Title 1 (Nevada)

Tool Search: Title 1

The Title 1 program tool allows Nevada users to identify students who live in locally operated institutions for neglected or delinquent children.  

Screenshot of the Title 1 record, located at Student Information, Program ParticipationTitle 1 Report Editor

Read - Access and view the Title 1 tool.
Write - Modify existing Title 1 records.
Add - Add new Title 1 records.
Delete - Remove Title 1 records.

See the Tool Rights article for more information about Tool Rights and how they function.

Use the Federal/State Program Updater to import existing Title 1 student records or update records for multiple students. 

Enter a New Student Title 1 Record

  1. Click the New icon. The Title 1 editor displays.
  2. Select the Start Date and Title 1-A Program. These are required selections.
  3. Enter Comments if applicable. 
  4. Click the Save icon when finished. The record is listed in the Title 1 Services section. 

To modify a Title 1 record, select the appropriate record and make the changes. Add an end date when a student's Title 1-A status ends.

Title 1 Field Descriptions

FieldDescriptionAd hoc Inquiries
Start Date
Indicates the date the student began receiving Title 1 Services.Student > Learner > Title 1 > Title 1 > startDate
End DateIndicates the date the student stopped receiving Title 1 Services.Student > Learner > Title 1 > Title 1 > endDate
Title 1-A Program
Indicates the type of Title 1-A Program in which a student is participating.
  • T1APIND: Student identified and lives in a locally operated institution for neglected or delinquent children.
Student > Learner > Title 1 > Title 1 > title1Program
CommentsAdditional information about the record.Student > Learner > Title 1 > Title 1 > comments

District Defined Elements

District-specific data elements are established under the Title 1 section of the Custom Attribute/Dictionary tool.

  • Fields do not display in the Title 1 Editor. Users must select the record to see this detail.
  • The header for this section does not display until district defined elements are added.

Print a Summary Report

Click Print to display a PDF view of the student's Title 1 records.

Screenshot highlighting Print Option for Title 1 RecordsPrint Option for Title 1 Record
Example of a Printed Title 1 Program Summary