Rx Pack - Campus.2431

The following corrections are included in Rx Packs for July 2024. Rx Packs contain a small number of critical cases to fix urgent issues, with delivery in an immediate time frame (e.g., the fix cannot wait for the next four week Release Pack).

It is recommended that customers apply all subsequent Release Packs immediately following Rx Packs. Doing so will benefit both customers and Infinite Campus when it comes to supporting the patch.

Rx Packs are cumulative; each Rx pack will automatically include all previous Rx packs within that release. These cases will also be included in the Campus.2434 pack unless otherwise noted. Rx Packs may occasionally skip a release number for Rx builds that were not made generally available.

Below is a list of all Rx Packs for Campus.2431 and the date of availability:

  • Rx Pack Campus.2431.3 - July 29, 2024 - No release for Campus.2431.1 and .2.

See the Release Pack Campus.2431- July 2024 article for a full list of cases included in the Campus.2431 release.

Rx Pack Campus.2431.3


FRAM Total Household Income (SIS-180613)

The frequency under Total Household Income did not match what was entered by the application signer. This has been corrected.

Path: FRAM > Application Processing > Online Applications


FRAM Online Application (SIS-180618)

An error occurred where Signer and Income were duplicated on Online Applications. This has been corrected.

Path: FRAM > Application Processing > Online Applications

Learner Planning

Special Ed Document Editor Fix (SIS-180830)

An issue preventing users from saving the Transportation editor on their Special Ed Plan was fixed. This error impacts states with Special Ed Documents rewritten in the New Look of Campus with a Transportation editor.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > Special Ed Documents

Program Participation

Program Participation - State Programs: Script Cleanup (SIS-180757)

A script to disable Data Change Tracker for tables in the script had been running continuously, causing districts on Campus.2423 and later to be unable to keep Data Change Tracker enabled for those tables.

This has been corrected.

Path: System Settings > Data Utilities

Records Transfer

Records Transfer - Evaluation Error when Releasing Records (SIS-180789)

An Evaluation Error was being generated when records transfers were being released. This has been corrected.

Path: Student Information > General > Records Transfer; System Settings > Data Interchange > Administration


Security Improvements Made to Error Messages (SIS-180696)

Updates were made to ensure error messages are encoded when responding to the web browser.

Path: N/A

Localization - Delaware

Delaware-Ed-Fi-Localized Logic Implemented for Parents Resource (SIS-178469)

Reporting logic was updated for the following data elements on the Parents resource:

  • addresses
  • electronicMails
  • telephones

The 'Parent Ed-Fi ID' label was changed to 'Contact Ed-Fi ID'.

A resync of the Parents resource is required for this update.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi


Delaware-Ed-Fi-Student Education Organization Associations Updated for Multiliteracies (SIS-178631)

The Student Education Organization Associations resource was updated to include reporting logic for the 'multiliteracies' data element. The XML for all State Seal fields was also updated. They are no longer required or required to be locked.

A resync of the Student Education Organization Associations resource is required for this update.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi


Delaware-Ed-Fi-Student Education Organization Associations Updated to Consider MCI Number (SIS-178784)

Logic for the 'studentIdentificationCodes' data element on the Student Education Organization Associations resource was updated to consider the 'MCI Number' field under the Person Identifiers section of the Demographics tool. The label for the field was changed from 'Financial Management System (FMS) ID' to 'MCI Number' in the Campus.2431 release.

A resync of the Student Education Organization Associations resource is required for this update.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi

Delaware-Ed-Fi-Logic for Languages Array Added in Student Education Organization Associations (SIS-178788)

Logic was added for the 'languages' data element in the Student Education Organization Associations.

A resync of the Student Education Organization Associations resource is required for this update.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi

Delaware-Ed-Fi-Custom Logic Implemented for Staffs (SIS-178804)

Logic for the Staffs resource was updated:

  • electronicMails
    • doNotPublishIndicator
      • Reports True if the 'Private' checkbox is checked.
      •  Reports False in all other situations.
    • Does not report 'primaryEmailAddressIndicator'.
  • identificationCodes
    • Reports 'staffIdentificationSystemDescriptor'.
    • Does not report 'assigningOrganizationIdentificationCode'.
  • loginId
    • Reports the portion of the Email before the "@" symbol.
    • Does not report if Email is NULL or does not have an "@" symbol.

A resync of the Staffs resource is required for this update.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi


Delaware-Ed-Fi-Student Indicators Updated on Student Education Organization Associations Resource (SIS-179310)

The logic for 'studentIndicators' on the Student Education Organization Associations resource was updated:

  • Choice Student
    • Reports 'Y' if 'choiceBasisDescriptor' on Student School Associations reports a value.
    • Reports 'N' in all other situations.
  • Transportation Eligible
    • Reports 'Y' if 'TransportationStudentDetail' value is '1' on the most recent Start Date record for the student in the current configuration year.
    •  Reports 'N'in all other situations.

A resync of the Student Education Organization Associations resource is required for this update.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi


Delaware-Ed-Fi- Updates to Student CTE Program Associations and Student Education Organization Associations (SIS-179568)

Logic for the following resources was updated to consider changes made to the core Infinite Campus CTE Program functionality:

  • Student CTE Program Associations
    • 'ctePrograms' (array)
      • careerPathwayDescriptor: Reports the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the value selected 'Program of Study' (previously labeled 'CTE Pathway').
      • cteProgramCompletionIndicator: Reports True if the Program Status is set to 'Code 03: Completer' (previously 'Code 02: Completed').
  • Student Education Organization Associations
    • studentCharacteristics
      • Logic was updated for "Displaced Homemaker" and "Single Parent" studentCharacteristicDescriptors due to the change from a single to a multi-select field.
      • These come from a CTE program that overlaps the current config year.

The Student CTE Program Associations and Student Education Organization Associations resources must be resynced for this update.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi


Delaware-Ed-Fi-Student Education Organization Associations Updated (SIS-180277)

Logic for the 'programParticipations' data element in the Student Education Organization Associations resource was updated:

  • Only reports for students with a SPED Summary tab record that overlaps the config year.
  • 'programTypeDescriptor' reports Special Education(Hard-Coded).
  • 'programCharacteristicDescriptor' reports the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the value selected for Other Calendar Programs.

Automapping was added for 'programCharacteristicDescriptor' codes.

A resync of the Student Education Organization Associations resource is required for this update.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi

Localization - Georgia

Georgia-Ed-Fi-Data Dictionaries Updated for 2024-2025 (SIS-180364)

The data dictionaries for the following Enrollment droplist fields were updated to add new/missing codes, inactivate old codes, and update names for consistency with state code names/formatting:

  • State End Status
  • State Start Status
  • Gifted Eligibility (Gifted)
    • Updated auto-mapping of Student Program Associations, Gifted and Talented participationStatusDescriptor
  • Environment
  • Child Find
    • Updated auto-mapping of Student Education Organization Associations, Student Characteristic Descriptors - Child Find
    • Added a new mapping in Student School Associations called "Child Find Status Descriptors"

Path: Student Information > General > Enrollments

Localization - North Carolina

North Carolina - Assessment Information for Academic Programs Available (SIS-179148)

CTE Credentials (assessments) are now available in Assessment Center in State Edition and are published to District Edition.

  • In Assessment Center, a folder named CTE Credentials (CTE) exists, which includes the set of CTE assessments. In State Edition, these assessments can be published to District Edition.
  • All Academic Programs have been added to District Editions, with the most up-to-date list of Certification Names (viewable in the Core Attribute/Dictionary > ProgramParticipation > Certification Name).
  • All 2021 NC Graduation Requirements have been added to District Edition as part of the Graduation Program Setup.
  • The CTE Assessments have been assigned to Courses.

Path: Student Information > Assessment Administration > Assessment Center; Student Information > Program Administration > Academic Program Setup