Tool Search: Graduation
See the State Edition Graduation article for guidance related to using the Graduation tool at the State level or at districts linked to a state edition.
The Graduation tool provides districts with the ability to track graduation information used in state reporting, AYP (Average Yearly Progress) determinations and NCLB (No Child Left Behind) report cards. Districts can track when a student first entered ninth grade and calculate their expected graduation date.
One graduation record exists for EACH student. When an enrollment record for grade 9 is created for a student, a graduation record is also created. Collected graduation data varies by state.
The same information is available at the District and State levels. Data entered or modified at the district level syncs to the state level. However, changes made at the state level do NOT sync to the district and ARE NOT reflected in district-level data.
Changes made to graduation fields by district-level users sync to the state level. Changes made by state-level users ARE NOT reflected at the district level.

Enrollment Data
The Enrollment Data section repeats the information from the student's General Enrollment Information editor. It cannot be modified from the Graduation tool.
Deletion of Graduation Data
When the student's last enrollment record in the district is deleted, the entire graduation record is also be deleted.
When the last enrollment in grades 9-12 is deleted, the data in the following fields is also deleted:
- Grade 9 Date
- NGA Cohort End Year
- NCLB Cohort End Year
When a 9th grade enrollment record or enrollment history record is deleted:
- The auto-populated fields are re-calculated using the data from the remaining 9th grade enrollment/enrollment histories.
- The auto-populated fields may update to a later date if the earliest 9th grade enrollment or history is deleted.
Warning messages appear in the noted areas indicating graduation information is deleted. These messages appear when modifying enrollment information.
- When a student's last enrollment record (student only has one enrollment left) is deleted, graduation information is deleted.
- When a student's last 9-12 grade enrollment or enrollment history is deleted, existing graduation information is deleted.
- When saving an enrollment record for students who shouldn't have graduation data (i.e., the student's grade level is no longer in grades 9-12), the graduation data is deleted.
Addition of Graduation Data
When an enrollment record for grade 9 is created for a student, a graduation record is also created. If a student is newly enrolled in a district after grade 9, the graduation record needs to be manually created.
Information can only be added for the above fields for students in grades 9-12. If the student is not enrolled in these grade levels, the graduation fields are grayed out and the user cannot enter data.
If data exists for a student who is not enrolled in grades 9-12, the entered data can be seen but is not editable and is removed upon re-saving the Graduation record.
When changes are made to the 9th grade enrollment or enrollment history, all graduation records are synced across all districts.
Graduation Detail
The Graduation Detail section lists the student's general graduation information (diploma date, NGA cohort information, etc.) and any required fields necessary for state reporting.

General Graduation Information
Field | Description | Ad hoc Fields |
GRAD Score | The Graduation-Related Analytic Data (GRAD) score summarizes a student's educational record with a single number indicating the student's likelihood of completing high school. See the Graduation GRAD Score section below for more information. GRAD score functionality is only available for districts that have Early Warning functionality. | earlyWarningScore.gradScore |
Diploma Date | Entered date (MMDDYY format) indicates when the student received their high school diploma or equivalent measure of achievement (GED, etc.). | graduation.diplomaDate |
Diploma Type | Selection indicates the received measure of achievement the student received upon high school graduation. Options for this field vary by state. | graduation.diplomaType |
Diploma Period | Selection indicates the time of year the student received the diploma. | graduation.diplomaPeriod |
Date First Entered the 9th Grade | Entered date (MMDDYY format) indicates when the student first entered the ninth grade. This date may also be auto-populated based on the student's enrollment or historical enrollment records. This year compares the enrollment start date for the student's 9th grade enrollment to a hard-coded July 1 to June 30 date range. The School Years setting on the Calendar is not used, the type of calendar (regular vs. summer school) is not referenced in the logic of this end year, and the type of enrollment (primary vs. partial vs. special education) is not referenced. It is up to the district in most cases to determine when a student's first 9th grade enrollment occurs. However, there may be specific guidance from the state's department of education that should be followed. In instances where a student's first time enrollment in 9th grade falls into a Summer School calendar where the student is taking some required 9th grade courses during the summer, and the student is still in 9th grade in the fall of that year, the summer school date should be entered. If the student is taking 8th grade courses in the summer school calendar before being considered a 9th grader, the student would still be considered an 8th grader in the summer school calendar. Summer School calendars that begin in June (before July 1) are part of the previous school year (June 2016 calendars are part of the 2015-16 school year); summer school calendars that begin in July (on or after July 1) are part of the upcoming school year (July 2016 calendars are part of the 2016-17 school year). | graduation.grad9Date |
NGA Cohort End Year | This field is used as part of the National Governor’s Association graduation calculation rate. The NGA Cohort End Year is used to determine the expected graduation year for a group of similar students entering 9th grade in the same school year. The selected year defaults to four years after the ninth grade start year. A student may NOT be assigned a cohort of less than four years. Students who graduate early are included as part of the graduating cohort four years from the ninth grade start year. Users may extend the NGA Cohort End Year beyond the typical four years to allow a cohort more time to complete their education. Time may be extended to allow for educational need and special education opportunities up to the age of 21. A System Preference exists that allows districts to set the year value for this field. | graduation.cohortYearNGA |
NCLB Cohort End Year | This field is the end year of the four year cohort used as part of NCLB legislation, auto-populated from the Date First Entered the 9th Grade field. | graduation.cohortYearNCLB |
Post Grad Location | Selection indicates where the student is participating in after-high school activities, either IS: In-State or OS: Out-of-State. These activities are based on the selection for the Post Grad Plans fields. | graduation.postGradLocation |
Post Grad Plans | Selection indicates what the student is planning on doing after high school graduation. | graduation.postGradPlans |
Student Post Grad Confirmation | This field populates with the date the student last confirmed their post-graduation plans.
State Reporting Graduation Fields
Required Graduation fields vary by state. Refer to localized product content for information on entering data into this section.
State Seal Information
The State Seal Information section allows you to add State Seal records to a student's graduation record.
The State Seal Information section varies per state. See your specific state documentation for more information.
Enter Graduation Data
- Enter the Diploma Date in mmddyy format or by selecting the Calendar icon and choosing a date.
- Select a Diploma Type from the dropdown list.
- Select a Diploma Period from the dropdown list.
- Enter the Date First Entered the 9th Grade in mmddyy format or by selecting the Calendar icon and choosing a date. This date should match the Start Date listed in the Enrollment Data section. Overrides are allowed for users with proper tool rights.
- Select the NGA Cohort End Year from the dropdown list. This field auto-populates based on enrollment information. Overrides are allowed for users with proper tool rights.
- The NCLB Cohort End Year auto-populates with the year four years following the Date First Entered the 9th Grade.
- Select the student’s Post Grad Location from the dropdown list.
- If applicable, select the State Seal information.
Select the Save icon when finished.
Graduation Scenarios and Logic
GRAD Score
To view documents, click the Documents button on the action bar. See the Student Person Documents article for more information.
Graduation Documents
Additional Information
Graduation Information In Ad hoc Query Wizard
Graduation information is available in the Query Wizard for Student data types in the Learner > Graduation elements folder. If your state also uses Graduation Seals, those fields are available as well.