Requests and Rosters Tool Rights

Requests and Rosters is used by staff such as Counselors, Schedulers and Administrators to manage student course requests and course rosters. These tasks might include:

  • Mass entry or removal of course requests
  • Copying of a course section from one course or year to another
  • Managing section start and end dates for multiple students in a section

To learn how to use this tool, see the Requests and Rosters article.

Screenshot of Requests and Rosters tool with View By Students information displaying.Scheduling & Courses > Scheduling > Requests & Rosters - Students Detail View

It is recommended that a limited number of people have rights to this tool, especially after the school year has started.

Users with access to Scheduling Center and Requests & Rosters will be able to navigate to the Course Planner tool from the Scheduling Center. 

Users with rights to do so can toggle back and forth between the Scheduling Board and the Course Planner, Staff Planner, and Requests & Rosters tools.

Available Tool Rights

Subrights in italics.

Click here to expand...
Screenshot of rights and subrights for Requests and Rosters.Requests & Rosters Tool Rights

Requests & Rosters
In the Requests & Rosters tool, users can view:
  • View by Students information
  • View by Course  information
  • Course Section Side Panel (including Roster)
Batch Edit Student Requests and Batch Edit Course Request buttons are visible. Users can batch edit student requests and course requests. N/A N/A
Modify Rosters
Batch Edit Student Rosters and Batch Edit Course Rosters buttons are visible. User is able to modify rosters. N/A N/A NA
Can Overload Sections
User can add more students to sections that already have the maximum number of students assigned. N/A N/A N/A
Can Override Strict Student Constraints
User can place a student into a section to which another student with whom they should not be placed is already assigned. N/A N/A N/A
Delete Rosters
User can delete rosters.

This should not be done once class has started as this will also delete related attendance and grade records.

Suggested User Groups

See User Groups and Suggested Roles for more information.