PI-1804 Summer School Report (Wisconsin)

Tool Search: PI-1804 Summer School Report

The PI-1804 Summer School Report produces a count of average daily membership for resident and non-resident students enrolled in summer school courses. Submission of the membership count is due by October 1st to DPI via the School Finance Reporting Portal located at the following website: http://sfs.dpi.wi.gov/sfs_safrlinks.

Screenshot of PI-1804 Summer School Report.PI-1804 Summer School Report

Report Logic

Course Information

This report only returns courses from calendars marked as Summer School. This is done on the Calendar editor.

Courses associated with the Summer School calendar are reported if:

  • The Active checkbox is marked on the Course Editor.
  • The course is not excluded from state reporting.

Student Information

Resident and Non-Resident students scheduled into summer school courses are reported. If the Resident District is not selected on the student's Enrollment record OR the Resident District selected on the student's Enrollment record is the same as the reporting District, those students are counted as residents.

The state grade level associated with the student's next enrollment after summer school is used to determine which grade level category the student reports under (K4, K5,1-8, 9-12). If the summer school enrollment is the student's final enrollment in the district, the state grade level of their summer school enrollment reports.

State Exclude

Students are not reported when:

  • The student's enrollment is marked as State Exclude.
  • The grade level of enrollment is marked as State Exclude.
  • The calendar of enrollment is marked as State Exclude.

Report Editor




This extract can be generated in either the State Format (CSV),  HTML or CSV Detail.

Use the HTML option for testing and review prior to submission to the state. Use the State Format (CSV) for the final submission.

Grade SelectionLists the possible grade levels of enrollment. At least one grade level needs to be selected, or choose All Students.
Ad hoc Filter

Instead of selecting a grade level, select an existing ad hoc filter. If using a student filter, only those students included in the filter will be returned in the report, if they meet the other reporting requirements. If using a course filter, only those courses included in the filter will be returned in the report, if they meet the other reporting requirements.

Select Calendars

Only those calendars marked as Summer School are available for selection.

At least one calendar needs to be selected in order to generate the extract. Multiple calendars can be chosen by using the CTRL and SHIFT keys. It is advised that not all calendars be chosen at once due to the amount of data that is returned in the extracts.

Calendars can be chosen by school or by year.

The year of the calendars selected determines the school year that will be generated. A report date is not used when extracting data. Multiple school years cannot be generated at the same time.

Report GenerationUse the Generate Extract button to immediately display the results of the selected extract type/period. For a larger data set, use the Submit to Batch button. This allows the selection of a specific time in which the extract generates (after school hours). See the Batch Queue article for more information.

Generate the Report

  1. Select the Format of the extract.
  2. Select which students to include in the report by choosing the Grade level of enrollment or by selecting an Ad hoc Filter. 
  3. Select which Calendars to include on the report.
  4. Click the Generate Extract button to display the report immediately, or use the Submit to Batch button to determine when the report should generate. The report displays in the selected format.

Screenshot of PI-1804 in CSV Format.PI-1804 - CSV Format

Screenshot of PI-1804 in HTML Format.PI-1804 - HTML Format

Screenshot of PI-1804 in CSV Detail Format.PI-1804 - CSV Detail Format

State Format and HTML Report Layout

Data Element


Type, Format and Length

Campus Database

Campus Interface

Course Title

Reports the name of the course.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters


Course >  Name

Section Number

Reports the section ID of the course when a course has multiple sections.

This displays on the HTML Format only.

Numeric, 7 digits


Section > Section Number

Grade Level 4 Yr. Kindergarten Fall

Reports an X if students enrolled in the state grade level of 4K in the fall, following the summer school term.

If the student does not have a fall enrollment in the district, the summer school grade level reports.

Possible values:

  • K4
  • PK with Kindergarten code (E4: Special Ed for age 4)

Alphanumeric, 1 character



GradeLevel.kindergarten Code

Enrollments > Grade

Grade Level 5 Yr. Kindergarten Fall

Reports an X if students enrolled in the state grade level of KG in the fall, following the summer school term.

If the student does not have a fall enrollment in the district, the summer school grade level reports.

Possible values:

  • KG

Alphanumeric, 1 character



GradeLevel.kindergarten Code

Enrollments > Grade

Grade Level Grade 1-8 Fall

Reports an X if students enrolled in the state grade level of 01 through 08 in the fall, following the summer school term.

Alphanumeric, 1 character



GradeLevel.kindergarten Code

Enrollments >  Grade

Grade Level Grade 9-12 Fall

Reports an X if students enrolled in the state grade level of 09-12 in the fall, following the summer school term.

Alphanumeric, 1 character



GradeLevel.kindergarten Code

Enrollments > Grade


Reports an X if the GPA Weight field on the course has another value entered other than NULL or zero.

Alphanumeric, 1 character


Course > Course Editor > GPA Weight

Online Class

If the Medium of Instruction value is 13: Virtual Online/Distance Learning, an X reports.

Information reports first from the Medium of Instruction field on the Section editor. If there is no value selected for Medium of Instruction, information reports from the Course editor.

Alphanumeric, 1 character


Section Editor > Medium of Instruction

> Course > Custom Data Elements > Medium of Instruction

Fee Amount

Reports the fee amount assigned to the course.

When there is a decimal value, the entire value is reported. When there isn't a decimal value, the whole number is reported.

The name of the Fee Assignment must match the Course Number in which the student is enrolled. If the course number is 123456, the fee name also needs to include 123456.

Numeric, 3 digits





Course > Fees

Number of Certified Teachers

Reports the total number of teachers assigned in each section of the course.

Numeric, 2 digits

Section.teacher PersonID

Section > Staff History > Teacher

Total Instruction Time per Pupil - Period Length in Minutes

Reports the total instructional minutes of the course in all calendar periods and section schedule placement.

When a section spans multiple periods, the instructional minutes from the multiple periods are added together to determine the period length.

Numeric, 3 digits

Calculated, data not stored

Calculated, data not stored

Total Instruction Time per Pupil - Number of Days Offered

Reports the number of instructional days available in the summer school calendar.

Numeric, 3 digits

Calculated, data not stored

Calculated, data not stored

Total Instruction Time per Pupil - Total Minutes

Only reported on the HTML format

Reports the number of instructional minutes per student based on the value reported for period length in minutes times number of days offered.

Numeric, 3 digits 

Calculated, data not stored

Calculated, data not stored

Actual Total Enrollment (HEADCOUNT) - Resident

Reports a count of students whose Resident District is the same as the district reporting the information. Value reports from the Resident District assignment on the enrollment record.

Numeric, 3 digits


 Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Resident District

Actual Total Enrollment (HEADCOUNT) - Non-Resident

Reports a count of students whose Resident District is not the same as the district reporting the information. Value reports from the Resident District assignment on the enrollment record.

Numeric, 3 digits


Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Resident District

ADM Resident

Reports the aggregate count of the residents by the number of days they were scheduled/enrolled in the course.


Resident ADM = SUM(Resident * (number of Days Enrolled in the Course/Number of Days Offered))

Numeric, 3 digits

Calculated, data not stored

Course/Section > Roster >End Date

ADM Resident Total Minutes

Only reported on the HTML format

Reports the enrolled instructional minutes for the course for residents.


Resident ADM * Total Minutes

Numeric, 3 digits

Calculated, data not stored

Calculated, data not stored

ADM Non-Resident

Reports the aggregate count of the non-residents by the number of days they were scheduled/enrolled in the course.


Non-Resident ADM = SUM(Non-Resident * (Number of Days Enrolled in the Course/Number of Days Offered))

Numeric, 3 digits

Calculated, data not stored

Course/Section > Roster >End Date

ADM Non-Resident Total Minutes

Only reported on the HTML format

Reports the enrolled instructional minutes for the course for non-residents.


Non-Resident ADM * Total Minutes

Numeric, 3 digits

Calculated, data not stored

Calculated, data not stored

CSV Detail Report Layout

Data Element


Type, Format and Length

Campus Database

Campus Interface

Calendar NameReports the name of the calendar in which the course takes place.Alphanumeric, 15 characterCalendar.name Calendar Information > Name
Course NumberLists the number of the reported course.Alphanumeric, 6 charactersCourse.numberCourse > Number
Course NameLists the name of the reported course.Alphanumeric, 15 charactersCourse.nameCourse > Name
Section NumberDisplays the number assigned to the section of the course.Alphanumeric, 6 charactersSection.numberSections > Section Number
WSN Displays the state ID for the student.Numeric, 10 digitsIdentity.stateIDDemographics > Student State ID
PIDReports the Campus-assigned person ID of the student.Numeric, 4 digitsIdentity.personIDDemographics > Person ID
Last NameReports the legal last name of the student.Alphanumeric, 30 charactersIdentity.lastNameDemographics > Last Name
First NameReports the legal first name of the student.Alphanumeric, 30 charactersIdentity.firstNameDemographics > First Name
Fall State Grade Level

Reports the State Grade Level connected with their fall enrollment, following summer school. If there is not a fall enrollment the State Grade Level of the Summer School enrollment reports.

Alphanumeric, 2 charactersGradeLevel. stateGradeEnrollments > Grade
Fall CalendarReports the name of the calendar that supplied the Fall State Grade Level.Alphanumeric, 20 charactersCalendar.nameCalendar Information > Name
ResidentIndicates whether the student scheduled into the course section is a Resident of the district. If yes or if the Resident District field is blank, reports an X.Alphanumeric, 1 characterEnrollment.resident DistrictEnrollments > State Reporting  Fields > Resident District
Non-ResidentIndicates whether the student scheduled into the course section is a Non-Resident of the district. If yes, reports an X.Alphanumeric, 1 characterEnrollment.resident DistrictEnrollments > State Reporting  Fields > Resident District
Roster Start DateReports the start date of the student being enrolled in the course section.

Date field, 10 characters


Roster.startDateSection > Roster > Start Date
Roster End DateReports the end date of the student being enrolled in the course section.

Date field, 10 characters


Roster.endDateSection > Roster > End Date

Reports the averaged daily membership for the student in the section. 

Number of days the student is scheduled in the course divided by the number of days the course is offered.

Numeric, 3 digitsCalculated fieldCalculated field