Course Transcripts (Missouri v3.6)
Last Modified on 03/10/2025 10:11 am CDT
This entity is the final record of a student's performance in their courses at the end of a semester or school year.
Object Triggering Logic
This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.
Action | Trigger |
Post | When transcript records are posted for a student and they have a valid Student School Association for the Scoped Year. Or When a resync is completed for the school the student is enrolled, all eligible transcript records for all years will send for the Student - Do not send a record if the course is marked as inactive or state exclude.
- The course must exist in the ODS for the Course Reference to send as part of this resource. Use the following logic to determine which Course Reference to send:
- If the School Number and Course Number on the transcript record are in the configured year ODS, report the Course reference with those numbers.
- If School Number and Course Number on the transcript record are in the ODS for the configured year but not the school where the student is enrolled, report the course reference with the School and Course Number that matches the School & Course in the ODS.
- If School Number on the transcript record is in the ODS for the configured year but not the school where the student is enrolled but the Course number matches the school they are enrolled, the course reference will report with the School Number where the student is enrolled.
- If the School Number on the transcript record is not in the ODS and the course number matches the school where the student is enrolled, the course reference will report where the student is enrolled.
- If the School Number on the transcript is not in the ODS but the Course Number matches a school where the student is not enrolled, the course reference will report with the school where the course match is found. If there is more than 1 school with that course number, pick the school with the highest schoolID.
- If the School Number on the transcript is not in the ODS and the course number does not match any course in the district, a record will not send and will not trigger an error.
Do not send a record if the transcript's score is null. Do not send record if the School Exclude check box is checked. Do not send record if the Calendar Exclude check box is checked.
Post/Delete | When any part of the Natural Key is changed. |
Put | When fields that are not part of the natural key are changed. |
Delete | When a transcript record is deleted for a student. |
Delete | All Transcript records will only delete when a student has only 1 Student School Association record for a specific Year and that record is deleted. (Note: If a new Student School Association record is created, existing records will not re-post, a resync must be completed to resend the data) |
School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync Logic
This table describes the School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync logic of this object.
Action | Trigger |
None | If a resource is toggled to 'OFF' after data has sent, all sent data will remain in the ODS but no new data will send. |
Resync | If a record is in the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table and not in the ODS, it will be deleted from the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table |
Resync | If a record is in the ODS and it does not have a matching record in Campus or the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table, it will be deleted from the ODS. |
Resync | If a mapping is changed in Resource Preferences, a resync will need to be done to reflect the changes. |
Natural Key Changes, Cascading Updates, and Deletes Logic
This table describes the Natural Key Changes/Cascading Updates and Deletes logic of this object.
Action | Trigger |
Post/Delete | Natural Key change: |
Scope Year Logic
This table describes scope year logic of this object.
Logic |
Transcript records will send to each scope year where the student has a Student School Association, regardless of the Transcript School Year.
- Data will only send for years that have valid configuration.
- A resync must be completed at the beginning of each year so that all years transcript records will be loaded in the ODS.
Resource Preferences
This table describes the Resource Preferences of this object.
Data Element Label | Mapping Needed |
Credit Earned/Attempted | Course Attempt Result Descriptor |
Identity Mapping Object Key
Campus Object Type | Object Key Data Source |
TranscriptCourse | transcriptID |
Event Queue Detail
This table describes the Event Queue Detail of this object.
Campus Table | Ed-Fi Action | Fields |
transcriptcourse | Post/Put/Delete | The primary table used for sending data for this resource. |
transcriptcredit | Post/Put/Delete | The primary table used for sending data for this resource. |
Object Data Elements
This table describes data elements sent within the Course Transcripts resource.
Data Element Label | Description | M, C, or O | Location |
courseAttemptResultDescriptor | The result from the student''s attempt to take the course, for example: Pass, Fail, Incomplete, Withdrawn.- Report the Ed-Fi Code associated with the State Score that is mapped to the Score selected.
- If there is no State Score mapped to the Score selected, or the State Score does not have an Ed-Fi Code mapped to it, report the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the calculation between Attempted Credits and Earned Credits.
- When the sum of credits Earned is >= the sum of credits Attempted
- When the sum of credits Earned is blank or = 0
- When the sum of credits Earned is not blank or = 0 and < than the sum of credits Attempted
| M | Transcripts> Earned AND Student Information> General> Transcripts> Attempted
courseReference | A reference to the related Course resource
Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the Course resource - courseCode = Course > State Code
- educationOrganizationId = 1
| M |
studentAcademicRecordReference | A reference to the related Student Academic Record resource.
Reports the Natural Key fields for the Student Academic Record resource - educationOrganizationId = Reporting District Code
- schoolYear = End Year of School Year
- studentUniqueId = Student State ID
- termDescriptor = Use "Full Year"
| M |
attemptedCredits | The number of credits attempted for a course.
Report ATTEMPTED credits from Student Information > General > Transcript - Student must be rostered in a course/section
- Credits must be:
- Course has a Credit Level = HS: High School OR MS: Middle School AND
- Credit is assigned to a (Course Master) grading task where Grading & Standards> Grading Tasks> Grading Task Detail> State Reported = checked
| O | Student Information> General> Transcripts> Attempted
transcriptcredit.creditsAttempted |
earnedCredits | The number of credits awarded or earned for the course.
Report EARNED credits from Student Information > General > Transcript - Student must be rostered in a course/section
- Credits must be:
- Grade must be posted to that grading task AND
- Grade must be mapped to a state score in Grading & Standards> Score Groups & Rubrics where Passing Score = checked.
- Course has a Credit Level = HS: High School OR MS: Middle School AND
- Credit is assigned to a (Course Master) grading task where Grading & Standards> Grading Tasks> Grading Task Detail> State Reported = checked
| M | Student Information> General> Transcripts> Earned
transcriptcredit.creditsAttempted |
earnedCreditTypeDescriptor | The type of credits or units of value awarded for the completion of a course.
Reports the Transcript Record's Credit Type that is mapped to an Ed-Fi Code in resource preferences. - Report M if Mathematics
- Report S if Science
- All else, report NA.
| O | Student Information> General> Transcripts> Credit Type |
finalLetterGradeEarned | The final letter grade earned for the course.
Report POSTED student grades from Student Information > General > Grades - Student must be rostered in a course/section
- Grade must be:
- If FCG grading task is marked for >1 terms for a student/course/section, return value for latest term only based on term start date.
- If >1 FCG grading task is marked for 1 term of a student/course/section, return value for latest FCG grading task created only.
- mapped to State Score in the Score Group or Rubric AND
- Tied to a Grading Task or Standard flagged as 'State Reported' (‘State Reported’ checkbox cannot be null) AND
- Identified with Grading Task> Grading Task Detail> Code = FCG
For each student record returned that does NOT have a FCG entered, please return the following values:
- Report WD IF:
- a student is rostered in the course/section AND
- was present in the course/section for at least one period AND
- drops the course/section AND
- is still NOT rostered at the end of that section AND
- does NOT have a FCG Final Course Grade:
- Report IC IF:
- a student is rostered in the course/section AND
- was present in the course/section for at least one period AND
- is still rostered at the end of that section AND
- does NOT have a FCG Final Course Grade
- Do not report IF:
- the Score Group or Rubric is tied to a Grading Task Standard where code = FCG but is not 'State Reported' OR
- the posted grade is not mapped to State Score
| O | Grading & Standards> Score Groups & Rubrics> Score Grading & Standards> Grading Tasks> Grading Task Detail> State Reported |
gradingPerioddescriptor | The student must be rostered in a course/section. - Report the Section Editor > Course Time Unit from the Section, when the value is mapped in the gradingPeriod Resource Preferences.
- If Null, report the Section editor > Semester Code, when the value is mapped in the gradingPeriod Resource Preferences.
| M | Course/Section > Section Editor > Course Time Unit Course/Section > Section Editor > Semester Code |
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Course Attempt Result Descriptor
Ed-Fi Code | Short Description | Description | Namespace |
Pass | Pass | Pass | uri:// |
Withdrawn | Withdrawn | Withdrawn | uri:// |
Fail | Fail | Fail | uri:// |
Incomplete | Incomplete | Incomplete | uri:// |
Earned Credit Type Descriptor
Ed-Fi Code | Short Description | Description | Namespace |
M | Math | Student is taking a computer science course and is awarded math credit. | uri:// |
NA | Not Applicable | Student is not taking a computer science course for math or science credit. | uri:// |
S | Science | Student is taking a computer science course and is awarded science credit. | uri:// |
Grading Period Descriptor
Ed-Fi Code | Short Description | Description | Namespace |
Q1 | Quarter 1 | Quarter 1 | uri:// |
Q2 | Quarter 2 | Quarter 2 | uri:// |
Q3 | Quarter 3 | Quarter 3 | uri:// |
Q4 | Quarter 4 | Quarter 4 | uri:// |
S1 | Semester 1 | Semester 1 | uri:// |
S2 | Semester 2 | Semester 2 | uri:// |
YL | Year Long | Year Long | uri:// |
T1 | Trimester 1 | Trimester 1 | uri:// |
T2 | Trimester 2 | Trimester 2 | uri:// |
T3 | Trimester 3 | Trimester 3 | uri:// |