Individual Education Plan (Idaho)

Tool Search: Special Ed Documents

The editors available on the Individual Education Plan provide all required information by the State of Idaho. Editors and fields are listed below. Included here are instructions on entering data into Campus and references to state-defined guideline

The current formats of the Idaho IEPs include:

  • ID Standard IEP 2024.1
  • ID Early Childhood IEP 2024.1
  • ID Secondary IEP 2024.1

Plan formats are selected in Plan Types.


Screenshot of the IEP 2021 format. Idaho Standard IEP Editors

The following table lists the editors available on the student's Idaho Standard Individual Education Plan, the section(s) of the print format that includes the entered information, a description of what the editor is used for, and any special considerations and instructions for using the editor.

Editor Name

Printed Document Section


Special Considerations and Instructions

Education PlanIEP InformationThe Education Plan editor includes the various dates associated with the plan, the type of plan, and any additional medical information.

This editor must be saved before continuing to other areas of the plan. When a Meeting Date is selected or entered, Start Date auto-populates to the same date, and the End Date auto-populates to a year from the Meeting Date minus one day.

The Creation and Modification information for the plan appears at the bottom of this editor.

Student DemographicsIntroductory materialThe Student Demographics editor populates basic information about the student such as demographic data, address and school information.Clicking Refresh Student Information synchronizes information in the editor with the most recent information entered for the student from the Demographics, Households, Enrollments and School tools.
Parent/Guardian InformationIntroductory materialThe Parent/Guardian Demographics editor populates based on the established student/guardian relationships created on the student's Relationships tool or indicated by the guardian checkbox on the Households tab. The editor includes Demographics information for the student's guardian.Clicking Refresh Guardian Information synchronizes information in the editor with the most recent information from the guardian's Demographics and Households tools.
Enrollment StatusN/AThe Enrollment Status editor reports Special Education information from the student's Enrollment.

Clicking Get Special Ed Status from Enrollment synchronizes the information in the editor with the most recent information from the student's Enrollments tool.

There are three versions of this editor. Best practice is to use the third editor. This editor fetches special education data from the student's Enrollment, data which can be edited in the IEP. If values are modified, the student's Enrollment is updated based on the IEP when saved.

Medicaid NotificationMedicaid InformationThe Medicaid Notification editor identifies if a student's IEP includes Medicaid reimbursable services, and if those services were offered and accepted or offered and declined.N/A

Team Information

IEP Team InformationThe Team Meeting editor lists the team meetings held regarding the student and the participants of the meeting.Before attendees can be added to team meetings, the student must have team members added on the Team Members tab. 
The Print in IEP checkbox must be marked for the team meeting to appear on the printed document.

Present Levels/Annual Goals

Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance

The Present Levels/Annual Goals editor list goals made with the student to help measure student progress. Goals include the skill to be developed, the student's current abilities, and how progress is measured and reported.

The editor also addresses the student's abilities, interests, and needs, based on assessments administered and the student's input.

Template Banks are established in System Administration and available by clicking the white paper icon.
ServicesIEP Services

The Services editor lists developmental, corrective or other supportive services provided to the student in a Special Education setting.

Only active Services with a Type of Normal Services can be included in this editor. Services, Service Providers and Service Positions are established in System Administration.

The related services list is a combination of a hard-coded and active Services with a Type of Related. Service Providers and Service Positions are established in System Administration.

LRE Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)The Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) editor describes the student's participation in a general education classroom with general education curriculum.N/A
Placement ConsiderationsPlacement ConsiderationsThe Placement Considerations editor provides details and rationale for the placement decisions made on behalf of the student.N/A
Other ConsiderationsOther ConsiderationsThe Other Considerations editor describes other aspects of the student's services, such as additional transportation needs, Extended School Year services, limited English proficiency accommodations, or braille needs.N/A
Behavior Intervention PlanningBehavior Intervention PlanningThe Behavior Intervention Planning editor identifies what type of action should take place in the event of a behavior incident.N/A
Positive Behavior SupportsPositive Behavior SupportsThe Positive Behavior Supports editor identifies the supports, tools, and purpose of a response in the event of a corresponding positive behavior incident.

Before the Positive Behavior Supports section can appear on the printed IEP, the Positive behavior supports are incorporated in this IEP checkbox must be marked on the Behavior Intervention Planning editor.

Behavior Intervention PlanBehavior Intervention PlanThe Behavior Intervention Plan editor details the behavior intervention plan or preventative strategy in the event of a corresonding behavior incident.Before the Behavior Intervention Plan section can appear on the printed IEP, the A behavior intervention plan (BIP), including positive supports checkbox must be marked on the Behavior Intervention Planning editor.
AccommodationsAccommodations, Adaptations, and/or Supports in General and Special EducationThe Accommodations editor lists additional services provided to the student.N/A
AdaptationsAccommodations, Adaptations, and/or Supports in General and Special EducationThe Adaptations editor lists adaptations to the General Education Curriculum provided to the student.Template Banks are established in System Administration and available by clicking the white paper icon.
State/Dist. Assess. ParticipationParticipation in Statewide and Districtwide AssessmentsThe State/District Assessment Participation editor lists accommodations and adaptations provided to the student for participation in mandated assessments.Template Banks are established in System Administration and available by clicking the white paper icon.
Written NoticeIEP LRE Placement and Written Notice

The Written Notice editor communicates to the parent or guardian the parameter of the plan, evaluations performed, and other factors. This editor also records parental consent.

ConsentConsent For Initial PlacementThe Consent For Initial Placement editor if a student's parent, guardian, or adult student has given or denied consent in placing the student in special education and further details concerning the decision of the parent or guardian. N/A

ID Secondary IEP

Screenshot of the Secondary IEP 2021 format. Idaho Secondary IEP Editors

The following table lists the editors available on the student's Idaho Secondary Individual Education Plan, the section(s) of the print format that includes the entered information, a description of what the editor is used for, and any special considerations and instructions for using the editor.

Editor Name

Printed Document Section


Special Considerations and Instructions

Education PlanIEP InformationThe Education Plan editor includes the various dates associated with the plan, the type of plan, and any additional medical information.

This editor must be saved before continuing to other areas of the plan. When a Meeting Date is selected or entered, Start Date auto-populates to the same date, and the End Date auto-populates to a year from the Meeting Date minus one day.

The Creation and Modification information for the plan appears at the bottom of this editor.

Student DemographicsIntroductory materialThe Student Demographics editor populates basic information about the student such as demographic data, address and school information.Clicking Refresh Student Information synchronizes information in the editor with the most recent information entered for the student from the Demographics, Households, Enrollments and School tools.
Parent/Guardian InformationIntroductory materialThe Parent/Guardian Demographics editor populates based on the established student/guardian relationships created on the student's Relationships tool or indicated by the guardian checkbox on the Households tool. The editor includes Demographics information for the student's guardian.Clicking Refresh Guardian Information synchronizes information in the editor with the most recent information from the student's guardian's Demographics and Households tabs.
Enrollment StatusN/AThe Enrollment Status editor reports Special Education information from the student's Enrollment.

Clicking Get Special Ed Status from Enrollment synchronizes the information in the editor with the most recent information from the student's Enrollments tool.

There are three versions of this editor. Best practice is to use the third editor. This editor fetches special education data from the student's Enrollment, data which can be edited in the IEP. If values are modified, the student's Enrollment is updated based on the IEP when saved.

Medicaid NotificationMedicaid InformationThe Medicaid Notification editor identifies if a student's IEP includes Medicaid reimbursable services, and if those services were offered and accepted or offered and declined.N/A

Team Information

IEP Team InformationThe Team Meeting editor lists the team meetings held regarding the student and the participants of the meeting.Before attendees can be added to team meetings, the student must have team members added on the Team Members tab.

The Print in IEP checkbox must be marked for the team meeting to appear on the printed document.
Transfer of Rights/Agency Participation

Transfer of Rights

Agency Participation

The Transfer of Rights/Agency Participation editor is used to indicate the student's consent to the transfer of rights when they turn 18 and document any agency involvement at the IEP meeting.N/A
Transition Services PlanningPostsecondary Goals and Transition Services PlanningThe Transition Services Planning editor is used to document the student's assessment summary of their transition services plan as well as their current level of performance for postsecondary goals and transition services.N/A
Postsecondary GoalsPostsecondary GoalsThe Postsecondary Goals editor is used to identify the goal area and the details of the postsecondary goal.Template Banks are established in System Administration and available by clicking the white paper icon.
Transition ActivitiesTransition ActivitiesThe Transition Activities editor is used to identify which services are needed for transition to postsecondary life.N/A
Graduation ConsiderationHigh School Graduation ConsiderationThe Graduation Consideration editor is used to identify and explain any adaptations made to the high school graduation requirements.N/A
Present Levels/Annual GoalsPresent Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional PerformanceThe Present Levels/Annual Goals editor is used to document the student's current level of achievement towards a particular skill area/Template Banks are established in System Administration and available by clicking the white paper icon.
ServicesIEP Services

The Services editor lists developmental, corrective or other supportive services provided to the student in a Special Education setting.

Only active Services with a Type of Normal Services can be included in this editor. Services, Service Providers and Service Positions are established in System Administration.

The related services list is a combination of a hard-coded and active Services with a Type of Related. Service Providers and Service Positions are established in System Administration.

LRE Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)The Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) editor describes the student's participation in a general education classroom with general education curriculum.N/A
Placement ConsiderationsPlacement ConsiderationsThe Placement Considerations editor provides details and rationale for the placement decisions made on behalf of the student.N/A
Other ConsiderationsOther ConsiderationsThe Other Considerations editor describes other aspects of the student's services, such as additional transportation needs, Extended School Year services, limited English proficiency accommodations, or braille needs.N/A
Behavior Intervention PlanningBehavior Intervention PlanningThe Behavior Intervention Planning editor identifies what type of action should take place in the event of a behavior incident.N/A
Positive Behavior SupportsPositive Behavior SupportsThe Positive Behavior Supports editor identifies the supports, tools, and purpose of a response in the event of a corresponding positive behavior incident.

Before the Positive Behavior Supports section can appear on the printed IEP, the Positive behavior supports are incorporated in this IEP checkbox must be marked on the Behavior Intervention Planning editor.

Behavior Intervention PlanBehavior Intervention PlanThe Behavior Intervention Plan editor details the behavior intervention plan or preventative strategy in the event of a corresonding behavior incident.Before the Behavior Intervention Plan section can appear on the printed IEP, the A behavior intervention plan (BIP), including positive supports checkbox must be marked on the Behavior Intervention Planning editor.
AccommodationsAccommodations, Adaptations, and/or Supports in General and Special EducationThe Accommodations editor lists additional services provided to the student.N/A
AdaptationsAccommodations, Adaptations, and/or Supports in General and Special EducationThe Adaptations editor lists adaptations to the General Education Curriculum provided to the student.Template Banks are established in System Administration and available by clicking the white paper icon.
State/Dist. Assess. ParticipationParticipation in Statewide and Districtwide AssessmentsThe State/District Assessment Participation editor lists accommodations and adaptations provided to the student for participation in mandated assessments.Template Banks are established in System Administration and available by clicking the white paper icon.
Written NoticeIEP LRE Placement and Written Notice

The Written Notice editor communicates to the parent or guardian the parameter of the plan, evaluations performed, and other factors. This editor also records parental consent.

ConsentConsent For Initial PlacementThe Consent For Initial Placement editor if a student's parent, guardian, or adult student has given or denied consent in placing the student in special education and further details concerning the decision of the parent or guardian.N/A

ID Early Childhood IEP

Screenshot of the Early Childhood IEP 2021 format. Idaho Early Childhood IEP Editors

The following table lists the editors available on the student's Idaho Early Childhood Individual Education Plan, the section(s) of the print format that include the entered information, a description of what the editor is used for, and any special considerations and instructions for using the editor.

Editor Name

Printed Document Section


Special Considerations and Instructions

Education PlanIEP InformationThe Education Plan editor includes the various dates associated with the plan, the type of plan, and any additional medical information.

This editor must be saved before continuing to other areas of the plan. When a Meeting Date is selected or entered, Start Date auto-populates to the same date, and the End Date auto-populates to a year from the Meeting Date minus one day.

The Creation and Modification information for the plan appears at the bottom of this editor.

Student DemographicsIntroductory materialThe Student Demographics editor populates basic information about the student such as demographic data, address and school information.Clicking Refresh Student Information synchronizes information in the editor with the most recent information entered for the student from the Demographics, Households, Enrollments and School tools.
Parent/Guardian InformationIntroductory materialThe Parent/Guardian Demographics editor populates based on the established student/guardian relationships created on the student's Relationships tool or indicated by the guardian checkbox on the Households tool. The editor includes Demographics information for the student's guardian.Clicking Refresh Guardian Information synchronizes information in the editor with the most recent information from the student's guardian's Demographics and Households tools.
Enrollment StatusN/AThe Enrollment Status editor reports Special Education information from the student's Enrollment.

Clicking Get Special Ed Status from Enrollment synchronizes the information in the editor with the most recent information from the student's Enrollments tool.

There are three versions of this editor. Best practice is to use the third editor. This editor fetches special education data from the student's Enrollment, data which can be edited in the IEP. If values are modified, the student's Enrollment is updated based on the IEP when saved.

Medicaid NotificationMedicaid InformationThe Medicaid Notification editor identifies if a student's IEP includes Medicaid reimbursable services, and if those services were offered and accepted or offered and declined.N/A

Team Information

IEP Team InformationThe Team Meeting editor lists the team meetings held regarding the student and the participants of the meeting.Before attendees can be added to team meetings, the student must have team members added on the Team Members tab.

The Print in IEP checkbox must be marked for the team meeting to appear on the printed document.
Early ChildhoodEarly ChildhoodThe Early Childhood editor is used to identify if the student participated in the Infant Toddler Program.N/A
Outcome 1Outcome 1The Outcome 1 editor is used to document the student's current level of performance in the social-emotional skills area.N/A
Outcome 1 GoalsOutcome 1The Outcome 1 Goals editor is used to document any goals related to the student's social-emotional skills area.N/A
Outcome 2Outcome 2The Outcome 2 editor is used to document the student's current level of performance in the knowledge/skills, communication, and early literacy skills area.N/A
Outcome 2 GoalsOutcome 2The Outcome 2 Goals editor is used to document any goals related to the student's knowledge/skills, communication, and early literacy skills area.N/A
Outcome 3Outcome 3The Outcome 3 editor is used to document the student's current level of performance in the use of appropriate behaviors to meet needs skills area.N/A
Outcome 3 GoalsOutcome 3The Outcome 2 Goals editor is used to document any goals related to the use of appropriate behaviors to meet needs skills area.N/A
ServicesIEP Services

The Services editor lists developmental, corrective or other supportive services provided to the student in a Special Education setting.

Only active Services with a Type of Normal Services can be included in this editor. Services, Service Providers and Service Positions are established in System Administration.

The related services list is a combination of a hard-coded and active Services with a Type of Related. Service Providers and Service Positions are established in System Administration.

LRE Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)The Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) editor describes the student's participation in a general education classroom with general education curriculum.N/A
Placement ConsiderationsPlacement ConsiderationsThe Placement Considerations editor provides details and rationale for the placement decisions made on behalf of the student.N/A
Other ConsiderationsOther ConsiderationsThe Other Considerations editor describes other aspects of the student's services, such as additional transportation needs, Extended School Year services, limited English proficiency accommodations, or braille needs.N/A
Behavior Intervention PlanningBehavior Intervention PlanningThe Behavior Intervention Planning editor identifies what type of action should take place in the event of a behavior incident.N/A
Positive Behavior SupportsPositive Behavior SupportsThe Positive Behavior Supports editor identifies the supports, tools, and purpose of a response in the event of a corresponding positive behavior incident.

Before the Positive Behavior Supports section can appear on the printed IEP, the Positive behavior supports are incorporated in this IEP checkbox must be marked on the Behavior Intervention Planning editor.

Behavior Intervention PlanBehavior Intervention PlanThe Behavior Intervention Plan editor details the behavior intervention plan or preventative strategy in the event of a corresonding behavior incident.Before the Behavior Intervention Plan section can appear on the printed IEP, the A behavior intervention plan (BIP), including positive supports checkbox must be marked on the Behavior Intervention Planning editor.
AccommodationsAccommodations, Adaptations, and/or Supports in General and Special EducationThe Accommodations editor lists additional services provided to the student.N/A
AdaptationsAccommodations, Adaptations, and/or Supports in General and Special EducationThe Adaptations editor lists adaptations to the General Education Curriculum provided to the student.Template Banks are established in System Administration and available by clicking the white paper icon.
State/Dist. Assess. ParticipationParticipation in Statewide and Districtwide AssessmentsThe State/District Assessment Participation editor lists accommodations and adaptations provided to the student for participation in mandated assessments.Template Banks are established in System Administration and available by clicking the white paper icon.
Written NoticeIEP LRE Placement and Written Notice

The Written Notice editor communicates to the parent or guardian the parameter of the plan, evaluations performed, and other factors. This editor also records parental consent.

ConsentConsent For Initial PlacementThe Consent For Initial Placement editor if a student's parent, guardian, or adult student has given or denied consent in placing the student in special education and further details concerning the decision of the parent or guardian.N/A


