WDE-636 - Discipline Extract - Incident and Action Types (Wyoming)

Tool Search: WDE636

The WDE-636 meets the reporting requirements of the WISE Student Disciplinary Actions and Crime and Violence Incidents Data Collection. It combines the previous WDE-630 - Report of Student Disciplinary Actions and the WDE-631 - Report of Incidents of Crime and Violence on School Grounds or at School Sponsored Events.

All events are listed on the report, regardless of Event Type.

Screenshot of WDE-636 Extract Editor.WDE-636 Extract Editor


Report Logic

Students marked as No Show or State Exclude will not be included in the extract. A record will not report if both are true: Incident Type is NRI and Student Action is N.

Incident Report

  • Reports a record for each behavior event in the selected calendar year with a Date of Incident that is on or before the Extract Effective Date. 
  • A record will not report for an event if all students involved in the event have No Show marked on their enrollments or if no students involved in the event have active enrollments on the Date of Incident. Records do not report if all students with involved in an Event with an Event Type mapped to 'No State Event Code Mapping' have Resolutions mapped to 'No State Event Code Mapping,' 'Other,' 'School Code of Conduct,' 'School Violation,' 'N,' or 'NA.'

Action Report

  • Reports a record for each Resolution associated with an Event in the selected calendar year with a Date of Incident on or before the Effective Date unless the Offender Type is U: Unknown or N: Non-student.
  • Records do not report if a Behavior Resolution mapped to 'No State Event Code Mapping,' 'N,' or 'NA' is associated with an Event with an Event Type mapped to 'No State Event Code Mapping,' 'Other,' 'School Code of Conduct,' or 'School Violation.'

Summary Report

  • A Category is included in the summary report if any fields in that category are greater than 0. Students can report more than once if they qualify for multiple categories. See category specific logic in the Summary Layout Table following.
  • To report, a student must have an enrollment active on the extract Effective Date and the Date of Incident that is not marked as No Show or State Exclude. Additionally, the Date of Incident must be on or before the extract Effective Date. 

Generating the WDE-636 Report

  1. Select the Extract Type from the dropdown list. Options are Incident, Action, or Summary
  2. Enter the Effective Date of the report in mmddyyyy format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date. Behavior data will be reviewed for all students actively enrolled on this date.
  3. Select the Report Format. The report can be generated in CSV, HTML or XML. It is recommended that users review the results prior to the submission due date.
  4. Indicate if Demographics fields should Report Student Legal Identities.
  5. Select an Ad hoc Filter to limit results to a pre-defined filter.
  6. Select the Calendar(s) to include on the report.
  7. Click Generate Report to view the report in the selected format or Submit to Batch to schedule when the report will generate.

Users have the option of submitting a WDE-636 request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process allows larger reports to generate in the background, without disrupting the use of Campus. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article.

Screenshot of Action Extract.Action Extract

Screenshot of Incident Extract.Incident Extract

Student Disciplinary Actions Crime and Violence - Incident Layout Table

Element Name

Description and Format


Incident Reference Number

The Event ID reference number for the incident.

Numeric, 5 digits between 1 and 99999

Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Event ID

Not dynamically stored

School ID

The WDE 7-digit ID for the school of the student's enrollment.

Reports from the Resident School field on enrollment of the student with the first participant record with a Role of Offender, if entered. Otherwise reports State School Number.

Numeric, 7 digits

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Resident School; School Information > State School Number



District ID

The WDE 7-digit ID for the district submitting the student's data.

Reports from the Resident District field on enrollment of the student with the first participant record with a Role of Offender, if entered. Otherwise reports State District Number.

Numeric, 7 digits

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Resident District;

District Information > State District Number



Incident Type

Type of behavior incident. This field will never report as Null.

See the following Incident Type Options table for values.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Event Type;

Behavior > Admin > Event Types > State Code


Incident Injury

Indicates student suffered severe or minor injury during event.

With the release of E.1230, this field reports the most severe injury selected across all participants.

See the following Incident Injury Options table for values.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Behavior Management > Incident > Participant > Injury


Incident Date

Date of the event.

Date field, 8 characters YYYYMMDD

Behavior Management > Incident > Date of Incident


Incident Context

Time and sponsor of the event.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Behavior Management > Incident > Context


Incident Location

Location of the incident. Options are:

  • C: School Campus
  • O: Off Campus - School Sponsored Activity
  • T: School Sponsored Transportation

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Behavior Management > Incident > Location


Incident Offender

Type of offender(s) involved in the incident.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Offender Type


Incident Reporter

Person who reported the incident.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Reporter Type


Incident Police Report

Indicates the incident was reported to the police.

Alphanumeric, 1 character, Y or N

Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Police Report


Incident Victim

Type of victim involved in the incident.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Behavior Victim


Incident Gang Related

Indicates the incident was gang-motivated, caused by gang membership or gang membership was a contributing cause.

Alphanumeric, 1 character, Y or N

Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Gang Related


Incident Hate Crime

Indicates the incident was motivated by hate due to some characteristic or perceived characteristic of the victim.

Alphanumeric, 1 character, Y or N

Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Hate Crime


Incident Alcohol

Indicates the incident involved the use of alcohol, persons committing incident were under the influence of alcohol or possessed alcohol at the time of the event.

If a Drug Type of 01 is selected for any participant, reports as Y. 

Alphanumeric, 1 character, Y or N

Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Participants > Drugs


Incident Drugs

Indicates the incident involved the use of drugs, persons committing incident were under the influence of drugs or was related to drug possession, sale or use of drugs.

If a Drug Type other than 19 is selected for any participant, reports as Y. 

Alphanumeric, 1 character, Y or N

Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Participants > Drugs


Incident Weapon Type

Type of weapon used in the incident.

Reports the first weapon entered for the first Participant marked as an Offender. Reports as N if none is entered. 

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Participants > Weapon

BehaviorWeapon. weaponType

Incident Value

Numeric value indicating the quantifiable dollar loss amount for any party that should be recorded.

Decimal, dollar amount (1-9.0-2) $XXXX.XX

Behavior Management > Incident > Damages

BehaviorEvent. damages

Student Disciplinary Actions Crime and Violence - Action Layout Table

If the Report Student Legal Identities  is marked, Demographics fields report from Census > People > Identities > Active Identity > Protected Identity Information

Element Name

Description & Format

Campus Location


The WDE 8-digit state-assigned student record identifier.

Numeric, 8 digits

Demographics > Student State ID


Student Last Name

Student's Last Name.

Alphanumeric, 40 characters

Demographics > Last Name


Student First Name

Student's First Name.

Alphanumeric, 35 characters

Demographics > First Name


Student Middle Name

Student's Middle Name.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Demographics > Middle Name


Student Name Suffix

Indication of the student being a Sr., Jr., III, IV, etc.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Demographics > Suffix


Student Grade Level

Indication of the student's grade level of enrollment for the primary enrollment active on the Resolution Start Date. If Resolution Start Date is null, reports the grade level as of the Resolution Assign Date.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Enrollment > Grade


Student Date of Birth

Student's Date of Birth.

Date field, 8 characters MMDDYYYY

Demographics > Birth Date


Student Gender

Student's Gender.

Alphanumeric, 1 character M or F

Demographics > Gender


Student ELL

Indication of student being an English Language Learner. Reports as Y if the student has an active English Learners (EL) record on the Incident Date. Otherwise reports as N.

Alphanumeric, 1 character, Y or N

English Learners (EL) > Identified Date, Program Exit Date



School ID

The WDE 7-digit ID for the school of the student's enrollment.

Reports from the Resident School field on enrollments if entered. Otherwise reports State School Number.

Numeric, 7 digits

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Resident School;

School Information > State School Number



District ID

The WDE 7-digit ID for the district submitting the student's data.

Reports from the Resident District field on enrollments if entered. Otherwise reports State District Number.

Numeric, 7 digits

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Resident District

District Information > State District Number



Asian Race

Indicates if the student is of Asian origin.

Alphanumeric, 1 character, Y or N

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Asian


Black Race

Indicates if the student is of Black or African American origin.

Alphanumeric, 1 character, Y or N

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Black or African American


Indian Race

Indicates if the student is of American Indian or Alaska Native origin.

Alphanumeric, 1 character, Y or N

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > American Indian or Alaska Native


Pacific Islander Race

Indicates if the student is of Pacific Islander origin.

Alphanumeric, 1 character, Y or N

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Pacific Islander


White Race

Indicates if the student is of White origin.

Alphanumeric, 1 character, Y or N

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > White


Hispanic Ethnicity

Indicates if the student is of Hispanic/Latino origin.

Alphanumeric, 1 character, Y or N

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Hispanic/Latino


Student IDEA

Indicates student has an IEP under IDEA. Reports as Y if the student has a locked IEP with a Start Date on or before the Incident Date and an End Date on or after the Incident Date or is Null. Otherwise, reports as N.

Alphanumeric, 1 character, Y or N

Special Ed > Documents > IEP > Start and End Dates



Student Action Date

Date of the student's disciplinary action (date resolution of behavior event). Reports the Resolution Start Date. If blank, reports the Resolution Assign Date.

Date field, 8 characters YYYYMMDD

Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Resolution Start Date


Student Action

Disciplinary action taken by the school/district. Reports the first character of the Resolution. If resolution = I, O, A, H, J, E, S, R or N, that value will be reported in the extract. All other values report N.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Resolution Type


Initial Alternative Placement

Indicates the student action included alternative placement.

When the Behavior Resolution has a State Resolution Code mapping of A, H, IA, OA, JA, EA, SA, RA or NA, reports Y. Otherwise reports N.

Alphanumeric, 1 character, Y or N

Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Resolution Type


Student Modified Expulsion

Indicates the behavior resolution resulted in some type of modified expulsion.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Modification Reason


Modified Alternative Placement

Indicates the modified expulsion included alternative placements.

Alphanumeric, 1 character, Y or N

Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Modification Date


Student Duration

School days or calendar days of the disciplinary action. Calculates based on the Resolution Start Date (or Resolution Assign Date if null) and the Resolution End Date. If Student Action reports as N and the Behavior Resolution is not mapped to a State code of I, IA, O, OA, J, JA, E, EA, S, SA, R, RA, A, or H, reports as 0.0.

Numeric, X.XX

Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Duration in School Days


Student Sequence

Sequence number for this student on this date at this school. Sequence number begins with 1 for each new school day. Non-reportable scenarios are not included in the sequence count.

Not dynamically stored

Student Hearing Offered

Indicates the student was offered a hearing for this disciplinary action.

If Hearing Status = NOT NULL, report Y. If Hearing Status = Null, report N.

Alphanumeric, 1 character, Y or N

Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Hearing Status


Student Hearing Status

Status of the hearing for the disciplinary action. Options are:

  • C: Hearing Completed
  • P: Hearing Pending
  • R: Hearing Refused by Parent
  • Blank

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Hearing Status


Student Gang

Indicates student is involved in a gang.

Alphanumeric, 1 character, Y or N

Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Gang Related


Student Alcohol

Indicates student was involved in the use of alcohol or was under the influence of alcohol based on testing or investigation.

If a Drug Type of 01 is selected for any participant, reports as Y. 

Alphanumeric, 1 character, Y or N

Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Participants > Drugs


Student Drugs

Indicates student was involved in the use of drugs or was under the influence of alcohol based on testing or investigation.

If a Drug Type other than 19 is selected for any participant, reports as Y. 

Alphanumeric, 1 character, Y or N

Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Participants > Drugs


Student Fight Related

An incident is considered fight related if there is a physical altercation wherein a person knowingly and intentionally touches another person in a rude, insolent or angry manner causing or intending to cause bodily injury.

Alphanumeric, 1 character, Y or N

Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Fighting


Student Weapon Type

Type of weapon used in the event.

Reports the first weapon entered for the first Participant marked as an Offender. Reports as N if none is entered. 

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Participants > Weapon


Student Injury

Indicates student suffered severe or minor injury during event.
See the following Incident Injury Options table for values.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Injury


Incident Reference Number

The reference number for the incident. This number is used to associate the incident data provided in the Discipline Incident file with each student involved in the incident.

Numeric, 5 characters between 1 and 99999

Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Event ID

Not dynamically stored

Summary Layout Table

Each record begins with the SchoolID. This field reports from the Resident School field on the student's enrollment if entered (Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Resident School). Otherwise reports the School Number of the school that recorded the incident (School Information > Number).

A Student Detail section reports for each Category when generating the extract in HTML format. This detail lists all students reported in the category and can be used for data review and verification.

Element Name


Category 1 - Expulsion

Reports the number of students (per incident) expelled for the remainder of the school year or longer. This includes removals resulting from violations of the Gun-Free Schools Act that are modified to less than 365 days. Reports by IDEA status and if Educational Services were provided or not provided.

  • Student's Role = Offender
  • Behavior Resolution Start Date on or before the extract Effective Date.
  • Behavior Resolution Start Date on or before enrollment End Date
  • Behavior Resolution End Date on or after enrollment Start Date or null.
Expulsions - Not IDEA, Educational Services Provided
  • Resolution Code mapped to a State Resolution Code of S or SA.
  • Student does not qualify for IDEA by having a locked IEP active on the Incident Date.
Expulsions - Not IDEA, Educational Services NOT Provided
  • Resolution Code mapped to a State Resolution Code of E or EA.
  • Student does not qualify for IDEA by having a locked IEP active on the Incident Date.
Expulsions - IDEA, Educational Services Provided
  • Resolution Code mapped to a State Resolution Code of or SA.
  • Student does qualify for IDEA by having a locked IEP active on the Incident Date.
Expulsions - IDEA, Educational Services NOT Provided
  • Resolution Code mapped to a State Resolution Code of E or EA.
  • Student does qualify for IDEA by having a locked IEP active on the Incident Date.

Category 2 - Students Involved with Firearms

Reports the number of students (per incident) who brought a firearm to a public school or possessed a firearm at a public school during the school year. Includes students even if the expulsion is shortened or no penalty is imposed. Includes students covered by the provisions of IDEA who brought a firearm to school or possessed a firearm at school even if it is determined that the incident is a manifestation of the student's disability.

  • Student had enrollment mapped to a State Grade Level
  • Student's Role = Offender
  • Weapon = H, R, M, or F

Category 2 reports the count for each State Grade Level and firearm Weapon code (H, R, M, or F) combination: 

Grade Levels:

  • KG, HK, or FK
  • 01
  • 02
  • 03
  • 04
  • 05
  • 06
  • 07
  • 08
  • 09
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12

Firearms Weapons Codes:

  • H: Handgun
  • R: Rifle or Shotgun
  • M: Multiple Firearms
  • F: Other Firearms

Category 3 - Firearm Discipline - not IDEA

Reports the Behavior Resolution of Events that included a firearm.

  • Student's Role = Offender
  • Weapon = H, R, M, or F
  • Student does not qualify for IDEA by having a locked IEP active on the Incident Date.
  • Behavior Resolution Start Date on or before extract Effective Date
  • Resolution Start Date on or before enrollment End Date
  • Resolution End Date on or after enrollment Start Date or null.
Expulsion with no Educational Services Provided
  • Behavior Resolution Type mapped to a State Resolution Code of E or EA.
Expulsion with Educational Services Provided
  • Behavior Resolution Type mapped to a State Resolution Code of S or SA.
Expulsion modified to less than one year with no Educational Services Provided
  • Behavior Resolution Type mapped to a State Resolution Code of E or EA.
  • Resolution Duration in School Days is greater than or equal to 365
  • Resolution Modification Length is entered and is less than 365.
Expulsion modified to less than one year with Education Services Provided
  • Behavior Resolution Type mapped to a State Resolution Code of S or SA.
  • Resolution Duration in School Days is greater than or equal to 365
  • Resolution Modification Length is entered and is less than 365.
Other Removal
  • Behavior Resolution Type mapped to a State Resolution Code of R or RA.
Other Discipline Action
  • Behavior Resolution Type mapped to a State Resolution Code of something other than E, EA, S, SA, R, RA, N, NA.
No Action Taken
  • Behavior Resolution Type mapped to a State Resolution Code of N or NA.

Category 4 - Firearm Discipline IDEA

Reports the discipline method for the records reported in the Students Involved with Firearms section above for students eligible for IDEA.

  • Student Role = Offender
  • Weapons = H, R, M, or F
  • Student has a locked IEP active on the Incident Date.
Expulsion with Educational Services Provided under IDEA
  • Behavior Resolution Start Date on or before the extract Effective Date
  • Behavior Resolution Type mapped to a State Resolution Code of S or SA.
  • Behavior Resolution active at some point during student's enrollment.
Expulsion Modified to less than One Year with Educational Services under IDEA
  • Behavior Resolution Start Date on or before the extract Effective Date
  • Behavior Resolution Type mapped to a State Resolution Code of S or SA.
  • Behavior Resolution active at some point during student's enrollment.
  • Resolution Duration in School Days is greater than or equal to 365
  • Resolution Modification Length is entered and is less than 365.
Other Removal - Other Reasons such as Death, Withdrawal, or Incarceration
  • Behavior Resolution Start Date on or before the extract Effective Date.
  • Behavior Resolution Type mapped to a State Resolution Code of R or RA.
  • Behavior Resolution active at some point during student's enrollment.
Other Discipline Action
  • Behavior Resolution Start Date on or before the extract Effective Date.
  • Behavior Resolution Type mapped to a State Resolution Code of something other than E, EA, S, SA, R, RA, N, NA.
  • Behavior Resolution active at some point during student's enrollment.
No Action Taken
  • Behavior Resolution Start Date on or before the extract Effective Date.
  • Behavior Resolution Type mapped to a State Resolution Code of N or NA.
  • Behavior Resolution active at some point during student's enrollment.

Category 5 - IDEA Total Discipline Removals

Reports instances where a student was removed from their educational placement for disciplinary purposes.

  • Student Role = Offender
  • Resolution mapped to a State Resolution Code of I, IA, E, EA, O, OA, S, SA, A, H, J, JA, R, or RA.
  • Student has a locked IEP active on the Incident Date.

Category 5 reports a count by the Primary Disability, Race/Ethnicity, Gender, OR LEP status of the student

Primary Disability
  • Autism
  • Deaf-Blind
  • Developmental Delay
  • Emotional Disturbance
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Intellectual Disability
  • Multiple Disabilities
  • Orthapedic Impairment
  • Specific Learning Disability
  • Speech Language Impairment
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Visual Impairment
  • Other Health Impairment
  • American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Asian
  • Black or African American
  • Hispanic/Latino
  • Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
  • White
  • Two or more races


  • Female
  • Male

LEP Status

  • LEP
  • Not LEP

Category 6 - IDEA Disciplinary Removal (3 Types of Records)

Reports instances where a student with a disability was removed from their educational placement for disciplinary purposes based on the removal length. Students only report once for this category.

  • Student Role = Offender
  • Resolution mapped to a State Resolution Code of I, IA, E, EA, O, OA, S, SA, A, H, J, JA, R, or RA.
  • Student has a locked IEP active on the Incident Date.
Length 1 Day or LessLength 2-10 DaysLength Greater than 10 Days
  • Duration in School Days is entered and greater than or equal to .5 days and less than 1 day. 
  • If Duration is null, record reports if the Resolution End Date is 1 or 0 days from the Resolution Start Date or Resolution Assign Date, or the last instructional day of the calendar if End Date is null.
  • Duration in School Days is entered and is greater than or equal to 1.5 days but less than or equal to 10 days.
  • If Duration is null, record reports if the Resolution End Date is between 2 and 10 days from the Resolution Start Date or Resolution Assign Date, or the last instructional day of the calendar if End Date is null.
  • Duration in School Days is entered and is greater than 10 days.
  • If Duration is null, record reports if the Resolution End Date is greater than 10 days from the Resolution Start Date or Resolution Assign Date, or the last instructional day of the calendar if End Date is null.

Category 6 reports a count by the Primary Disability, Race/Ethnicity, Gender, OR LEP status of the student.

Primary Disability
  • Autism
  • Deaf-Blind
  • Developmental Delay
  • Emotional Disturbance
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Intellectual Disability
  • Multiple Disabilities
  • Orthopedic Impairment
  • Specific Learning Disability
  • Speech Language Impairment
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Visual Impairment
  • Other Health Impairment
  • American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Asian
  • Black or African American
  • Hispanic/Latino
  • Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
  • White
  • Two or more races


  • Female
  • Male

LEP Status

  • LEP
  • Not LEP

Category 7 - IDEA Suspensions/Expulsions (4 Types of Records)

Reports instances of suspension or expulsion based on removal length

  • Student Role = Offender
  • Student has a locked IEP active on the Incident Date.

Students only report once for this category.

Out of School Suspension/Expulsion 10 Days or LessOut of School Suspension/Expulsion More than 10 DaysIn School Suspension 10 Days or LessIn School Suspension More than 10 Days
  • Resolution mapped to a State Resolution Code of E, EA, O, OA, S, or SA.
  • Duration in School Days is entered and less than or equal to 10.
  • If Duration is null, record reports if the Resolution End Date less than or equal to 10 days from the Resolution Start Date or Resolution Assign Date, or the last instructional day of the calendar if End Date is null.
  • Resolution mapped to a State Resolution Code of E, EA, O, OA, S, or SA.
  • Duration in School Days is entered and greater than 10 days.
  • If Duration is null, record reports if the Resolution End Date is greater than 10 days from the Resolution Start Date or Resolution Assign Date, or the last instructional day of the calendar if End Date is null.
  • Resolution mapped to a State Resolution Code of I or IA.
  • Duration in School Days is entered and less than or equal to 10.
  • If Duration is null, record reports if the Resolution End Date less than or equal to 10 days from the Resolution Start Date or Resolution Assign Date, or the last instructional day of the calendar if End Date is null.
  • Resolution mapped to a State Resolution Code of I or IA.
  • Duration in School Days is entered and greater than 10 days.
  • If Duration is null, record reports if the Resolution End Date is greater than 10 days from the Resolution Start Date or Resolution Assign Date, or the last instructional day of the calendar if End Date is null.

Category 7 reports a count by the Primary Disability, Race/Ethnicity, Gender, OR LEP status of the student.

Primary Disability
  • Autism
  • Deaf-Blind
  • Developmental Delay
  • Emotional Disturbance
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Intellectual Disability
  • Multiple Disabilities
  • Orthopedic Impairment
  • Specific Learning Disability
  • Speech Language Impairment
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Visual Impairment
  • Other Health Impairment

  • American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Asian
  • Black or African American
  • Hispanic/Latino
  • Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
  • White
  • Two or more races


  • Female
  • Male

LEP Status

  • LEP
  • Not LEP

Category 8 - IDEA Removal to Interim Alternative Setting (2 Types of Records)

Reports students who were subject to unilateral removal by school personnel or removal based on a hearing officer's determination.

  • Student Role = Offender
  • Student has a locked IEP active on the Incident Date.

Unilateral Removal by School Personnel for Drugs, Weapons, or Serious Bodily InjuryRemoved based on Hearing Officer
  • Resolution mapped to a State Resolution Code of A, R, or RA.
  • Event is mapped to a Classification of Drug or Weapon OR a Participant has an Injury of 4: Serious Bodily Injury
  • Resolution Modification Reason is not MI.
  • Resolution mapped to a State Resolution Code of H, J, or JA.

Category 8 reports a count by the Primary Disability, Race/Ethnicity, Gender, OR LEP status of the student.

Primary Disability
  • Autism
  • Deaf-Blind
  • Developmental Delay
  • Emotional Disturbance
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Intellectual Disability
  • Multiple Disabilities
  • Orthopedic Impairment
  • Specific Learning Disability
  • Speech Language Impairment
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Visual Impairment
  • Other Health Impairment

  • American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Asian
  • Black or African American
  • Hispanic/Latino
  • Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
  • White
  • Two or more races


  • Female
  • Male

LEP Status

  • LEP
  • Not LEP

Category 9 - IDEA Reasons for Unilateral Removal (3 Types of Records)

Reports the number of students with disabilities ages 3-21 who were subject to unilateral removal by school personnel for drugs, weapons, or serious bodily injury.

  • Student Role = Offender
  • Student has a locked IEP active on the Incident Date.

DrugsWeaponsSerious Bodily Injury
  • Event Type mapped to the Classification of Drug.
  • Resolution mapped to a State Resolution Code of A, R, or RA.
  • Resolution Modification Reason is not MI.
  • Event Type mapped to the Classification of Weapon.
  • Resolution mapped to a State Resolution Code of A, R, or RA.
  • Resolution Modification Reason is not MI.
  • Event Type has a participant (regardless of role) with an Injury of 4.
  • Resolution mapped to a State Resolution Code of A, R, or RA.
  • Resolution Modification Reason is not MI.

Category 9 reports a count by the Primary Disability, Race/Ethnicity, Gender, OR LEP status of the student.

Primary Disability
  • Autism
  • Deaf-Blind
  • Developmental Delay
  • Emotional Disturbance
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Intellectual Disability
  • Multiple Disabilities
  • Orthopedic Impairment
  • Specific Learning Disability
  • Speech Language Impairment
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Visual Impairment
  • Other Health Impairment

  • American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Asian
  • Black or African American
  • Hispanic/Latino
  • Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
  • White
  • Two or more races


  • Female
  • Male

LEP Status

  • LEP
  • Not LEP

Category 10 - Seclusion and Restraint Interventions and Serious Bodily Injury

Reports the number of interventions where seclusion or restraint were used.

  • Student Role = Offender
IDEA Seclusion
  • Student has a locked IEP active on the Incident Date.
  • A Response Type of S is assigned to the student.
Not IDEA Seclusion
  • Student does not have a locked IEP active on the Incident Date.
  • A Response Type of S is assigned to the student.
IDEA Restraint
  • Student has a locked IEP active on the Incident Date.
  • A Response Type of or P is assigned to the student.
Not IDEA Restraint
  • Student does not have a locked IEP active on the Incident Date.
  • A Response Type of or P is assigned to the student.
Restraint with Serious Bodily Injury
  • Event Type has a participant (regardless of role) with an Injury of 4.
  • A Response Type of or P is assigned to the student.

Incident Type Options










Breaking and Entering / Burglary




Cyber Bullying


Disorderly Conduct


Drugs (excluding alcohol)








Motor Vehicle Theft


Logic: Reports when the Event is mapped 
 to 'No State Event Code Mapping,' 'Other,'
'School Code of Conduct,' or 'School Violation,' 
and the Resolution is EA, IA, JA, NA, OA, RA or SA.


Other Major Offenses / Unclassified






Sexual Battery


Sexual Harrassment


Sex Offenses




Threat / Intimidation






Weapons Possession


Non-Reportable Incident

Incident Injury Options





No Injury

No one was physically injured during the course of the incident.


Minor Injury

At least one participant received a minor physical injury as a result of the incident. A minor injury is one that does not require professional medical attention such as a scrape on the body, knee or elbow and/or minor bruising. Medical attention from the school nurse qualifies the injury as minor unless further medical attention is required.


Major Injury/ Serious Bodily Injury

At least one participant received a major physical injury as a result of the incident. A major injury is one that requires professional medical attention which may include, but is not limited to, a bullet wound, a stab or puncture wound, fractured or broken bones, concussions, cuts requiring stitches, and any other injury with profuse or excessive bleeding.
