Tool Search: Attendance Change Tracking
The Attendance Change Tracking report displays student attendance in a Course Section for the entered Attendance Date Range. The date range must fall within the calendar date range and the entered end date must fall on or after the entered start date.
- Data included on this report uses the Audit Attendance Table.
- Users must be assigned R(ead) rights to this report in order to generate it.
Attendance Change Tracking Report
Report Editor
The following options appear in the Attendance Change Tracking Report.
Option | Description |
Attendance Dates | The Attendance Date Range is a required entry for both the Start Date and the End Date. Both dates must fall within the dates of the selected calendar in the Campus toolbar and the End Date must be on or after the entered Start Date. The Modification Date Range is not required. The date fields can be left blank in order to display all attendance modifications in the specified Attendance Date range. The Modification Date range can be entered to narrow the attendance information displayed in the report. All dates fields can be entered in mmddyy format, or use the calendar icon to select a date. |
Filter Criteria | To reduce report results, users can enter a Student Number, a Student State ID or select the name of the person who was responsible for modifying the attendance records. Additionally, one of the following options can also be selected:
When a student has attendance for a section and that section is deleted from the student's schedule, the attendance data is no longer tied to a course section, but still exists as an attendance event in the attendance audit table. |
Print Options | The Attendance Change Tracking Report can be printed in CSV format or HTML format. |
Report Generation
- Enter the Attendance Date Range.
- If desired, enter the Modification Date Range.
- Enter the Filter Criteria.
- Determine which attendance records should be included.
- Select the Print Format for the report.
- Click the Generate Report button. The report generates in a new window in the selected format.
Attendance Change Tracking Report - HTML Format
Report Layout
Data Element | Description | Location |
Last Name | The student's legal last name Alphanumeric, 50 characters | Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Last Name Identity.lastName |
First Name | The student's legal first name Alphanumeric, 50 characters | Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > First Name Identity.firstName |
Student Number | District-defined student identification number Numeric, 6 digits | Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Local Student Number person.studentNumber |
Student StateID | State-defined student identification number Numeric, 10 digits | Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID person.stateID |
Attendance Date | Date the attendance event occurred Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YY) | Student Information > General > Attendance > Date |
Attendance Period | Reports the class period in which the attendance event was recorded. Alphanumeric, 3 characters | Student Information > General > Attendance > Period AuditAttendance.periodID |
Modified Date | Date the attendance event was changed Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YY) | Student Information > General > Attendance > Date AuditAttendance.modifiedDate |
Modified By | Name of the person who modified the attendance event. Alphanumeric, 50 characters | N/A AuditAttendance.modifiedByID |
Status | Entry of what type of attendance event it was (Absent, Tardy, Present) Alphanumeric, 7 characters | Student Information > General > Attendance > Status AuditAttendance.status |
Excuse | Excuse associated with the attendance event (Excused, Unknown, Unexcused) Alphanumeric, 10 characters | Student Information > General > Attendance > Excuse AuditAttendance.excuse |
Code | Attendance code assigned to the attendance entry. Alphanumeric, 4 characters | Student Information > General > Attendance System Administration > Attendance > Attendance Codes AttendanceExcuse.code |
Modification Type | Description of the change - Add, Delete or Change Alphanumeric, 6 characters | N/A |
Section Number | Number assigned to the course section in which the student had an attendance event Numeric, 3 digits | Scheduling > Courses > Course > Section > Number Section.number |
Course Number | Number assigned to the course in which the student had an attendance event Numeric, 5 digits | Scheduling > Courses > Course > Number Course.number |
Course Name | Name of the course in which the student had an attendance event. Alphanumeric, 50 characters | Scheduling > Courses > Course > Name |
Teacher Name | Name of the teacher of the course section in which the student had an attendance event Alphanumeric, 50 characters | Scheduling > Course > Course > Section > Primary Teacher name Section.teacherDisplay |