Tool Search: Data Extract Utility
The information within this guide outlines how to use the Data Extract Utility tool to create a data extract to be used with a transportation vendor. The secure FTP credentials for this process must be obtained from your transportation vendor. These credentials usually include username, password, server (IP Address or server name), port number, and sometimes the path directory.
Creating a New Extract
- Select the New icon. A Detail Information section will appear.
- Enter the Extract Instance Name.
- Choose the other necessary items for adding the extract by populating and marking the appropriate fields, as defined above.
- Click the Save icon when finished. You can modify the extract to determine when it should be generated.
At this time, a user can select the available buttons to test the extract, test the connection to the database or run the extract by selecting one of the appropriate buttons. Extracts will display in a new window in the selected format.
- The Test Extract button generates the containing information requested by SQL or Ad hoc. Data is not written to the database or stored in any location.
- The Test Connection button checks the connection to the entered server by attempting to write a 1-byte file to the location setup. When it is successful, a pop-up displays indicating the connection is good; if it is not successful, it provides the reason the connection failed.
- The Run Extract button runs and generates the extract, sends and stores the file where needed (in case of an issue when it is an auto-run extract).
Extracting the Transportation Data
In the SQL/Prism textbox, enter “EXEC get_transportation” or any of the formats listed in the Examples.
This stored procedure contains two parameters that can be passed into it:
- Date – If no date is passed, the query will pull all active data for today’s date. If a date is added, it will pull all active data for that date. Example: If prior to the first day of school a district wishes to extract active data for the first day of school the query can be modified. i.e. EXEC get_transportation @date = ‘07/15/2023’ Having the date entered will pull student’s and data that are active as of that date.
- Include SSN – If no value is passed, the query will include both the students SSN and the primary contacts SSN. If a value of 0 is passed, the query will not return SSN values. Those fields will be null. i.e EXEC get_transportation @includeSSN = 0. A value of 1 will include SSN’s and a value of 0 will return no SSN’s.
Note: The columns will still exist, but that data may not.
A single parameter can be passed, both parameters can be passed, or no parameters can be passed.
Example | Description |
EXEC get_transportation @date = ‘07/15/2023', @includeSSN = 0 | Will extract all active data as of 07/15/2023 and not include SSN’s. |
EXEC get_transportation @includeSSN = 0 | Will extract all active data for today’s date and no SSN’s. |
EXEC get_transportation @includeSSN = 1 | Will extract all active data for today’s date and also include SSN’s. |
EXEC get_transportation @date = ‘07/15/2023' | Will extract all active data for 07/15/2023 and SSN’s. |
EXEC get_transportation | Will extract all active data for today’s date and SSN’s. |
Data Fields
The data extracted will include the following fields in this order:
Field | Description |
p.studentnumber AS StudentDistrictID | Local student number |
CASE WHEN @includeSSN = 1 THEN i.ssn ELSE NULL END AS StudentSSN | Student SSN |
p.stateID AS StudentStateID | Student state ID |
CASE WHEN e.enddate < GETDATE() THEN 0 ELSE 1 END StudentEnrollmentStatus | 0 = No longer enrolled student. 1 = Actively enrolled student. |
s.number AS StudentSiteCode | School number |
d.number AS StudentDistNum | District number |
COALESCE(rm.[name], 'NHR') AS StudentHomeroom | Homeroom room number |
i4.lastname AS StudentHomeRoomTeacherLastname | Homeroom teacher last name |
i4.firstname AS StudentHomeRoomTeacherFirstname | Homeroom teacher first name |
i.lastname AS StudentLastName | Student last name |
i.firstname AS StudentFirstName | Student first name |
i.middlename AS StudentMiddleName | Student middle name |
LTRIM(RTRIM(CONVERT(CHAR(24),i.birthdate,101))) AS StudentBirthdate | Student birthdate |
i.gender AS StudentGender | Student gender |
e.grade AS StudentGradeLevel | Student grade |
i.raceEthnicity AS StudentRace | Student race |
t.transportationcode AS StudentTransportationCode | Student current transportation code | As StudentEmail | Student email |
i2.lastname AS StudentPrimaryContactLastName | Primary contact last name |
i2.firstname AS StudentPrimaryContactFirstName | Primary contact first name |
r.[name] AS StudentPrimaryContactRelationship | Relationship to student |
CASE WHEN @includeSSN = 1 THEN i2.ssn ELSE NULL END AS StudentPrimaryContactSSN | Primary contact SSN | As StudentPrimaryContactEmail | Primary contact email |
c2.workphone As StudentPrimaryWorkPhone | Primary contact work phone |
a.county AS StudentPrimaryContactCounty | Primary contact county |
CASE WHEN a.postOfficeBox = 1 THEN 'P.O. Box '+a.number | - |
ELSE a.number+' '+COALESCE(a.prefix+' ','')+COALESCE(a.street+' ','')+COALESCE(a.tag+' ','')+COALESCE(a.dir+' ','')+ | - |
COALESCE(CASE WHEN COALESCE(a.apt,'') <> '' AND LEFT(a.apt,1)<>'#' THEN '#'+a.apt END,'') END AS StudentPrimaryContactStreetAddress | Primary address | AS StudentPrimaryContactCity | Primary city |
a.state AS StudentPrimaryContactState | Primary state | AS StudentPrimaryContactZip | Primary zip code |
COALESCE(,'') AS StudentPrimaryContactPhoneNumber | Primary home phone |