros

Membership in Households > Address


The city the student resides in.

  • Data is imported to Demographics > Personal Contact Information > City on the StudentContacts table.
  • If City is blank on import file, existing City data is not set to null
Alphanumeric, 20 characters Membership in Households > City


The state the student resides in.

  • Data is imported to Demographics > Personal Contact Information > State on the StudentContacts table and imports the state code to the drop list.
  • If State is blank on import file, existing State data is not set to null
  • If the state code on the file does not match a state code in the drop list, and the state drop list is blank, leave blank
  • If the state code on the file does not match a state code in the drop list, and the state drop list is blank, do not null out existing state data
Alpha, 2 characters Membership in Households > State

Zip Code

The zip code the student resides in.

  • Data is imported to Demographics > Personal Contact Information > Zip code on the StudentContacts table.
  • If a dash is present or there are more than 5 digits, import the first five left justified number into the left justified Zip text box
  • Import the numbers after the dash to the right justified Zip text box
  • If more than 5 numbers and no dash, import digits to the right justified Zip text box
  • If Zip Code field is blank in import file, do not null out existing data
Numeric, 10 digits Membership in Households > Zip Code


Example Records:

A student record for Joe Smith,

SD           63                           Smith    Joe         Alan       II             M            03/01/1997         05

Common errors:

  • Gender or Race/Ethnicity left blank (data is required for these fields)
  • Field names included in file (please remove all field names, such as legal entity number, gender, race/ethnicity, etc.).
  • Date Fields must be in a MM/DD/YYYY format (e.g. 03/07/1999).
  • Fields with no information still require a tab.

Enrollment Upload Specifications

This record contains information for the student enrollment. Typically there should be one record per student enrollment. For your file name, the record type is EN. 

The Enrollment Import file will not overwrite existing Homeless records.

Header Record





Record Type



Always the value “HD”




Date report was generated




Time report was generated




Always the value “SD2.0”

Enrollment Record

Name Description Type, Format and Length Campus UI and Database Location

District Number

State-assigned district identification number.

Number, 5 digits

Zero padding required.

District Information > District Number


School Number

State-assigned school identification number.

Number, 2 digits

Zero padding required.

School Information > State School Number


Calendar Number

Number assigned to the calendar. Needs to match calendar number in associated SD-Extract-School Calendar file.

Number, 3 digits

Calendar Information > Number


District Code

The district associated with the enrollment record.

  • 10: Public Schools
  • 20: Non-Public Schools
  • 30: BIA Schools
  • 40: Coops
  • 50: Correctional Facilities
  • 60: State Special Populations
  • 70: Community Based Providers
  • 80: Special Populations
  • 90: Alternative
Number, 2 digits District Information > District Code


First Name

Student's legal first name.

Alphanumeric, 35 characters

Demographics > First Name


Middle Name

Student's legal middle name.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters

Demographics > Middle Name


Last Name

Student's legal last name.

Alphanumeric, 40 characters

Demographics > Last Name


Birth date

Student's date of birth.

Date field, 10 characters


Demographics > Birth Date



Student's gender.

Alphabetic, 1 character

M or F

Demographics > Gender


State ID Number

Student's state ID number.

Numeric, 9 digits

Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID


Social Security Number

Student's Social Security number.

Numeric, 9 digits

Demographics > Social Security Number


Grade Level

Student grade level

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Enrollments > Grade


Resident District Number

The identification number of the district in which the student resides.

Numeric, 5 digits

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Resident District


Attending District Number

The identification number of the district in which the student attends school.

Numeric, 5 digits

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Serving (Attending) District


Enrollment Start Date

The day student enrollment began.

Date field, 10 characters MM/DD/YYYY

Enrollments > Start Date


Enrollment End Date

The day student enrollment ended.

Date field, 10 characters MM/DD/YYYY

Enrollments > End Date


Service Type

Indicates type of service student is receiving.

  • P: Primary
  • S: Partial
  • N: Special Ed Services

Alphabetic, 1 character

Enrollments > Service Type


Percent Enrolled

Percentage of time student was enrolled in the service, between 0 and 100.

Numeric, 3 digits

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Percent Enrolled


Start Status

The reason for the student's entry into the school.

Numeric, 2 digits

Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Start Status


End Status

Reason student enrollment was ended. If Enrollment End Date is supplied, an End Status must be entered. See options in the South Dakota Enrollments Tab article.

Numeric, 2 digits

Enrollments > End Status


County Number

State defined county number or code.

Numeric, 2 digits

Enrollments > County


Enrollment Status

Status of the student's enrollment. If Resident District and Attending District are not the same, an Enrollment Status must be selected. If Resident District and Attending District are the same, only codes A and D are available. If the districts differ, codes B, C, E, G, J, M, O, P, T and W are available.

See Enrollment Status Codes Table below.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Enrollment Status



Indicates student is participating in English Learner programming.

If EL Program Status = Y, an EL Status of 'EL' is imported.


This field will not import if the District Code field = 30 or blank.

Alphabetic, 1 character

Y or N

English Learners (EL) > Program Status


Primary Language

Primary language the student speaks.

Import logic is as follows:

  • Import to the Home Primary Language field when LEP is Y, N or Blank
  • Import to the Home Primary Language field when LEP Date is populated or blank.
  • Import to the Home Primary Language field when the student's Home Primary Language field is currently null or populated.
  • Do NOT import to the Home Primary Language field when this field is blank in the import file and the student's Home Primary Language field is not null.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Identities > Home Primary Language


EL Date

The date on which the student began participation in the English Learner program.

If the EL column reports a value of Y, this field will report the Identified Date.


This field will not import if the District Code field = 30 or blank.

Date field, 10 characters


English Learners (EL) > EL Services > Start Date


EL Service Type When this field is populated with an EL state code, create an EL services record on the EL Services screen
  • Populate Service Type with code in this field
  • Do not create a record when district code = 30
  • Do not create a record when EL record exists for the student with the same EL state service code and service start date

English Learners (EL) > EL Services > Service Type

EL Service Start Date Import this start date as the start date from the EL Service record created when importing the EL Service Type value. MM/DD/YYYY English Learners (EL) > EL Services > Start Date

Gifted Indicates if the student is considered gifted.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Y or N

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Gifted

Documented Hearing Loss

Indicates if the student has documented hearing loss. 

  • Report 'Y' if the Documented Hearing Loss checkbox is marked on a student's enrollment record.
  • Otherwise, report 'N'

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Y or N

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Documented Hearing Loss

504 Plan Indicates if the student has a 504 Plan.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

 Y or N 

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > 504 Plan


Special Ed Category

Code indicating category into which student's special education program participation fits. If Special Ed Category is entered, Special Ed Start Date must not be empty.

See Special Ed Category Codes Table below.

Numeric, 8 digits

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Special Ed Category


Occupational Therapy Hours

Number of hours student participated in occupational therapy. Round to 3 decimals.

Decimal, 8 digits

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Occupational Therapy Hours


Physical Therapy Hours

Number of hours student participated in physical therapy. Round to 3 decimals.

Decimal, 8 digits

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Physical Therapy Hours


Psychological Therapy Hours

Number of hours student participated in psychological therapy. Round to 3 decimals.

Decimal, 8 digits

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Psychological Therapy Hours


Counseling Hours

Number of hours student participated in counseling services. Round to 3 decimals.

Decimal, 8 digits

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Counseling Services Hours


Social Work Hours

Number of hours student participated in social work services. Round to 3 decimals.

Decimal, 8 digits

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Social Work Services Hours


Audiological Therapy Hours

Number of hours student participated in audiological services. Round to 3 decimals.

Decimal, 8 digits

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Audiological Services Hours


Recreational Therapy Hours

Number of hours student participated in recreational therapy. Round to 3 decimals.

Decimal, 8 digits

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Recreational Therapy Hours


School Health Hours

Number of hours student participated in school health services. Round to 3 decimals.

Decimal, 8 digits

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > School Health Services Hours


Speech Therapy Hours

Number of hours student participated in speech/language therapy. Round to 3 decimals.

Decimal, 8 digits

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Speech/Language Therapy Hours


SPED Transportation

Indicates whether student is receiving transportation assistance.

Alphabetic, 1 character

Y or N

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Transportation


Other Service Hours

Number of hours student participated in other services. Round to 3 decimals.

Decimal, 8 digits

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Other Service Hours


SPED Assistive Technology

Indicates whether student is receiving assistive technology services.

Alphabetic, 1 character

Y or N

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Assistive Technology

sped. assistiveTechnology

Orientation Mobility Hours

Number of hours student participated in orientation mobility therapy. Round to 3 decimals.

Decimal, 8 digits

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Orientation Mobility Hours


ASD Severity Behaviors

Indicates if the student requires ASD Behavioral support and the severity level of this support.

  • When a value of 1 is imported, a value of 1: Requiring Support is populated for the ASD Severity Behaviors Field.
  • When a value of 2 is imported, a value of 2: Requiring Substantial Support is populated for the ASD Severity Behaviors Field.
  • When a value of 3 is imported, a value of 3: Requiring Very Substantial Support is populated for the ASD Severity Behaviors Field.
  • If the column is null, no value is imported.
  • An existing ASD Severity Behavior value will be overwritten by the value in the import.

This field is required when Primary Disability = 560: Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Alpha, 1 character Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > ASD Severity Behaviors

ASD Severity Communication

Indicates if the student requires ASD Communication support and the severity level of this support.

  • When a value of 1 is imported, a value of 1: Requiring Support is populated for the ASD Communication Behaviors Field.
  • When a value of 2 is imported, a value of 2: Requiring Substantial Support is populated for the ASD Communication Behaviors Field.
  • When a value of 3 is imported, a value of 3: Requiring Very Substantial Support is populated for the ASD Communication Behaviors Field.
  • If the column is null, no value is imported.
  • An existing ASD Severity Communication value will be overwritten by the value in the import.


    This field is required when Primary Disability = 560: Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Alpha, 1 character Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > ASD Severity Communication

Participates in Alt Assessment

Indicates if the student participates in alternative assessment.

  • When a value of Y is imported, the Participates in Alt Assessment checkbox will be marked on the enrollment record.
  • When a value of N is imported, the Participates in Alt Assessment checkbox will unmarked on the enrollment record.
  • If field is blank, no action is taken.

Alphabetic, 1 character

Y or N

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Participates in Alt Assessment


Special Ed Program

Code indicating the type of special education program in which the student is participating. If Special Ed Program is entered, SPED Start Date must not be empty.

  • A: Mild to Moderate Disabilities
  • B: Severe Disabilities
  • C: Speech Only
  • D: Early Childhood
  • E: Day Program
  • F: Residential Program
  • G: Homebound Program

Alphabetic, 1 character

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Special Ed Program


Primary Disability

Student's primary disability. If Primary Disability is entered, SPED Start Date must not be empty.

See Disability Codes Table below.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Primary Disability


Multiple Disability 1

Student's disability in addition to Primary Disability.

See Disability Codes Table below.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Multiple Disability 1


Multiple Disability 2

Student's disability in addition to Primary Disability.

See Disability Codes Table below.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Multiple Disability 2


Multiple Disability 3

Student's disability in addition to Primary Disability.

See Disability Codes Table below.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Multiple Disability 3


Multiple Disability 4

Student's disability in addition to Primary Disability.

See Disability Codes Table below.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Multiple Disability 4


Multiple Disability 5

Student's disability in addition to Primary Disability.

See Disability Codes Table below.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Multiple Disability 5


SPED Start Date

Beginning date of Special Education program participation.

Date field, 10 characters MM/DD/YYYY

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Effective Date


SPED End Date

Ending date of Special Education program participation.

Date field, 10 characters MM/DD/YYYY

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > End Date


SPED Exit Code

Exit code attached to the ending of the student's special education participation.


Special Ed Exit Code is required when the Special Ed End Date is not null.

See Special Ed Exit Codes Table below.

Numeric, 10 digits

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Exit Code


Days Absent

Number of days student was absent.

Decimal, 8 digits

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Absent Days

Calculated, not dynamically stored

Title 1 Status

Indicates whether student is participating in title 1 services.

Alphabetic, 1 character

Y or N

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Title 1



Code indicating student's citizenship status.

  • 1: US Citizen
  • 2: Foreign Exchange Student
  • 3: Immigrant or Refugee

Numeric, 1 digits

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Citizenship



Indication of transportation assistance provided to the student, if applicable.

  • 01: Student Not Transported
  • 02: Student Transported on District-Owned Buses
  • 03: Student Transported on Contracted Buses
  • 04: Mileage Paid in Lieu of Transportation

Numeric, 2 digits

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Transportation Category



Indicates student's homeless status. If student was homeless at any point during the school year, field should remain populated even if student is no longer homeless.

  • D: Doubled Up/Sharing Housing
  • E: Emergency/Transitional Shelter
  • H: Hotels/Motels
  • U: Unsheltered

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Homeless > Primary Nighttime Residence


Homeless Start Date

The first day the student was identified as homeless.

  • Existing Start Date values will be changed to the value in the import file if the Homeless Primary Night Time Residence is the same as the value existing at the State Edition.
  • A new Homeless record is created if the Start Date is different in the import file than what exists at the State Edition and the Homeless Primary Night Time Residence is different.
    • The current Homeless record is end dated with the day before the new record's start date.
  • If Start Date already exists within Campus and the import file contains a null Homeless Start Date, the existing value remains within Campus.
  • If the Homeless field is blank but Homeless Start Date contains a value, an error will report.
  • If the Homeless field is blank, the Homeless State Date will not report and display an error.

Date field, 10 characters


Homeless > Start Date

Unaccompanied Youth

Indicates the student is not in the presence of a parent, guardian or legal status identified by the court system.

Accepted values are as follows:

  • Yes
  • No
  • null = reports as blank

The most recent Homeless record is reported.F

  • If no Homeless record ists and Unaccompanied Youth = Yes, a Homeless record will be created with a Start Date = Enrollment Start Date.
  • If Campus has a value of Yes for the student and the import file has a value of No, the field will remain Yes within Campus.
Alphanumeric, 3 characters Homeless > Unaccompanied Youth


Title 1 Math

Indicates student's participation in Title 1 Math program.

Alphabetic, 1 character

Y or N

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Title 1 Math


Title 1 Reading

Indicates student's participation in Title 1 Reading program.

Alphabetic, 1 character

Y or N

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Title 1 Reading


Title 1 Science

Indicates student's participation in Title 1 Science program.

Alphabetic, 1 character

Y or N

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Title 1 Science


Title 1 Social Science

Indicates student's participation in Title 1 Social Science program.

Alphabetic, 1 character

Y or N

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Title 1 Social Science


Title 1 Vocational

Indicates student's participation in Title 1 Vocational  program.

Alphabetic, 1 character

Y or N

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Title 1 Vocational

EnrollmentSD. title1Vocational

Title 1 Health

Indicates student's participation in Title 1 Health program.

Alphabetic, 1 character

Y or N

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Title 1 Health/ Dental/Eye Care


Title 1 Guidance

Indicates student's participation in Title 1 Guidance program.

Alphabetic, 1 character

Y or N

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Title 1 Supporting Guidance


First Year In Country

Indicates that this enrollment represents the student's first year in the country.

Alphabetic, 1 character

Y or N

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > First Year in Country

EnrollmentSD. firstYearInCountry

Date Entered US Schools

The date the student enrolled in a US school.

Date field, 10 characters MM/DD/YYYY

Demographics > Data Entered US Schools


Date Entered 9th Grade

Indicates the date in which the student entered 9th grade.

Data is imported into the student's Graduation > Date First Entered the 9th Grade field.

  • If date on the file is blank or does not match date on the Graduation tab, do not overwrite Graduation tab Date First Entered the 9th Grade date ,if present.
  • NGA Cohort End Year will be calculated:  When 9th grade date is from June - December, add 4 years. When January through may, add 3 years
  • NCLB Cohort End Year calculate : When 9th grade date is from June - December, add 4 years. When January through may, add 3 years
Date field, 10 characters MM/DD/YYYY Graduation > Date First Entered the 9th Grade


Diploma Type

The student's graduation diploma type.
Reporting values are as follows:

  • 1: Regular Diploma

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Graduation > Diploma Type


Diploma Date

The date the student received

Date field, 10 characters MM/DD/YYYY

Graduation > Diploma Date


Diploma Period

Indicates when the diploma was issued.

Reported values are as follows:

  • EA : Early
  • SP : Spring
  • SU : Summer

If a Diploma Period value already exists for the student, the value in Campus will be updated to the value in the upload file. If a Diploma Period value exists for a student but their Diploma Period is blank in the upload file, the student's Diploma Period value will be removed and replaced with null.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters Graduation > Diploma Period

Graduation Endorsement 1

Indicates if the student has a Graduation Endorsement of 'Advanced Endorsement'.

  • When (field 73) Endorsements = Y, a value of 1: Advanced Endorsement will import into the Graduation tab Endorsements area.
  • If this field = N and the student has 1: Advanced Endorsement on their state Graduation tab, logic will remove the 1: Advanced Endorsement.
  • If this field is blank, logic will do nothing.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Y or N

Graduation > Endorsements

Graduation Endorsement 2

Indicates if the student has a Graduation Endorsement of 'Advanced Career Endorsement'.

  • When (field 74) Endorsements = Y, a value of 2: Advanced Career Endorsement will import to the Graduation tab Endorsements area.
  • If this field = N and the student has 2: Advanced Career Endorsement on their state Graduation tab, logic will remove the 2: Advanced Career Endorsement.
  • If this field is blank, logic will do nothing.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Y or N

 Graduation > Endorsements

Graduation Endorsement 3

Indicates if the student has a Graduation Endorsement of 'Advanced Honors Endorsement'.

  • When (field 75) Endorsements = Y, a value of 3: Advanced Honors Endorsement will import to the Graduation tab Endorsements area.
  • If this field = N and the student has 3: Advanced Honors Endorsement on their state Graduation tab, logic will remove the 3: Advanced Honors Endorsement.
  • If this field is blank, logic will do nothing.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Y or N

Graduation > Endorsements

Student of Active Military Parent

Indicates the student has a parent who is actively in the military.

  1. When field = N or blank, the Student of Active Military Parent checkbox is not checked.
  2. When field = Y, the Student of Active Military Parent checkbox is checked.
    1. If the Student of Active Military Parent checkbox is currently checked and the import file = N, the checkbox will remained checked on the student's enrollment record.
    2. If the Student of Active Military Parent checkbox is currently checked and the import file = blank, the checkbox will remained checked on the student's enrollment record.
Alphanumeric, 1 character Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Student of Active Military Parent

Student Directory Information

Indicates whether or not the school is allowed to share information about the student with non school entities.

Alphabetic, 3 character

Yes or No
Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Student Directory Info 7-12 ONLY

Student GPA

The student's GPA..

  • Only records for students in State Grade Levels 9-12 are imported.
  • If the value has more than 4 decimal places, the GPA value is truncated on the far right of the decimal to a length of 4.
  • If the value has less than 4 decimal places, zeros are added to the far right to a length of 4 decimal places

Numeric, 5 digits


Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > GPA

Participates in After School Prg Indicates if the student participates in an after school program.
  • Report Y, if the student participates in an after school activity. 
  • If not report N
Alphanumeric, 1 character

Y or N
Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Participates in After School Prg



The end year of the enrollment (i.e. for SY2006-2007 = 2007).

Date field, 4 characters


School Year Setup > End Year


Codes and Descriptions

The following tables define codes used in the file upload.

Special Ed Category Codes




General Class with Modifications 80-100%


Resource Room 40-79%


Self-Contained Classroom 0-39%


Separate Day School


Residential Facility



0310 EC 10 hrs +/wk, services in Reg EC


EC 10 hrs +/wk, services in other location


EC less than 10 hrs/wk, services in Reg EC


EC less than 10 hrs/wk, services in other locations


Separate Class


Separate School


Residential Facility




Service Provider Location

Primary Disability Codes






Emotional Disturbance


Cognitive Disability


Hearing Loss


Specific Learning Disability


Multiple Disabilities


Orthopedic Impairments


Visual Loss






Other Health Impairment


Autism Spectrum Disorder


Traumatic Brain Injury


Developmental Delay

Enrollment Status Codes



Only Valid If


School Choice

Only Valid If Resident District Same As Attending District


Persistently Dangerous

Only Valid If Resident District Same As Attending District


Placed and Paid by Tribal

Only Valid If Resident District Different From Attending District


Contracting Student

Only Valid If Resident District Different From Attending District


Paid for by Auxiliary Placement

Only Valid If Resident District Different From Attending District


Whole Grade Sharing

Only Valid If Resident District Different From Attending District


Placed and Paid by Corrections

Only Valid If Resident District Different From Attending District


Parentally Placed in Private School

Only Valid If Resident District Different From Attending District


Open Enrollment

Only Valid If Resident District Different From Attending District


Tuition Paid by District

Only Valid If Resident District Different From Attending District

R Residential Placement Paid by DOE Only Valid If Resident District Different From Attending District


Tuition Paid by Other

Only Valid If Resident District Different From Attending District


Tuition Waived

Only Valid If Resident District Different From Attending District

Multiple Disability Codes




Emotional Disturbance


Cognitive Disability


Hearing Loss


Specific Learning Disability


Orthopedic Impairments


Visual Loss






Other Health Impairment


Autism Spectrum Disorder


Traumatic Brain Injury


Developmental Delay

Special Ed Exit Codes




Not receiving SE services


Graduated (high school diploma)

03 Continues/Completed IEP team mod/ course reqs


Reached the maximum age




Moved, known to be continuing


Moved, not known to be continuing


Dropped out


Refused services


ISFP done before max age/Pt C


Change in IEP


Student Continues

13 Discontinued/Completed IEP team mod/course reqs
14 Aged Out/Completed IEP team mod/course reqs
15 Revocation of consent

Suffix Codes 











Important Fields to Note

In preparation for future importing and state reporting requirements, you should be aware of and begin using ASD Severity Behavior Level and ASD Severity Communication Level fields (Enrollments > Special Ed Fields). 

See the Enrollments (South Dakota) article for more information about these fields.

Screenshot of the ASD Severity fieldsASD Severity Fields

You should also begin using the Endorsement field found in the Graduation Endorsements section of the Graduation tool (Graduation > Graduation Endorsements).

See the Graduation (South Dakota) article for more information.

Graduation Endorsements

Previous Versions