Student Number Format

Tool Search: Student Number Format

The Student Number Format tool allows users to dictate how Local Student Numbers are auto-generated for students. Local Student Number values are automatically generated when an enrollment is created for a student with an existing Local Student Number value. 

Screenshot of selections available when choosing Student Number Format preference.Student Number Format  

Student Numbers display on many reports and can be used when searching for students. Student Numbers can be found in the following locations:

A Local Student Number can be manually generated for a specific student by marking the Generate Number checkbox on the student's Demographics record.

Format Options



No auto numbering

A Local Student Number is not generated for students who have a new enrollment record but no Local Student Number assigned.

Fixed style year/school num/seq - sequential

Local Student Numbers generate in the format of Year/State School Number/Sequence Number (up to 9 digits).
For example, a student's number is 23123450001, where:

  • 23 is the active school year

    This is the active school year and NOT the end year of the student's enrollment record.

    For example, a student that was created during 2017-2018 school year would have a number beginning with 18 even though they do not have an enrollment record in the 2017-2018 school year.

  • 12345 is the State School Number
  • 00001 is the sequence number (1) with leading zeros (0000)

Fixed style year/school num/seq - sequential no leading zeros

Local Student Numbers generate in the format of Year/State School Number/Sequence Number (up to 9 digits) with no leading zeros.
No leading zeros means the generated number cannot begin with a zero or sequence of zeros. For example, when the minimum digit requirement is 9 digits, a Student Number of 001234567 would not be generated because it is using two leading zeros in front of the number 1234567 to satisfy the digit requirement. The number would have to be between 100000000 - 999999999 to be a valid, nine digit number without leading zeros.


Local Student Numbers are randomly generated (without producing duplicate numbers).

StateID used for student number

Users can select the Update Existing Student Numbers button to replace each student's Local Student Number with their StateID.

OtherID used for student number

Users can select the Update Existing Student Numbers button to replace each student's Local Student Number with their OtherID.

Windowing start number end number - sequential

Allows users to enter a minimum and maximum number window for which Campus generates Local Student Numbers. This requires the selection of one of the following:

  • Use the smallest available student number (default selection)
  • Use the next highest available number in sequence

A Min Value of 1 and a Max Value of 2500 means Campus automatically assigns Local Student Numbers between 1 and 2500.

  • Min Value - The smallest number Campus logic uses when generating Local Student Numbers (maximum of 9 digits).
  • Max Value- The largest number Campus logic uses when generating Local Student Numbers (maximum of 9 digits).

Users are highly advised to create a large enough Min and Max Value range to account for the number of students within the district over a desired period of time.

When assigning student numbers with Use the next highest available number in sequence option and the next available value is higher than the value set for the Max value, a warning message displays indicating the Max Value field needs to be increased in order to auto-generate the number. Then, the Generate Number field on Demographics, Student Locator, Add Person or new Enrollments can be marked and the student number generates.


Previous Versions

Student Number Format [.2211 - .2239]