Student Section Associations (Wisconsin v3.6)

Tool Search: Ed-Fi

This association indicates the course sections to which a student is assigned.

Object Triggering Logic

This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


Report a record based on the student enrollment.

  • When a student is scheduled into a course section.
    Note:  Report for state grade levels 6-12, unless specified differently.
  • A record will report for each Section record that is reported based on the Sections logic.
  • Report only if a Grading Task marked State Reported and Exclude from Ed-Fi is unchecked with an Ed-Fi Grade Type of Final exists for the course/section or if a Standard marked 'State Reported' and 'Final' exists for the course/section.
    • Note: Report a record based on the Term Mask of the state reported Grading Task.
  • If Roster End Date is null, use the term mask to determine the term to report.
  • If Roster End Date is not null, use the term the endDate falls within to report.
  • Report from any enrollment determining a record. If the student has multiple qualifying enrollments in the same school, report a record for each unique start date.
  • Do not send a record based on an enrollment that is marked as State Exclude, No Show, or WISE Exclude.

  • Do not send a record based on an enrollment is in a calendar marked as State Exclude or Summer School.
  • Report records only if the student's State Enrollment Type = Primary or Coursework Only.
  • Do not send records if the Course is marked as Inactive or Exclude.
  • Do not send if there is a School Override value populated on enrollment that is different from the school for the enrollment record.
PostSend a new record if a student's roster start date is changed.
PostWhen a grade is added, changed, or deleted for a student.

When section information is updated for a student or section.

  • Update when the course or section's homeroom field is changed.
  • Update when a grade is added for a grading task mapped to an Ed-Fi Grade
DeleteWhen a student is deleted from a course section.

Delete any future records if the student is given a roster end date for the course.

  • Roster End Date must be before Term Start date of future records
Delete/PostDelete the record if a student's roster start date is changed.

School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync Logic

This table describes the School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync logic of this object.

NoneIf a resource is toggled to 'OFF' after data has sent, all sent data will remain in the ODS but no new data will send.
ResyncIf a record is in the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table and not in the ODS, it will be deleted from the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table.
ResyncIf a record is in the ODS and it does not have a matching record in Campus or the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table, it will be deleted from the ODS.
ResyncIf a mapping is changed in Resource Preferences, a resync will need to be done to reflect the changes.

Natural Key Changes, Cascading Updates, and Deletes Logic

This table describes the Natural Key Changes/Cascading Updates and Deletes logic of this object.


Natural Key change:

  • The natural key logic from Sections and Students will update this resource if they change.

  • If the students Begin Date changes.

If the natural key changes all dependent data will delete/post.

  • Student Section Attendance Events, Grades

Scope Year Logic

This table describes scope year logic of this object.


Reports records in the scope year in which the course/section's calendar is aligned.

  • Data will only send for years that have valid configuration.

Event Queue Detail

This table describes the Event Queue Detail of this object.

Campus TableEd-Fi ActionFields
rosterPost/Put/DeleteThe primary table used for sending data for this resource.
rosterPutEnd date
termsPutEnd date

Object Data Elements

This table describes data elements sent within the Student Section Association resource.

Data Element Label

Business Requirement

Business Rules

M, C or O

Data Source GUI Path

Database Field

idThe unique identifier of the resource.


beginDateMonth, day and year of the student''s entry or assignment to the section. If blank, default is the start date of the first grading period.
  1. Report the roster start date for the term record in which the start date occurs.
    • For any records in future terms for that course, use the earliest term start date.
  2. If Roster Start Date is NULL:
    • If the enrollment start date is after the earliest term start date associated with the term descriptor selected for the section, report the enrollment start date.
    • Otherwise, report the earliest term start date associated with the term descriptor selected for this section based on section schedule placement.

Student Information> General> Schedule> Roster Start Date


System Administration> Calendar> Calendar> Terms


Student Information > General > Enrollments > Enrollment Start Date






sectionReferenceA reference to the related Section resource.
  1. Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the Section resource.


studentReference A reference to the related Student resource.
  1. Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the Student resource.


programReferenceAn unordered collection of sectionPrograms. This educational entity represents a setting in which organized instruction of course content is provided to one or more students for a given period of time. A course may be offered to more than one class/section. Instruction, provided by one or more teachers or other staff members, may be delivered in person or via a different medium.
  1. If World Language is populated on Section Student Detail, report the associated programReference:
    • If it is only populated on Section, report the associated. programReference
    • Otherwise, report value from Course for the student, if populated.
  2. If the Dual Enrollment field is populated on Section Student Detail or Roster Batch Edit for the student, report the associated programReference:
    • If the Dual Enrollment field is is only populated on the Section, report from the Section for the student.
    • Otherwise, report the value selected on Course if populated.
  3. If IRC/Certified Learning Method is populated on Section, report the associated programReference:
    • Otherwise, report value from the Course for the student if populated
      1. Do not report if codes NONE, COOP, EMP or BUS are selected.
      2. For config years 2021-22 to 2023-24, report the following descriptors for the programTypeDescriptor Certified:
        • State Co-op Ed. Skill Standards - DPI Occupational
        • State Co-op Ed. Skill Standards - DPI Employability Skills
        • IRC State Approved WTCS- Embedded Technical Diploma
        • IRC State Approved WTCS- Technical Diploma
        • IRC State Approved WTCS- Associates
        • IRC State Approved Business & Industry
        • IRC - Not State Approved
        • Youth Apprenticeship
        • State Co-op Youth Leadership Skills 
      3. For config years 2024-25 and later, report the following descriptors for the programTypeDescriptor IRC:
        • IRC State Approved WTCS- Embedded Technical Diploma
        • IRC State Approved WTCS- Technical Diploma
        • IRC State Approved WTCS- Associates
        • IRC State Approved Business & Industry
        • IRC - Not State Approved
  4. If WBL/Non-Certified Learning Method is populated on Section, report the associated programReference.
    • Otherwise, report value from the Course for the student if populated
      1. Do not report if codes NONE or OTH are selected
      2. For config years 2021-22 to 2023-24, only report the following descriptors for the programTypeDescriptor Non Certified:
        • Internship/Local Co-op
        • Simulated Worksite
        • Entrepreneurial Student Business
        • School-based Enterprise
        • Supervised Agricultural Experience
      3. For config years 2024-25 and later, report the following descriptors for the programTypeDescriptor WBL:
        • State Co-op Ed. Skill Standards - DPI Employability Skills
        • State Co-op Ed. Skill Standards - DPI Occupational
        • State Co-op Ed. Skill Standards - DPI Youth Leadership
        • Youth Apprenticeship
        • Internship/Local Co-op
        • Simulated Worksite
        • Entrepreneurial Student Business
        • School-based Enterprise
        • Supervised Agricultural Experience
  5. If multiple programs are tied to the same course, report each program.
  6. If the student drops from the class without receiving a final, state reported grade, do NOT send the program reference.  
    • If the student drops and then re-enrolls in the class, send the program reference, if data exists.
  7. If student drops from the class and receives a final, state reported grade, SEND the program reference, if data exists.
CScheduling > Course > Section > Section Student Detail

Scheduling > Courses > Section

Scheduling > Courses > Course

An indication of the student’s attempt status for the section.

Descriptors :

Use InSufficient when students stays enrolled but withdraws from course in a specified term OR when students exits enrollment so exits section. Performance grade is not expected as student did not stay long enough in the section.

Use sufficient when students enrollment stays long enough in the section with in a specified term and performance grade is expected for this course.

  1. If Attempt Status Override is populated on the Section Student Detail, report the value selected.
    • Otherwise, if reported on Roster Batch Edit for the student, report the value selected.
  2. If the student exits the section and re-enrolls:
    • Report "Insufficient" on the earlier student section association with an End Date if the student does not have a grade for a Grading Task mapped to an Ed-Fi Grade Type.
    • Report "Sufficient" for the latest student section association record if the student has a grade for a Grading Task mapped to an Ed-Fi Grade Type or is expected to.
    • Note: In the case of multiple roster records for the student (exit, re-enroll, exit, etc), always report "I" for the first record.
  3. If the student exits the section prior to the section end date
    • AND there is a Grading Task mapped to an Ed-Fi Grade, but the student does NOT have a grade for that Grading Task on the section, report "Insufficient".
  4. If the student exits the section prior to the section end date
    • AND the student has a Grade for the Ed-Fi Mapped Grading task on the section
      • AND the Score for the student is mapped to an Ed-Fi Grade Type, report "Sufficient"
    • Otherwise, if the Score is NOT mapped to an Ed-Fi Grade Type, report "Insufficient"
  5. If the student is on the roster through the section end date, report "Sufficient".

Grading & Standards > Grading Tasks

Score Groups & Rubrics > Ed-Fi Grade Type

Scheduling > Course > Section > Section Student Detail

Scheduling > Course > Roster

endDate Month, day, and year of the withdrawal or exit of the student from the section.
  1. Report the roster end date for the student .
    • If a roster end date is entered, delete any records for future terms for that section.
  2. If NULL, report the latest term start date associated with the term descriptor selected for this section based on section schedule placement.

Student Information> General> Schedule> Roster End Date


System Administration> Calendar> Calendar> Terms




homeroomIndicator Indicator that the class is the student''s designated homeroom used for daily attendance reporting.
  1. This is optional, does not report.

repeatIdentifierTypeAn indication as to whether a student has previously taken a given course. 
  1. Does not report, this data is not collected in Campus.

Indicates that the student-section combination is excluded from calculation of value-added or growth attribution calculations used for a particular teacher evaluation.
  1. Does not report, this data is not collected in Campus.

etagA unique system-generated value that identifies the version of the resource.

Program Reference

Click here to expand...

Program TypeProgram NameLogic
uri:// Language Exploratory Programs (FLEX)

Report this program type and program name if World Language is mapped to the Ed-Fi Code: Foreign Language Exploratory Programs (FLEX) for SY 2021-22 and earlier.

uri:// Language in the Elementary School Programs (FLES)

Report this program type and program name if World Language is mapped to the Ed-Fi Code: Foreign Language in the Elementary School Programs (FLES) for SY 2021-22 and earlier.

uri:// Programs (IMMR)

Report this program type and program name if World Language is mapped to the Ed-Fi Code: Immersion Programs (IMMR) for SY 2021-22 and earlier.

uri:// Language (WL)

Report this program type and program name if World Language is mapped to the Ed-Fi Code: World Language (WL) for SY 2021-22 and earlier.

uri:// World Language Program (EXWL)

Report this program type and program name if World Language is mapped to the Ed-Fi Code: Exploratory World Language Program (EXWL) for SY 2022-23 and later.

uri:// School World Language Program (ESWL)

Report this program type and program name if World Language is mapped to the Ed-Fi Code: Elementary School World Language Program (ESWL) for SY 2022-23 and later.

uri:// World Language Program (CBWL)

Report this program type and program name if World Language is mapped to the Ed-Fi Code: Content-Based World Language Program (CBWL) for SY 2022-23 and later.

uri:// Dual Language Education Program (DLTW-WL)

Report this program type and program name if World Language is mapped to the Ed-Fi Code: Two-Way Dual Language Education Program (DLTW-WL) for SY 2022-23 and later.

uri:// Language Education - Heritage learners (DLDB-HL)

Report this program type and program name if World Language is mapped to the Ed-Fi Code: Dual Language Education - Heritage learners (DLDB-HL) for SY 2022-23 and later.

uri:// Level World Language Program (SLWL)

Report this program type and program name if World Language is mapped to the Ed-Fi Code: Secondary Level World Language Program (SLWL) for SY 2022-23 and later.

uri:// Learner World Language Program(HLWL)

Report this program type and program name if World Language is mapped to the Ed-Fi Code: Heritage Learner World Language Program(HLWL) for SY 2022-23 and later.

uri:// Indian Language Program (AIWL)

Report this program type and program name if World Language is mapped to the Ed-Fi Code: American Indian Language Program (AIWL) for SY 2022-23 and later.

uri:// World Language Program (FWLS)

Report this program type and program name if World Language is mapped to the Ed-Fi Code: Facilitated World Language Program (FWLS) for SY 2022-23 and later.

uri:// Dual Language Education Program (OWDL)

Report this program type and program name if World Language is mapped to the Ed-Fi Code: One-Way Dual Language Education Program (OWDL) for SY 2022-23 and later.

uri:// Course with Private College

Report this program type and program name if Dual Enrollment is mapped to the Ed-Fi Code: College Course with Private College.

uri:// Course with Technical College

Report this program type and program name if Dual Enrollment is mapped to the Ed-Fi Code:College Course with Technical College.

uri:// Course with Tribal College

Report this program type and program name if Dual Enrollment is mapped to the Ed-Fi Code:College Course with Tribal College.

uri:// Course with UW System

Report this program type and program name if Dual Enrollment is mapped to the Ed-Fi Code:College Course with UW System.

uri:// School Course with Private College

Report this program type and program name if Dual Enrollment is mapped to the Ed-Fi Code:High School Course with Private College.

uri:// School Course with Technical College

Report this program type and program name if Dual Enrollment is mapped to the Ed-Fi Code:High School Course with Technical College.

uri:// School Course with Tribal College

Report this program type and program name if Dual Enrollment is mapped to the Ed-Fi Code:High School Course with Tribal College.

uri:// School Course with UW System

Report this program type and program name if Dual Enrollment is mapped to the Ed-Fi Code:High School Course with UW System.


IRC - Not State Approved

Report this program type and program name if Certified Learning Method is mapped to the Ed-Fi Code: IRC - Not State Approved.

uri:// State Approved Business & Industry

Report this program type and program name if Certified Learning Method is mapped to the Ed-Fi Code: IRC State Approved Business & Industry.

uri:// State Approved WTCS- Associates

Report this program type and program name if Certified Learning Method is mapped to the Ed-Fi Code: IRC State Approved WTCS- Associates.

uri:// State Approved WTCS- Embedded Technical Diploma

Report this program type and program name if Certified Learning Method is mapped to the Ed-Fi Code: IRC State Approved WTCS- Embedded Technical Diploma.

uri:// Co-op Ed. Skill Standards - DPI Employability Skills

Report this program type and program name if Certified Learning Method is mapped to the Ed-Fi Code: State Co-op Ed. Skill Standards - DPI Employability Skills.

uri:// Co-op Ed. Skill Standards - DPI Occupational

Report this program type and program name if Certified Learning Method is mapped to the Ed-Fi Code: State Co-op Ed. Skill Standards - DPI Occupational.

uri:// Co-op Ed. Skill Standards - DPI Youth Leadership

Report this program type and program name if Certified Learning Method is mapped to the Ed-Fi Code: State Co-op Ed. Skill Standards - DPI Youth Leadership.

uri:// Apprenticeship

Report this program type and program name if Certified Learning Method is mapped to the Ed-Fi Code: Youth Apprenticeship.

uri:// CertifiedInternship

Report this program type and program name if Non-Certificated Learning Method is mapped to the Ed-Fi Code: Internship.

uri:// CertifiedLocal Co-op

Report this program type and program name if Non-Certificated Learning Method is mapped to the Ed-Fi Code: Local Co-op.

uri:// CertifiedSimulation

Report this program type and program name if Non-Certificated Learning Method is mapped to the Ed-Fi Code: Simulation.

uri:// CertifiedSupervised occupational experience

Report this program type and program name if Non-Certificated Learning Method is mapped to the Ed-Fi Code: Supervised occupational experience.