Tool Search: Disciplinary Offense Extract
This extract reports all disciplinary actions including school policy offenses that result in a bus suspension, in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension or expulsion. In addition, all serious offenses, weapons, and drug/alcohol/tobacco offenses are included in the report regardless of the type of sanction imposed.
For more information about the tools used to capture disciplinary actions, see the Connecticut Behavior article.
Report Logic
This extract reports one record per student offender per event which falls within the parameters selected on the extract editor.
A record reports when the Incident Date falls on or within the date range defined by the Start and End Dates. Leave the Start and End Date blank to generate the report for the date range of the earliest Calendar’s Start Date to the latest Calendar’s End Date across all calendars selected.
Incidents within an Enrollment date range also report.
Resolutions of the same type are aggregated together. Resolutions report when they have a mapped State Resolution Code.
This extract reports one record per student offender or participant per incident.
This extract reports all events with the Bullying Code 02 - Yes Protected Class or 03 - Yes Non-protected Class.
This extract include records with a role of O: Offender and/or P: Participant.
Only 1 record per student per incident reports for up to two events based on lowest event IDs.
All serious incidents report regardless of the sanction assigned. The following incidents are considered Serious:
1100: Arson 1400: Burglary/Breaking and Entering 1410: Theft/Stealing 1420: Robbery 1700: Fighting-Physical Aggression 1710: Physical Altercation 1711: Verbal Altercation 1712: Inciting a Fight/Riot 1720: Battery/Assault 1730: Throwing an Object (Serious) 1740: Serious Disorderly Conduct 1800: Harassment (Non-Sexual) 1810: Threat/Intimidation/Verbal Harassment 1811: Racial Slurs/Hate Crimes 1813: Hazing 1814: Teasing 1817: Threats of Bodily Harm 1818: Physical Intimidation 1820: Foreign substance - bodily secretions 1821: Foreign substance (prescription medications) 1822: Foreign substance (Illegal drugs) | 1823: Foreign substance (dirt, clay, crayons, etc.) 1824: Foreign substance onto a person 1825: Intentionally endangering an individual 1900: Harassment-Sexual 1901: Image-Based Sexual Abuse 1910: Sexual Battery 1920: Sexual Offense 2000: Homicide 2100: Stabbing 2200: Blackmail 2300: Kidnapping (Abduction) 2700: School Threat/Bomb Threat 3500: Vandalism 3700: Weapons 3800: Drugs/Alcohol/Tobacco only 3510: Destruction of Personal Property 3600: Policy Violation - Arrest 3700: Weapons 3800: Drugs/Alcohol/Tobacco |
Non-serious incidents report if one of the following sanctions is assigned:
- 1000: Expulsion
- 1001: Suspended Out-of-School Pending Expulsion Hearing
- 1002: Expulsion Reinstated
- 1005: Suspended Out-of-School Pending Investigation
- 1010: Out of School Suspension
- 1020: In-School Suspension
- 1030: Bus suspension
Records report when the Weapon dropdown list on an Event is not Null and not code 0000.
Records report when the Drug, Alcohol, or Tobacco dropdown list on an Event is not Null and not code 0000.
Victims will report for any state reported event that is reported and has a victim associated with it.
When the participant's role is Victim and the Relationship to the school is... | Then the records for all participants associated with the reportable event report Y in field... |
1: Certified Staff | 14 CERTSTAFFVICTIMS |
2: Non school person | 17 NONSCHVICTIMS |
3: Other Staff | 16 OTHSTAFFVICTIMS |
4: Student | 13 STUVICTIMS |
5: Substitute Teacher | 15 SUBSTAFFVICTIMS |
6: Student from Another School | 13 STUVICTIMS |
This report does NOT report incidents from the Referral Editor. However, once a referral is submitted and the incident is moved from the Incident Referral Editor and added to the Behavior Management tool, the submitted referral reports a record.
Extract Layout
# | Element Name | Description | Campus Location |
1 | STATEID | The state assigned student ID. Alphanumeric, 10 characters | Census > People > Demographics > Person.stateID |
2 | DOB | The student's date of birth. Date field, 8 characters (MMDDYYYY) | Census > People > Demographics > Birth date Identity.birthdate |
3 | DIST | The three-digit code for the district of attendance. Numeric, 3 characters | School & District Settings > District > District.number |
4 | FACILITY | The seven-digit facility code of the school attended by the student. This field reports the facility code from the Facility Code Override field on the student's most recent enrollment record that was active on the Date of Incident. When the Facility Code Override field is null, this field reports the 3-digit State District Number + 2-digit School Number + 2-digit Institution Code. Alphanumeric, 7 characters | Student Information > General > Enrollments > System Administration > Resources > District Info> State District Number; School & District Settings > Schools > School Information > School > School Editor > School Detail > State School Number; System Administration > Resources > School> School Editor > School Detail > Institution code CustomStudent.value OR District.number |
5 | INCDNUM | The local incident number. This is a unique number assigned by the Reporting District for each specific incident. An incident that involves more than one student is reported for each student using the same incident number. This number allows for the accurate reporting of the total number of incidents. Reports the Behavior Incident ID. Alphanumeric, 6 characters | Behavior Office > Behavior Management > Incident Detail Behavior.IncidentID |
6 | DOF | The date the incident occurred using the MMDDYYYY format. When a student receives a suspension followed by an expulsion for the same offense, the student’s record is updated to indicate the correct number of total days disciplined and the most severe sanction the student received. Date field, 8 characters (MMDDYYYY) | Behavior Office > Behavior Management > Incident Detail > Date of Incident BehaviorEvent.eventDate |
7 | TOF | The time the incident occurred using the standard (hhmm am/pm) or military time (hhmm). Alphanumeric, 6 characters | Behavior Office > Behavior Management > Event Editor > Event Time BehaviorIncident.timestamp |
8 | BULLYING | The bullying code reported on the incident. This field indicates whether a protected class was involved in the incident. The following codes report:
The code from any state reported event with which the student is associated (Incident Type 1 or 2) reports. When a Harassment event has more than one Bullying Code selected, the first code entered reports. Numeric, 2 digits | Behavior Office > Behavior Management > Event and Participant Details BehaviorEvent.bullyingCode |
9 | INCTYPE | The Incident Type. This field reports all disciplinary incidents a student commits. When the incident involves more than one offense, the first offense reports. Alphanumeric, 4 characters | Behavior Office > Behavior Management > Event Editor > Event Detail > Event BehaviorType.stateEventCode |
10 | INCTYPE2 | This field reports the second offense in an incident when there is one. Students must have more than one state mapped behavior event for this field to report. When two or more events exist, the second lowest behavior event ID reports. Alphanumeric, 4 characters | Behavior Office > Behavior Management > Event Editor > Event Detail > Event BehaviorType.stateEventCode |
11 | WEAPON | This field indicates the type of weapon that was involved. A weapon is any object that is designed to, or may readily be converted to, harm an individual. A weapon offense may involve possession, use, and/or sale of a weapon. When more than one event has a weapon code selected (Not 0000), the code from Incident 1 reports. The default code for Weapon Involvement is 0000 indicating no weapon or no weapon involved. Alphanumeric, 4 characters | Behavior Office > Behavior Management > Event and Participant Details BehaviorWeapon.weaponType |
12 | SUBTANCE | This field indicates the type of Drug/Alcohol/Tobacco involvement. The violation of laws or district/school policy prohibiting the distribution and/or use of tobacco products, certain controlled substances and/or intoxicating alcoholic beverages are reported. When more than one event has a Drug, Alcohol, or Tobacco code selected, the code from Incident 1 reports. The default code is 0000 for no Drug/Alcohol/Tobacco involvement. Alphanumeric, 4 characters | Behavior Office > Behavior Management > Event and Participant Details BehaviorDrug.drugType |
13 | STUVICTIMS | This field indicates that a student was a victim of this offense and reports Yes or No. Reports as Y or N. Alphanumeric, 1 characters | Behavior Office > Behavior Management > Event > Participant Detail > Not dynamically stored |
14 | CERTSTAFFVICTIMS | This field indicates that a certified staff person was the victim of this offense and reports Yes or No. Reports as Y or N. Alphanumeric, 1 characters | Behavior Office > Behavior Management > Event > Participant Detail > Not dynamically stored |
15 | SUBSTAFFVICTIMS | This field indicates that a substitute staff person was the victim of this offense and reports Yes or No. Reports as Y or N. Alphanumeric, 1 characters | Behavior Office > Behavior Management > Event > Participant Detail > Not dynamically stored |
16 | OTHSTAFFVICTIMS | This field indicates that an other staff person was the victim of this offense and reports Yes or No. Reports as Y or N. Alphanumeric, 1 characters | Behavior Office > Behavior Management > Event > Participant Detail > Not dynamically stored |
17 | NONSCHVICTIMS | This field indicates that a non-school person was the victim of this offense and reports Yes or No. Reports as Y or N. Alphanumeric, 1 characters | Behavior Office > Behavior Management > Event > Participant Detail > Not dynamically stored |
18 | ARRESTED | This field indicates whether the student was arrested. Alphanumeric, 1 characters | Behavior Office > Behavior Management > Resolution Details (Arrested) BehaviorResolution.lawEnforcement |
19 | LOCATION | This field indicates the location of the incident. Alphanumeric, 2 characters | Behavior Office > Behavior Management > Event Editor > Location BehaviorIncident.location |
20 | SCHSPON | Regardless of where the incident occurred, this field indicates whether the activity was a school sponsored activity offense and reports Yes or No. Reports as Y or N. This field reports from Incident Type 1 or 2. Alphanumeric, 1 characters | Behavior Office > Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Event Editor > CustomBehaviorEvent.value |
21 | SANC | This field reports the most severe type of sanction/discipline the student received for their offense. This field reports from Incident Type 1 or 2. When more than one resolution exists for the event and participant, resolution codes are reported in the following order: 1000, 1001, 1002, 1010, 1020, 1030. For all other resolution codes, when more than one resolution exists, the code from the earliest Resolution Assign Date reports. When the dates are the same, the lowest resolution ID reports.
Alphanumeric, 4 characters | Behavior Office > Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Resolution Details > Resolution Type BehaviorResType.stateResCode |
22 | EDUC | This field reports the type of education the student received during their sanction. Alphanumeric, 4 characters | Behavior Office > Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Resolution > Resolution Details > Education provided during sanction BehaviorResolution.serviceProvided |
23 | NUMDAYS | This field reports the number of days sanctioned. Alphanumeric, 7 characters | Behavior Office > Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Resolution > Resolution Details > Duration in School Days BehaviorResolution.SchoolDaysDuration |
24 | NUMSERV | This field reports the total number of partial/full days the student served for the resolution reported in column 21 SANC. When column 21 is NULL, the Number of Days Sanctioned (column 23) reports; otherwise, the field reports blank. The reported days is rounded to the nearest .25, .50, .75 OR 1 day: xxx.xx. Alphanumeric, 7 characters | Not dynamically stored |
25 | CARRY | This field reports the number of days to carry over if a student’s sanction will be carried over to the next year. Alphanumeric, 7 characters | Behavior Office > Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Resolution > Resolution Details > Days served next year BehaviorResolution.DaysServedNextYear |
26 | SANC2 | When more than one reportable resolution is applied to the reportable event, this field reports the second type of sanction/discipline the student received for their offense. This field can report from Incident Type 1 or 2. Resolution codes are reported in the following order: 1000, 1001, 1002, 1010, 1020, 1030.
Alphanumeric, 4 characters | Behavior Office > Behavior Management > Event Detail > Resolution > Resolution Type BehaviorResType.stateResCode |
27 | EDUC2 | This field reports the type of education the student received during their second sanction. Alphanumeric, 4 characters | Behavior Office > Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Resolution > Resolution Details > Education provided during sanction BehaviorResolution.serviceProvided |
28 | NUMDAYS2 | This field reports the total number of partial/full days the student served for this offense. Alphanumeric, 7 characters | Behavior Office > Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Resolution > Resolution Details > Duration in School Days BehaviorResolution.SchoolDaysDuration |
29 | NUMSERV2 | This field reports the total number of partial/full days the student served for the resolution reported in column 26. When column 26 is NULL, the Number of Days Sanctioned (column 28) reports; otherwise, the field reports blank. The reported days is rounded to the nearest .25, .50, .75 OR 1 day: xxx.xx. Alphanumeric, 7 characters | Not dynamically stored |
30 | CARRY2 | This field reports the number of days to carry over if a student’s second sanction will be carried over to the next year, please indicate the number of days to be served in the next year. Alphanumeric, 7 characters | Behavior Office > Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Resolution > Resolution Details > Days served next year BehaviorResolution.DaysServedNextYear |
31 | REFPARTY | The person who reported a student who committed an infraction. Alphanumeric, 2 characters | Behavior Office > Behavior Management > Incident Management Editor > Behavior Event > Referring Party Behavior.reporterType |
32 | ACTIONPARTY | This field reports the party responsible for determining the highest level of sanction. When more than one event has a Party Taking Action code selected, the code from Sanction Type 1 reports. Alphanumeric, 2 characters | Not dynamically stored. CustomBehaviorResolution.value |
33 | MEMO | This field reports pertinent information about this incident. Note: Any commas entered in the Behavior Resolution Comments field will be removed in the extract. Alphanumeric, 255 characters | Behavior Office > Behavior Management > Resolution Details BehaviorResolution.comments |
34 | STATEINCDNUM | A unique state assigned incident tracking number. This field reports blank. | N/A |
35 | DISTRICTSTUDENTID | The Local Student Number of the student being reported. Alphanumeric, 20 characters | Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Local Student Number Person.studentNumber |
36 | RSV1 | This field reports blank. | N/A |
37 | EOR | End of Record Marker. | N/A |