Cross-Site Enrollment Overview

Watch the Cross-Site Enrollment Workflow Video Series for additional information.

Cross-Site Enrollment allows students to take a class at another school within the district (intradistrict) or another school within the state (interdistrict) that is not offered at their local school or their local school doesn't provide the services that the student needs in a certain way, or the course that is offered at their local school doesn't fit the student's schedule. Using the Cross-Site Enrollment framework, this sharing of students and course offerings consolidates the setup needed by the district and the participating schools.

This functionality includes district-level configuration, school-level configuration, course mapping, enrollment creation, course scheduling, attendance recording, and grade reporting.

Cross-Site Courses, Enrollments, Students, and Attendance events display with an indicator (Screenshot of the Cross-Site indicator, which is a blue location vector pin with white intersecting lines) to differentiate them from standard courses and enrollments. In the image below, this indicator displays next to the student's Cross-Site Enrollment record that is from mid-October to the end of December. The enrollment record right below that is the student's primary enrollment and lasts for the entire year.

Screenshot of the student's Enrollment record highlighting the blue symbol with a cross next to the record.Cross-Site Enrollment Indicator

To maintain consistency and continuity of the available course offerings, Course Master tools MUST be used with Cross-Site Enrollment (CSE) functionality. 

Things to Know

  • The Enrollment Roll Forward tool DOES NOT roll forward Cross-Site Enrollments from one year to another.
  • The Calendar Roll Forward tool offers options to include Cross-Site Courses and Sections when using the Create New Calendars by rolling forward selected data and Copy data into Existing Calendars options. 
  • State Reporting and Ed-Fi Resources have been modified to account for Cross-Site Enrollments. Where necessary, state reports now include a checkbox to Exclude Cross-Site Enrollments. 
  • Participating schools do not have access to modify information entered by other schools. However, they can view the courses and sections. 
  • Cross-Site courses DO NOT display in the Parent/Student Portals and are not available through the Course Registration tool. 
  • Self-hosted districts are limited to using Intradistrict Cross-Site Enrollment. Districts that are not using the Public Cloud Campus Digital Repository Preferences are limited to using Intradistrict Cross-Site Enrollment.
  • When a student is scheduled into a Cross-Site course in another district (Interdistrict Serving School), Census Data is now sent to that Serving School so the Cross-Site enrollment record can be created and the student can be scheduled into the course. The Census information sent to the Serving School/District includes demographics/identities, contact information, and guardian information for that student.

Notifications Email to the Home School

When a change to a student's roster is made at the Serving School, a message is sent to the Home School. This process uses Campus Messenger functionality to send the message. This requires a Default Sender Email Address for Messenger Email Settings is required to send messages. 

A Default Contact Email can be added to the Cross-Site Enrollment Setup tool on the Notifications Settings side panel. 

There may be instances where the modification to the roster record or the enrollment record fails. When that occurs, the following messages are sent:

  • When the Serving School updates the end date on the Cross-Site student's roster record, but the update fails at the Home School.
  • When the Serving School deletes the roster record for the Cross-Site student's schedule, but the update to delete the data fails at the Home School.
  • When the student cannot be added to the selected Cross-Site Course Section at the Serving School because there no available seats for that student. 
  • When the Serving School does not have the same grade level as the student enrolled at the home school, 
  • When another type of failure to modify or update or change a student's roster or enrollment fails that isn't related to seat count or grade levels. 
  • When a change to the roster start date fails at the Serving School or the Home School. 
  • When a change to the roster end date fails at the Serving School or the Home School. 
  • When an update is made to a student's enrollment at the Home School or the Serving School fails. 
  • When a delete of the student's enrollment from the Home School or the Serving School fails. 

Next Steps