Personal Curriculum (Michigan)

Tool Search: Personal Curriculum

The Personal Curriculum Credit (PCC) tool lists seven areas where the student meets the Michigan Merit Curriculum (MMC) with individualized instruction. For more information, see the Michigan Department of Education website.

Add a Personal Curriculum Record

  1. To add a Personal Curriculum record, press New.  
  2. Enter the appropriate information for the record and press Save. For more information on data entry for each field, please see the Personal Curriculum and the State-Defined Elements sections of this article. 

Personal Curriculum Fields

Start Date

The Start Date field indicates the date on which the student's Personal Curriculum begins. Users must enter a start date
to save the record. 

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > State Programs > planOfStudy > planOfStudy.startDate


MSDS General Collection (Michigan) Extract

MSDS Student Record Maintenance (Michigan) Extract

End Date

The End Date field indicates the date on which the student's Personal Curriculum ends. This field can be left blank until the student's program ends. 

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > State Programs > planOfStudy > planOfStudy.endDate


MSDS General Collection (Michigan) Extract

MSDS Student Record Maintenance (Michigan) Extract

State Defined Elements

In the State-Defined Elements section, users are able to identify the areas where the student meets the Michigan Merit Curriculum (MMC) with individualized instruction. Each area of study offers the following options: 

Code NameDescription
1IEPThe student has an IEP showing a documented need to make modifications because:
  • The student’s disability affects access to and/or demonstration of proficiency in the curriculum and/or
  • The student demonstrates a lack of progress on the MMC despite documented interventions, supports, and accommodations.
2TransferThe student transfers from out-of-state or from a nonpublic school after successful completion of the equivalent of two years of high school credit.
3General EnhancedThe student has demonstrated: 
  • the ability or desire to access advanced or specialized content that cannot be met through electives and/or 
  • the ability to succeed in accelerated or advanced math, science, English language arts, or world languages.
4General ModifiedThe student has demonstrated the academic need to reduce the Algebra II credit
requirement from 1.0 credit to 0.5 credit.

English Language Arts

Indicates the student has a PCC in English Language Arts.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > State Programs > planOfStudy > planOfStudy.englishLanguageArts


MSDS General Collection (Michigan) Extract

MSDS Student Record Maintenance (Michigan) Extract


Indicates the student has a PCC in Mathematics.

Click here to expand...

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > State Programs > planOfStudy > planOfStudy.mathematics


MSDS General Collection (Michigan) Extract

MSDS Student Record Maintenance (Michigan) Extract


Indicates the student has a PCC in Science.

Click here to expand...

Database Location:

Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > State Programs > planOfStudy >


MSDS General Collection (Michigan) Extract

MSDS Student Record Maintenance (Michigan) Extract

Social Studies

Indicates the student has a PCC in Social Studies.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > State Programs > planOfStudy > planOfStudy.socialStudies


MSDS General Collection (Michigan) Extract

MSDS Student Record Maintenance (Michigan) Extract

World Languages

Indicates the student has a PCC in World Languages.

Click here to expand...

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > State Programs > planOfStudy > planOfStudy.worldLanguages


MSDS General Collection (Michigan) Extract

MSDS Student Record Maintenance (Michigan) Extract

Health/Physical Education

Indicates the student has a PCC in Health and Physical Education

Click here to expand...

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > State Programs > planOfStudy > planOfStudy.healthPhysicalEd


MSDS General Collection (Michigan) Extract

MSDS Student Record Maintenance (Michigan) Extract

Visual, Performing & Applied Arts

Indicates the student has a PCC in Visual, Performing and Applied Arts.

Click here to expand...

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > State Programs > planOfStudy > planOfStudy.visualPerformingArts


MSDS General Collection (Michigan) Extract

MSDS Student Record Maintenance (Michigan) Extract

Personal Finance

Indicates the student has a PCC in Personal Finance.

Click here to expand...

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > State Programs > planOfStudy > planOfStudy.personalFinance


MSDS General Collection (Michigan) Extract

MSDS Student Record Maintenance (Michigan) Extract

Delete a Personal Curriculum Record

  1. Select the record you wish to delete and press Delete
  2. To confirm the deletion of the record, press OK. To keep the record, press Cancel

Print Summary of Personal Curriculum Records

  1. To print a summary of Personal Curriculum records for a student, press Print Summary Report. 
  2. A summary of all Personal Curriculum records for the student displays. 

Screenshot of the Michigan Personal Curriculum Print Summary of records.Michigan Personal Curriculum Record Print Summary

Tool Rights

Full rights to the Personal Curriculum Credit tool require RWA rights to the Student Information > State Programs > Personal Curriculum

  • Read rights allow the user to view the Personal Curriculum tool.
  • Write rights allow the user to modify existing Personal Curriculum records.
  • Add rights allow the user to add new Personal Curriculum records.

Users also need at least R rights to Student Information and Modify Rights for the selected calendar.

Screenshot highlighting the tool rights for Personal CurriculumMichigan Personal Curriculum Tool Rights Editor