Tool Search: CEPA
The CEPA (Concurrent Enrollment Programs Act) tool tracks student credit, hours and total courses taken by a student outside of the high school setting. Students may be enrolled in CEPA only or in a combination of high school courses and CEPA courses. CEPA information is reported on the Student October File Report.

CEPA Editor
The following fields are available for entry.
Start Date
Indicates the date the student enrolled in CEPA courses. Dates are entered in mmddyy format or can be chosen by selecting the calendar icon. The default start date is the current date.
End Date
Indicates the date the student was no longer enrolled in CEPA courses. Dates are entered in mmddyy format or can be chosen by selecting the calendar icon.
Semester Participation
Fields exist for 1st Semester A, 1st Semester B, 2nd Semester A, and 2nd Semester B.
Indicates whether or not a student participated in Postsecondary Programs and whether or not the school district paid tuition for the student.
The values available for these four fields are managed in the Core Attribute/Dictionary.
Institution Code
Fields exist for 1st Semester A, 1st Semester B, 2nd Semester A, and 2nd Semester B.
The four-digit code assigned by CDE to Colorado institutions of higher education, indicating where the student is receiving education services during the first and/or second semester.
Semester Credit Hours
Fields exist for 1st Semester A, 1st Semester B, 2nd Semester A, and 2nd Semester B.
Number of college credit hours a student has earned in each semester. Available options are:
- 0: Not Applicable
- 1: 1-6 hours
- 2: 7 or more hours
Concurrent Enrollment Only
Fields exist for 1st Semester A, 1st Semester B, 2nd Semester A, and 2nd Semester B.
When marked, indicates all of the student's education is being provided by the institution of higher education, regardless of the number of courses taken.
Semester Courses Taken
Fields exist for 1st Semester A, 1st Semester B, 2nd Semester A, and 2nd Semester B.
Total number (value of 1-99) of courses a student has taken for the semester through CEPA participation.
Enter CEPA Information
- Click the Add CEPA button. A CEPA Editor displays.
- Enter the Start Date.
- Select the appropriate option for Semester Participation.
- Enter the appropriate Institution Code.
- Select the appropriate option for Credit Hours.
- Enter the total number of Courses Taken.
- Mark Concurrent Enrollment Only if appropriate.
- Click the Save button when finished.
When a student is no longer enrolled in an institution of higher education, select the record and enter an end date.
Manage Documents
To view documents, click the Documents button on the action bar. Users with the appropriate tool rights may also complete the following tasks.
- Upload Documents
- Delete Documents
- Replace Documents
- Edit a Document Name or File Description
- Download Documents