CELDT Pre-ID Extract

Tool Search: CELDT Pre-ID Extract

The CELDT (California English Language Development Test) extract is generated to request Pre-ID labels for students who are English Language Learners. The reporting group is any K-12 student in the requested calendar(s) who is enrolled on the effective date (and who has a start date after the "enrolled after" date if that is chosen).

Screenshot of the CELDT Pre-ID extract editor, located at Reporting, CA State Reporting. CELDT Pre-ID Extract

Because the CELDT Pre-ID extract reports previous test scores, these tests must be set up correctly in the Assessment Test editor prior to generating these extracts. See the Assessment Setup for CELDT page for more information. 

Students marked as Student Exclude on their enrollment record, or enrolled in a Grade Level marked State Exclude, or in a school marked as State Exclude are not reported.

Report Logic

This extract reports any student in grades KN-12  in the selected calendar(s) who is enrolled on the Effective Date (and who has a start date after the Enrolled After date if that is selected) and who has a Program Status of Pending and an Identified Date or Enrollment Start Date on or before the Effective Date. 

Only students with an EL record in pending status who have not previously taken the CELDT are included.

Students marked as State Exclude, in a grade level marked as State Exclude, or in a school marked as State Exclude do not report. When more than one identity exists, the report only includes the current identity of the student.

Tests with a State Code of 105 and Subject Codes of the following are included:

  • 158: Listening
  • 177: Overall Comprehension
  • 187: Reading
  • 231: Speaking
  • 491: Writing

Extract Editor Details

The following describes each field of the dates section.



Effective Date

The extract includes students with active enrollment as of this date. Dates can be entered in mmddyy format or selected by clicking the calendar icon.

Only Report Students Enrolled After

Only students who enrolled within the selected calendar(s) on or after this date are included in the extract. Dates can be entered in mmddyy format or clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date. This is NOT a required field. 

Ad hoc Filter

Filters reported data based on preexisting Ad hoc filters.


The format of the generated extract. When submitting to the state, use the State Format (Fixed Width).

Testing Date

This field indicates the date the test is administered. Dates can be entered in mmddyy format or clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date.

Legal Name and Gender

When marked, a student's legal name and legal gender information report (entered in the Protected Identity Information section on the Identites tool), instead of the name and gender entered in the Person Information section.

When this checkbox is marked and the student does not have legal name and gender information populated, the student's name report from the name and gender fields.

Delivery Homeroom

When selected, the teacher's name and course section number for the student's homeroom course is reported on the extract.

Delivery Period

When selected, the teacher name and course section number for the student's course in that period report. If the student is not enrolled in a course during this period on the Testing Day, the field reports a blank value. Options for periods are limited to only those period names in the active year.


Designates which grades have information pulled on the extract.

Calendar Selection

Users must select at least one calendar in order to generate a Pre-ID Extract. Multiple calendars can be selected by using the CTRL and SHIFT keys. 

Users are advised to limit the number of calendars selected as it impacts overall system performance.

Report GenerationUse the Generate Report button to display the results of the report immediately. Use the Submit to Batch button to choose when the report should generate.

Generate the Report

There are two Delivery fields on this editor - Delivery Homeroom and Delivery Period. Neither of these fields are required for the report generation; however, if choosing to select one, only choose one or the other. For example, if the Delivery Homeroom selection is made, the Delivery Period selection would not be made.

  1. Enter the Effective Date in mmddyy format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date.
  2. Enter the Only Report Students Enrolled After (if applicable) in mmddyy format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date.
  3. Select an Ad hoc Filter, if applicable.
  4. Select a Format. When submitting the extract to the test vendor, use the State Format (Fixed Width).
  5. Enter a Testing Date.
  6. If a student's legal name and gender should report, leave the Legal Name and Gender checkbox marked. Otherwise, remove the checkmark.
  7. Mark theDelivery Homeroomcheckbox, if desired. Marking this checkbox includes the teacher's name and course number of the student's homeroom course on the extract.
  8. Select a value from theDelivery Periodlist, if desired. Choosing a value in this field includes the teacher name and course section number for the student's course in that period on the extract.
  9. Select a value from theGradeslist if desired.
  10. Select whichCalendar(s)to report on the extract.
  11. Click theGenerate Extractbutton. The extract displays in a separate window in the designated format.

Screenshot of an example of the CELDT Pre-ID extract in State format. CELDT Pre-ID Extract, State Format  

Screenshot of an example of the CELDT Pre-ID extract in CSV format. CELDT Pre-ID Extract, CSV Format  

Screenshot of an example of the CELDT Pre-ID extract in HTML format. CELDT Pre-ID Extract, HTML Format  

Data Elements for the CELDT Extract

Element Name



Test Program ID

Test Program ID

This field is chosen on the extract editor. 7 reports for CELDT.

Numeric, 1 digit

Data not stored

County/ District Code

Reports the State District Number associated with the reporting school.

This field reports the Secondary District Number when the reporting calendar has a School Type of 16: Secondary State District Number.

Numeric, 7 digits

 District Information > State District Number


School Information > Type


Filler 1


Blank, 2 spaces


School Code

Reports the State School Number associated with the reporting school.

When the CDS Number field is populated on the School editor, that value reports.

Alphanumeric, 7 characters

School Information > State School Number


School Information > CDS Number

Test Purpose

Indicates the reason for the test.

This field reports 1 for Initial Identification if the student has no previous CELDT scores.

Numeric, 1 digit

Assessments > Test Score Detail > State Code

Assessment. score

Delivery Name

When Delivery Homeroom is chosen, report the Teacher Name from the Course Section that is checked as Homeroom. This course/section must be on the Testing Day.

When a Delivery Period is chosen, report the Teacher Name from the Course Section in which the student is scheduled for that period on the Testing Day.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters

Section Information > Homeroom, Display Name


Delivery Code

When Delivery Homeroom is chosen, report the Course-Section number from the Course Section that is checked as Homeroom. This course/section must be on the Testing Day.

When a Delivery Period is chosen, report the Course-Section number from the Course Section in which the student is scheduled for that period on the Testing Day. If the student does not have a course section marked as Homeroom or scheduled during the chosen period, this reports blank.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters

Course Information > Course Number, Section Number



Grade in which student is enrolled. Reports student in grades KN-12 only; grade level KN reports as 00.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Enrollments > General Enrollment Editor > Grade

Enrollment. grade

Last Name

Student's legal last name

Alphanumeric, 11 characters

Demographics > Person Information > Last Name

Demographics > Protected Identity Information > Last Name



First Name

Student's legal first name

Alphanumeric, 9 characters

Demographics > Person Information > First Name

Demographics > Protected Identity Information > First Name



Middle Initial

Student's middle initial

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Demographics > Person Information > Middle Name

Demographics > Protected Identity Information > Middle Name

Identity. middleName


Student ID

Student's ID number assigned by the school or district.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters

Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student Number


DOB Month

Month of birth

Numeric, 2 digits (MM)

Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date



Day of birth

Numeric, 2 digits (DD)

Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date


DOB Year

Year of Birth

Numeric, 4 digits


Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date



Indication of student being either male or female

Alphanumeric, 1 character 

(M or F) 

Demographics > Person Information > Gender

 Demographics > Protected Identity Information > Gender



State ID

State-assigned Student Identifier

Numeric, 10 digits

Demographics > Person Identifiers > State ID


Filler 2



Local Use



Filler 3



Address Line 1

Reports the student's primary address house number, street name, tag, direction and PO Box is available.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Household Addresses > Address


Address Line 2

Reports any additional address information from the previous field if it overflows to a second line.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Household Addresses > Address


Address City

Reports the city from the student's Primary Address.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters

Household Addresses > Address > City


Address State

Reports the state from the student's Primary Address.

Alphabetic, 2 characters

CHousehold Addresses > Address > State


Address Zip

Reports the zip code (plus 4 if available) of the student's Primary Address.

Numeric, 9 digits

Household Addresses > Address > Zip
