Tool Search: Migrant
The Migrant tool captures a student's Migrant information. Migrant data can be imported using the Ed-Fi Import tool. Please see the Ed-Fi Import tool article for more information.
See the core Migrant article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing Migrant records.

Districts should only grant (R) read access to Migrant information. If updates are made to records created by the Import tool, those records are overwritten the next time the Import tool is run.
Department of Education Description of Migrant
Migrant families are a highly mobile population and migrant lifestyle creates many obstacles for migrant children. The Migrant Education Program is designed to address the unique needs of identified migrant children and their families. To achieve this purpose, the State Department of Education helps the local educational agencies by providing the following:
- Support for high-quality and comprehensive educational programs for migrant children in order to reduce the educational disruption and other problems that result from repeated moves;
- Ensure that migrant children who move among the states are not penalized in any manner by disparities among the states in curriculum, graduation requirements, and state academic content and student academic achievement standards;
- Ensure that migrant children are provided with appropriate educational services (including supportive services) that address their special needs in a coordinated and efficient manner;
- Ensure that migrant children benefit from all state and local programs.
Student Migrant Detail Fields
Lists the student's unique 12-digit Migrant Student Information Exchange Identifier. This is a required entry.
Priority for Service (PFS)
When marked, indicates the student is at risk of failing, or is currently failing, the state's academic content and achievement standards, and whose education has been interrupted during the regular school year.
Last Qualifying Arrival Date (QAD)
Lists the last time the student and worker (parent/guardian) completed qualifying moves.
- When the student moves WITH the worker, the qualifying arrival date is the day both student and worker move.
- When the student moves TO JOIN OR PRECEDE the worker, the qualifying arrival date is the day the student and worker complete the move to be together.
Eligibility Expiration Date
Lists the date the student's migrant eligibility expires, usually 36 months AFTER the entered QAD.
From State
Indicates the state from which the student moved.
To State
Indicates the state to which the student is moving.
Migrant COE Status Indicator
The Migrant Indicator is the approval status of the Certificate of Eligibility (COE).
Last Qualifying Move Date
Indicates the Move Date as approved on Certificate of Eligibility (COE) or the date the student arrived in the district if the COE is in process.
Services Start Date
Lists the date the student began receiving Migrant services.
Services End Date
Lists the date the student stopped receiving Migrant services.
Continuation of Services Reason
Indicates the reason services have been continued for the student.
- 01: Ceased to be migratory during school term
- 02: Ceased to be migratory in previous term - comparable to services not available
- 03: Previously migratory secondary student continuing credit accrual