Attendance Days and Membership Days Calculations (MARSS B Minnesota)

This document describes the calculation used to determine what value reports for the ATT_DAY and MBR_DAY fields in the MARSS B Extract.

When using these instructions to verify attendance calculations, you must go all the way through the logic before determining the correct values. Don't stop when it seems like you've reached an answer. The term "working value" indicates how fields report based on where your are in the logic. This may not be the value reported in the end.

All fields references are found on the tab in Student Information > General > Enrollments, unless otherwise noted. Fields in Campus are indicated in italics and fields in the MARSS B extract are indicated in bold.

When performing the calculation, start with the following values:

  • ATT: null
  • MBR: null
  • BEG: null
  • END: null
  • GRD: Grade
  • AID: State Aid Category
  • HOM: Homebound

Step 1: ADA and ADM Overrides

  • If Percent Enrolled 
    • IS 999 or 998 AND
      • ADA Override is null, working value is: ATT = 0.
      • ADA Override is not null, working value is ATT = ADA Override. 
      • ADM Override is null, working value is: MBR = 0.
      • ADM Override is not null, working value is: MBR = ADM Override. 
    • IS NOT 999 or 998, working values are: ATT = ADA Override and MBR = ADM Override

Step 2 Start/End Dates vs. Effective Date

  • If Start Date is after the extract Effective Date, working value is BEG = Start Date.
  • If Start Date is before the extract Effective Date, working value is BEG = extract Effective Date.
  • If End Date is after the extract Effective Date, working value is END = extract Effective Date.
  • If End Date is before the extract Effective Date, working value is END = End Date.

Step 3: Grade, Aid, and Minutes

  • If Percent Enrolled 
    • IS 999 or 998 AND
      • GRD is mapped to a
        • With a Kindergarten Code of B, working value is: MBR = number of instructional days the student is rostered between the student's Start Date and End Date.
        • With a Kindergarten Code that is not B, working value is: MBR = number of instructional days in the calendar between the student's Start Date and End Date. 
      • AID and HOM fields
        • Report as 24 and Y, working value is: ATT = 00000
        • Report as other values, working value is: ATT = ATT multiplied by 10.
      • Either Half Day Absence or Whole Day Absence fields on the
        • ARE null and ATT is null, working value is: ATT = MBR minus absences in instructional periods, divided by the number of instructional periods.
        • ARE NOT null and ATT is null, working value is: ATT = MBR minus the sum of absent days between enrollment Start and End Dates, multiplied by 10.
          • If ATT is not null, Percent Enrolled is 999 or 998, and ADA Override is null, working value is: ATT = MBR minus the total absent minutes divided by 60, multiplied by 10.

Step 4: Finishing Up

  • If AID
    • IS 46, working values are: ATT = 00000 and MBR = 0000
    • IS NOT 46 and MBR is greater than the Maximum Membership Days entered on the that the student's enrollment grade is mapped to, working value is: Max Membership Days.
  • If Percent Enrolled is not 999 or 998, ADA Override is null, ATT is greater than 0 and greater than the Maximum Membership Days multiplied by 10, then working value is: ATT = Maximum Membership Days multiplied by 10.
    • Otherwise, if ATT is greater than MBR and ADA Override is null, working value is: ATT = MBR multiplied by 10.