Tool Search: Special Ed Services Setup
The Special Ed Services tool lists the services that can be provided to students based on the needs identified in the special education documents.

See the Special Ed Services Setup Tool Rights article for information on the tool rights needed for this tool.
Existing services can be modified by clicking the Name of the service in the Plan Service Editor, making modifications, and clicking the Save button in the action bar. Services are selected and recorded on the student's Learner Plan on the Services editor.
Create a New Service
- Select the New button in the action bar.
- Enter a unique Name for the service.
- Select the Type of service. Based on the requirements of some states' special education documentation, this field will determine where this service will appear in the Services dropdown list in a student's special education document.
- Select a State Code for the service.
- Enter a Funding Code to designate how this service is paid for.
- Enter an HCPC Code (Healthcare Common Procedure Code). This field is typically used for Medicare/Medicaid billing.
- Select the Unit indicating service frequency. Examples include 15 minutes, daily, and per visit.
- Enter the Billing Rate paid for this service.
- Enter a Description of the details of this service.
- Mark the Active checkbox to indicate if this service should appear to be selected in special education documents.
- Mark other checkboxes as appropriate:
- UTBI: Unrelated Taxable Business Income, used when payment for the services provided are taxes as income by the federal government.
- CADI: Community Alternatives for Disabled Individuals, a government-funded program for qualified individuals.
- TBI: Traumatic Brain Injury, used to identify individuals with this type of injury.
- Click the Save button to save the service.